Live For You (brittana) glee

By Writings_Everything

79K 2.3K 831

Santana is never one to help out seeing she likes to keep people out of her life more than in. She has a bad... More

What Do You Live For?
You Have A Choice
Leave The Past In The Past
Promise Me
It's Just A Nightmare
Try Me
The Dead Don't Talk
Never Catch A Break
I Came After You
How The Tables Have Turned
I Still Love You
Santana Is Fucking Mines
Santana Tell The Truth
Dead Man Walking
He Will Hurt
Ego Over Life
Feeling Loved
Johnny Can't Be Dead
You Can't Kill A Ghost
What Really Happened?
Time To Move On Sanny

We Deserve to Be Happy

2.9K 95 25
By Writings_Everything

(Santana's Pov)

I watch as the couple frown at me and Brittany and I frown also.

"I'm sorry I believe you have the wrong house. We never had a child with the name of Brittany pierce" the father says slowly before there little girl comes out front and frown at brittany.

"Who are you" she says and they scold her.

"Now Kate that's not nice, she's just trying to find her home. What if you never knew me or your mother, you would be sad too" his dumb ass says as Brittany starts to tear up and I pull her away and to the car. I put her in the passenger seat and I get in the driving seat. She just faces the window and now I feel this tugging at my heart like this unwanted burning feeling and I shake it off while starting the car. I drive and I just keep an eye on britt and the road also. It's almost 11:00pm and I've only been driving for 2 hours. I got 4 more to go. I pull in a gas station and I go into the store to get Brittany some stuff while she probably went to the bathroom. I get us some sandwiches and chips and juices and waters and candy and a whole bunch of stuff to satisfy us until the next pit stop. I get in the car and turn on the ignition. Brittany gets in and her eyes are bloodshot. It's my fault she's hurting this bad and I feel awful. She would have never been curious about her parents if I haven't had mention the idea of ever meeting them and then the little bitch had to have dumb ass parents who go off at the mouth.

"Okay britt, it's almost 11:30, we should be there at 6 at the latest. With traffic and all we......." I stop when she starts climbing into my lap as I pull off from the gas station.

"No britt you can't just climb into my lap" I say as I watch for traffic and merge back onto the highway.

"Brittany I'm not playing" I say but she just looks at me dazed. Like she's here and hearing me but she's not. I just sigh in annoyance.

"Brittany I don't like people touching me" I mutter but she just frowns.

I let it go and grit my teeth as I drive faster. So imagine me driving leaning back as if I'm sitting back on a couch and then Brittany is sitting sideways on my lap. Her feet are sitting in the passenger seat and her body is laying on my chest and her head is buried in my neck. I can feel her breath in and out slow and steady. I play some catchy tunes and drive. I constantly grab something from the back to eat and listen to Brittany as she sleeps.

I've been driving for about 3 hours now and smile as there's no one on the road, it's 1 something and everyone is home sleep. So I can drive at how I please and got under an hour left to go. I stop at Wendy's and go to the drive thru.

"Hi, how may I help you. Can I take your order please" I hear through the speaker.

"Yes can I get number 7 a 5 12 and 8 please. No meals just burgers except number 7 you can make a large sprite" I say and I hear her sneak dissing.

Damn this chick must be huge ordering all of this.

"24.78 is your total" she says and I drive to the window. As I pull up her face goes into shock and I smile politely playing it off and handing her a $100 dollars.

"Keep the change" I say and she's even more shocked. Her friend come up to the window too and he starts eyeing me but frown at brittany.

"That's illegal" he says and I laugh.

"Sweethearts I do as I please" I say waiting for the food.

"Your going to end up homeless and broke with that attitude" the girl says and I start laughing.

"I should tell your boss that I must be huge seeing I have ordered all this food" I say and she goes wide eye.

"Don't worry, your not worth my time" I say and pull out my wad of 100's and watch her jaw drop.

"You trap" the guy says and I scoff.

"No, I'm a surgeon. I own my hospital also. Lopez hospital" I say and they go wide eye.

"Your Santana lopez" the girl whisper as my phone rings.

I reach and snatch the food and drink and wink before Pulling off.

"Yellow" I say into the phone.

"I wanted to know did you guys get back yet" quinn asked and I nod.

"Yeah were pretty close. I'm 10 minutes from the hospital so like 55 minutes away from home. I made a pit stop" I say as I grab a burger and she screams in the phone something. I don't know, I hung up and soon as she screamed Santana.

I take a bite and moan at the flavor. I'm not a junk food person but I treat myself every now and then. I frown as Brittany grips my arm lightly and take a bite of my burger. She looks up at me and I glare at her as she takes my sprite and drink it.

"I bought you your own burgers" I say as I keep my eyes on the road and she completely ignored me and continues to eat my burger. I reach in the bag to get another one while she eats mine and open it only for her to bite it.

"What the hell Brittany" I say annoyed and just sigh. I get my soda and I drink it since she won't let me eat. I put my soda down and and Brittany drags her hand up my throat and lightly grip my jaw. She pull my head down to look at her and put the sandwich towards my face and i take a bite. I finish up the sandwich and stop in front of the hospital at a red light.

"I'm not people" I hear and frown as its so random.

"What" I ask and she buries her head in my neck again. I move trying to get her off of me and she sighs.

"You said that you don't like people touching you, well I'm not people" she says and buries her head in my neck. I feel this tickle in my stomach and I frown. I laugh knowing she's right because if this was anyone else, she probably would be buried 6 feet under.

"You surely aren't" I say and she smiles into my neck. She looks up at me and I pretend to not know but her staring makes me unconfortable.

"Quit it" I say and she just ignores me. I go 5 minutes with her staring before I snap.

"Why do you insist on staring at me" I growl and I was expecting a flinch but she just watches me and I sigh. We drive for 20 more minutes before she finally speaks.

"Brittany do you need to use the restroom, you've been sleep for....."

"Your beautiful" she says cutting me off and I feel my face blushing. I pull into a club and pay so Brittany can go to the bathroom, I don't know anywhere else open at 1:50am.

I sit at the bar and wait for Brittany to come back. I feel arms wrap around my waist and I frown as I know what Brittany feels like and that's not her. I turn and feel my legs split open. I look up to see a woman smirking at me as she checks me out. She's blonde headed with a nice body and to die for smile but, she isn't brittany. What the hell, I shouldn't be thinking about Brittany like that.

"Can I assist you sweetheart" she says biting her lip and I laugh.

"Your kidding me right, your like 18" I say and she shrugs.

"Age isn't nothing but a number. I bet I can rock your body like a......." I look to see her on the ground and a pissed off britt. She struggles to get up as her nose is crushed and she glares at brittany as she's between my legs laying back on me. We watch her struggle to get up and she scoffs.

I struggle to contain my laughter as Brittany frowns and the chick glares at me.

"Why did you let your girlfriend punch me in the face. Your an asshole Santana" she says and Brittany frowns looking at me.

"Britt this is hanna, my sister's good friend. They grew up together and she should be in California but......."

"I'm on break" she struggles to get out and I sigh.

"You'll be fine hanna, I told you to stop hitting on me" I say and she glares at me.

"That was 12 fucking years ago, your were 13" she snaps and walk off.

"Let's get home, she will be fine" I say but Brittany pulls away and order some shots. She passes me one and I nod no. The bartender passes us 4 shots and I pull Brittany away before she can grab them.

"Santana" she says annoyed and I sigh.

"Britt your not in the right mind set to drink" I say and she yanks from me. I prop myself on the bar and she walks up to me and smirk.

"Let's make a deal" she says and I look at her curiously.

"I drink all 4 shots and sleep with you tonight and you have to give me a lap dance" she says and I frown.

"The point of a deal is that it's beneficial to both parties" I say and she smirks.

"2 shots and you can sleep with me" I say and she frowns.

"No, Santana I want to forget about everything for a little. Just for the rest of the night" she says and I nod.

"You drink, we go home and you stay in your room until tomorrow morning" I say and watch her eyes light and then frown.

"Brittany your stronger than me and when your drunk your as still as strong as me. I don't want you to make any wrong decisions under the influence. So, that my rule. You stay in your room by yourself" I say and she sighs.

"I can't, I'll scream" she says and I nod no.

"You'll black out" I say and she debates before nodding okay and taking shot after shot after shot. She downs at least 6 shots before ordering a beer and is done for the night.

We get in the car and she climbs my lap yet again. She claims how I technically said when we get home and all so I speed as fast as I can home.

"Your beautiful" she slurs and I smirk.

"Your drunk" I say and she sighs.

"Santana you are soooo pretty and niiccee and and and I just...... want to fuck your brains" she says and I go wide eye.

" get up in there real good. I don't know why you keep on playin, your mines and you know it" she says and I laugh.

"Always" I say agreeing to a drunken Brittany

"also with you and your big T-shirts. No mas out of the roomy. I don't like the guys staring at your ass, that ass is mines and your boobs" she says as I pull into the driveway. She grabs my boobs and squeeze them.

"You are mine and I am yours. No matter what you say because we both like each other and want to be happy. We have been through soooo much shit. We we deserve to be happy" she slurs and I look at her and force a smile.

"We do britt"

"Santana your beauty inside on out and in. Your my angel and I wouldn't see here without you" she says and I smile. She hugs me and I hugs her back while she holds on tighter.

"Santana I don't want to go to sleep" she says and I smile.

"Why b" I say and she tears up.

"I have bad dreams" she whispers in my ear and I shiver.

"Like what" I say and she stops and look at me as if something goes off in her head and climbs out of the car and fall where she tried to stand. I immediately get out of the car and help her up. I lean her against the car and pin her by my body. I look down and see her legs are shaking. I lift her up and carry her bridal style to the bathroom and then go to my room real quick. I get a pile of work and put it on her desk. She lays there and just watch me.

"Brittany you want to get in the shower first or me" I say and she watched me as she's up on her elbows.

"I'll go first, can I eat something though, I want to get sobered up a little before showering" she says and I frown. 2 seconds ago she couldn't even walk and now she's speaking as if she hasn't drunk this whole night. I get her pasta and some doritos and sandwiches and let her dig in.

"Okay, I'll go shower first" she says and I help her to get up. I tape up her leg and boot and then I help her to the bathroom. She strips and I try my best to not watch her. She gets in as I sit and do work and then doze off asleep in her bed.

I feel the bed shift and know it's her getting in bed. I look to see its almost 6 am and I feel a lot better but I'm still sleepy. I get up and see its my turn to take a shower.

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