Finding Love (Vegeta x Goku)

By Wolfrider14

243K 6.5K 2.1K

Goku and Vegeta mated one afternoon only for the prince to storm off. When the heartbroken saiyan came home... More

How Did This Happen?
Unexpected Help
Meeting The King
Vegeta's Punishment
Chi-Chi's Stupidity
Goku Finds Out
More Horrors
Fur Flying
Family Moment
The Ranting
Goten and Trunks
Slight Scare
Turles Plotting
The Vegetas Face Off
New Pet
Picnic Blues
New Cub
First Night
Father Son Talk
Kalious Festival
Bad News
Tense Wait
Scary Dream
Late Night Visit
Good Dream
Almost There
Escape Attempt
Finally Here
Bardock's Battle
Vegeta Joins In
Planet Fall
Shiveria's End
Cubs Calling
Misunderstandings Between Mates
Back Home
Doctors and Dreams
Not So Good News
Back On Earth
Dashed Hopes
One Last Option
Last Minute Worries
Finally Talking
Surprise Gifts
Time Together
Going Home
Keeping Love Preview

Pregnant Wrath

5.3K 127 21
By Wolfrider14

"A festival?" Gohan asked with a lifted brow as he and the younger prince walked down to he hall to Goku's room. He tugged at the black and blue armor he was wearing. The half saiyan hadn't had the chance to get something else for his wardrobe other than the armor and black body suit since his arrival.

"That's right!" Tarble chirped with a bright smile. He was always eager to share information with others, and he started to elaborate a bit. "The Kalious Festival! He is our God of Death and Battle. He is the king of the other gods in our religion and the master of the two Suns."

"Huh...I didn't even think that saiyans would have a religion." The young alpha thought out loud. "Although I don't know why I'm surprised. It makes sense that we would have some type of religion. Can you tell me more?" He had an excited look on his face at the thought of learning something new.

"Of course!" A slight blush spread over the beta's face as Gohan's full attention was placed on him. Tarble twisted his tail behind him as he cleared his throat a couple of times to get his racing heart back under control.

"We only have two major gods with quite a few minor ones. Our most popular God is Kalious. Kalious is the king of the gods, and he lives between the two Suns controlling their path. He protects our warriors while they fight, and guides the souls of those that fall in battle to the afterlife. He was the first Super Saiyan to appear. Kalious is very strong, and legend says that he was the one to create the Suns out of his own ki so they could warm the planet his wife's children live on." Gohan nodded, fascinated as Tarble continued his explanation.

"His wife is Tarro, the Moon Goddess. She is the Goddess of Life and Love. Tarro is considered the mother of the saiyan race, and she protects us every day from her palace on our moon. It is said that her love for us is what causes us to transform on the full moon. What is amusing is that Tarro is more viscous than her husband in a fight. Legends say they battled 7 days and nights before she finally submit to Kalious and mated with him."

"Is that why saiyans tend to fight so much?"

"Not really, fighting is just part of who we are, there isn't really a reason for it. We do believe that mates should prove themselves and that normally translates into a fight of some sort. It's more of a personal preference to be honest. My tama didn't fight with my father, but father did battle in a tournament at another festival to prove he was strong enough to mate with him."

"So what about the other gods, you said there were minor ones?"

"We have lots of others like Celeria, goddess of the stars and travel, Zuccno, god of knowledge, and Parslo, god of time. Kalious and Tarro are the only ones that each saiyan worships, but each of the lesser gods have their own following as well. Personally, Zuccno and Tarro are my favorites!" The shorter of the pair finished with a grin.

"So you like the god of Knowledge?" Gohan said with a grin. "Sounds like a guy I could follow. I certainly studied a lot back on earth, I was getting ready for university before we came here."

"Oh you're a scholar!" Tarble responded in excitement. "Your father did tell me you studied but he didn't say you were so dedicated." Gohan scratched the back of his head nervously.

"Well, Dad never was much one for formal schooling. He was always very proud of me though and let me study since I was happy." He frowned not wanting to bring Chi-chi into the conversation. He liked studying true, but he might have studied a bit less without her psychotic obsession to drive him to it.

"So what goes on during the festival?" Gohan questioned completely engrossed in Tarble and desperate to change the subject.

"Well, there's food of course, games, and events to test various skills. I think there's dancing and major battle reenactments but those aren't done for every festival. I remember my first Kalious Festival my father did the Dance of Two Suns that tells the story of their creation. It was amazing how much control he had over his ki to do it. I heard my grandparents danced the story of Kalious and Tarro's mating but I've never seen it done. It's a rare privilege done by mated couples traditionally, usually in the royal family. Finally, there's a tournament that will last for most of the day. There's no killing allowed in the tournament or ki attacks either, just pure battle to honor Kalious. Usually, the winner of the tournament will receive a favor from the royal family. The festival will be very big if Kakarot delivers the cub before then." The prince commented offhandedly.

"I don't think I've ever seen so many people excited for one birth. I haven't been able to go anywhere without someone asking me about how Dad's condition." The teen ran a hand through his hair at the thought.

"You are easier to approach then your grandfather and uncle." Tarble giggled at the taller man's misfortune. "Ever since that incident with an alpha trying to force a kiss from Kakarot, other saiyans are completely terrified of Bardock. No one wants to risk getting on his bad side. We still don't know what your grandfather actually did to the guy."

The pair stopped in front of the door to the pregnant saiyan's chambers. When there was no answer at the knock the teen gave, two sets of black eyes glanced at each other in concern. They entered the room to see nothing out of place, and Tarble walked over to see if Vegeta was awake in Goten's room.

Gohan went over to the beta's bedroom only to stare in disbelief at the sight on his father's bed. Goku was sleeping on his side with his head resting over Vegeta's heart. The former prince had his face partially buried in black spikes with an arm and his tail wrapped protectively around the submissive.

When Goku twitched in his sleep, the other man would tighten his hold on his mate. The two seemed to be wrapped around the other so much that it was hard to tell which limb was whose under the blankets.

The teen's mouth worked open and closed for a second before his anger came to the forefront of his mind. He glared at the older dominant that he had yet to forgive for his treatment to his gentle father. His teeth were bared in a snarl and he just about marched over to the sleeping pair to drag Vegeta out of the bed.

"Did you find them Go-Oh my." Tarble said behind Gohan. The demi-saiyan growled with his fangs bared and strode towards the bed. Vegeta and Goku's eyes opened a second before Gohan's hand wrapped around Vegeta's neck and drug him from the bed slamming him into the wall with a feral snarl.

"How dare you! Haven't you done enough, Vegeta!" Gohan shouted.

"Gohan, what are you doing?!" Goku snapped confused and concerned. Raditz and Bardock ran past a shocked Tarble to see the oldest demi-saiyan ready to rip out Vegeta's throat. Behind them Goten and Trunks peeked into the room uncertainly.

"What were you doing in my father's bed?!" Gohan snapped slamming the older saiyan into the wall again. The former prince gritted his teeth when the teen's fingers dug into the still fresh bite on his neck.

"He was where?!" Raditz shouted with a snarl. He stalked over to where his nephew had the shorter alpha pinned against the wall. He looked about to be ready to strike Vegeta who was trying to pry the hand off his throat so he could breathe.

"Gohan, that's enough!" Goku shouted angrily. The amount of rage and volume in his voice had everyone wincing. The beta glared at his son, and he snarled at the demi-saiyan. Gohan glared right back at his father.

"Dad, he-"

"Put. Vegeta. Down. Now." His voice was like steel and ice. Goku glared at both his brother and eldest son. The tall submissive had gotten to his feet at this point, and marched as best he could up to Gohan with his teeth bared.

Vegeta was released, and he gripped his neck to massage the bruising skin. The alpha coughed a few times as he watched his mate sneer at some of his family. He couldn't help the small smirk that grew on his face, for the first time in awhile someone was defending him for a change. The former prince moved to stand behind the livid beta content to let his mate handle things.

Bardock wisely stayed off to the side with Tarble and the boys. He could tell his youngest was in a bad mood from being woken up earlier then he was ready, and the oldest dominant knew this wasn't going to be pleasant. He sighed as he covered his face with one of his hands. He figured they would make up soon but he wasn't expecting it to be over night, what the hell happened while he was on duty?

"Kakarot, he is not-"

"Raditz! Enough! I've had it with both of you harassing MY mate!" Goku snarled. He fisted his hands in Raditz's and Gohan's black hair and shoved the two on their knees. "This ends now! Understand?!"

"Mate?! Kakarot-! Ow! Let go!" The burly alpha's protest was cut off when Goku twisted the hand gripping his hair. His hands went to the beta's wrist to relieve some of the tension. "Damn it! I don't want to be bald like Nappa! Let go, Kakarot!"

In an uncharacteristic act, the pregnant saiyan slammed Raditz's and Gohan's heads together before releasing them. The two held their abused skulls as they cowered under Goku's wrath. It was then that the alphas realized the severity of their actions.

The submissive towered over the two dominants with his arms crossed over his chest and his fluffed up tail lashing behind him.

"I appreciate that both of you want to protect me, but this has to stop. Ever since he's been here, Vegeta has done nothing to cause me harm. Get that through your heads! Both of you are acting like someone has stolen your favorite toy! I knew both of you would object to this! Neither of you control my life, so stop acting like you do!" Goku paused for a moment before a sweet yet dangerous smile covered his face.

"I'm sorry. I didn't realize how the relationship between me and Geta was any of your business, oh wait it's not! Yes, I did complete the bond. Yes, I have forgiven him. Yes, I allowed him in my bed. No, you don't have any say in it! No, you will not antagonize Vegeta anymore!" Raditz opened his mouth in shock. Behind his brother Vegeta stood with his own matching bite mark on his neck clear for all to see.

"What!" Raditz shouted in shock, Goku continued over his brother's objections.

"Do you think I'm stupid, brother?! I've known that you have done everything in your power to make things more difficult on Geta when I have him do something for me. I allowed it at first to see if he was sincere, but now you're starting to go too far! I mean, giving Sushi the last of the stone boar meat? That's unacceptable." The former prince glared at the long haired saiyan.

"That was your doing?!" Vegeta bristled angrily.

When he had returned to Kakarot's room without the pork roast that night, the beta had yelled for hours as he fired small ki blasts that he could form at the time. The former prince had singed fur on his tail before Bardock had come to his rescue.

It had taken almost a full week for all the fur to grow back.

"It is my choice if I allow Vegeta back into my life and bed, and I expect all of you to respect my decision and trust my judgment! Father has done so, but apparently his word and mine are not enough for the two of you. I thought my son and brother would be happy for me when I mated someone I loved."

"Dad I don't want you to get hurt again! You've seen what Vegeta is like. He's the reason all of this even happened!" Gohan shouted equal parts concerned and angry. "I'm not going to forgive him for that."

"Gohan I'm grateful that you want to protect me but this is my choice, not yours. Vegeta is the father of my cub, my alpha, my mate! I can't make you forgive him for what he did but you will treat him with respect from now on, or so help me both of you will be my sparring partners after my cub is born." He glared at his brother and son.

"And trust me, I won't be holding back." Vegeta held back a snicker when the kneeling saiyans paled at the thought.

Goku started to the door to get breakfast, but a sudden cramp caused him to double over. Multiple inquiries filled with concern sounded around him as the beta hugged his swollen belly. Vegeta was the first one to stand next to him when the faint sound of something dripping silenced the room.

"Daddy, did you have an accident?" Goten asked confused by the smell in the room.

Goku stared at the pink tinted puddle on the floor with blank eyes before looking up at his mate.

"Geta...I think it's time."

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