The Unknown Doppelganger

By FanFicLaura

226K 5.5K 361

A new arrival has appeared in Mystic Falls to interrupt the known line of Doppelgangers: Amara, Tatia, Kateri... More

Dalia Petrova
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirtheen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four

Chapter Ten

8.8K 231 5
By FanFicLaura

"Rise and shine" a voice said opening the curtains in Dalia's room.

Dalia groaned and opened her eyes, squinting due to the light "Rebekah" she huffed sitting up in the bed slightly and rubbing her eyes.

"Klaus wants you awake, I got your clothes they're in the wardrobe" she said going to leave the room.

"What about my jewellery ?" Dalia asked throwing the blanket off herself and stepping out of the bed.

Rebekah grinned smugly "Klaus has it"

"Does he control you or something?" Dalia muttered walking to her wardrobe and looking in it.

Rebekah glared at her but chose not to retort and instead just blurred away. Dalia laughed lightly "Винаги аз печеля" (I always win) she sing sang. After she gotten dressed she walked out of her room, and just as she left the threshold a voice spoke.

"Hi" said a man out of nowhere.

"God Elijah you frightened me" she huffed walking passed him to the stairs.

"Sorry for calling you Katerina last night" he apologised walking behind her.

"It's fine Elijah, just don't talk about her" Dalia said, hurrying her descent. She sighed and walked into the kitchen, she looked behind her but Elijah wasn't there anymore having not bothered to follow her. There was no one in the living room, so she made her way to the kitchen and sat on a stool at the island her head in her hands.

"What would you like?"

Dalia looked up from her hands to see Klaus at the other side of the island. "To go back to the boarding house" she smirked.

"I meant to eat Dalia" he rolled his eyes.

"You, Niklaus Mikaelson, are now a waiter and a chef?" she laughed "Now I've seen everything"

"I'm nice to you, yet you're being a difficult little girl" he mutter annoyed, moving away from the counter.

"Annoying, isn't it?" she said putting her head back in her hands.

"What's wrong with you ?" he asked filling her a glass of water.

"I was called Katerina by Elijah and woken up by Rebekah, so nothing" she said sarcastically.

Klaus put the glass on the counter in front of her before speaking again. "Unfortunately, yet fortunately you are human and need food, so Dalia what food do you want?" Klaus repeated.

She looked up "Aspirin"

Klaus smirked he reached into a drawer and threw her a packet. "I live with Rebekah I need them sometimes"

She smiled amused and took one sliding the packet back to him "Toast" she said as he put the packet away.

"Pardon?" he asked.

"That's what I'd like to eat, toast" she repeated "It's an easy thing for vampires to make and if you mess it up, it won't poison me" she teased taking the aspirin with her water.

"Rebekah" Klaus called out. In less than 10 seconds the blonde appeared in the kitchen, her hand on her hip.

"What now Nik?" she asked.

"Toast" he smirked and started to walk away.


"For Dalia" he said gesturing to her. "Make toast" he nodded before spinning on his heels and leaving the room. Dalia snickered and got off her stool going to the living room

In the boarding house...

Hearing a knock at the front door Stefan made his way over to answer it, stepping aside to let Tyler enter. "Where is she?" he asked, Stefan gesture to the living room. Tyler walked in seeing Damon standing there.

"Hey where's my bourbon?" Damon asked as Tyler entered.

"I didn't bring any" Tyler said shaking his head.

"You forgot the bourbon" Damon whined.

"Damon" Stefan scolded him, walking into the living room.

"So what's going on?" he asked, looking between the brothers confused as to his presence in the house.

"Look who's Mr. Paranoid" Damon teased.

"Like Damon said on the phone Dalia's gone" Stefan nodded "And she left a note" he said taking it from his pocket.

Tyler quickly read the note "Okay, but why am I here?" he asked looking at Damon confused.


"Damon doesn't think she just left" Stefan cut Damon off.

"I was going to say that" he huffed, he walked over to Tyler "I need your nose" Both Tyler and Stefan looked at him bewildered. "Morons" he muttered walking passed them and up the stairs "Well are you going to come or not?" he asked half way up. The three of them walked into Dalia's room, Damon looked at Tyler. "You're like a dog, dogs have a good sense of smell. We do too but hybrids are better" he nodded. "Sniff this room and tell us if there's anything unusual"

Tyler started to do what Damon suggested despite his initially weird feeling about it... until. "I smell Klaus' scent" he said furrowing his eyebrows as he faced them.

"He didn't come up here yesterday when he showed up" Damon said.

"Well his scent is here mostly by the balcony" Tyler said walking over to it "But then I loose it"

"Thanks Tyler" Stefan nodded "You've been a big help" he huffed, taking a very educated guess about the situation at hand and slightly annoyed at himself that he had been so willing to brush off a simple overnight disappearance as nothing.

"Except that you forgot the bourbon" Damon mumbled. Stefan glared at him but Damon was unphased and shrugged at him.

Tyler knew the type of guy Klaus was, the things he had done to Elena and her family in the name of hybrids, to Tyler himself after he'd become one. The Mystic Fall gang had each other to rely on, to help them when Klaus was causing problems, but right now Dalia was alone with him. While Tyler knew she had some magic, he didn't think it was enough to overpower Klaus, especially if his temper got the better of him. "What are we gonna do?" he asked.

"We, aren't doing anything" Damon said wagging his finger between the three of them. "Stefan and I will fix this"

"I'm not just gonna let you guys deal with all this"

"Easy Lockwood or I might think you're starting to like her" Damon smirked teasingly walking out of the room.

Back at the Mikaelson's

"Here's your toast" Rebekah said boredly putting the plate down on the table in the living room.

"Thanks" Dalia huffed, showing very little meaningfulness in her words. "Where's Klaus?"

"Probably gone to get a werewolf" she answered with a taunting smirk as she sat down on the couch with a magazine.

"Werewolf?" Dalia questioned picking up her toast.

Rebekah kept her eyes on the magazine as she began to flip thorugh the pages. "He's going to make another Hybrid tonight"

"Great that's just... great" Dalia sighed putting her toast back onto the plate and standing up.

"You don't like it?" Rebekah asked looking from the plate to the brunette.

"I didn't eat any" Dalia answered as she began to leave the room.

"Good" she smirked, turning her attention back to the pages.

Dalia turned to face her "Why ?" she asked suspiciously as she furrowed her brows.

Rebekah looked at her once again. "You don't want to know" she said a devilish smirk on her lips.

Dalia gave the blond a strange look before leaving the room and heading up to her room. After closing her door she laid on her bed. She pulled her phone from under the pillow where she'd accidentally left it earlier. Honestly she was surprised that Klaus hadn't thought to take it from her, then she guessed that he just hadn't cared since even if she called someone she couldn't tell them where she was, she had no idea. Looking at her phone she noticed she had a message.

To : Dalia
From : Katerina ;)
Dalia, where are you ? I went to the boarding house and
everything was gone. Are you okay ?

Dalia gritted her teeth as she read the words. She knew Katherine was trying to make out she was still on her side. She deleted Katherine's number from her phone and blocked her, before throwing the phone back under her pillow before plopping her head down. After a while of lying there in her thoughts, slumber had crept up on her and she'd fallen asleep fully dressed in day clothes and above the covers.

Year 1616
"Далия ти ли си?" (Dalia is that you ?) a familiar voice asked.

She turned around "Съжалявам те познавам?" (I'm sorry do I know you?) she asked not recognizing the person.

"Това ми е Арло, колко време мина?" (It's me Arlo, how long has it been?) he smiled.

"двадесетгодина"(20 years) she snarled.

"Красотата ти не се е променило през тези години" (Your beauty hasn't changed over these years) he nodded.

She gave him a look of confusion "Има паметта си намерила загубен през изминалите години?" (Has your memory gotten lost over these past years?) she spat "Можете запленена мен, бях принуден от моята home. I никога не трябва да се сбогува с баща си, защото майка ми беше уплашен, което той може да направи за мен" (You spellbound me, I was forced out of my home. I never got to say goodbye to my father because my mother was scared what he might do to me)

He looked at her and took a step forward "Далия, моите извинения. Трябваше да дойде при мен" (Dalia, my apologies. You should have come to me)

She tilted her head to the side "Защо трябва да имам?" (Why should I have?)

"Знам как да се вдигне магията" (I know how to lift the spell) he smiled proudly.

She shook her head "Вече е твърде късно Арло, родителите ми са мъртви" (It's too late Arlo, my parents are dead) she said nearly in tears.

"Какво можех да направя, за да те освободя от тази тъга?" (What could I do to relieve you from this sadness?)

She gritted her teeth "Ти си магьосник, дай ми сили твои" (You're a warlock, give me powers of yours)

He shook his head "Не мога да направя такова нещо Далия" (I can't do such a thing Dalia)

"Арло ли да ми изтръгнат от моя дом, аз съм бил сам в продължение на 20 години. Дай ми сили!" (Arlo you ripped me from my home, I've been alone for 20 years. Give me powers!) she growled gripping his arm.

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