Alternate Allegiant Ending~it...

By jojo9635

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"She survived Tobias. Just go to see her." Christina said and then I already was off - running towards her. D... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter Tobias (4)
Chapter 5
Chapter Tris (6)
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87

Chapter 35

465 11 3
By jojo9635

Four weeks later:

Tobias pov:
I wake up - as ever - alone. I sigh. I look at the calender. Friday. One month and i still don't sleep good. I stand up, eat, brush my teeth, get dressed and leave the house. I walk to the train station deep in thoughts. I take the train and nearly miss my station because i am thinking about the current situation in the city. There are so many people who want to live here, and we don't make it to renovate enough houses. I get out and then suddenly bump into someone. When i look up i see a woman. "Sorry." I mumble and keep walking. "Tobias?" She says. I turn around cobfused and then recognise her, "hey cara." I smile slightly. She smiles back. "Sorry, i was deep in thoughts." She nods. "Everything fine. How are you holding up? You only talk to Zeke or occasionly to Christina." "Yeah, i'm sorry. I guess i kind of normaly keep to myself, only with Tris i go and meet other humans." I laugh a bit and she joins. "How about we walk to work together?" "Sure. Why are you here anyway? Don't you work together with Caleb?" "Yes, we work in the same lab but he works in a different section. And today Johanna wanted to see me to discuss something about the farm technics, that is my speciality." I nod. "Cool, i can show you where to go." "Amazing. Thanks. And Tobias i know you miss Tris but she will come back some time and till then you should try to live your life." I nod, i know she is right but it's just so hard. "Yes, i probably should." After that we are quiet. We pass the security and i show them my ID-card. Cara shows a paper and they let us through. I guide Cara towards Johannas office. I knock "johanna? Are you there?" "Yes, come in Tobias." I smile and step in. "I got Cara with me." "Ah, that's perfect. Let her in." I wave Cara inside and then go to my office myself.
An hour later it knocks again "Come in." I shout. The door slowly opens and Cara steps in smiling. "Hey Tobias." "Hey Cara." "Just wanted to say goodbye. I am done here. Maybe you would like to come to a dinner tomorrow evening. It's at our apartment and everyone is coming." I think about it and then agree. "Yeah, i will be there." "Awesome! Ok, bye i will go now. See you tomorrow. I'll send you the exact time" "Ok, cool. See you tomorrow." She waves and i nod before she closes the door. Then i make myself a reminding into my phone.
In the evening i arrive at home with a pizza. I nearly never cook myself, i am just to lazy. I take the elevator upstairs and then walk to my apartment. Suddenly i see a light under the door. I stop dead in my tracks. I am sure i switched it off. I unlock the door as quiet as possible and open it. I jump inside and look around. I see no one. Maybe i really just forgot to switch of the lights... just then i hear a pan in the kitchen. I walk towards it and rip the door open. The sight makes me nearly drop my pizza. "Tris?" I ask. She turns around and smiles at me. Then she runs and jumps into my arms. I twirl her around and hold her close. "Why didn't you tell me you were coming?" I ask her. She smiles at me and says: "Well, it was pretty spontaneus. Today i overheard a conversation of Jeremy and Charly and they said that today a truck with some suplies are getting into the city and so i took the chance and drove her." "That-that's amazing!" I say and she laughs and then i do something i wanted to do for the past month, i kiss her. She kisses back and we stay like that for a long time. We only pull away for air and when we do we still keep our foreheads together. "I missed you so much tobias." "I missed you too tris. I love you." "I love you too." She responds. "Ok, and now we eat and you tell me about your new work." She nods eagerly and while i put the pizza in the oven she already starts talking. "So, i already told you about the main guys like Jeremy, Cath, Justin, Auston and of course luke. I spend most of my time with them. But in my lab there is one more and his name is Daniel. He is pretty cool but he is so so old, i mean i like him and we eat lunch together occasionly but mostly he keeps to himself. But he is nothing compared to Auston. This guy, i haven't figured him out yet, he like never! talks but sometimes like if he is interested in a theme he can talk for houres... well, my work... most of the time i just study human brains and sometimes we even have test persons. There was this one - what was his name again?... - oh yeah Jake and he was so funny he kept cracking jokes, but whatever that's not the theme - so most of the time i make chemical experiments with old brains of for example dead people but as i said sometimes they are alive... Well on other days we just fool around, it's pretty funny. Wait i have pictures." While i still shake my head about how excited she is and at the same time try to take in all the information she gets out her phone. She shows me mulitiple pictures of her in a lap with people who are laughing along her. She has some kind of mixture in her hands and pretends to pur it over the head of this one guy. I smile. "You look like you are happy there." She smiles a half smile and nods. "Yeah, but i still miss you so much. It's so so hard without you. I can't really sleep without you by my side. It's horrible. And every time i experience something funny i just want to share it with you." I pull her into my arms again and she burrys her head into my chest. "You can't imagine how excited i was when i found out that i was able to visit you." She mumbles. "I am glad you are here." She nods and i just hold her close.
During dinner we take turns telling what we experienced. I am so overjoyed with happiness that she is here. I get told a lot about her life there. Of course we phoned at least every second day but having her here is just amazing.
After dinner we sit on the couch and talk. After a while she trn towards me and kisses me. I kiss her back and it quickly heats up. Her hand in my hair, my hands on her small back, pulling her closer. I slowly start to kiss her neck and she moans, i missed her so much.
We end up in the bed without clothing.
Later her head rests on my bare chest and her beautiful body is only covered by a shirt of me. I smile and keep stroking her hair till she is asleep and i follow quickly.

Yeey Tris returned for the weekend. Fourtris reunited ♡♡
Hope you liked it

Jojo ♡

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