All Things Go Bump In The Nig...

By JJReaders

1.1K 117 5

~~[Highest Ranking #121]~~ Have you ever wondered... What goes bump in the night? Well the simple answer is... More

The Girl
When She Pretended
A Sibling's Rivalry
A Fake Life
The Narrator
All alone
The Tricycle
My Best Friend
A Haunted House
Writer's Block
How I met Your Mother
The World Up Here
Something Supernatural
Fresh Meat
Eyes Wide Shut
How could you forget me???
Grandma's House
How To Survive A Horror Movie
Running With Scissors
Orchaestrated Death
Dramatized Fascination
How To Survive A Horror Movie Part 2
The French Tongue Ripper
And They Lived Happily Ever After
How To Survive A Horror Movie Part 3
Break In
The Boy Who Always Had To Be Sedated
How To Survive A Horror Movie Part 4
The Witch
The Callers
Journal Entry Z
How To Survive A Horror Movie Part 5
The Skin of Man
Daddy's Little Boy
Alice and Wonderland
How To Survive A Horror Movie Part 6
A Valentine's Day Poem
An Accident
A Message From Death
The Polished Floor
The Monster With A Thousand Teeth
My Torture Plan
The Door

Come to Single Reed

118 9 1
By JJReaders

Hey guys just wanted to say that I actually rewrote this story from my sister's original idea so all the credit goes to her

Long ago there was a girl named Jenny Wright. She was a beautiful girl and had many friends and her parents were extremely rich. They gave Jenny everything she ever wanted. Anything her heart desired was in her hands faster than she could blink. This spoiled Jenny so her parents eventually stopped giving her these gifts all the time, but what they didn't know was Jenny had a reason for wanting these things.

Every night when Jenny was younger she would have a horrible nightmare. There would be a strange man whose head was bent all the way backwards. His neck was horribly twisted and made her want to vomit every time she saw it. His mouth was bleeding because his teeth and tongue were ripped out. The man was wearing a white suit with a matching fedora which always covered his face. The scariest thing about him was that his clothes were covered in blood. It was almost as if he had gone swimming in it, for the only thing that let her know his clothes were white were the tiny patches of what used to be a stylish white suit.

He would always say in a deep, monotone yet threatening voice, "Come to Single Reed Jenny, COME TO SINGLE REED!" This scared Jenny beyond relief. Her father tried to convince her that the dreams meant nothing but she was still horrified and her mother was worried. She would always ask for things to try and distract herself from the horrors that laid in the realm of sleep but nothing could help her overcome her dreams.

She became afraid to sleep and her parents eventually sent her to a child psychiatrist who helped overcome her dream and she was a normal, happy child again. She went on to go to university and pass with a master's degree. She eventually settled down at age 24 and got married to her childhood sweetheart James whom she had four children with. Their names were: Julie who was 14, Jonathan who was 8, Simon who was 2 and Michael who was 10.

Shortly after Simon, the youngest, was born, James had to go overseas to find a job to support the family. This brought Jenny closer to her children who she was very close with and protective of.

One day Jenny heard screaming from Michael's room in the middle of the night. She immediately ran to his room to find Michael wide awake and with a terrified look on his face. "What's wrong Michael?" she asked stroking his brown hair. "I-I had a bad dream. A really bad dream." he replied in a shaken voice. "Do you wanna tell me about it?" she asked compassionately.

He slowly nodded his head and began to recount his dream, "I don't know exactly where I was but there was a strange man in front of me. Jenny's blood froze. In a low voice she asked, "How did he look like?" "Well his head was bent all the way around to his back and his neck looked really broken. He was wearing a red suit with a hat. I think it was white but it was covered in blood. His mouth was bleeding really bad... and his tongue and teeth were gone! Oh mommy he kept on saying these weird things. He told me to come to single reed. He even knew my name! I was so scared mommy!" He said as he began to cry and hugged his mother.
Jenny never knew what to do. It was obvious that her son was having the same dream she was having but she couldn't find the words to tell him. She told him everything was okay and invited him to sleep in her bed for the rest of the night.

The next day she decided she would find out what was this horrible thing that was single reed. After she put Simon to sleep in his crib she went on her laptop. All it took was the simple search of 'Single Reed' and she got around the usual, 1,000,000 results. She clicked on the first one she saw. It turned out that Single Reed was a mall the was actually not to far away from her house. It was scary to think that something that haunted her childhood dreams was merely a block or two away from her house.

She found what she was looking for but it wasn't enough. She reluctantly typed in 'Deaths and Single Reed Mall' and found only 10 results. The first nine were useless but she came upon the last one which was a website called Greennit which had a post from a user with a similar title. This is what it said:


PLEASE BELIEVE THIS IS REAL!!! THIS IS A STORY ABOUT SINGLE REED MALL IN KANSIS CITY, CANADA AND IT IS COMPLETELY TRUE I SWEAR TO GOD!!!!!!!!!!! I USED TO LIVE THERE BUT HAVE SINCE MOVED FOR UNRELATED REASONS. This is not my story but of a boy named Stewart Kubrick who I used to go to school with. Stewart was the town nerd. He never had much friends and was frequently bullied by the 'popular kids'. I never bullied him but I never stood up for him either because I wasn't that popular and I didn't need to get any negative attention from being friends with 'the nerd'. So word got around that he liked some girl name Jessica and Jessica's boyfriend, Kevin, wasn't very pleased. So Kevin and his friends sent a fake text for Stewart to meet him at Single Reed Mall for a date after the mall closed. Stewart obviously went to meet his love interest and dressed nice and fancy for her. They say he was wearing a white suit and fedora. Unfortunately for him, he was met by about 5 or 6 boys armed with knives and baseball bats. The beating he took was severe and way too unbearable. It was so horrific that most people were surprised when they heard that he actually still was alive after the beating. They said that the boys ripped out his tongue and plucked his teeth with pliers when he started back talking them. I heard he was stabbed almost 300 times but then again, rumours spread like wild fire. In a desperate attempt to run away, he fell down the stairs to his final resting place. It was horrible when they found him the next morning. They said that his head was bent all the way around to his back. The thing I find most scary is that there was actually evidence on his body (or what was left of it) that they actually ripped out his teeth and tongue. People started seeing him in their dreams. I even saw him, he looked horrible! He was telling me to come to Single Reed. I moved the next month. I still see him in my dreams sometimes..... Almost 12 years later. Please if there's anyone out there who can help me PLEASE comment or email me. I can't take this anymore.

Jenny stood frozen at her computer screen. She was sitting there for what seemed like hours when finally she heard something. It was the sound of her phone ringing. She picked it up. It was Julie the eldest calling.

"Hey mom," she said. "Hey Julie are you alright," she asked trying to sound normal. "Umm yeah, you were supposed to pick us up half an hour ago, but it's alright Samantha's mom is dropping both of us off." "Oh my god! Sorry I've been so busy that I forgot to pick you guys up! Before you go I have two questions, one: who is Samantha and two: what do you mean you both?" Jenny asked eagerly.

She heard a silent sigh as Julie began to answer, "For the third time Samantha is my best friend and her mom is dropping us off. You met her last week. Oh and your second question it's just me and Jonathan. Michael went to some party with his friends at a mall," "WHAT!" Jenny practically screamed into the phone, "Where is he, which mall is it?" "Relax mom, jeez I would have never let him go without your permission.

He said you gave him permission to go to some place called Single Reed Mall with his friends today," Jenny never froze this time. Instead her blood started boiling as she grabbed her coat and car keys as she dashed outside while screaming at Julie on the phone, "When Samantha's mom drops you off, you and Simon get the spare key from under the mat and get inside, lock the doors and take care of Simon until I get back okay?" "Okay mom I promise," said a now frightened Julie.

It only took Jenny about five minutes to speed to the mall. She looked around the mall until she found a crying Michael standing outside an ice-cream shop. She wrapped her reassuring arms around him and asked him what was wrong. "I-I-I lied to Julie and told her you let me come here and we were having fun and we were playing hide-and-seek and I got lost" he cried out into her arms.

"There, there Michael, promise me that you'll never lie to me or Julie ever again. He nodded his head. Jenny smiled and wiped a tear from his cheek before saying in her most motherly voice yet, "Come on Michael, let's go home," She took his hand and they both began to head towards the stairs to head home.
Suddenly the lights turned off. Michael screamed and hugged his mother. She was holding on to him and assuring him that she was right there when all of a sudden the light directly in front of them and the top of the stairs turned on. And there he was. In all his horrid glory stood no other than Stewart Kubrick.

His eyes were filled with hate and agony while the rest of his face was so horribly disfigured that not even his own mother would be able to recognize him. His mouth was twisted and turned and the scatter of decayed bits of teeth and flesh all over his mouth made the air stench from miles away.

The metallic smell of blood made Jenny vomit a bit in her mouth and her eyes water to the point where tears started flowing down her cheeks. Nearly all of his clothes were stained dark red with blood and he was of course standing backwards so you could see his horrible and ugly face. His body looked as if every bone had been broken and crushed to nothing. Just the fact that he was standing, was nothing short of a miracle, or evidence that the man standing in front of her was no longer alive.

He looked at her and smiled a twisted grin. One that only had evil intention behind it. "You finally came," it said in that same low, monotone voice. "Do you remember?!?!" It screamed at her before lunging at her at the speed of light. She fell to the ground with a thud and Michael flew out of her hands. "MICHAEL!" she screamed as she tried to crawl over to Michael's moaning body only to be blocked by two broken legs.

She looked up into the face of the monster that haunted her childhood dreams. "WHAT DO YOU WANT!" She screamed at it with all the courage in her heart. "I want you to remember!" it replied as it slapped her in her face sending her flying to the other side of the mall away from Michael.

She touched her cheek and wiped the blood that was slowly pouring out of it. She saw Michael quickly crawl under a bench and decided that her only purpose in this fight was to protect her son. "What do I have to remember?" she asked screaming at the beast who was about to turn to her son. It once again ran at full pace to her and grabbed her neck, squeezing it so tightly she thought her eyes were going to pop out of their sockets and raised her till her feet no longer touched the ground.

"Remember what you did to me," he said his voice more grave and deeper than ever. "I didn't do anything to you..." she managed to choke out. He tightened his grip and she could feel the oxygen being cut off from her brain. "Remember what your father did to me,"

Then it all clicked. Jenny's father's name was Kevin. His father went to a high school not to far away from this mall in his day. He even had 5 best friends who he would usually team up to fight people with. Her father was the man who killed Stewart Kubrick along with his 5 accomplices.

"Your father is dead now, and not by my hand, so I will take out my vengeance on the next in line. Your eldest son Michael. He is rightfully my prey now and I have all the right to kill him. I should have been married by now and have kids, grandkids even. But because of your father my existence has been shattered and I am stuck in this eternal hell. You don't know how long I've envied your existence," He said as her threw her roughly to the ground.

Jenny, out of breath, called to him, "No, please! He's only 10 years old please it isn't his fault because of my father's actions. Please take me instead," but she was only ignored. She begged and begged until she had no choice but to scream, "MICHAEL RUN!" but it was too late. Before Michael could even begin to get up, the thing grabbed his foot and dragged him from under the bench.

Michael screamed and screamed but his screams were drowned out by the deafening noise of his small body being thrown at the bench with such force that it broke to pieces. Michael lay there helplessly and unresponsive as the thing began to drag him down the stairs. Even if Jenny ran to him she would be no match to his lightning fast speed and would probably make things worst for Michael so she decided to use her words.

"She never loved you," the thing stopped dead in its tracks and dropped Michael, who began coughing and wheezing on the floor. It ran towards and once again grabbed her throat and raised her. "WHAT DID YOU SAY???" It screamed in her face but she didn't care. She went on, "She never loved you. It was all a prank and you were foolish enough to believe it. YOU'RE A FOOL!" she yelled in his face.

She knew that all she had to do was intimidate the thing until some form of help arrived. She laughed in its face as it tightened its grip on her throat. She screamed and yelled at it as it punched and kicked her. But nothing she did could help her ignore the overwhelming pain when he stuck his broken bones into stomach, tearing a hole in her shirt and ripping her skin in flesh. She screamed in agony as she felt his hand moving around her insides. She was about to pass out when blood splattered all over her face.

She looked through the thing's stomach, where a piece of wood lay inches away from her heart through its chest. "Finally, free," the thing whispered as it turned to dust and blew away with the wind to reveal a terrified looking Michael covered in blood. "M-Michael," Jenny whispered as she collapsed on the floor.

The last thing she heard was her son begging for her to wake up. Then she did. She woke up in a hospital with bandages all around her abdomen and feeling sore with cuts and bruises nearly everywhere. She looked to the bed beside her and saw Michael, sleeping comfortably.

Suddenly doctors and her family burst in. She was informed that she had been in a coma for three days and Michael had been given 42 stitches for his injuries but they were both expected a full recover. 2 days after staying in the hospital, she was visited by her husband, who had come home to see her. The police luckily bought the story that she and Michael never remembered anything that happened to them.

That night Jenny went home and she had a dream. This time she never saw a horribly disfigured monster but she saw an average looking young man in a stylish white suit and matching fedora. "You've come to Single Reed Jenny. You have set me free. Thank you," the man said in a calming voice before turning to a light and walking away. Michael recalled having a similar dream at breakfast the next morning.

Jenny then knew for sure, that the spirit of Stewart Kubrick would be at peace for his spirit had been lifted, from its almost 20 year prison at Single Reed.

The End

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