Cameron Monaghan Imagines

De Fufaation

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I'm just gonna write imagines that pop into my head. Randomly lol it can be where I'll write 3 in one day or... Mais

The Fair
The Interview
The Interview pt. 2
The Accident
The Road Trip!
I so ship you guys! Part 2
"But You Will."
Jerome. Part 2
Comic Con
The Coffee Stain
I hate how much I love you
I got tagged
Miss me?
Say Okay...
Be With Me.
Fucking Hell!
Baby It's Cold Outside
Fucking Hell! Part 2
The Black Canary
Stop You're Makin' Me Blush!
My Soul is Literally Dying!
The Murder Of Your Mother
Miss Me? Pt. 2
She'd See My Love
Chris Wood
How Neat! Her Name's Kara too!
"You Have A Child?"
New Imagine Book
You're a Potterhead??
I'm so sorry!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Same Soul Pt. 1
"You worked for the Gazette, yeah?"

I so ship you guys!

4.2K 60 35
De Fufaation

"Hey Fae hurry up! We have 2 hours on the road... I wanna be there early!" My best friend Bailey screamed from the her room.

"Shut up! I'm trying to sleep!" Bailey's dad screamed from down the hall.

"Sorry dad!"

Bailey walked over to the room I was in and started whisper yelling at me. IT was funny, we ended up laughing like hyenas. 

"Hurry up, come on. The line to get in is gonna be crazy... Please! Think of the shirtless guys!"

"Alright! I'm almost done."

I finished packing my bag, and made sure my phone was fully charged, had my wallet, and aux chord. I checked everything off the list and we were out. We were going to this new Water Park that just opened up 2 hours away and it's 6 am. Imagine how cranky I was. But this is exciting, this will the first time that we're gonna be alone. We are now on the road and already jamming out.

"So if you're out there, I swear I'll be good to you. But I'm done looking for my future someone... Cause when the time is right, you'll be here but for now. Dear No one this is you're love song!!" We screeched along to Tori Kelly. 

2 and a half hours later*

"We finally made it!!!!" We screamed as we saw the big gate sign looking thing.

We get to finally walk in after security check, and buying tickets. This is soo exciting! Apparently every teenager had this idea since it's spring break. But Bailey and I were walking around the park looking at everything and noticed this super cool looking ride. We both ran to the tine and saw it was kinda long, but not too long. 

"Oh man, I'm so excited! Look how cool it is!" Bailey squealed

"I know!" I smiled

We were snapchatting and laughing when this guy in front of us bumped into me. I almost fell over but his friend grabbed me before I could. 

"Woah! Watch it dude! You almost killed her!" Bailey snapped

"Bailey it's okay. I'm fine. Thank you." I smiled at the guy who caught me

He was cute, red hair, green blue eyes, tall, cute smile... Wooooh someone call me an ambulance! This guy is gonna be the death of me. 

"Are you okay?" He asked

"Mhm." I nod

"Okay." He smiled

We just stood there smiling... until the line moved. 

"Alright buddy, you can let her go now." Bailey smirked

He blushed and turned around to talk to his friends. I looked at Bailey and she started giggling.

"Shh!" I whispered

"You guys are sooooooo soul mates. The way he looks at you! Dayum! I need to be looked at like that!"

"Shut up!" I laughed as we walked further in towards the ride.

We finally made it to the ride, we're up next. But it was weird, Bailey and I are next to each other and not with each other. So I was left with the ginger who caught me before. Not that I minded.... I mean wooh!

"Fae you okay with this?" Bailey asked

I shrugged and nodded.

"Okay. See you at the end." She smiled

I smiled and we finally got on. The guy in front of me sat down and held his hand out fir me to take so I wouldn't fall. 

"Thanks." I smiled and took his hand so I could sit.

We buckled in and the worker made sure we were all strapped in, and told the guy we were ready. I was excited and started smiling. The guy next to me look at me and had the biggest smile on his face as well. It was soo cute! The ride began and people started yelling and hollering. I just laughed. Then we were off. I started screaming from the drops and stops. Then suddenly the ride slowed down, so I started looking around and I heard Bailey scream SHIT! so I asked what was wrong. 

"Close your eyes Fae! Do it now!" 

I was confused and started to question when I turned my face to see a GIGANTIC spider in my face.

"AHHH!!" I screamed like my life depended on it. 

I threw my face to the side and the cute guy just held me as I screamed in his chest. He was rubbing my hair and saying something but I couldn't hear.

"It's gone, you're okay." He whispered in my ear.

I peeked out from his jacket and moved away from him.

"I'm sorry..." I blushed

"It's okay. I'm afraid of butterflies... So I would've done the same thing if it was one." He smiled

"Really?" I laughed

"Yup... It's sad." He chuckled

I laughed along with him and suddenly there we were... going down the biggest drop I've ever encountered.

So naturally I was screaming and cutie over there grabbed my hand.

"Wooooh!" He hollered

That made me laugh so I started laughing hysterically and then the ride was over. Yet, I was still laughing. He looked over at me and started chuckling.

"Nothin' more contagious than laughter, huh?" He laughed

I slowly came to and we got off. I waited for him to get out before walking, cause I didn't wanna wakl alone. He came up next to me and smiled.

"Cameron." He outstretched his hand

"Fae." I smiled shaking his hand

We walked outside and I saw Bailey waiting for me with Cameron's friend.

"He babe." I smiled

"What's up gorgeous?" She winked

"That was fun. Let's go on more!" I smiled like a kid on a sugar rush.

"You didn't close your eyes like I said." She smirked

"Yeah I was gonna ask you why but -wait. How do you know?" I asked

"I saw it. Look" She smiled

She grabbed my hand and dragged me over to the pictures that the rides take. And I was looking for my picture but I couldn't find it. Until Cam came up behind me and pointed to the picture of me in his chest and him holding me while he looks at me. His hand was on my shoulder as he pointed and I blushed sooo hard. Bailey looked at me and saw Cam behind me and me blushing, and she smirked.

"Oh.... Well shit! I was scared!" I blushed

"I know. But it's sooo cute!"

I looked up at Cameron and he was smiling at me.

"It is pretty cute." He winked

"Aweee! Look at how cute those two people are! Marc why couldn't you be that cute?! Look at how protective he is of her! she was scared and he protected her." This girl next to us scolded her boyfriend

"Oh goodness Amanda. I held your hand during the ride."

Then she walked away mad.

"Awee babe look how cute these two are. They must really love each other." This girl smiled at her girlfriend.

"Yeah, oh look! Their right there!" She tried to whisper

I smiled and Cam smiled at me. Then he put his head on my shoulder and kissed my cheek. I widened my eyes and the girls swooned.

"Oh my gosh! you guys are goals! I soooo ship you guys!" The taller girlfriend smiled

I just blushed and thanked them. I couldn't crush their dreams that we weren't together... let alone know each other.

Then they waved and left. I looked over at Bailey and she was beaming at me. I looked at her like what?

"Well, as much as I'd love to stay here, I would love to go on more rides. So let's go!" Bailey shouted and pointed outward and started walking

I laughed but followed her. I got into step with her when we realized the boys weren't following us. We both looked back to see them just standing there staring at us.

"Well? Are you coming or not?" I asked

Then blinked and jogged over to us. Then we all just hung out the rest of the day. 

*Right before leaving the park*

We were on the last ride of the night for us and it was one of those scary haunted rides. It was Jeremy's idea. Jeremy was Cameron's friend's name. I found out after they jogged over to us. The ride started and I was sitting with Cameron again. Only cause Jeremy wanted to sit with Bailey. So here we are on this creepy ride!

"If you get scared I'll hold your hand." Bailey smirked at Jeremy.

I laughed and sat down in the cart thingy. I looked over at Cam and smiled.

"Here we go." He said

The ride wasn't that scary, until Cam kept scaring me. That jerk.

"Cam stop!" I laughed

I felt something poke me and I screamed cause a creepy guy popped at the same time.


"What? I didn't do anything this time. I promise." He said


He put his hands up where I can see them and I squinted my eyes at him to show I wasn't convinced. So I did the first thing that popped into my head and grabbed both his hands and held them. He widened his eyes and looked at me. I just looked at him. Then the car turned super hard nearly knocking us over, but we were okay. I looked over at Cameron and behind him was this creepy clown and he smiled at me. Which scared the shit out of me because he had blood coming out of his mouth and his teeth were pointy. So I screamed and threw myself backwards into another clown and screamed even more. I dropped Cameron's hands and covered my face. Cam moved over and hugged me, more like bear hugged me, so that I was under him while he held me. I started to cry because I couldn't get the clowns out of my head. I wouldn't look up, and Cam picked me up and walked out of the ride thing. We got outside and he put me down. 

"Hey... look at me." Cam said softly

I looked up at him and he frowned. He walked up to me and wiped my tears. I looked down and he picked up my chin.

"It's okay to be scared, you don't have to be ashamed in front of me.I will never judge you." He said softly while holding my face.

I just looked up at him and hugged him.


I looked over to the voice of the speaker and was speechless. I couldn't speak, I couldn't move, nothing.

"Oh come on, you know you couldn't run forever right?" She smiled

"Fae? You know who this is?" Cam asked holding me protectively

"Oh is this your new toy? Honey, I told you. If I can't have you. No one can!" She snapped

I flinched and started to realize what was happening.

"Emily? I - I though you were..."

"Dead? Yeah I know. I made it seem that way." She smirked

She started to walk towards me when my heart started beating and I tried to move back but Cam was holding me.

Cam looked down at me and noticed how nervous I was. So he put me behind him while still holding me. Looked at Emily with this scary face and she stopped walking. 

"Don't come near my girlfriend. Or I'll have to step in." He growled.

Emily smirked. "You're not gonna hurt me."

"No, but she will." Cam snarled and Emily laughed

"Fae? She would never."

"No, but I would you bitch!" Bailey snarled and punched Emily in the face.

Emily fell and held her face. She looked up at Bailey with this horrified expression.

"The fuck Bailey?! Why'd you hit me?!"

"Don't. Ever. Come. Near. Fae. Again." She growled

I just stood behind Cameron and watched as this all played out. Bailey squatted down to Emily and whispered something. Then got up, and walked over to me. She grabbed my hand and walked away. I looked back to see Cam behind me, and I sighed.

"What were you doing just standing there?! What happened to all those skills we learned over the years?! They were supposed to help you stand up to her." Bailey shouted

I put my head down in shame because it's true. I took boxing classes, and classes to help me be confident and brave.. for 4 years. But I froze and I was ashamed of myself.

"I'm sorry... I didn't expect her to be there or back at all. I froze." I sighed 

"Hey, it's okay. You're okay right? No one got hurt... well except her. Who is she by the way?" Cam asked

"Long story, that we do not have time for. We need to be home in 2 hours and it takes us an hour and a half to get home. So say goodbye." Bailey ordered.

I looked up at Cameron and he was standing there shocked, and confused.

"Bye Cameron, it was nice meeting you, Jeremy too. Will you tell him I said goodbye?" I asked softly

"Yeah, but why do you have to leave?"

"Because her mom is coming home tonight and she doesn't know we are here. So please hurry up." Bailey pleaded

"Okay, well it was nice meeting you girls. Is it weird or creepy of me to ask you for your number?" Cam asked scratching the back of his neck

I smiled and shook my head. I put my number in his phone and kissed his cheek. Then we ran to the car and were on our way home.

I was just sitting in the car when my phone chimed. I looked down at it and saw I had a new message, so I unlocked my phone.

"I'm really glad that Jeremy fell into you today Fae. You are an amazing girl, and I would love it, if we could get to know each other. By the way its Cameron."

"He texted you! Already?" Bailey squealed

"Yeah, he wants to get to know each other. What should I say?"


I laughed and texted him back.

"Thank you for catching me, and of course. I'd love to get to know you too. But first, I would really like it if you got that picture of us on the ride... I'll pay you back."

"You mean this one?" He already got it?

"You already got it?? When?"

"When you and Bailey were walking away from us... before you turned around."

"Oh... Thank you!"

"And you don't have to pay me back. You're welcome though."

I just smiled the whole way home.

"Hey, I'm going to be singing at the state fair next weekend... Do you wanna go?"

"You can sing? And of course I'll be there. I'll go anywhere you are."

Aweeeee!! He totally just said that to me! Yeeeh!

To be continued----


Heeey guys! I'm so sorry about the long wait but I was super busy with work, and stuff. But I will have part 2 up by tomorrow I promise! It's in my head and I can't write it tonight because I'm about to head off to work. Soo I wanted to give you this extra long imagine to make up for it! But I hope you guys like it! Happy Easter though! Enjoy the rest of your day! 


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