Alternate Allegiant Ending~it...

By jojo9635

50.8K 1.2K 255

"She survived Tobias. Just go to see her." Christina said and then I already was off - running towards her. D... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter Tobias (4)
Chapter 5
Chapter Tris (6)
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87

Chapter 31

542 14 9
By jojo9635

Tobias pov: (i know i am doing this alot but there will be a Tris pov soon)
When i wake up Tris is still asleep. In the faint sunlight that is falling through our window i look at her bruised head. There is a faint reddish tone in her hair and i feel a swollen spot on the back of her head. I sigh and kiss the top of her head. Why does she always gets into trouble? I just keep looking at her and smile. After a while i decide to get up. I make myself a breakfast and wait for Tris to wake up. When i'm half way through my cornflakes i suddenly hear Tris shout: "Tobias? Tobias where are you?" She sounds panicked and desperate. I jump up and run into the bedroom. Tris sits upright in bed and her eyes are glasy from a few tears. When she sees me the tears fall on her cheek and i quickly sit next to her and take her in my arms. She burrys her head in my shoulder and i rub her back, comfortig her. "It's alright. I got you." I whisper in her ear. After a little bit she pulls away and i smile at her. "How are you feeling?" "Okay." I nod. "Your head?" "Only hurts when i move it." I laugh slightly and carefully wipe away a single tear on her cheek. She smiles at me and then kisses me. I kiss back and am carefull to not touch her bruise.
After i talked to Tris for a while she eats breakfast as well.
Tris pov:
After breakfast i get dressed and brush my teeth and my hair.
Then i kiss Toby goodbye and walk to the train tracks. Half way there my phone rings.
T- hello, who is there?
N- hey its Nina.
T- oh hey whats up?
N- i just wanted to ask you whether you could tell the profesor that i can't come to university today. I'm sick.
T- of course i can. Get well soon.
We talk for a little bit longer untill i am sitting in the train and have no conection.
I reach the university and instantly find my group. I am just standing there talking to Mike - a boy i am not really friend with but talk to sometimes - when i suddenly feel a hand on my shoulder. I jump a little and then turn around to see a middle aged man i don't recognise. "Hello? Who are you?" "I need to talk to you." "Ehm why?" "It's important. Something happend." Immediatly i am worried about Tobias. "Is tobias alright?" He looks at me for a few seconds before saying: "It's about Tobias, would you please follow me now?" I nod and follow him into an empty room. "What happend to Tobias? Is he alright? Is he hurt?" I ask panicked. "Tobias is alright. My name is Luke. I have a message for you." "From who?" "It all is in this message please read it." He hands me a brief case and i open it the letter says:

Dear Tris,
We - the bureau - are incredibly sorry about what happend to you. We know we didn't have a good start but we have an important task for you. Your mother started a project on the human mind and never really finished it because she went into the experiment. We believe that it's your right to finish these studys. They are very important and will tell us more about the human and exspacially about the human brain. You would have to live at the bureau for two years. If you want to help us finish your mothers dream just follow Luke. He will guide you to us.
-The bureau

When i finished the letter i look at Luke in shock. "W-w-what do they mean with i can finish these studys?" "Well, your mother started something important but had to quit because she did another even more important thing. And now they are asking you - her daugther - to finish her work." He explains smiling, but i can't really realise what is happening. "B-but what about my brother? Why don't you ask him? He is much better in all this science stuff." "No tris, this isn't about any science stuff, this study is about the human brain and you as a medical student are better qualified." I just nod. "If i want to do this... where would i live? Here in Chicago?" "No, you would have to live in the bureau." I am shocked. "And T-tobias? Could he come with me?" He looks on the floor. "No, he can't." "Why not?" I ask suddenly furious. "Well, there is nothing he could do there. He couldn't participate at this study and he couldn't get another job." "Why not? Why couldn't he get another job?" "That is just the way it is! They want you and not him!" I am torn inside. I really want to finish my mothers studys but i don't want to leave Tobias behind. We want to marry, have a family and be happy. I sigh. "I'll tell you what my answer is after i spoke to Tobias." "Tris, it would be easier for the both of you if you would just vanish. You write him a note on which you find some excuse for you disappearing and then he will be alright." I don't even think a second before i answer: "No! No, i won't do it like that!" I remember our promise: no more lies, ever! And i am not going to break it! "Ok, i'll give you one week before you have to make a decision." I nod. He hands me the letter and i walk out without saying one more word.

In the evening i unlock the door and step in. "Tobias?" I ask, my voice ahking slightly. He doesn't seem to be here yet. I sigh and fall onto the couch. After a while i decide to cook us some dinner.
While i cook i can hear the key turn in the lock. Then Tobias steps in, deep in thoughts. "Hey Tobias." He looks at me and smiles slightly. "Hey Tris." He comes over to me and kisses me lightly before he takes of his shoes and his jacket. "What are you thinking about?" I ask him. "Nothing, just some random working stuff. How was your day?" I look on the floor. Now is the time i have to tell him. He deserves to know - he has to know. "I... today- ehm..." he looks at me and raises one eyebrow. He comes over and takes my hands in his. He looks me into the eyes and i can't think, i can't do anything but just kiss him. He kisses back and as always when we kiss i feel strong and weak at the same time. Hot and cold. We pull away and he smiles slightly. "And now tell me how your day was." Immediatly my mind is racing again. I can't tell him! I have to tell him! It would be better not to tell him! It would be better to tell him! I groan about my own head and turn around, towards the cooker. "Tris, what is it? What happend today that you can't tell me?" He asks with concern in his voice. "Please believe me that i love you, that i don't want to leave you." "Tris?" He asks worried now. I turn around and look at his face. I have to tell him! I reach into my back pocket and get out the letter. With my hand shaking i hand it to him. He takes it and reads it. I can only see his facial expression and his confused look. "W-what does this mean?" He asks when he finished the letter. "I- it means i am chosen to finish my mothers work." He furrows his eyebrows. "Tris, this is ok. I will come with you and we'll just live our lifes there." He wants to hug me but i hold him back. "No! No, i have to go to the bureau to do this and..." He frowns again and then finishes my sentence: "and i can't come with you." I look on the floor and he lets go of my wrists. "Tobias please I..." i want to touch his arm but he janks it away and walks away from me. He paces up and down our apartment. I just sit there and watch him. "Tobias please, i don't want to leave you..." "Why do you do it then? Over and over again. First erudite headquarters, then working with my father, then the weapons lab and now this? You really want to go to the bureau? The place you nearly died?" A few tears drip onto my face while he talks. When i don't answer he asks again: "Do you want to go there?" Finally i can choke out a: "Yes, but please..." he interupts me again and crosses the room in two steps. He stands infront of me and i look up at him. Suddenly he just leans down and kisses me. I am glad that he did that. I couldn't take it any longer. After a while i pull away though. "Tobias, please let me explain myself." He sighs and his arms fall down at the side of his body. He nods. "Okay." I guide him to the couch and he sits down opposite from me. I lay the letter between us before i start talking: "Tobias, this is the work my mother started; this is a large piece of her. I really don't want to leave you, because i love you with all my heart, but this... This is important. This is my mothers dream which i can fullfill. I can make her proud of me." I look at him expectiantly but he just looks on the floor. After a bit of silence he finally speaks: "But- how-how can you do this? We want to get married, we want to be together and have a family. At least that is what i want..." i take his hands in mine. "I want that too and we have enough time for that later. I have to do this right now." "So your not even asking me? You already decided what you want to do?" I bite my lip and slowly nod. "I-i didn't want to lie to you." I choke out, while i fight to hold back the tears. He jumps up again. "Tris, we are engaged! In a partnership you can't just decide something like that alone!" He nearly screams now. "I-i know but..." i start but he interrupts me: "No tris! I-i can't..." and then he just turn around and slams the door behind him. I sink onto the couch and cover my eyes with my hands.

I hated writing this but there has to be some action in this story, i mean no one wants to read only about fluff and a perfect world. :) ;)
Hope you liked it

Jojo ♡

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