Living Like A Lion-The Circus

By Irisivypetal

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Part 3-Living Like A Lion James still has to be changed back; but now that the zoo is closed, will that ever... More

Chapter 1-The New Guy
Chapter 2-Scaring Simba, I Think Not
Chapter 3-Learning Then Performing
Chapter 4-Annie With Big Cats? No Good
Chapter 5-My Little Cub For Sure
Chapter 7-Punishment
Chapter 8-Just Pretend, Don't Speak
Chapter 9-Freaking Out Annie
Chapter 10-Speak!
Chapter 11-Tests and I'm Sorry
Chapter 12-I Do the Show, She Saw
Chapter 13-Lions Are Scared of Their Wives
Chapter 14-Karen's Real Self
Chapter 15-Family Reunion
Chapter 16-Louis and Stripes Pair Up
Chapter 17-Last Requests? You...
Chapter 18-New Circus Doctor
Chapter 19-The Circus Moving? Where?
Chapter 2-Hanging With Big Cats
Chapter 21-Improvements Made
Chapter 22-Blond Almost White
Chapter 23-Search the Circus
Chapter 24-Name and Age Please
Chapter 25-James Crusher
Chapter 26-It's Not Funny With No Voice
Chapter 27-What About Me?
Chapter 28-Are You Sure?
Chapter 29-My Mom? The Teacher?
Chapter 30-Helpless!
Chapter 31-What's a Cast?
Chapter 32-Change Me Back
Chapter 33-Time to Go Home
Chapter 34-Like It? No. Love It? Yes
Chapter 35-Something Good, Something Bad
Chapter 36-Do the Show
Chapter 37-Who Is This?
Chapter 38-I Love Her
Chapter 39-Want to be Lion...Forever
Chapter 40-Remembers Now
Chapter 41-Teach Me to Understand
Chapter 42-More Than One Question Needed
Chapter 43-Fancy and Formal For Sure
Author's Note

Chapter 6-Truth Comes Out

55 5 1
By Irisivypetal

6.Truth Comes Out

“DAD! DAD! Wake up!” Annie shouted quietly as she reached through the bars to me.

“Yes dear? I yawned as I opened my cat eyes.

She backed up and cheered, “Look at my costume!” She twirled and span to show every side. She woke a fake lion skin dress that came to her knees and had no sleeves; plus, she had gold bands around her wrists and ankles.

“Dear, you're beautiful,” I purred as I stared at her. She wasn't a little girl anymore, she was a fierce lioness.

“Oh! Your daughter is so pretty,” Karen purred as she woke and laid her eyes on Annie. “Please tell her.”

“Karen says you are very pretty,” I chuckled as Annie looked at me.

“Tell her that she is pretty too,” Annie laughed as she glanced at Karen.

“Little Cub...” I started.

“I got it,” Karen purred.

“Come Dad. I want to show you the place,” she cried happily as she opened my cage and I walked to her side.

“Well, you better climb on my back then,” I replied as I laid down; so she could get on easier.

“Alright.” She hopped onto my back and said, “Let's go.” I walked forward and she showed me where the other animals were; plus, she shown me where she slept. She had me go outside, where she slipped off and she let me run freely for a few minutes. “Come Dad. I better put you back,” she told sadly.

“Okay dear,” I replied depressed as she hopped back onto my furry back.

We got to the edge of the tent, when I stopped short in my tracks. “Little Cub? Why have you let this savage beast loose?” Louis asked angrily as I held my gaze to the ground, but Annie dared to look back.

“I trust Scaring Simba,” she declared firmly and a smile spread across my face.

“You trust your Dad?” he yelled as he stared coldly at us.

She glanced at me so upset that she had to tell my biggest secret and nodded that it was alright. “Alpha Male, I will tell you; but it must be in private,” she told as tears ran down her cheeks.

“Fine. Follow me,” he commanded as he led us to his trailer. “He stays here.”

“No, he comes. He knows why better than I do,” Annie declared as she kept her hand on my back.

“Fine!” he snapped and we all went in.

“I'm sorry, Dad,” she cried as she hugged me; then she told Louis the whole story.

“You're a liar!” he screamed as he gripped her shoulders.

“NO! She is telling the truth!” I yelled as I got between them.

“Woa!” he shouted frightened. He backed up a little and reached for his whip.

“I am James Otter, father of many lions and father of my dear Annie. I have lived longer than most lions because I'm a human,” I declared as I unsheathed my claws.

“Easy Dad. Calm down,” she pleaded as she hugged me. She looked up at him and pleaded, “Please don't tell. Please.”

“Why would I not tell anyone? I would become the most famous lion tamer in the world! But I won't, if you promise to do whatever I say,” he replied as he rubbed his hands together and an evil smile crossed his face.

“Mr. Louis, please don't. I'll do whatever you say, but my father won't,” Annie declared firmly as she stared fiercely into Louis' eyes.

“No, you both will,” he replied before he turned his gaze to me. “I have a grand idea and you will speak!”

“No one can know that I talk!” I cried as I backed up, but there was a wall blocking my retreat.

“So sorry. Well, not really. You shall talk!” he snapped before I pounced and scratched his forehead and legs. He stood up, dripping blood everywhere, and grabbed Annie's arm. “You won't see light or her for the next week!” he yelled as he pushed my daughter out of the trailer.

I destroyed the inside of the trailer and my attempt to get out. Everything in there was stripped to shreds. I was so concentrated on destroying the trailer, I didn't notice the gun being stuck through the window until it had been shot and I fell asleep.

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