Life's Second Chances

By AradhayaMehra

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"All that was, all that is, and all that will ever be" Will love be the strongest force that holds them toget... More

Part I
Part II
Part III


515 24 4
By AradhayaMehra


"I'm telling you one last time, leave or I will have you forcibly removed," Sidharth's deep grinding voice echoes from the foyer.

"Just hear me out Sidharth. This entire Panacea ordeal is a rouse! They're staging a coup in your own company against you!" frustrated, Natalia flails her arms groaning loudly at Sid's outright refusal to listen to her pleas.

"You don't think I've figured that out by now?" he shouts causing the muscles in his neck to tense flexing against his tight jawline. Darkly his eyes narrow and forehead creases with great annoyance. "It seems that you're forgetting the last time I had to fire someone you appointed on the board I was fucking shot at!"

"Sidharth, if you're insinuating that I put Jameson up to're so wrong. We had our differences back then, but I would never,"

"I'm not insinuating anything, I'm bloody telling you what I know, Natalia. This Panacea shit-storm is all the work of one very unhappy board member who has been doing your bidding at the table since you got the boot,"

"Fredrick has nothing to do with this,"

"I never mentioned Fredrick but thanks for that bit of information," smirking cockily, he nods to Gideon to escort Natalia away.

"Just be careful," she whispers defeatedly, worry glinting in her eyes.

"Do you think she's somehow responsible for all this?" sliding my hand up his stiff back up to his neck, I brush my fingers through his hair grown past the nape of his neck.

"No. She's turned a new leaf, trying to make amends for the bad blood between us," gripping my waist, he pulls me into his hard, warm body. "But I can never trust her with anything,"

"How did things get so bad between the two of you?" perching my hands on his shoulders, I wrap my fingers around the back of his neck, feeling the tension in his muscles ease from my touch.

"I was six when maa and dad sat me down and told me I would be meeting my little sister soon. I was suspicious because I knew mothers had to grow a baby first and maa was not pregnant, but I didn't ask questions. Dad would bring Natalia home on the weekends, I would play with her, help feed and bathe her. I loved being the older brother," shaking his head, he smiles nostalgically.

"Then her mother started using Natalia against my dad. Everything she demanded my dad had to fulfill. It eventually got to the point where she stopped me and maa from seeing Natalia and dad started to split his time between us and them. My parents would argue almost every day, it got so bad that one night when dad stopped in to see Nat and fell asleep there maa got so pissed that she packed our bags and went to New York to stay with Neal chacha," sitting on the edge of the table, he pulls me between his thighs, wrapping his arms around my hips.

"When dad came to bring us back home that's when I found out the truth. Natalia's mother, Alessandra, was dad's ex-girlfriend from his college days. He was still dating her when he met maa on a trip back to India and basically showed up to Oxford with her as his new girlfriend. Years after my parents got married and dad started the company and yours truly graced the Earth with my presence, he met Alessandra on a business trip to London where she drugged him with GHB and raped him in his hotel room," grimacing, I clutch onto his shoulder.

"Natalia was born nine months later, and the DNA test proved she was my father's, alright. He never pressed charges against Alessandra for the sake of his child, but he used the evidence and reports of the incident against her to gain joint custody of Natalia. Years after my parents died and I was already CEO, Natalia came to Rai Consolidated to stake her claim. With the poison spewed by her mother against me and the family clouding her mind, she tried everything she could to ruin me. False accusations of sexual misconduct, tabloid articles on my promiscuous lifestyle, sabotaging deals with potential business partners, the list goes on,"

"But I bounced back after every blow and had the support and loyalty of the board on my side. Her last attempt at tarnishing my name and the company was buying a financial firm and using it to run illegal schemes. Before it got too far I figured out her plans and called in the SEC. I negotiated a deal with her to walk free as long as she never shows her face around me again and that was the last I saw her,"

"I'm just playing devil's advocate here, but maybe you should try and reconcile with her. She's clearly changed and learned the truth of she's family," sighing, he twists his mouth in momentary contemplation before chuckling to himself.

Lifting his hands to my face, he traces this thumb over my lip, staring into my eyes. He searches the depts of my being, seeping into my soul with his glimmering brown orbs. "You are the only family I'll ever need," tucking my hair behind my ear, the platinum drop-chandelier earrings embellished with uncut red diamonds and sea-green teardrop pearls, a Diwali gift from Sid's mom, swing from my earlobes as his palm latches over the side of my face. Kissing me with his signature stealth, his tongue gains entrance into my mouth swooping under my own, forcing a moan from the bottom of my throat.

"We should get going," I breathe against his mouth, eyes still closed from that toe-curling kiss. As much as I would love to have Sidharth inside me right here, right now, I would hate to be late meeting his family arriving for Diwali celebrations.

"Before we do," reaching behind the vase of fresh flowers, he lifts a red-velvet box, grinning excitedly. "I would love it if you wore these today," lifting open the cover, he reveals a vintage set of ten kangan. Glimmering rubies and emeralds adorn the intricately carved platinum bands that come in just one distinctive design per pair. I gape in awe between the bangles and his reflection in the mirror.

Lifting my left hand, he slides five of the kangan around my wrist kissing the indent in my palm. "It would take endless lifetimes to show you how much I love you and how much you truly mean to me, but these are my promise to you, Anuksha, that as long as I'm alive I will love you with every bone in my body and with every ounce of my strength," clutching the side of his face I bring his lips to mine where our mouths move slowly, soft and almost hesitant, sealing his promise with a certain finality.

Draping the saffron-colored odhni over my open hair, I adjust the borla in the middle parting of my hair attached to matha pati wrapped around the top of my head. The heavy layered vermillion-red, gold embroidered ghagra sways over the tops of my feet as I stand slipping on a pair of jutti. Sid walks into the room from the closet fretting to himself about the top button on his sherwani but instantly falls silent, gaping at me.

Swallowing slowly, he chuckles nervously, scratching his neck where the collar chafes against his skin. I feel his eyes on me, warm and adoring as I reach for the button, slipping it into the hole. He clasps my wrist extending his arms out to get a full view of my outfit. "You are...absolutely, without a single shred of doubt in my mind, the most beautiful woman I've ever laid eyes on,"

Sliding his hands down the red long-sleeve choli embroidered in gold floral patterns, his fingers fall to my waist, gripping the green and gold trimmed waistband. He lifts my hand, adorned with a set of haath phool, to his mouth, smoothing over the kangan tinkling around my wrist as he presses his lips to my knuckles.

Tucking a few loose strands of hair behind my head chain, he strokes the back of his hand down the side of my face to the base of my neck over the heavily embellished aadh necklace wrapping around my throat with pendants of blooming lotuses, spanning the width of my chest and ending over the mound of my breasts in drop-chandelier ornaments set in uncut diamonds and glittering emeralds. "I can't wait to take these off you," gripping my upper-arm over the arm cuffs, he pulls me into his chest, crushing his mouth over mine. We're deliberately slow, savoring the feeling of our meddling lips in sweet synchronized motion.

I clasp my hands to my chest bowing my head in prayer, deeply concentrated on the mantras dedicated to Lakshmi Devi. The kirtan sings renditions of Bhagwan Ram's journey home from exile narrating the endless stories of light being triumphant against darkness.

In the midst of it all, I feel a transcendent presence come over me. It's the feeling of a parental embrace full of affection and warmth. Slowly my eyes part finding the crackling fire of the havan kund and the sweet scent of jasmine pluming around me.

Glancing over at Sid, he dazedly stares at me as if lost in a trance. Slowly his stoic features begin to soften, the corner of his mouth lifting in a side smile. From across the room, his eyes gleam with raw emotion. He feels it too. He mouths "I love you," placing his palm flat against his chest.

Beside me, aunty Jaya and Ishani rise to their feet, picking up a brass tray containing a folded bright red, gold embellished cloth. Extending her hand to me, I look up confused at aunty Jaya. "Come with us, sweetheart," she smiles, gripping my hand tightly, leading me to the altar.

Sid takes a seat on a decorated bench in front of everyone in attendance. Ishani, aunty Jaya, and four other aunties unfold the richly embroidered cloth extending it to its full length as the pandit chants several mantras blessing the garment. He then prompts me to start wrapping it around Sid's head to tie a five-knot pleated pagri.

I lick my lips, swallowing as I reach for the end in aunty Jaya's hand tucking it to the back of Sid's head where the extra length drapes over his shoulder. Circulating his body, I wrap the fabric around his head covering his thick hair, twisting it in five knotted pleats stacked on top of each other. Once finished I pin a sarpeech to the center hooking the pearl chains to the side.

Traditionally a pagri of this stature is only worn by a married man and adorned to him by seven married women of his family with the blessings of the older relatives. It's truly an honor that Sid chose me to tie it, the sentiment itself is tenfold that of any gesture.

Crouched on the ground, I throw the pesky pallu of my gold jacquard embroidered, black saree over my shoulder, placing the lit diyas around the colorful peacock rangoli. Small flames flicker against the dark backdrop of night, illuminating every crevice of the estate. The soft glow of lanterns swaying in the calm autumn breeze light the various paths around the house. Beats of the tabla and keys of a harmonium tune in the distance amongst the melodious voices of the kirtan group.

Sid is holding a mesmerized Rohan in his arms, as he twirls a sparkler laughing with childlike wonder at the bright popping gold flashes. Rohit is running around the courtyard with two green and red sparkles clutched in each hand, giggling when he runs circles around his nani. I lean against the post of the pergola, folding my arms across my chest, smiling at Sid and the boys playing.

"They suit you very well," uncle Neal smiles, commenting on the kangan around my wrists. "He's been wanting to gift them to you for a while now...just never found the right moment,"

"It's a bit daunting, to be honest," I clutch the end of my sari pallu, twiddling the gold trimmed end between my fingers. "I love your much but I'm always afraid of not loving him enough,"

"I've watched Sidharth grow into the man he is today, and I truthfully couldn't be prouder. I saw the innocent boy fade away when bhai and bhabhi died, watching helplessly as he was forced to grow up before his time. Over years I watched as he struggled to love and be loved, how he just wanted to find that happiness he once felt as a child and you my dear girl, are the only one who makes my son feel complete," he light clasps my hand between his warm palms. "You love him in leaps and bounds, and I know you'll never give up on him. We've seen it for years and that's one thing that will never change between the two of you,"

From across the courtyard, Sid sits Rohan on his shoulders, running around the lotus pond to chase Rohit. Their loud squeals and laughter echo down the limestone column walkways, filling my chest with soothing warmth. Skipping across the pond, Rohit darts down the walkway dashing behind me to hide from Sid. Out of breath, Sid pants trotting up to us, grinning at Rohit peeking from behind my legs. Rohan squeals, flailing his arms pointing at his sneaky brother.

I grab Rohit's hand and take off down the pathway connecting the main house to the north lawn. My sari pallu flies open, flapping over my shoulder as stumble forward, kicking off my shoes. My bare feet graze against the hard-stone ground, tiny particles of limestone jabbing into my heels. Rohit shrieks as he jumps down the three steps leading to lawn escaping Sid's outstretched arm.

"Gotcha!" wrapping his arm around my back, he grips the side of my stomach pulling me into his chest. Easing into my deep breaths, I clutch onto the collar of his sherwani to hold myself upright from the relentless burn in my legs.

Slowly, Sid leans down, his nose brushing against my cheek when he twists his head to kiss me. His lips move tenderly with a devoted affection, slow to explore my own, marking me with his love. I feel his lips curve into a smile against my mouth before I open my eyes. A glow of orangey yellow glistens in his eyes, flames of fire dancing in orbs lighting the dark brown to a sparkling hazel.

Screaming for attention, Rohan smacks his tiny hands against Sid's and my face. "Someone's jealous," Sid teases, poking Rohan on his chubby tummy. Giggling, Rohan squirms around from Sid relentlessly kissing him on his chubby cheeks, the prickling from Sidharth's stubble turning him red. Rolling on the grass, Rohit laughs profusely at his little brother's high-pitched giggles.

Having had enough, Rohan leans away from Sid outstretching his arms to me. "Oh, now that you've had your fun, you're done with me. I see," Sid playfully whines, letting me take Rohan. Wrapping his arms around my neck, he rests his head on my shoulder rubbing his leg against my thigh, a clear sign of bedtime.

"Well isn't this a pretty picture," Ishani smirks, her eyebrows raised in insinuation. It's easy picturing a future like this with Sidharth. I've always imagined him as being a loving and devoted father to our children, just as he is with me. He makes what once seemed so bleak become bright with hope.

Bleary-eyed, I yawn, rolling over in bed only to find it empty. The pillows still smell of him, and the sheets wrinkled in the shape of his tall, muscular frame, slightly indent the mattress. Perched up on my elbows, I follow the soft white glow coming from Sidharth's laptop. Sitting on the sofa across from the bed, his green robe loosely tied around his waist falls open revealing his naked body. Concentrated, his brows crinkle in the center of his forehead matching the deep pout on his kiss-swollen lips.

Slipping out from underneath the sheets, I walk around the bed in all my naked glory, stopping just for a brief moment to take the laptop's place on his lap. Biting his lip, he glides his hands up my sides to cup my breasts. Leaning down, I take his lips into my mouth, instantly getting wet from the guttural moans muffled in his throat. "Why are you awake so late?" I whisper, sucking on his bottom lip, nipping the tender, wet flesh between my teeth.

"I don't sleep much when I'm here," combing his fingers through my unruly hair, he tugs my head down, slipping his tongue into my mouth, an intrusion I openly welcome. His cock grows rock solid, curving against my inner-thigh, already spurting a stream of clear arousal.

"Let me fuck you to sleep," pushing the robe off his hard shoulders, I match the challenging look in his wickedly narrowed eyes and smirking lips. Stretching out his arms on the back of the sofa, he grates his bottom lip against his teeth as I rub the head of his cock against my wet entrance.

Setting myself over his long length and around his thick girth, I press the heels of my palms into his chest, arching my back to ride him. Growling, he sinks his fingers into the leather of the sofa, clenching his sharp jaw. I create a rhythmic pace, savoring the way I clench around his member sliding through me. Hitting that tender aching spot with each insertion, I cream over him already squirting the onset of my building orgasm.

Latching his hands to my hips, he lifts up taking my mouth into a deep, hard kiss. Curling my arms around his neck, I press my breasts against his face where his tongue swirls over my puckered nipples and heavy mounds. Sweat dampens his forehead, and shoulders with each heavy, moaning breath that he takes. Dark desire storms in his eyes as he looks up from my chest, smirking with devilish intent.

Hooking his arms under the back of my knees, he stands up, slamming me into his cock. Pressing my face into the crook of his neck, I bite on his skin from the electrifying shocks buzzing through my entire body. The harsh slapping of skin pounds against the walls, my loud uncontrollable moans echo into the dark as I find Sid's lips. My lifeless legs draped over his arms, begin to wobble as I come apart, splashing my clear orgasm between our hot bodies.

Kissing me thoroughly, he shows my mouth the same devoted harshness my cunt just received. Putting me to kneel on the sofa, he wraps an around my stomach, fisting my hair in the other. "Let's see who fucks who to sleep," he grits out, smirking against my jaw. I shiver from his spinetingling words, moaning as he slowly inserts himself into my tender center.

He lifts his leg up onto the seat cushion, piledriving into me. Wrenching my head back, he clasps his hand around my throat, diving his tongue into my mouth. He's unrelenting, fast and merciless to my pussy. The head of his cock pounds against my cervix creating an exhilarating sensation in my entire body. I clench tighter around him, at the brink of my own orgasm, the same time he swells against my dripping wet folds and we both come undone, loud, hot, and intense.

His arms tighten around my body pulling me back against his chest. Resting my head against his shoulder, I tug on his jaw to bring his lips to mine. Our breaths are short and quick, both satisfied and tired, the ache in my chest to hold onto Sidharth overwhelming.

Covered in Sid's robe, we're stretched out on the sofa enjoying the raw scent of sex still lingering around us. Our languid bodies, sore and at the moment unmovable, are still hot and sweaty. "We don't have to stay longer, Sid. We can go home," I mumble into his chest, circling my index finger around his nipple.

"I'll be fine love. There's still so much I want to show you," lightly combing his finger through my hair, he rubs his hand down my back, squeezing my bottom.

"What were you working on at three in the morning, though? I mean if you can't sleep there're many other tasks at hand to complete," I smile teasingly, gliding my hand down his stomach to cup his balls.

Pressing his lips to my temple, he tightens his arms around me "I was looking at some houses,"

"Uh, okay? The penthouse a little too cramped for you?" chuckling, I roll over on my stomach, pressing my chin into his chest.

"No, not exactly. I was thinking it might be though, for two people," combing his fingers through my hair, he brushes the unruly strands behind my ear, cupping my face in his warm palm. "What I mean is, if you would move in together...with me,"

Grinning, I gather his face in my hands, nodding as I press my lips to his. "I can't tell you how happy that makes me, love," his voice a hoarse whisper, against my mouth. "I want to wake up next to you every morning and fill a place we both call home with beautiful memories,"

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