Alsina's Boys

By intellectual212

1M 85.1K 38.9K

Two brother's navigate life, love and the annoyance of brotherhood, and realize that the most important thing... More

Stopping My Shine
Favorite Son
Career Goals
My Babies Will Live
Mama's Big Baby
Find It's Way Back
Mama Please
Back To Business
Give my kids back
Mother's Love
New Bish
Dont F This Up
Back To Family
Vintage Vagina
All Smiles
Can't Get Over It
Alsina Men
Father to Son
You're to Blame
Different Wants
The Cycle
Aunt Stac's Demand
What I Imagined
Beginning Of The End
Moon Strikes Three
Easy Decisions
Power of the Bones
Will Not Change
Trunk Party Time Pt 1
Trunk Party Part 2
Trunk Party 3
Submitting My Resume
Grown Man Swag
Kang of DC
These Fools Part 1
House Guest
Out of My Reach
Good Kid
Mystery Man
Dont Mess Up
Making It Official
Clap For Black Love
Its Over
No Crying Over Boys
I Am So Disgusted
Big Mess
It's My Birthday Part 1
Its My Birthday Part 2
Protecting My Seeds
Hell Breaking Loose
Hood Bird
Who Can Be Against Us
Food of my Ancestors
Thanksgiving Woes
Won't Last Long
Good Luck
Unwanted Visitor
Figuring It Out Together
No Interruptions
Whose Your Favorite Character
For Those Who Need A Refresher on Sevyn
Preparing For First Dates
First Date
Kiss His Life Goodbye
Where Were You
Rape, Black Girls and "Good Brothers"
Where Are You From
Praying Man
Trust The Process
Don't Sleep On APA
Pancake Booty
Welcome to Dating An Alsina
See You In Court
Indoor Picnics
Hairdos and Dinners
Pray For A Girl
Have To Go
Justice For Callie
Fresh Wounds
Please Comment If You Can
Love It Out Of You
Neglected Husbands
Author's Note: love finds its way back
Tear His Ass Up
No Weapon

Not today devil

9.6K 889 543
By intellectual212

Callie POV-

"Why would I lie?" I asked Miri as we walked to class. He refused to believe that a guy gave me a flower, let alone talked to me.

"Cause you wanna seem cool." Miri said as we filled into the classroom.

"I don't have to lie idiot. A man, a very handsome man gave me this flower and shared some very positive words with me." I breathed in the scent of the flower and smiled, thinking about how Michael cheered me up. Ahh, I hope I see him again. Just to have another conversation. He seems to be spiritual and earthy like me. 🤗

"You look stupid cheesing like that." He scrolled through his phone as we tried to find some seats.

"Whatever hater. I have a reason to smile and I'm going to smile all day.
I have oxygen." I continued with my cheesy smile, remembering his words. . I felt like little hearts were floating above my head.

We found some seats in class next to Nutty who was asleep in one of the chairs, with his head on the desk.

"Wake up." Miri bopped him upside his head.

"Aye nigga don't hit me." He sat up and punched Miri in the arm, then laid his head back down.

Me, Miri and Noelle sat down all in a row in the back by Nutty. The rest of the class filled in.

It was about 20 students in this class, In total. We all elected to take Speech Communications 101.

Auggie told us it was easy, so, yup we weren't passing up easy A's.

I could tell who the studious students were. Me and Noelle had our notebooks out. Nutty had his head down sleep, and Miri was on his phone. Probably lurking on Morgan's Instagram. I caught him looking at it on our way over here. He's so thirsty. Why can't he get, she doesn't want him!! 🙄

I've already prayed that God sends her a wonderful man, who will love and cherish her. And Miri ain't it!

Anyway, I decided to write the date and the name of the class. When our professor walked in.

I did a double take as he walked to the desk. My heart stopped. It was the mystery man from earlier.

Why!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why couldn't he be just be a student or a...anybody but a professor. He seemed too young to be a professor when I saw him. Why. My fantasy is ruined. I can't crush on a teacher!!!!!!!!!! 😩😭

He took his briefcase, put it on the desk and opened it.

I quickly put my flower in my book bag. I could never tell Miri this now. And now he's gonna continue to believe I'm a liar. I hate proving him right. 🙄

Michael took some papers out his brief case and handed them to a student in the front to pass around.

"This is your syllabus. You only get one. You lose it, that's not my problem. But I know you better come to class prepared and turned in your assignments on time regardless if you have a syllabus or not." He said walking to the chalkboard.

Nutty made a loud snoring sound.

The class except for me sneakered.

Michael turned around and stared at him.

The whole class went silent.

"Nutty wake up man."
Miri whispered to him and tried to tap him.

"What man?" Nutty lifted his head up irritated and looked around.

"No don't wake him. let's wait on him to finish his rest. Wouldn't want to disturb him. Maybe we should all put our heads on the desk like we're in pre-school." Michael leaned against the desk with his arms folded facing Nutty.

"My bad." Nutty looked around embarrassed.

"You were in a deep sleep, that must mean you were well prepared for class. Am I right?"

"Uh..." Nutty said indicating he wasn't.

"Come up here." Michael said still looking at him.

Oh god. I mentally slapped my forehead as Nutty came up to the front. This wasn't going to end well.

"What's your name?"


"Darius, what is the quote from
Which our first speeches will be written?"

"Uhh..." Nutty laughed awkwardly. He looked at Miri, Miri didn't know.

"I didn't ask your friend I asked you." Michael said.

"Uh...I'm sorry I don't know, I had ROTC this morning so I didn't get to read the online assignment."

"Can anybody help your classmate out?" He looked across the class.

Nobody raised their hand. I guess because of what happened, most were scared. This was after all our first college class ever.

"So none of you know? You all came to college thinking its a joke? Thinking I get paid to not only teach you, but babysit you?"

The class was silent.

"Fine then everybody leave."

"I know." I spoke up. I knew if we were dismissed that would mean an F for the day.

Michael looked back at me.

"Do you know or are you going to take a guess? I don't want my time wasted. So if you're going to waste it, just..."

"No I know." I cut him off from his rant.

"Come up here." Michael said.

I nervously walked to the front.

"Don't look at me. Look at the class." He told me as I faced him.

I nervously turned to face the class.

"Tell them your name."


"No last name?"


"Tell them what quote our first speeches will be taking from."

"Claude Mckay's Poem - If We Must Die."

"Did y'all hear that?" Michael looked at the class.

"Yes." They responded.

"Do you know that poem Ms. Labranch?" He looked at me, rubbing his mustache.

"Yes." My voice cracked.

"Why are you nervous?"  He looked at me, studying my face.

"I don't know. I'm not used to speaking in front of a lot of people." I swallowed heavily. My stomach was in knots as the class stared at me. And as the man who I was just in love with earlier, proved to be my teacher.

"Darius stand in front of Callie facing her." He motioned for Nutty to stand in front of

"Whose the most important person in your life Callie?" Michael said rolling up his shirts sleeves looking at them.


The class laughed. Michael cracked a smile.

"Besides Jesus."

"Oh sorry." I let out a nervous laugh.

"My mother."

"Now we can work with that. Imagine Darius as your mother. I presume she looks a lot better."

The class laughed.

I let out a chuckle. Nutty did too.

"Say the poem to your mother aka Darius."

"Okay." I looked at Darius.

We both started laughing. The class joined in.

"Be serious now."

"Okay." We calmed down.

Michael looked at us waiting.

"If we must die—let it not be like hogs
Hunted and penned in an inglorious spot,
While round us bark the mad and hungry dogs,
Making their mock at our accursed lot.
If we must die—oh, let us nobly die,
So that our precious blood may not be shed
In vain; then even the monsters we defy
Shall be constrained to honor us though dead!
Oh, Kinsmen!  We must meet the common foe;
Though far outnumbered, let us show us brave,
And for their thousand blows deal one deathblow!
What though before us lies the open grave?
Like men we'll face the murderous, cowardly pack,
Pressed to the wall, dying, but fighting back!"

The class clapped for me. I did a bow and smiled.

"Great job. Both of you have a seat." He pointed to our chairs.

We went to sit down.

"What makes us comfortable talking is to think of our audience as filled with the most important people in our lives. That makes us less nervous. Next class, everyone should have the poem memorized and deliver as good as or as better than Callie. Understood?"

"Yes." Everyone said.

I blushed.

"We got side tracked. I didn't introduce myself. I am Professor Jordan. I'm an adjunct here in the speech communication department."

"What does that mean?" A student asked.

"It means I teach part time and also work. I'm a lobbyist on Capital Hill, so giving speeches is what I do."

"That means you bribe politicians to vote your way?" One student said.

"I don't bribe. That's illegal. I use my voice to influence. A lobbyist is an activist who seeks to persuade members of the government (like members of Congress) to enact legislation that would benefit their group. Each semester I give one opportunity for a student to be my intern. I pick from the best so if it's something you're interested in, you need to get your stuff together. Lack of preparation doesn't sit well with me. Read over your syllabus and next class remember be ready to present the poem. You're dismissed."

The class started getting up.

"Imma do mine better than you." Miri said standing up.

"Whatever, learn it first."

"You gon teach me so I'll be good."

"Anyway." I got my book bag.

"Ms. Labranch can I talk to you." Michael asked me.

Noelle, Miri and Nutty looked at me.

"Uh sure." I said. Unsure of what he wanted.

"We'll wait for you outside Cals." Miri said as they left out.

Michael closed the door.

He turned around shaking his head profusely, chuckling. "I am so sorry. I know you had a rough day. I wasn't trying to make it worse, I just have to be hard on you guys. People don't take freshmen year seriously, but for us, specifically as black peoples, this could make or break us. You stood up to the challenge tho."

"It's fine. I'm glad I was prepared." I awkwardly laughed.

"I am too, because I was like ahh...I don't want to make her day worse."

"You didn't."

"Okay. See you next class." He held out his hand for me to shake.

I shook it.

We went to the door and I couldn't open it at first because Nutty and amiri were being nosey.

We walked out. Prof. Jordan walked down the hall.

"What y'all kee-kee-ing about?" Miri asked irritated and protective.

"None of your business."

"Teachers pet." Miri joked as we walked down the hall.

"Mr. Jordan you want an apple." Miri mimicked a little girl's voice. "I know the poem. I know poem Professor Jordan because Im a big teachers pet."
He poked me in my neck tickling me.

I slapped his hands. "Stop
He bursted into laughter. 

"Nah Fareal Cals thanks for saving my ass, cause I ain't know shit." Nutty said shaking his head.

"And ain't gon learn shit.
He scarring nobody talking about walk out. I was ready to go anyway."

Miri said with false confidence.

"You know how we do." Nutty said.
Knowing he was terrified. 🙄

They cripped  walked out the building door.

Me and Noelle shook our heads.

Auggie POV-

"Wake up babygirl." I said gathering my things. Na had fell asleep while sitting on my lap, during my lecture.

At least she was quiet and not restless.

"I just have to say that is so beautiful how you brought your daughter to class." This girl I never seen before came up to me as I picked a sleeping Na up and put her in my arms.

"Aw thanks." I got my book bag. I was trying to keep this short. I just got back with Ra and I wasn't fucking this up again. But damn she was fine.  On a scale from 1 to 10, she was a 20. 😩

"I wish all guys were like that you know. Willing to give us a break. I'm Jena by the way." She held out her hand.

My hands were full. Thank God. 😩

"Sorry." She laughed.

"August. Well I gotta go get her home to my Wife." I wanted to make shit clear.

"I didn't see a ring, but ok. See you around."

"Yeah." I gave a fake smile then left out.

Not today devil. Not today. 😰

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