The Curse Of Power

By Sereena1246

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This is the Normal Life of Brianna Waters and Dimitrius Wetmore. Age 15 was the year, or people say, but they... More

Chapter 1 The Curse Of Power
Chapter 2 The Curse of Power
Chapter 3 The Curse of Power
Chapter 4 The Curse of Power
Chapter 5 The Curse of Power
Chapter 6 The Curse of Power
Chapter 7 The Curse of Power
Chapter 8 The Curse of Power
Chapter 9 The Curse of Power
Chapter 10 The Curse of Power
Chapter 11 The Curse of Power
Chapter 12 The Curse of Power
Chapter 13 The Curse of Power
Chapter 14 The Curse of Power
Chapter 15 The Curse of Power
Chapter 16 The Curse of Power
Chapter 17 The Curse of Power
Chapter 18 The Curse of Power
Chapter 19 The Curse of Power
Chapter 20 The Curse of Power
Chapter 21 The Curse of Power
Chapter 22 The Curse of Power
Chapter 24 The Curse of Power
Chapter 25 The Curse of Power
Chapter 26 The Curse of Power
Chapter 27 The Curse of Power
Chapter 28 The Curse of Power
Chapter 29 The Curse of Power
Chapter 30 The Curse of Power
Chapter 31 The Curse of Power
Author Note:
Immortality: Chapter One
Immortality: Chapter Two
Immortality: Chapter Three
Immortality: Chapter Four
Immortality: Chapter Five
Immortality: Chapter Six:
Immortality: Chapter Seven
Immortality: Chapter Eight
Immortality: Chapter Nine
Immortality: Chapter Ten:
Immortality Chapter Eleven:
Immortality Chapter Twelve:
Immortality Chapter Thirteen:
Immortality Chapter Fourteen
Immortality Chapter Fifteen:
Author's Note

Chapter 23 The Curse of Power

83 2 0
By Sereena1246


Shawn dragged us away from our safety, we weren’t even there for a night and we already lost it. I was really disappointed. Being in handcuffs hurt. I started to move my hands; he put them on too tight. When Shawn feels any tug at all from us he pulls the leash very hard and makes us stumble forwards.

Bree stop moving you hands! If they hurt, moving them won’t do much! Austin yelled in my head. I cringed at the intensity from it. He gave me an apologizing look. I gave him a wary smile. Shawn noticing our walk slowed he tugged hard on the leash make both of us tumble to the ground. Austin landed on me and from the impact of the fall and his weight it knocked the air out of my lungs. I started gasping for air.

“Shawn! Stop being so aggressive!” Kathy yelled at him, “there not the clones for god sakes!” Clones? Kathy helps us up and I caught hold of my breath, I glance at Austin and he had a confused look on him. Kathy ripped the leash out of Shawn’s hand and began walking with us in tow.

What clones? I heard Austin ask in my head

No idea

“They don’t know about the clones,” James muttered. Kathy stopped walking and stared at us.

“What?” I snapped. Kathy continued to stare, then she sighed, “Nothing, we’ll explain it to you when we get back to the station.” She continued to keep walking. Now it was my turn to sigh. We kept walking. It must have been an hour of walking when we reached their car. Kathy ordered us to the back, with our handcuffs on still. Since we couldn’t get comfortable sitting beside each other, I decided to sit on Austin’s lap. I snuggled close to him and drifted off into a nice slumber.

I woke up in a room with two beds. Austin lay in one with a book in his hands and Schuyler in a chair across the room sending a glare at Austin.

“Would you stop glaring at me? I told you we were sorry. We don’t even know how it happened” Austin spoke to Schuyler.

“Still you left me, alone with these crazy people” Schuyler exclaimed.

“That wasn’t our fault Sky. We had no control over what had happened in that car. You lived didn’t you? It was just for a night,” Austin grumbled.

Schuyler sighed. I rolled over and closed my eyes. I do not want to be part of this conversation. Austin chuckled.

“What funny?” Schuyler said. Austin didn’t say anything, but I knew he was going to give me away.

Schuyler growled, “Brianna, get you ass up” Damn.

Hate you, you know.

Eh, I do not want to go through with this alone.

I sighed. Flipped over and opened my eye wide so she could see I’m awake.

“Brianna how dare you escape and not take me with you!” she yelled at me.

“Sky, I’m sorry. Austin right. We had no control over what had happened in that car. One seconds we were in the car the other we were at the cabin where we were supposed to go to. We don’t how it happen or who did it,”

Austin interrupt me, “it’s you who did it,”

I shot him a glare but continued, “but we both felt very guilty for leaving you behind. We didn’t want that to happen, we are very sorry and on my behalf will try to not make that happened again,” I finished my mini speech.

“You still left” I sighed and rolled over. They’re no sense in this girl. Austin started laughing.

“Brianna Waters, I am not done with you!” Schuyler yelled.

There was a knock on the door and a little boy peeped in.

“Hey Sky, Ash told me to get you guys for dinner” Dinner already?

“Hi! I’m Jaymie!” The boy two or three years younger said. His eyes glowing with happiness. I gave a short wave. He had shaggy blonde hair that was in need for a hair cut with big chocolate brown eyes

“I’m Austin and this sleepyhead is my girlfriend Bree” I smiled and threw my pillow at him, “I’m not lazy!”

“Whatever makes you sleep at night darling” I flipped him the bird. Jaymie laughed.

“You could show them to the cafeteria right?” Jaymie asked Schuyler.

“Sure thing Jaymie” the boy smiled, he looked over at us, “see you soon” and he dashed out of the room. Schuyler got up and headed for the door. Knowing her mood she will not wait for us. I got out of bed and followed behind. The walk was silent and very awkward. I really want to break it. Schuyler opened the door and headed in. not seeing the people or couldn’t handle the silent anymore I spoke in frustration, “Sky, we said we’re sorry. What do you want us to do? Drop to our knees and beg for forgiveness? Well I don’t know about Austin but I would do that,” the room was silent and Sky continued to ignore us and headed to a table full of boys, I guess she made friends already. I groaned in frustration. I grabbed Austin’s hand and pulled him to the line that people waiting for food. They stared at us and nobody moved. I grabbed a tray for Austin and I and pretty much cut everyone in line, grabbed the food and headed to the only table that no one was at. Half way through of getting their people, mostly men, started to talk again. I slammed my tray on the table.

“Calm down, Bree” Austin told me.

“How am I supposed to calm down when she’s acting…acting like that? What does she want from us?” I exclaimed.

“She’s just hurt, that’s all. Let her cool down and she be friends with us again.” I nodded.

“So how long was I asleep for?” I asked him.

“Considering we never fell asleep the night before you slept for a good 5/6 hours” I looked at Austin and notice how dark his bags are. He pretty much hasn’t slept for three days now.

“Why do you stay up when I fall asleep?” I asked him.

“Someone needs to stay up and watch. We don’t know if we can trust these guys yet. I know Kathy is your stepsister, but they fucking handcuffed us and put a dog leash and dragged us here. I say that’s was hardly nice of them to do” I snickered. Ah fond memories now.

“Did that really happened?” I jumped when the boy, I think his name is Jaymie spoke. I didn’t realize he came and sat with us.

“Yup, ah isn’t that just fond memories, right Austin?”

He laughed, “You got that right”

“So, Jaymie. How old are you?” I asked.

“Thirteen,” someone tapped my shoulder and I see it’s James for the night before,

“What do you want?” I spat.

“Mr. Walter wants to see you,” he looked at Austin, “both of you” he waited for us to replied, when we made no response or movement. He grabbed our shirts and pulled us up. Damn he’s strong. He shoved us forwards. We stumbled and fell over each other this time I fell onto Austin. The crowd laughed at us.

“Eh Austin, we just got another fond memory” he laughed and shoved me off of him.

“Okay, what’s with the abuse these days?” I asked.

Austin snickered, “stop whining and get up” he was already standing. I grabbed his leg and yank it out from under him he fell and landed on me, jeez karma is really fast now and still a bitch. Everyone laughed. I looked up to see four people, who look the same,

“Am I going crazy, because I see four of the same person.” The four boys who is one person I think laughed. Austin’s legs were near my face and while he was getting up he manage to kick me in the head.

“Ow! Asshole much?”He laughed and lightly kicks me in the head, teasing me. I shoved his foot away and got up. Gah the doubled vision still there, “Gah, I guess I am going crazy for see four of the same person” again the person laughed

“You not crazy, idiot. You actually see four people,” a different man talked. Schuyler stood beside him.

“Damn, does that mean I don’t have the right to kick guys balls anymore? That really sucks now” I looked disappointed. They crack up laughed.

“Enough with the chitchat. Move, both of you now” James said behind us and shoved us forwards. Now I feel like a prisoner. We walked down 3 different hallways until we reach and door that said office. I opened the door and a secretary greeted us, “you may go in now” we nodded and opened the door. The man behind the desk I’m guessing is Mr. Walter.

“Good evening, I’m Mr. Walter, please do have a seat. Mr. Knight would you mind getting Miss. Waters, Mr. Golden, Mr. Russo, and my sons please, and you will need to stay here when you retrieved them for me. Understood?”

“Yes sir” James said. We sat in silence waiting for them.

“How are you enjoying yourselves here?” Mr. Walter said.

I lied to him, “its going well, and sir” he narrowed his eyes at us. Weird, I thought that was a good answer. I glanced over to Austin. The door opened, that was fast. In came my stepsister, Shawn, and the five people that we were just talking to.

“Take a seat everyone, we’re changing guardian’s around. Mr. Knight you are still with Miss. Trenton so you may go if you please” he nodded and stood up.

“Tyson, you’re going to be with Mr. Jackson here now”

“What? Mr. Walter, I thought I was going to be his guardian” Shawn exclaimed.

“No, both you and Miss. Waters and getting moved to training for the war.”

“What? I’m her stepsister, I have to be Brianna’s guardian” Kathy exclaimed.

“The changes are made and you both could leave now”

“But, sir, this isn’t fair” Kathy stated.

“Life isn’t fair, Miss. Waters. You may leave now, both of you” they both nodded and stood up. So glad I don’t have to be with my stepsister anymore. I sighed I can’t believe she’s not who I thought she was. She lied to me.

“Carter you going to be Mr. Wetmore’s guardian with your sister Kylee and Adrian your going to be with Mr. Trenton” I cringed when he name my brother’s name.

“That leaves Jake and Mr. Russo to be with Miss. Waters.”

“Sir, I don’t understand why we would need guardians?” I asked.

“They’re your trainers and will be your protectors for now until you are trained,”

“Father, who’s going to be taking care of Mr. Trenton if I’m not there?” the one of the four boys who look similar to the others said. He asked a question before I could ask another.

“Tristan is taking care of him, Adrian. You will be sharing that role with him when they escape” Adrian nodded.

“You are all dismissed. Training will start tomorrow.” We all got up. I took hold of Austin's hand and walked out. When we all were far away from the office the four quadruplets cheered, “Finally we been promoted” one of them exclaimed

“Took him long enough,” another one said.

“Yup, the wait is over” another one said.

“Can’t wait to start training you Miss,” another said and he put his arm around my shoulder. I shrugged it off and Austin replaced it.

“Don’t touch my girl” Austin said warningly. They laughed.

“Don’t worry, we all just want to be friends,” the one beside me said.

“Liars,” Austin muttered under his breath.

“Guys, I think we forgot something” the only guy that’s doesn’t look like the others.

“What’s that, Ashy?” someone cooed.

“To introduce ourselves and don’t call me that”

“Why? It’s so cute, Ashy,” another one said.

“Yea, Ashy” another one said.

“C’mon guys, quit it” the man called “Ashy” said. He looked at us, “I’m Ashton, but call me Ash, not Ashy” I smiled.

“Okay, Ashy” he narrowed his eyes at me, “do you want me to hurt you during training?” he said.

“Go ahead, I can handle a guys like you, one hit and I could knock you to the ground” I said bluffing.

He snorted, “Like that’s going to happen”

“Careful, dude. You don’t know her, but her weakness is tickling her,” Austin said.

“Hey!” I slapped him in the gut. He laughed.

The guy who put his arm around me said, “I’m Jake, your other guardian” pfft. I do not need a guardian or two. One of the other quads walked beside Austin, “I’m Tyson, your Guardian and these two idiots behind you are Carter and Adrian.

“I’m Adrian” the one closes to me said.

“And I’m Carter” the last one of the group said.

“Nice to meet you all” I said.

“The pleasures all ours” the said all together, even Ash. Creepy! Austin laughed and nudges me, saying he agreed with me. We stopped to a door.

“This is your new room, you two have to share it, sorry” Jake said.

“Great, always wanted to share a room with this pig over here” I said. They all laughed.

“Eh! I’m not the lazy one here!” Austin exclaimed.

“Who said I’m lazy!” I yelled back.

“I do!”

“Well I say you’re a pig and you completely suck a basketball”

“One time, you beat me. We haven’t even played a second game. I bet I could beat you then”

“I take that challenge”

“Okay person loses has to admit they, one suck, two agree to what the other person calls them and the person loses has to be a slave for a week” I pondered this for a moment.

“You on, dude” we shook hands. The guys were laughing at our childish attitude. We said goodnight and entered the room.

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