Wings of Darkness ❤

By FairySalvatore

236K 13.8K 810

She is an enchantress, Making me feel so wrong, Her face stuck in my mind, Like a melodious song. Xander is n... More

Camp-Nano story :)
As promised
Wings of Destiny


5.5K 356 22
By FairySalvatore

I shattered the rules,

Crushed the resolve,

If there were any bounds,

I am breaking them all.


I was doing this for real. I was planning a full course attack on Heaven. Ok, not attack but it was close. By doing this not only I was declaring a war but I was also letting my father know what I was doing and had been doing all along. But as much as I loved pain it was heart breaking to see her in pain.

I had no plan of action or attack. I was just going in blind but that didn't bother me. I am powerful and I was not afraid of anyone. By biggest worry was being found out and creating a issue big enough to reach the notice of my father. And that would mean she would be in his torture radar which I couldn't allow.

As I reached Heaven, a kind of shock wave hit me. It was so familiar like I have been here several times and I know each and every corner of this place. The feeling agitated me like a scratch spot you can't reach. I shed off the feeling and decided to get the work done quickly.

Ok to be frank I was no mood to get it just done, I wanted to do it more like a challenge. I wanted to see how many angels I could take on, to know my extent of power. But I had to be careful for her sake. As soon as I too easily walked in the gates of Heaven , the gates closed with a ominous thud and without intending to do so my lips curved into a sinister smile. I was waiting for this and I felt the thrill rush inside me.

My peripheral vision did a silent scan of the surrounding and noticed about more than fifty warrior angels. They kept their distance and I knew they were scared.

"So much for my welcome." I said loudly and confidently.

And some staggered back. They were more scared than I expected them to be. What did they know about me that even I don't know? I finally decided to focus on the looks on their face. They were scared yes, determined, yes but they recognised me like they have met me and knew exactly what I was capable of.

"What is it? Are you too cowardly to even step forward." I taunted.

No one spoke and then came a voice that annoyed me more than anything in this world.

"I advise you to abandon any vile plans you have Alexander." Martin threatened me.

I had to laugh, an actual laugh not to mock them but it was really funny.

"I will do what I came to do. You know as well as your guard dogs know this too well." I insulted them because I felt like it.

This angered them , their aura know emitting hate and fear and I was satisfied. I was a demon, I craved these feelings to make me stronger. Maybe that was the reason I was so weak around Freya.

"You are not allowed to break the balance of nature Alexander, we can't allow that. Once dead should always stay dead." Martin said.

"I don't care about rules, I hope you know that." I meant the words.

Rules never bothered me, they were just something existed but I never followed them.

"I know that very well Alexander and that is why we are here. I know that you are powerful but let me also enlighten you that here we are more than five hundred warrior angels. We are skilled in battle and strategy and we will do everything in our power to break you down." Martin said all this with an eerie set of calm like he had a hidden card to play.

"You do know you have to be alive for all of this." I was enjoying taunting him.

Suddenly Martin stepped from his position and walked to a position where I could see him. There was a sense of anticipation in his eyes. Before I could decipher the meaning behind that look, the ground beneath me crumbled and I was being pulled in. I immediately sprouted out my wings and others around me gasped and some yelled. Demons don't have wings but for some reason I had my own set of black wings,

"How is that possible?"An angel muttered.

The pull from the ground was strong like vacuum sucking me in but I flapped my wings and kept the hold. For some reason I couldn't move away from the hole created in ground.

And since I was distracted by this, suddenly a large amount of arrow hit me out of no where. As soon as they hit me, I winced in pain and I realised they were wet. It took me few seconds to get rid of them and heal myself.

"This can't be happening!" Martin yelled in desperation I had no idea about.

"You think your swords and arrows can hurt me?" I bellowed back getting angrier by each passing second.

Dozen soldiers charged me with pointy blades in hand engraved with words I recognised but I knew I have never seen them before. Before the blades could strike me I created a purple protective globe around me since it was getting difficult for me to move with a wormhole right under me pulling me in.

"It is the wind of the angels , only two people can control it." Martin shouted.

The strong pull was making it difficult to breathe and harder for me to concentrate on fight in front of me. I had to think of something to get over with this fast enough. Calling for help would mean alerting my father, so I had to keep it as a last resort.

"Just let me have a soul and in exchange I will give you one from Hell. Restore the damn balance." I decided to divert their attention while I tried to free myself from the minor tornado building under me.

"That is not an option. I have waited long enough to get you here, in a position to fight me, an opportunity to finish you off." Martin said with pure hatred.

His feeling lay deep enough for being it a lifelong vendetta but as far as I know I have not known

him for long. What was his problem?

"And do you think it is advantageous for you to get me in this position. Lot of your angels will be killed and I can easily take what I came for." I stalled as I noticed that the wind was subduing harder I thought about killing it down.

Martin was such a bad liar, he said only two people can control it. It looked like I was making it move it my way.

"I don't care what the repercussions are. For so long you were invincible but now I have your weakness."He growled the words at me and then gave a non angelic evil sneer.

My weakness, what was he talking about? I had no weakness.

And then after a moment of thought it hit me, he was talking about her.

"Where is she?" My voice reflected my suddenly built anger.

Another realisation hit me, she was precious to me and threatening her affected me deeply.

"She is safe but it will not take even seconds to get her here and inflict some pain." A man next to Martin said.

Inflict pain on her , the words had the weird effect on me like I had enough already so the pull of immense rage built inside and with a scream reflecting my emotions I pulled myself out from the minor vacuum. Not only was I free now I directed the wind towards the group of soldiers standing around sweeping them clean.

I heard the sound of thunder and lightning hit some of the angels frying them into smoke.

"Do not even dare to threaten her, unless you want this place destroyed to an extent that it could never be rebuilt. I am just too protective for her and for now I don't why." I said casually my inside still reeling from anger.

Martin was looking scared now and his side kick was actually trembling a bit. I guess they had no idea what all I could.

"But you are a demon now." Martin said more like thought contemplating himself.

I had no idea what he was trying to say, I have always been a demon, does this surprise him that a demon could be more powerful than an angel.

Now I was free to move so as I steps moved forward set of surviving angels they staggered back. Some foolishly loyal ones came with a sword charged but it took mere flick of my hands to send them flying in other direction.

"Martin are these your brave warrior angels?"I mocked him sneering in hatred at his vile attempt to torture me.

I noticed him give a slight nod to his trembling right hand.

"Calling for reinforcements are we Warrior Angel?" I mocked him.

"No I cannot allow you to kill my men so I am offering you what you came for." Martin said with a certain edge to his tone.

This surprised me , it truly did because I had no idea he would agree to it so easily. But I guess he was more intimidated by me that I expected.

"Wise decision." I noticed that the left angels were not around anymore.

I was alone with Martin, something didn't feel right.

Suddenly a golden ring formed around us. It felt like a trap so naturally my first instinct was to try and step out of it. A sharp shot of current ran through me and I growled in pain. Now what the hell was this.

"It is a Capiantus Ring, made for supernatural who go rogue. Neither an angel nor a demon could cross it." Martin explained and I glared at him.

"Yeah you thought right Demon Prince, now it's you and me. Only one will survive and that one will step out from here." Martin explained the situation.

"You are attempting a suicide angel." I smirked in delight and hatred.

"I am not the one fighting you, see I am outside the ring. Sabrael has gone to get the one you will fight." Martin was now smiling evilly no trace of fear I saw earlier.

"And who is that?" I asked confidently since I was sure I could beat anyone.

A moment later a blind folded girl was brought, I didn't knew her but like everything else here she hit my subconscious. So called Sabrael pushed her inside the ring.

"What is this suppose to be Sabrael, some kind of game?" She said in a high pitched voice irritated naturally.

Then she untied the blind fold and gasped on seeing, gasped not like she was scared of me but like she knew me and was shocked and pained to see me here.

Did I knew her, no, the better question was did she knew me well? How?

"Alicia, this is your opponent for Capiantus Ring." Martin said with his tone filled with evil mirth I couldn't place.

But the drained out, colourless face of the girl named Alicia in front of me indicated it was bad. She was just too easy to kill. What was Martin's play here?

*dun dun dun*

So shocked, surprised? heartbroken :D

Let me know whatever you felt..I enjoy reading your comments!

Don't forget to VOTE :)

*get ready for something ... exciting* (bad or good I will not tell you ;)) *evil laugh*

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