The Misadventures of Karina a...

By Chayenneson

562 18 11

Love is not everything you have always dreamed about. Love doesn't always mean you have to be together. It's... More

A u t h o r ' sN o t e
Chapter 1: N o s t a l g i a
Chapter 2: N o s ta l g i a Continues
Chapter 3: Meet Damon II (K's pov)
S i l e n c eI sB a c k . (K)
D a m o nT oE t h a n (D)
D a e m o nT oE t h a n II (D)
K e e pT h eD i s t a n c e (D)
So near yet so far (K)
S i s t e r ' sL o v e (D)
T h eM e s s a g e (D)
S i s t e r ' sL o v e II (D)
U n h e e d e dW a r n i n g s (K)
B o o b yT r a p (K)
D i s p a r a g i n gL o y a l t y(K)
T h eU g l yT r u t h (K)
T h eH o m o
B o o b yT r a p II (D)
T h eS u b t l eP u s h (D)
N o wO rN e v e r (D)
T h eR e v e l a t i o n (K)
T h eU g l i e rT r u t h (D)
O b s cu r r e d (D)
F r i e n dO rF o e (K)
A n g e lI nD i s g u i s e (K)
G o o dB y e
I tI sR e a l l yI sG o o d b y e

Al i t t l eS t u p i d & Al i t t l eB l i n d (K)

2 0 0
By Chayenneson

Now, look who's the lost soul here. I can't help but slap my forehead.Uuuurgh!

I run to my half-dispose clothes in my suitcase and rummage through my long-sleeve Speedo and it's matching pantyshort. I'm staring giddily at them when my room phone rings.

"Hi. Sam?.. Yea... Uhh.. Okay.. Thanks Sam. But I've change my mind... No.. Okay... Sure.. Wait Sam, what's Damon's room?.. Hey Sam.. Hey, are you still there?.. Uhh. I have something to give... Copy. Thanks Sam." I put the receiver back grinning. No way he's ditching me anymore. I can't take another day of soliloquy and binge eating. I unwrap myself and change to my Speedo then braided my hair into fishtail. Think braiding my own hair in fishtail is my closest in the department of independence. But I'm proud of it.

I lock my door and walk to the elevator. The old woman Samantha always talks to beams at me. "Hi." It's impossible to not return the kindest smile I ever see.

"Hello Karina,' she greets.I look at her confuse, 'I'm Linda. The oldest housekeeper here. I memorize every person who gets in."

I cock my brow but remain silent. Some memory this old woman has. The door opens and we both entered.

"Where are you going ma'am?" I ask posting my hands on the keypad.

"Ground. Thank you." She said smiling calmly.

She doesn't look like a housekeeper. Her appearance is more of a pensioner except with the uniform she's wearing. I press the G and 3 and lean on the wall. I smile at her before going out on the third floor. I brisk walk on the hallway searching for room 203.

207.. 206.. 205.. 204.. Woop. Wait. Why does my body reacts like I'm going to war without any arsenal? Geez. I step in front of the door. "203. Alright." Relax. I took a deep breath and knock 3 times. No answer. I knock again. Still no answer. I try to turn the knob. Open? Weird. I step inside stealthily and decided to make my presence obvious. My hand still on the doorknob.

"Ethan?" I said quietly. I call his name again loudly but there's no sign that someone is inside the room. I'm about to retreat when I hear a door open. I glance at the side and saw Ethan emerge from a room. He step back when he saw me, looking shocked.

"I'm sorry if I startled you. But you left your door unlock. Can I come in?"

"You are already." he said coldly.

"Yea. But-- Okay Ethan. Look, I'm sorry about that finger. I was just really frustrated." I said advancing my step. He tried to step back but impeded by the door behind him.

"It's okay. I'm not mad." he said smiling.

"Okay. So are you available today? I'd like to go skiing and surfing."


"Yea." I'm sure my face lit up.

"Karina I don't think I can go with you. You see--

"No way Ethan. No way you're gonna---' I was walking towards him when my eye caught a suitcases in front of his bed. I clutch my chest, 'You're--you're leaving?"

"What? No. Uhh-- I still haven't unpack yet." I hear him say. I'm still staring at the suitcases like they're some kind of a landmine.

"Oh. I thought you're leaving already. So why can't you go with me? Is something the matter with the business?"

"Nothing. Just a minor glitch. But I have other business to attend to."

"Ethan please? Please?" I practically beg.

"Why me? We have a lot of guide here." he said turning to his mini fridge. His shirt caught my attention.

"Daemon? With an E? Woow." I said grinning.

"What's with that?" he said still rummaging inside the fridge.

"Well Damon the first has no E." I said sitting on the bed's edge. I cross my legs.

"Oh. So I'm back to Daemon now?" He

straightens and returned his eyes on me. He's clutching a Sprite. Then return to the fridge and rummage some more.

"Alright. Daemon it is. What are you searching?" I walk towards him.

"Uhh. Just some-- oops. Sorry." he immediately straightened and bumped right into me in the process. I step back and laugh.

"Are you okay? You seem edgy. You need to loosen up a bit. Probably that business problem is eating you up. Water therapy?" I purse my lips and curve it into a smile. I use this ploy with-- oops. He stare at me amusely.

"What's with you? One moment you're throwing fingers now you're coaxing me to go with you. Another moment you're pulling a decoy, then another, you frown."

I regain myself. "Well, for one, my anger is fast to ignite but swift to vanish. Two, I just remembered something. And.. It's not you I'm actually mad at." I confessed.

"I know right." he said grinning.

"Err. So please?" He stare at me for a moment. A shadow of hesitation cross his eyes then he walk pass me to the bathroom door.

"I'll just change. Wait me here." he said before he turn the knob. I gaze at his back again. Hmm. Daemon is printed on the top and above the hem sit's the line AA TheoStud Rocks with Him. I grab his car magazines and settled on the couch across his bed. I rub my eyes and glance at his bedside digiclock.

Geez. He's using the bathroom like a girl. It's been 30 minutes already. I scan he's room. Same as mine except for the extra other room where he emerged earlier. I stand up and walk towards it. I'm about to turn the knob when I hear the bathroom door opens. I scoot to the fridge and open it. Then close it again. "You don't have a beer here." I said though I'm not sure. My chest still on the go from nearly caught invading his privacy.

"Yea. I don't drink." he said drying his hair with a towel. He has change into a aqua-blue beach short and Speedo shirt. I cock my brow but at the same time, relieve. I covertly exhale calmly.


"Nope. I drink wine occasionally."

"Oh. So I think you're ready." I advance to the front door. He nods and follow me. He locked his door and we walk down the hallway to the elevator. We are quiet as we descend. I stand nonplus at the far side. He's on the other. I wonder what he's thinking. Maybe he's just annoyed with me pestering him to go with me.

Mark and Samantha are standing outside when the elevator door opens. I'm sure they both freeze. Sam stares at Daemon blankly and Mark's mouth stood ajar. Well, something is going on and they obviously did not expect Daemon to be there catching them.

"Where are you going?" Daemon ask as we exited the door.

"Having lunch? In my room?" Sam answered with duh-obviously-tone. "Yea. Lunch, 'seconded Mark. He turned at me and smile, 'Hi Karina."

"Hello." I said smiling back.

"Where are you going?" Sam ask.

"Surfing? On the beach?, he perfectly mimicks Sam, 'And.. You both are going with us." he adds.

Samantha rolls her eyes. "Daemon we won't--

"You're going with us." he said sternly. I just gape at him. I want to argue but Daemon's seems determined to bring her sister and his lover. I'm uncomfortable with her since I feel there's something going on with us but I can't name it. I can't remember I hassling her but she seemed suddenly distant. Maybe she thought I'm flirting with his brother and she doesn't like it. I turn my gaze to her. She's pursing her lips in silent protest. Mark is massaging his temple. Then they look at each other frustrated. Daemon is also waiting for their response. I guess he wants them to veer from what they're supposed to do.

Lunch? In my room? What's that? I chuckled. Daemon look at me bemuse mouthing 'what'. I purse my lips and shake my head.

"Okay. We'll go with you." Sam said. I heard Mark silently groan. Daemon tap Mark's shoulder and I try to stifle a goofy grin but failed.

"We'll just change. Wait us here." Sam said as she waited for the elevator to open and Mark went outside. I laugh when the two gone and follow Daemon to the lounge area.

"You just ruined it." I said.

"I know that's inevitable. If I can't prevent them from doing it, then at least I could lessen the number of times they do it." Seriously?? Some brother he is.

"Well, thank God you're not my brother." Oh well. Even he's my brother maybe I'm still I a virgin now waiting for-- oops. I slump in the chair and reach for the magazine then look at him. He's staring at me like he's thinking deep of what he's about to say. I cock my brow. He shake his head and slide his body down the couch then let his head fall back. He stares at the ceiling and completely shut me out.

Alright. Why do I feel he just realize that he's actually going with me? Am I that of a disturbance? I suddenly feel guilty.



"If you have something important to do you can leave me with Sam and Mark."

"Karina I need you to do me a favor."

"What's that?"

"I'll be a guide, a brother and a best friend there. I think that's more important."

"What's your favor?"

"Don't talk to me when you don't have anything better to say. You've already drag me here."

That's all and he closed his eyes. I wish Sam would hurry up. I feel more uneasy with him. My chest constricts. Wait. Oh god.

I stand up and wipe my eyes then walk to the entrance.

"Karina!" I turn around and saw Samantha running to me. I force a smile at her.

"Are you ready?"

Yea. You okay? You seem upset. I was talking to the front desk when I glance and saw Daemon talking to you. He looks frustrated."

"Yea. Just another of our skirmish."

"What did he say?" I confusedly look at her agitated and concern face.

"Nothing. Wait, I'll just call him." I back away from her completely befuddled. What the hell is going on? People are getting weird. Behavior change at one blink.

Then me.

God. What the hell just had happened with me back there at the lounge?


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