The S.T.F. Files, Book 4: DIA...

By HalfmetalAlchemist

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***EDITING IN PROGRESS WATCH YOUR STEP*** The past of the STF is revieled: the DIATON. Made up of the same 18... More

The S.T.F. Files Book 4: DIATON
Changing Tides
To The Testing Site!
Secret Meetings
Under the Same Moon
The Girl with the Waffles
At Wit's End
Mission: Failing
Just Put In Some Common Sense
The Psyco, The Moron, and Cleo
The Kiss, The Memory
It's Like One of those TV Shows...
Three Legged Race
For Dimitrius
Who's Eclaire?
Brains Over Brawns
The Claim Game
Dorm Wars - Part I
Dorm Wars - Part 2 (Broken 12)
Hellmaster the secret hero
Losing It and Other Things...
Nada Takes the Stand
A Big Day
In Denile
Someone's Watching Over Me
The Beginning
The Moon
Kiss and Tell?
Digging a Hole to China
Back To Before
Ah... The Stripper Days..
March's Dilemma and Riza's Ex-Husband?
Flicker of Hope
I'll Fix You
(I'm) Okay
Group One
Notes, Scars, and Words
Addition and the Great Escape
You Promised Me
Blood Transfer
It's Not Me
S.T.F. Wedding Part I
S.T.F. Wedding Part II - The Grand Finale
Thank You!

The Night Before This...

23 1 0
By HalfmetalAlchemist


"So you think she knows?" 

I nod slightly, "these kids know something. We can't use them. If they know who they're fighting against then why will they still continue to become the head? We already have one who wants to drop out. They don't feel welcome here." 

"Don't feel welcome?!" 

I sigh. Time just looks at me. He doesn't sound happy. I finish by saying, "look. If you think one of these kids is ever gonna be good enough to protect you in the future, then you better start looking deeper inside. And you better get rid of Theresa. She'll discover something or bring their future selves here and finish you off in the past. You knew that she was gonna be here. That's obviously why you insured me to find all of their past selves and bring them here. I'm not your personal maid and I'm not gonna keep doing things for you. Their past selves all together are gonna start falling for their futures selves. By keeping them all together they're just figuring out the future." 

Nature looked to me, "you have my little Theresa?" 

"Yeah. Wish I didn't. She's annoying. I just don't know how she gains 'so much power it's overwhelming' as you state. She's a wimp, nothing. Until she transformed into her future self, she was nothing. Now again, she's a nothing. She's just aggravating." 

Time looked to Nature, "do they still have the memories from the future?" 

Nature sighed, "When Dimitri and Riza finished you, I only had one choice: to come back to this time and grab the rest of these kids to finish them first. I did my best to get the memories gone, but someone there can remember them." 

Time looked to me now, "do you know what these kids were actually going to be?" 

I roll my eyes and nod, "Nevermore was a physic who read minds and held her own 'tribe' so to say in Europe, Isabella was going to be a mother who lived a typical normal life to never remember her past, Wisteria would become a infamous punk-metal band singer and bass player who changed her name to Flesh, which is the reason Hellmaster chose the name that he named Nadie." I paused to think. "Lu becomes a backstage crew worker on Broadway, falling in love with characters in the shows wishing she could only find that special one. Cole becomes a newscaster and writes an advice collom in the newspaper. Emily becomes a famous actress known for her good acts and kindness. Alexander and Olivander both end up with Families raising them together living close by. Helena becomes a sharpshooter, uh Simon owns and works in an animal rescue centre, Blade is in and out of many programs for his behavior issues." I pause to think again. "Gaea studies tigers to the point of starting her own wildlife preserve. Rosaline is a school teacher, Kronos has a normal life as an office worker. Mel is a professional Chef, and Jet is in a Scremo band and is lead singer." 

Nature raised her eyebrow, "And Theresa and Dimitrius?" 

"They aren't supposed to be here. I have no clue what they'd be without powers."

Time looked to Nature, "you're messing up the flow of time by bringing them here? Where did you bring them from?"

Nature sighed, "They only appear once every century. Born in the last decade of every centry. Although they don't really seem to notice each other. Both never ran into each other before this meeting."

I look to Nature and snap, "so you brought  them from earlier?!"

Time looks at her, "So this is why, Those two can figure out memories. They will learn of their future. Beware of them. But never should the flow of time be messed with. Especially since you came from a future. If it is changed, everything will be changed."

Nature shook her head, "not if I am clear on what I'm doing. I have a plan to keep the future in tact, just comming up with the right ending."

I looked at my feet. What if they didn't get defeated? What if the real Riza and Dimitri couldn't do it? Maybe if I could just get Riza mad enough to remember...Although She'd end up hating me...

But anything was worth it if they knew what Nature was planning.


"There's gotta be a logical explanation to this, there's gotta be a logical explanation to this." I state over and over pacing around my room. Simon sighed watching me. Blade got hit by a door that flew open and now was sleeping on the couch afraid of comming near doors.

Simon sighed, "you're acting foolish you know?"

I snap, "I think acting foolish is you drinking coffe at this time of day! Who drinks coffe at three am in the morning?!"

"Those who enjoy being hyper."

I moan in annoyance, "urrrgh!" I kick over the empty wastebasket in anger. There had to be some explanation.

"What are you so upset about anyway?" Simon asked.

"Isabella. I think she claimed Dimitrius. I think I saw them kissing..."

Simon shook his head, "no, she claimed me and kissed me..."

I felt like I was going to be sick, "what is she doing?! What does she want, anyway? This doesn't make any sense! Dimitrius was mine the night before this!"

Simon shook his head spaced out at the wall, "and Izzy was mine the night before this."

"This is the last time I ever trust someone..." I state. My fists were heating up. I could feel a flame from before heat up. I don't know where the flame came from though. It seemed so familiar though.

Simon looked like he was going to cry too, "Cleo..." he moaned. He picked up a ring from his pocket. I remembered from the wedding picture--that was the same ring!

"Hey! Where did you get that?" I asked.

Simon looked to my gaze, "this ring? Oh, it was my mothers..." I could tell he had a painful memory lingering. And he was already crying. There was something more hidden here although...

"How about we make a deal? This is the last time, and the last fight for love that we do. We won't love those two anymore after what they've done to us. I mean, they're going to miss us. We're too good for them, I guess. Two cheaters can have each other, right?" I smile between tears.

Simon hugs me as if he was a little kid. "Alright. We're better than them right? But they're gonna become the head elements."

I laugh, "and we're obviously not gonna become the head's not like I could ever pass you or Blade in any competition anyway."

Simon smiled, "haha, well should we just drop out?"

"Nah....we need a plan to show them that we have no intrest in being here anymore..."


~Meanwhile at the Dark Dorms~

Knock Knock!

Jet opens the door, takes a look at me and slams it shut. I knock again. He opens the door again.

"Is there anyone who's not out or awake tonight?" I hear Nevermore sigh.

Jet gives me a sarcastic eyeroll before demanding, "What? What does the little light-boy want?"

"You're the son of Hellmaster, right?" I ask.

"And? What's that to you? Planning on going there?"

I shake my head.

Jet finishes up, "good. Then you can leave." He slams the door shut again.

I sigh and knock once again.

Jet opens the door once again. "What? Why are you still here?"

"Control your roomates before I do it for you." I say before taking the door and slamming it shut for him and walking away. Geeze, The dark dorm were a bunch of lunatics and physcos. Glad I wasn't stuck there.


"Hey Rosaline, whatcha' doin'?" I asked. Her and Alexander were camped out on the couch watching the backyard.

"Shh! Sit down and turn the lights back off!" Alexander states. I sigh and do as told.

A little after I sit down I see Mel Storming through the backyard muddering some things about the dark dorm beneath his breath unhappily. Rosaline pokes me mouthing, "watch this."

Rosaline uses her powers to make the pool water wash up and grab Mel and throw him in the pool. Her and Alexander jump up and highfive "THAT'S THREE FOR THREE! HAHA!" They turn the lights on and stick their tounges out at Mel as he climbs out of the pool and starts to mudder some not-so-great things about us.

"We've been doing this all night. First we got Lu, then Rosaline somehow reached into the darkness and grabbed Wisteria, then now we got Mel! We just need to get someone from the Fire dorm and someone from the earth dorm now!" Alexander smiles as he turns off the lights and we all sit on the couch and wait.

"Just how many people have been out tonight?" I asked.

Rosaline shrugs, "Alot. We're waiting. Isabella walked through here, and she's bound to come back this way. Hehe~ we'll get here when she comes back. Let the pool of the Water dorm be remembered forever in the backs of every other dorm's head!"

I sigh, "it needs a cooler nickname."

Alexander snaps, "well when you come up with one let me know. Shh! I think someone's comming!"

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