Alternate Allegiant Ending~it...

By jojo9635

51.2K 1.2K 255

"She survived Tobias. Just go to see her." Christina said and then I already was off - running towards her. D... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter Tobias (4)
Chapter 5
Chapter Tris (6)
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87

Chapter 15

599 20 2
By jojo9635

Tobias pov:
Everything is dark. The only thing i feel is the pain all over my body. Exspacially my stomach feels like it's on fire. The last thing remember is Tris' faint voice calling my name. What if she is injured too and called for me to help her? I force my body to wake up. Although everytime i try to wake up more pain overcome me. I still force myself a little further. I can even hear faint voices. I feel my foot twitch. Than i feel my arm, my legs and finally my torso. But with the feeling of my body this imense pain comes. I slowly open my eyes and look around with a still blurry vision. I can recognise that i'm in a hospital. I hear breaths directly next to me. I slowly move my head so i can look at the origin of the noices. And than i see her. My Tris! Her eyes are closed but i can still see the tears in her eyes. Her eyes are red and puffy. It pains me to see her like that. But in the same time i'm reliefed that she is fine. I decide to wake her up. She would want me to. I lift my arm, which causes an imense pain to rush through my whole body. I groan and than feel something in my hand. I look at it and recognise it as a button for the nurse. I press it. Only a few seconds later a nurse bustels into the room. "Oh Mr Eaton! You are awake!" She whispers smiling. I try to smile but even smiling hurts. I try to speak but only croak. She holds a bottle with water and a straw so i can drink something. I slowly choke the water. wow living hurts! I try to speak again: "Could you wake her up?" I croak out. She smiles and nods. She slightly shakes Tris shoulder. Just than i realise that Tris wears a hospital gown which is covered in blood. What happend to her? Tris stirs and wakes up. She looks around confused and than her eyes find mine and tears well up in her eyes. "Tobias!" She whispers quietly. Tears stream down her face and although it hurts a lot i place one hand at the side of her face. Her tears wet the bandage around my hand but i don't care. Everything that cares is her. And that she is alright. I manage a smile and than she slowly leans forward, careful not to hurt me and places her soft lips on mine. My pain vanishes and i just kiss back. Her lips taste salty, like tears. That makes me kiss her even more hungrily. When i try to kiss her harder i must have moved my body to much because a sharp pain shootes through my body again. I groan against Tris' lips and she pulls back immediatly. "Oh god, did i hurt you? I'm so sorry." "No. I'm fine." I lie. "But could you get the doctor?" She nods and stands up and gets up. I am left alone. I feel so helpless. Everytime i move only an inch pain races through my whole body. So i just lay in my bed and wait. A few moments later Trid is back with a female doctor i don't know. "Hello Mr Eaton." The woman says smiling. "Tobias." I say. She nods. "So Tobias. I'm Dr Bailey. I did your surgery. You were shot in the stomach. You were extreamly lucky. The bullet didn't injure vital organs. We could remove it and you should heal completly. You will have to stay here for at least one week. It depends on how fast you recover." I nod and than feel tris' hand on top of mine. "What day is it?" I ask. "Don't worry you didn't sleep long. Only one day." I squeeze Tris hand and she smiles at me weakly. Dr bailey turns to leave but i ask: "Excuse me but could i get some pain medication?" "Are you in pain?" Dr bailey asks. I nod. "You shouldn't be. Tris who did his medication?" "I think Leila or Justin." She answers, her voice still shaking. Dr bailey nods and than walks over to me and turns and pushes some buttons. She walks out and says: "It should get better now." "Thank you." I say. Dr bailey leaves and i look at tris. Tears are still streaming down her face. "Don't ever do that to me again! You promised to not leave me!" I gently stroke her hair and realise that it doesn't hurt as much as before. "I won't leave you ever." I say and again rest my hand on her cheek. "I love you!" She says. "I love you too." She kisses me again and again the pain is gone. With one hand i pull her closer while the other one tangles in her hair. She pulls away but our forheads are still touching. "How did you do it?" She asks. I am irritated. "What?" "Live? While i were in a coma. I don't think i would have lived if i would have been in your place. I couldn't even manage one day." Only the memory of Tris laying in that hospital bed while she were in a come hurts more than any other pain. "I didn't." I just answer. This time she looks confused. "What?" "I didn't live. I mean not really. I kind of were there but i wasn't." Another tears rolls out of her eye. I wipe it away with my thumb. "Come here!" I say and make space for her. She carefully climbes into my bed. She lays her head on my chest and sighs. I wrap an arm around her waist. "Don't ever do that to me again! Never!" She whispers and i stroke her hair again. "I won't!" I feel her breaths getting even and her eyes close. I close my eyes as well. When i open them i feel that tris is not breathing anymore. I panick and klick every button while shouting for someone to help. I ignore my pain and do a cardiac pressure massage. I keep screaming till i suddenly wake with a jolt. I hear a beeping far away. The only thing i notice is that tris isn't in my arms anymore. I hear the beeping get louder and faster. I look around franticly. Where is she? She can't leave me! The nurse rushes inside and trys ro calm me. "Tobias! You have to calm down!" "Where is she? Where is she?" I keep repeating. "Who?" "Tris! I need her!" I start to hypervantilate. "Someone find tris prior!" She shouts. She doesn't know where she is! Where is she? She can't leave me! i hypervantilate even faster and the beeping gets faster. I hear the shouts of the nurse only far away. I barly feel the mask on my face and than she runs in. Tris! She instantly is by my side and takes my hand. "Tobias!" I hear her whisper and the sound of her voice is cristal clear. She is safe! she is here! I hear the beeping get slower and my breaths get even again. The mask is taken away from my face. And i pull tris towards me. She burrys her face in my shoulder and i keep stroking her hair. "I'm fine Tobias." She resures me. "You were gone. Gone forever." I say and she looks into my eyes with her stern, beautiful eyes. "I will never leave you. I can't live without you! I love you!"

Alot of fourtris in this one 😊
Hope you liked it

Jojo ❤

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