One Direction One Shots 3

By HazzasLou7

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i didn't write any of these. credit and links are on every one of them More

One Direction One Shots 3
Sex Shop (Harry)
Punk AU (Harry)
The Before (Harry)
Ziam (Ziam)
Clubbing (Zayn)
Dangerous (Harry)
I Workout (Harry)
Club Antics (Niall)
Leaving Me Quite A Mess (Harry)
Happy Mother's Day (Niall)
Apology (Niall)
Head Over Heels (Harry)
I Can't Breathe (Leaving Me Quite a Mess Part Two) (Harry)
Intense (Part 1) (Harry)
Limbo (Part 2) (Harry)
Complicated (Harry)
Miss Me (Harry)
Harsh Breaths (Larry Threesome)
Never Again (Zayn)
Desperation (Nouis)
Strawberry Succulent (Niall)
Beautiful Soul (Zayn)
Selfless Payne (Liam)
Blind Lust (Harry)
Zarry Threesome (Zarry Threesome)
Smokey Desires (Part 1) (Zarry Threesome)
Smokey Desires (Part 2) (Zarry Threesome)
Smokey Desires (Part 3) (Zarry Threesome)
Smokey Desires (Part 4) (Zarry Threesome)
Kiss You (Louis)
Live While We're Young (Niall)
Nerdy Louis (Louis)
Two Is Better Than One (Styles Twins Threesome)
18 (Zayn)
Punk Louis (Louis)
Playing Favorites) (Niall & Harry)
The Sounds of Silence (Niall)
ER Encounters (Harry)
Cabin Fever (Louis)
Sweet (Ziam)
I Can Change (Zayn)
Zayn Gets Jealous (Zayn)
Football (Part 1) (Larry)
Football (Part 2) (Larry)
The Promise (Harry)
Well Needed (Harry)
One. Two. Three. (Narry + Marcel)
Girls vs. Boys (Ziam + Jerrie)

Little Peanut (Niall)

1K 14 0
By HazzasLou7

No. This can’t be happening. This isn’t supposed to happen. I was lying on the bathroom floor, counting backwards in my head and trying not to freak out and throw up again.

                “(y/n)?” Niall called through the door before knocking.

                “I’ll be out in a minute,” I said weakly.

                “You okay?” he asked.

                My stomach churned again and I quickly sat up, loudly expelling the contents of my stomach into the toilet for the second time. Niall immediately opened the door and I cursed myself for not locking it.

                “Sweetheart, are you sick?” he asked worriedly, crouching behind me to hold my hair back.

                “That Korean food from last night is not agreeing with me,” I lied.

                “My poor baby,” he said sympathetically, rubbing my back. I threw up once more and flushed the toilet. Niall stepped back and I laid back down, letting the cool tile soothe me. “I’m going to call out today,” he said.

                I shook my head. “No, you have a rehearsal for the tour. I’ll be fine,” I told him.

                “(y/n), you’re not feeling well. Let me take care of you,” he argued.

                “Niall, seriously. I’m going to be fine. It’s just a little bit of food poisoning so there’s nothing you can do. Just go to work and I’ll most likely be better by the time you get home,” I said with finality.

                Niall sighed. “Okay, I’ll go in, but if you start feeling any worse, you call me and I will be home before you know it,” he said seriously.

                “I will. I promise,” I swore.

                Niall kissed me on the forehead and went to get me a glass of water before heading off to set. He stared at me worrily, and I just smiled at him pretending everything is alright while everything bad was crossing my mind.Stop it. You don’t even know if you’re really pregnant. Oh, who am I kidding. I’m late, I feel off, I’m having strange cravings, and I can’t stop vomiting. Stop it, (y/n). This could be just some strangely glorified version of PMS because you’re so late. I laid on the bathroom floor for the next fifteen minutes arguing with myself until my stomach felt okay enough for me to get up.

                “Ugh,” I groaned, seeing how awful I looked in the mirror. I quickly washed my face, brushed my teeth, and put my hair up in a ponytail. I needed to find out today if I really was pregnant. “Time to go buy a million tests,” I mumbled to myself. I went into the bedroom and stripped off my pajamas, staring at myself in the mirror. I turned to the side and stared at my completely flat stomach, looking for any sort of bump, but there was none. I looked full on at myself and saw that my breasts were fuller, my nipples a darker pink than normal. Of course Niall had noticed the night before, but I told him I was probably just gaining some weight and it was going to my boobs.

                “I’m the worst liar ever,” I chastised myself. After examining my entire body for any more signs that I was knocked up, I threw on a sundress, grabbed my keys and sunglasses, and headed out the door. I drove to the nearest pharmacy and prayed that I wouldn’t be recognized or photographed buying a pregnancy test. The press knew exactly who I was and there were quite a few pictures of Niall and I hanging out.

                “Do you need help finding anything?” the woman behind the counter asked as I walked in. I looked around and made sure there was no one else around. I sighed in relief when I realized I was the only one in the store.

                “Yes please. Can you tell me where I can find a pregnancy test?” I asked nervously.

                “Aisle four,” she said, pointing to the left.

                “Thank you,” I replied. I quickly made my way to aisle four and scanned all the pregnancy tests. The only one I recognized was First Response and it was because the commercials were always on television. “I guess this one is promising,” I said to myself, grabbing three of them. I quickly walked back to the counter and placed them in front of the woman at the register.

                “You sure you need all three?” she asked.

                “I need to be sure,” I explained.

                “Trust me, Sweetheart, your body will let you know, but if it makes you feel better, you can take all of them. Either way, the tests will either all say positive or negative,” she said. She rang me up and I handed her my credit card. The tests came out to sixty dollars and I cringed at how expensive they were.

                “Good luck, Sweetheart. No matter which result you get, you will be fine,” she said soothingly.

                “Thank you,” I said and grabbed the bag. I drove as fast as I could back to the house, but before I could go to the bathroom, my cell phone rang. It was Niall.

                “Hi,” I answered.

                “Hey, Baby. Are you feeling better?” he asked.

                “Yes, a lot better,” I replied.

                “Good. Try and get some rest today. Maybe go lay out on the bed and don’t eat anything too heavy.”

                “I’ll try. What are you up to?”

                “At the moment I am on a very short break. I’m about to go to have some food here if I have enough time.” he told me.

                “Really? Is the break really that short? You will get longer break with me. ” I saidwith a smirk.

                “Yeah, unfortunately, I just spend my break time to talk to you.” he said with a laugh. I heard someone call his name in the background. “All right, we’re about to start up. I’ll be home in a few hours. I love you!”

                “I love you, too. Good luck!” I exclaimed and hung up the phone. I stared at the offending bag of pregnancy tests and took a deep breath. “No time like the present,” I said to myself. I grabbed the bag and went into the bathroom. I saw that there were two tests per box and I decided to take all six. I hope I have enough pee for this. I peed on each stick for five seconds, pretty much forcing it out of me by the last two, and then set them on the counter for the dreaded three minute wait. I sat on the lid of the toilet, shaking and more nervous than I’d ever been in my entire life.

                “Please say negative,” I begged to the ceiling. I slowly stood up when my time had run out and quickly looked down at the sink. My knees almost buckled as I read the six tests, all with the same result; Positive. I sunk to the ground and buried my face in my hands. Shit. This can’t be happening! Not now! We’re not married and we’re too young! I can’t be a mother now! What about Niall’s career? He doesn’t have time for a kid now. Hell, I don’t have time for a kid now either! After freaking out for about five minutes, I threw all six tests in the garbage and quickly ran to the computer, Googling the closest OB/GYN. This can’t be right. They have to be false positives. I found an office two miles up the road and called them.

                “Doctor Ulay’s office, how may I help you?” a woman answered.

                “Hi, I’m not a patient of Doctor Ulay, but I have an emergency. I was wondering if maybe I could come in and just get a blood test to see if I’m pregnant,” I told her.

                “Let me just check the schedule,” she said. I heard the clicking of the keyboard in the background. “Well he has an opening in a half hour if you can make that?”

                “Yes. A half hour is perfect.”

                “What’s your name?” she asked.


                “And that’s just a blood test. No exam?”


                “All right, Ms. (y/l/n). We will see you in a half hour.”

                For the next fifteen minutes, I sat outside on the lounge chair and attempted to convince myself that I wasn’t pregnant and that the blood test would say negative. I made my way down the road to the doctor’s office, praying once again that no one would notice me. When I walked inside, I checked in at the desk and went to sit down and fill out paperwork. I looked around the small waiting room and saw three heavily pregnant women, all looking uncomfortable and two of them who had other children with them. Dear God, I don’t think I can handle this. I finished filling out my forms and handed them back to the receptionist. Five minutes later, I was called back to an exam room.

                “So we’re just testing your blood?” the nurse asked, tying the rubber band around my bicep.

                “Yes. I just need to know for sure if I’m pregnant,” I said.

                “Did you take a home pregnancy test before this?” she inserted the needle into my vein and I winced, wishing more than anything that Niall was there to hold my hand.

                “Yes. Six of them. They all came back positive.”

                “Well there can be false positives in home pregnancy tests, but if you took six of them and they all said positive, then there’s a minimal chance that they’re wrong,” she explained.

                “How minimal?” I asked.

                “One in a billion.” I swallowed hard and she extracted a vial a blood from me before placing a band aid over the injection area and removing the rubber band. “All right, the doctor will be in with the results in a few minutes.”

                “Thank you,” I said as she left. I stared at all the scary charts and models around the room for five minutes before a middle aged Hawaiian man with salt and pepper hair entered the room.

                “Hello, Ms (y/l/n)? I’m Doctor Ulay,” he said, holding out his hand for me to shake. I did and he pulled a chair over and sat in front of me. “Well we got the results of your blood test and you are indeed pregnant.”

                My whole world felt like it was crashing in on me and I buried my face in my hands. “You’re sure?” I asked.

                “Positive. Your paperwork here says that you are currently not on birth control. Can you think of a time recently when you had unprotected sex?” he asked.

                I knew immediately. Niall and I were out to dinner and had a bit too much to drink. When we got home, we had sex in the hallway, not able to make it to the bedroom and since we were both drunk, we completely forgot a condom. The next morning we were both so hung over that we didn’t even give it a thought. “Yes. With my boyfriend about six weeks ago,” I whispered.

                “That was probably when you conceived, but we can’t be sure without an internal sonogram. Would you like to have one?”

                “We’re going go to US in two weeks, so I’ll schedule one with my normal OB/GYN then,” I said.

                “All right,” he said. He opened a cabinet behind his head and pulled out a jar of what seemed to be pills. “Here are some pre-natal vitamins. You can buy them at any pharmacy, but take this one. Make sure to take them every day. Stay away from alcohol, smoking, and fish,” he told me.

                I nodded. “Thank you,” I said.

                “Good luck, Ms. (y/l/n), and congratulations,” he said with a soft smile before leaving the room. I put the vitamins in my bag and left the office, thanking the receptionist on my way out. I headed back to the house in a complete daze, unable to cry or scream or do anything. I’m pregnant. I’m really pregnant. Niall and I are going to have a baby. Those were the only thoughts to run through my brain. I pulled into the driveway and saw that Niall was already back from set. Fuck, how do I tell him? I took a deep breath and walked through the front door.

                “(y/n)?” he called out.

                “Yeah,” I answered. Niall walked into the front hallway from the bedroom and smiled at me.

                “Where did you go?” he asked.

                “Um, doctor’s office,” I replied.

                His face grew concerned. “Are you still not feeling well, Baby?” he asked, stepping closer to me. I shook my head and stepped away from him. I needed to tell him, but my heart was breaking. This could completely change his career. This could completely change us. “(y/n), what’s wrong?”

                “I can’t,” I whispered, trying my hardest not to cry.

                “What did the doctor say? Is it bad? Are you really sick?” he asked, starting to freak out.

                “I don’t know what to say! This is just… I don’t… I can’t say it!” I exclaimed, walking around him and going into the bedroom.

                Niall came up behind me and pulled me down on the bed so we were sitting facing each other. “(y/n), please. You’re scaring me here. Just tell me,” he begged.

                I closed my eyes and shook my head. “I can’t,” I repeated.

                Niall placed his hands on my cheeks, holding my face until I opened my eyes. “Whisper it to me,” he said.

                I took a deep breath and grabbed the back of his head, placing my lips on his ear, “I’m pregnant,” I whispered before pulling back slowly.

                Niall was completely shocked. He stared at me for a few moments and I could almost see the cogs in his brain turning as he tried to process what I had told him. I held back tears as we stared at each other, both of us trying to come to terms with our situation. He took a deep breath and pulled me into his arms, holding me tightly. “It’s going to be all right, (y/n),” he whispered. I completely lost it, crying for the first time since I got the news. Niall and I held each other as I cried and he did his best to comfort me.

                “I’m so sorry,” I sobbed.

                Niall pulled back and looked into my eyes. “No, (y/n). Don’t you dare apologize. We both did this. We are both the reason why there’s new life and that’s nothing to be sorry for.”

                I was completely confused and I’m sure he saw it in the expression on my face. “You’re not mad? But what about your career? We’re both so busy and you’re in the middle of the tour and I don’t know how we’re going to fit a baby in there!”

                “Of course I’m not mad, (y/n). I know the timing is completely off, but I want to spend the rest of my life with you and have a family with you. Sure, it’s happening a lot sooner than either of us planned, but I love you and you come first. We can do this. We are well beyond financially stable and I know that we can both handle this. Both of our careers will continue on as they are now, we’ll just have one more amazing little person to share it all with,” he reasoned.

                “Are you sure?” I asked.

                “I’ve never been so sure in my life. You’re it for me, (y/n),” he whispered, pressing a kiss to my lips.

                “You’re it for me too, Niall,” I admitted.

                Niall smiled widely and laid me down, He lifted my dress up to the bottom of my breasts and placed a soft kiss on my bare, flat stomach, causing me to giggle. “I love you, too, little peanut,” he whispered to our child. He rested his chin on my belly button and smiled up at me as I ran my hands through his blonde hair. “I can’t wait to see your stomach grow. I can’t wait to feel her kick,” he confessed, kissing my stomach again.

                “Her?” I asked.

                “Yes. I’m one hundred percent sure we’re having a beautiful baby girl,” he said.

                “What if it’s a boy?”

                “It won’t be. This little one is definitely a girl,” he replied confidently.

                “Well then, she will definitely be a daddy’s girl,” I mused.

                “Of course she will. I’m going to spoil her rotten and love her to pieces.”

                I laughed and rolled my eyes. “Don’t spoil her too much. We don’t want her to turn into a Paris Hilton.”

                “She won’t. She’s going to be the sweetest and most beautiful little girl in the entire world.”

                I smiled widely as Niall talked to my stomach, showering it with kisses until I pulled him up to me. “You’re already the best dad in the world and she’s not even close to being born yet. I love you,” I said.

                “I love you, too. You’re the most gorgeous and amazing mother to ever walk the planet,” he told me, kissing me.

                “Better not let your mother hear you say that!” I scolded playfully.

                “Well you’re carrying my child. Of course you’re going to be the best mother.” Niall and I spent the rest of the day and night in bed, his hands constantly on my stomach as we kissed and talked about our future, excited to have someone else to share it with.

written by tumblr user:

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