By heartmeltinglove

118K 5.8K 2.1K

Picture this, a notorious guy in school, that's the most egoistic person you have meet, that obviously has th... More

I-"First day of hell."
III-The project.
IV-The actual detention
V-After school.
VI-Skipping school (Part1).
VII- Skipping school (part 2)
VIII- Skipping school(part 3)
IX- Project preparation (part 1)
X- Project preparation (part 2)
XI-Dinner out- part 1
XII-Dinner out- part2
CHAPTER 22-Why love has to be so difficult..?
Chapter 31-Sudden Date
43:The New Beginning
Contest No 1

Chapter 38- The Night of Terror

1.1K 64 29
By heartmeltinglove

The moment I saw the pictures in front of me , that were evidence of Diana's death I was totally shocked and devastated .My entire world turned upside down.My brain became numb .I couldn't understand what to do in situations like this.
Who wouldn't be shocked in the situation like this where you see the picture of your future husband as the killer of your cousin.?
The pictures and the evidences clearly revealed that Austin was in the hotel room of Diana on that day before she died.Which meant he was the last person to meet Diana before her death.
By their facials expressions anyone could tell they were having a huge fight on some issue.
I felt like I was riding a roller coaster of emotions.I was sad,shock,angry and also in disbelief and lots of many other emotions.My mind was not at all ready to accept that Austin must be killer of Diana but my brain was screaming with Anger.Austin is the killer.
I just wish my mind is right but at this very moment I was with my brain.I felt blood boiling inside me.My body was totally shaking I didn't know what to do next.So I did the first thing that striked my mind.
I instantly messaged Austin telling. " Our relation is over.I am not going to marry you anymore"
Just after the message was delivered my phone over flooded with Austins messages and calls.But I was in no mood to explain anything so I just switched of the cell phone to cut all the contacts from outside world.I just sat there silently staring at the shining stars.
I missed Diana a lot today.If she was here she would have told me what should I do in such situations.But she wasn't here.I was just alone sitting at our usual hangout place with just memories.
I don't know when I started crying actually but the next moment I remember I was crying loudly trying to remove out all the pain I had bottled inside me.
I don't know for how long I cried but A tight warm hug sobered me.
"Jenny darling,whats the matter dear?"
Hearing my mom's voice I gave up again.All the feelings that were bottled up inside me came out.I started crying again this time more severely.
I don't know why I was actually crying for Diana death or For Austin's lies but I was totally feeling hopeless and venerable.
"I miss her mom.I miss Diana a lot today."I spoke between my tears.
"I know sweetheart.Even we all do miss her.But you do remember that she hates crying, Right?"My mom said wiping my tears.
It was when I realized my mom was not alone she was with dad and Alec.I saw same expression on his face as on mine.I felt my heart break inside me.I knew he had feelings for Diana but his feelings were so Intense and true that I came to know today.At that very moment I decided to punish Austin or whoever who has killed Diana for Alec.I cant bring Diana back for him but least I can give justice to Diana.
"I broke up the marriage mom" I blurred out all of sudden.
"We are aware of that .Austin called."It was My dad who spoke out this time.
"Wait Jenny is going to get married?"Alec spoke all of sudden with glint of excitement in eyes.
"Sorry Alec but I was going marry.Now I am not marrying anyone." I explained.
"Jenny you can't break marriage over something.I don't know what happened between you guys but Jenny fights do take place in all relations that doesn't mean you have to break the marriage"My mom explained.
Agreeing to my moms words "Your moms right Jenny. Marriage is the beginning-the beginning of the family-and is a life-long commitment.You cant just break it over silly fight.We can solve the problem by talking dear."my dad further said
"No dad this problem cant be solved by talking.Mom Austin has- "I was about to say but was cut in middle by my overly protective brother
"Cheated on you?How dare that bastard cheat on my sister.I am going to kill him.Jenny give me his address."Alec said with gritted teeth.
Deep deep down I felt little good as old Alec was back but the pain was so much that I couldn't express my happiness
"What?Austin cheated on you?How dare he?"This time it wasn't my parents or Alec's voice but it was Beth's voice.

"And Recce is calling and messaging me to know whats the matter is ?How can he?"This was Alice this time

I was shocked to see Beth and Alice here.It was what I really needed though.My girlfriends.
"Guys what are you doing here?"I asked puzzled
"We heard about your marriage so we tried calling you.But as you weren't picking any of our calls we decided to come here"Alice explained hugging me tightly.
"Are you OK ?"she asked again with concerned filled eyes.I was about to nod my head when suddenly
"Are you gone nuts.How can she be OK after a fail marriage and cheater husband.?"Beth interrupted.
"I am going to kill that Idiot "Beth continued with anger clear in her voice.
"Go ahead.I am with you Girl"Alec said with same anger.
"Guys guys.Stop it Austin didn't cheat on me."
"See I knew it he wouldn't cheat on Jenny.He is a good guy"My mom said happily.
"Then why you canceled the marriage?"Alec asked.
"Urgghh..Its complicated."were just words I could speak this time.For which I was getting different glares from everyone.
"Lets go home.We can discuss on this topic later."My dad said breaking the tension.
"Actually we want to talk with Jenny for a while urgent so you guys proceed we will see you at home"Alice said addressing everyone.
Surprisingly everyone agreed .Now there were just three of us.They were giving me those intense glare which they give me when they know I am hiding something from them.
"Jenny we are not here to play staring game.We need valid explanation."Beth said finally frustrated.
"Guys I don't know how to tell you this"
"Obviously By your  mouth Jenny."Alice replied in duh tone
"I mean.I don't know from where to start?"
"How about starting from very beginning"Beth spoke up.
"Guys whats up with this silly answers"
"Damn why are you asking silly questions then"They both spoke simultaneously
"Enough with silliness guys.Jenny just tell whats the matter."Alice spoke this time.
"I guess this pictures will tell you whats the matter" I said handling them the pictures I had got from unknown man.
By the expression on their faces I thought they had got what I am thinking.But I was wrong.
"Woah. Austin was in relation with Diana even?" Alice said with surprise plastered on her entire face.
"Are you really breaking this marriage because of this.?"Beth asked joining Alice's league.
Gosh whats the matter with this two idiots today.
"Guys I am trying to tell you that I think maybe Austin is the one who has killed Diana"I said it all in one breath.
"No"they both shouted in unison.
"Are you out of our mind Jenny?"Beth said further
"Austin would never kill anyone."Alice said
"Even I had thought so.But this evidence tell different story."I said staring at the pictures
"What you mean?" Alice asked
"Look at the room in which they are standing guys.Its the same room in which Diana had been found death.Which means Austin is the person whom Diana had met last.Guys there has to be some connection."I tried explaining them.
"Whoa is this really that room?"Alice asked again
"Yeah"I said nodding my head
"Gosh I cant believe this"Alice said.
Tears had again started to form in the corner of my eyes.
"Aww Jenny don't cry.Just this pictures cant conclude that Austin has killed her.We will need some more valid  proofs."Beth said wiping my tears.
"What more proofs do you need Beth?"Alice spoke up. "I still don't believe Austin would kill anyone."
"I hope you are Right Beth.I really love Austin a lot. But I just cant be in a relation with a murderer of cousin."
"So thats the reason behind breaking the marriage?"Beth asked this time
"You did absolutely Right Jenny"Alice consoled.
"Guys we cant just put Austin in fault without knowing his side"Beth spoke up
" I am not able to decide what I should do now?"I said putting my face in my Hands 
"You should file a complaint against Austin"Alice spoke up
"Woah woah. Guys calm down don't you think we should talk about this with elders first."
                  Beth was Right.So we decided to listen to her as she is the one who always thinks practically.
As expected everyone was sitting in the hall waiting for me.Alec's parents were not there.I guess they must have returned home.As I entered the house Aunt hugged me tightly.
"I know Jenny you miss Diana a lot so do we but you shouldn't put your life at halt because of her"Aunt spoke up.
"Mom dad I know you guys are waiting for reason behind me canceling the marriage."
"So why don't you tell us?"My mom spoke up
"Should we go inside is there anything personal that we shouldn't know about?"My uncle spoke up.
"Yeah Jenny we can totally understand."Aunt added
"No.Its actually something related with you guys."I replied in low voice.My reply confused everyone.
Without wasting any time I spoke up."I have found the guy who must  have killed Diana."
"What?But reports had said that she had died of suicide"My Aunt spoke up surprised
"You really believe that shit?"I asked
"Who the hell is that guy?"Alec spoke up breaking the silence.
"Austin"I said staring directly at my parents to see their reactions.I can say they were frozen in  their spots for seconds.

"Add lots of shock ,crying ,Regret and Anger to your expression for many hours and you will know how I felt for the first time"I said staring at them

"Jenny do you even understand what are you actually talking?"My mom said shaking me slightly
"Mom I have evidences."
"What are you talking Jenny.Austin can never kill anyone." My dad said joining the conversation
"What evidences do you have?"My Uncle spoke.I saw a little hope in his eyes for the first time.
"Trust me we know this Austin Guy personally.Jenny ,I guarantee there is some kind of misunderstanding here."Dad spoke up.

"No dad there is no misunderstanding.Once you will see what I saw you will truly believe on me"

"Oh My God My daughter was killed and all this years I had been thinking her death was my mistake as I haven't grown her  up well"My Aunt spoke up .Tears were already wailing up in her eyes

"No Aunt you were the best mom and Diana was best child among us. Dont ever doubt yourself"Alec said hugging Aunt tightly

"Yeah Aunty   Alec is Right.Diana died because of some Idiot. Dont worry I will find out the culprit behind it and Give Diana expected justice"

"No Jenny,I am gonna kill Austin.How dare he kill our Diana"Alec spoke all set to kill someone

"Stop you guys we cant take law in our hand we will do case against him if the Evidences are powerful."Uncle spoke up

"Jenny show us the evidents"Dad demanded

I showed them the photographs.

"Jenny what are this photographs about?"My mom asked surprised

"Mom this are evidence,By this photographs it is damn clear that Austin had met Diana in that hotel room in fact Austin must have been the last person Diana had actually met"

"Jenny I still cant believe this.Austin is a nice guy."Mom said

"Mom sometimes situations force people to do few things.I am not telling Austin have killed Diana I am just telling Austin must have killed Diana.Whats the harm in checking it out?"

"I think Jenny is Right.We will go to Austin's house tomorrow with police officers.They will look into the matter".Alec said 

With this said every body went to their respective rooms.I bet no one would sleep everyone was just waiting for morning.

God I just hope my doubt is wrong


Austin's POV

I was desperately waiting for night as jenny was going to message me at night.But her message
"Our marriage is over "in the evening shocked me. I felt a sharp sort of ache in my belly My brain literally stopped functioning.I tried calling and messaging her lots of time but she didn't picked up any of the call or replied to any of the messaging.
So I got fed up of trying to contact with jenny.I then tried calling Jenny's mom dad.Luckily jenny's dad picked up the phone second time.
"Is everything alright there uncle?"I asked them all of sudden.
" Ya son.Everything is totally fine.Whats the matter Austin you seemed to be extremely tensed" her dad spoke up.
"Then why did jenny break the marriage.?"I asked again without answering their question.
I was expecting for some kind of reason from them but I was just greeted by same shocked and confused words.
"What?Jenny broke up with you ? When?"

"She messaged me about this earlier."I told the truth

"Dont worry son I will talk with Jenny immediately and call you soon"Her dad said disconnecting the line.

Now I had no other chance than waiting for their calls.So I conference called Recce and River and explained them all the situation.I am lucky enough to have friends like this.As they reached my house in just fifteen minutes.
"You are joking with us Right? "Recce asked.
"Do my face look like I am joking ?"
"No.Its means you serious.Jenny really broke the marriage?"River asked
"I am really not getting whats going on.I called her parents but even they don't know anything about this either."I explained
"Let me call Alice and ask her"Recce said removing his mobile out .

He tried calling Alice after but the surprisingly shocking thing happened.Alice didn't pick up the call.

"Damn she rejected my call.She never does this."Recce said frustrated .

Recce was saying the truth Alice never ever rejects Recce's call even if she is in any sort of emergency.

"I think something very bad is going to happen."I spoke up my feelings

"Shut up dude.She must be busy somewhere."River said

"Its just not about Alice dude.Many weird and unbelievable things are happening which are forcing me to think in this manner"

"Just chill dude.Every thing will be fine.Jenny's dad has told he will call later lets wait for his call "River informed

River was Right we didn't had any other chance other than waiting for his call.That wait for fews hours literally seemed like long endless years .We were all literally sitting in the hall with all the cellphones in the house.Yeah We were that desperate

Finally after fews hours my phone rang the name on the screen told that its from Jenny's dad though I was waiting for this call desperately I suddenly felt my nerves tingling like being tickled with a small feather , my palms became all sweaty, my heart started racing, I was extremely scared to know what was about to happen.I knew I had to pick up the phone but I didn't had enough guts to pick up the phone. Luckily Recce picked up the call for me.Gathering up all the energy in me I spoke up "Hello"

I put the phone on speaker so that I wouldn't have tell my friends everything later

"Hey son.I know you are worried about Jenny and waiting for the reason about why she has canceled the marriage all of sudden.I would have told you the reason but she has strictly warned me to not to tell you the reason."

"Is it something very bad?"I asked . My palms got really sweaty again.

Damn I was so scared and nervous

"I cant tell you the intensity of the reason I can only tell you that she will be at your house in the morning you will know the reason then"
I was about to ask further questions but I it was of no use as Jenny's dad had already kept the phone.I just stood frozen with a phone in my hand staring at nothing in particular.I had no other option rather than waiting for morning .I had to just Wait for my life to be ruined further.

"Austin just relax dude.I gurantee there must be some sort of misunderstanding which would be surely solved in the morning"

"I dont think so dude I seriously feel like something very bad is about to happen"

I was trying to think what the matter would have been but my poor brain wasn't able to recollect anything that must have gone wrong.I tried to convince myself that when I meet her tomorrow we will talk things out and she would accept me again . Maybe I have wronged something that I would correct myself and everything would be back to normal. I would ask for Just one chance and maybe then everything will be back on track.

It was then I realised that I was Back at the place again where I was few years earlier.Scared and Heartbroken and madly in love. I felt Hopeless, despondent, desperate. It was the worst emotional pain I have been through in my life, by far.I felt anger boiling inside me for breaking the promise that I had made with myself.I felt awful for falling in love again

Life is Maze, Love is a Riddle!

I never saw this End of marriage thing coming, and was so naive to this that I Never even entertained the thought that this relationship would ever end. It just wasn't an option.

That whole night was like a terror night .I was literally scared like a student who is scared before his exam results.All I knew was few hours later my life would not be the same.I couldn't even blink properly for entire night sleep was totally out of question.

Luckily River and Recce were always beside me encouraging me and supporting me.I wont ever forget them.Finally the Night of terror faded and a new day started.

At somewhat 8 'o clock I heard a doorbell ring.I knew it was jenny now.I felt my pulse quicken and heartbeat beginning to speed.

I went up to Slowly door and opened it .I sucked in a shaky breath, feeling my throat constrict. Panic rose like bile in my body. I suddenly didn't know how to speak. I just stood blankly, staring up at the terror before me. My palms were clammy, and it was all I could do not to knot my fingers together. "Hello." I managed, the word rolling out of my mouth like tumbleweed.


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