Finding Love (Vegeta x Goku)

By Wolfrider14

243K 6.5K 2.1K

Goku and Vegeta mated one afternoon only for the prince to storm off. When the heartbroken saiyan came home... More

How Did This Happen?
Unexpected Help
Meeting The King
Vegeta's Punishment
Chi-Chi's Stupidity
More Horrors
Fur Flying
Family Moment
The Ranting
Goten and Trunks
Slight Scare
Turles Plotting
The Vegetas Face Off
New Pet
Picnic Blues
Pregnant Wrath
New Cub
First Night
Father Son Talk
Kalious Festival
Bad News
Tense Wait
Scary Dream
Late Night Visit
Good Dream
Almost There
Escape Attempt
Finally Here
Bardock's Battle
Vegeta Joins In
Planet Fall
Shiveria's End
Cubs Calling
Misunderstandings Between Mates
Back Home
Doctors and Dreams
Not So Good News
Back On Earth
Dashed Hopes
One Last Option
Last Minute Worries
Finally Talking
Surprise Gifts
Time Together
Going Home
Keeping Love Preview

Goku Finds Out

6.7K 172 40
By Wolfrider14

I just want you guys to know that Tarble is not married to Gure. I've got nothing against her, but I have other plans for our young prince.

Goku winced as a sharp kick from his unborn baby struck one of his kidneys. He rubbed his swollen belly with a fond smile feeling the life and strong energy within him. He looked equivalent to a six month pregnant woman, and he still had three more months to go. He couldn't believe how fast time flew.

Saiyan pregnancies were two months shorter than human ones, and Goku was grateful for that. As much as he enjoyed carrying, he couldn't wait for it to be over. What he really hated about being pregnant was how defenseless he was, and that he had to rely on others to protect him. It made him feel anxious at times.

He shook his head at the thought as he turned to look around the room he was still adjusting to ever since King Vegeta gave it to him. Room, however, might be pushing it seeing as Goku and his family had a wing on the royal level of the palace. The beta was given the most protected set of rooms within the wing.

Goku had a sitting room just inside the main door that had all sorts of comfortable chairs and couches. It, along with the rest of the chambers, were decorated tastefully in grays and blues. There was a fire place along the back wall, and on either side of it were doors that connected to his father's and his brother's rooms.

There was a study off to the left of the sitting room with a large desk. There he was taught more about the saiyan culture and politics so in case he needed to rule before his cub was old enough. Strangely, he enjoyed the lessons quite a bit and was able to grasp things quickly. There was a window in the study that looked over a courtyard, and that allowed some pease of mind when he needed a break.

Along that same wall, was a smaller bedroom that belonged to Goten, but the beta felt better if his cub was sleeping with him, so the boy hadn't been in there too much. The room was like the master bedroom, just on a smaller scale.

On the right side of the room were his bedroom and bathroom room. These two were Goku's favorite out of his whole chambers. The bathroom was gray and white marble. There was a large, deep soaker tub that could hold Raditz, Bardock, and Goku all at the same time, and a shower where the water came down like rain. A sink was beside a full length mirror that was placed beside the door to his bed room.

That room just screamed comfort. The bed was absolutely huge with soft blue sheets and blankets. Gray and black furs also covered the bed, and it was built to resemble a den like the one Bardock had in his old house. Another fire place was at the opposite side of the bathroom door, and a large balcony was located on the far side of the room. The view was of the capital city and distance mountains of Vegetasei.

All and all Goku loved it.

He reclined on a plush couch laying sideways on it. He was dressed in black gi pants with a crimson shirt that stretched over his belly. Today was his day free from studying, and he was waiting for his energetic son to come back from his lessons. The boy had become so much happier since they left Earth, and Goku felt so relieved.

It took some time to coax Goten out of the shell he built when he lived with Chi-Chi, but with the help of his father, grandfather, uncle, and new tutor, he was now a bright ball of sunshine. It broke the beta's heart to see how timid the cub was after they first got here. He would cling to any of his family members as he looked around with scared eyes as if waiting for his mother to come out of the shadows.

"Daddy! I'm back!" A cheerful voice put a smile on his face as a blur came straight towards him. It stopped right beside him with a giggle. The submissive ruffled the wild black spikes on his son's head with a warm look in his eyes. The boy adapted to saiyan lifestyle with ease, and wanted to were armor like his grandfather all the time. It was an easy request to grant.

"Goten! Please stop running off like that! I'm not as fast as you!" A voice huffed as a small form came through the still open door. "Oh! Consort Kakarot! I thought you were taking lessons today. Forgive the intrusion." Goku looked up with another smile directed to the saiyan at the door.

It was a male that looked like he was in his late teens. He had on a blue full bodysuit with red and white armor. White gloves and white boots covered hands and feet, and a brown tail swished freely behind the small, slender body. The male had flame shaped hair with a single bang that hung in the middle of his forehead.

"Don't worry about it, Tarble, and stop calling me Consort. We are brothers after all." Goku watched as King Vegeta's youngest son blushed a bit as he walked further in shutting the door behind him. "I hope Goten wasn't too much of a handful today. He just can't seem to sit still." The father playful teased his son as he tickled the cub's nose with his tail.

"No, he was very well behaved today. We covered more than I thought we would." Tarble shook his head as he watched Goten swat at the black tail. He took a seat across from Goku once he was waved to sit. The smaller male really enjoyed the company of the other gentle saiyan.

Tarble was sent away to a remote planet a few months after he was born to protect him from Frieza. The second prince was born a beta, and the king worried that the lizard would sell Tarble off if he ever got his hands on him. The prince was shocked when he got contacted by his father to come back home.

As soon as he could, Tarble packed up his stuff and left in an attack ball bound for Vegetasei. The young saiyan arrived about two months ago and was made Goten's tutor once he got back to Vegetasei. Once he was introduced to Goku and learned the story of what happened, he immediately started to admire the other beta.

Goku liked Tarble much more than any of the other saiyans save for his brother and father. The younger prince was not like the typical saiyan, and he appreciated that. The taller beta would coach Tarble on how to train to increase his power level, and his student was making excellent progress. So much so that King Vegeta was impressed at his youngest growth.

"Kakarot, how much longer do you have?" The slender male asked as he eyed the swollen belly. His fingers twitch as the urge to cover his own flat stomach came over him. He was happy for his friend, but he was a little envious as well. Kakarot seemed to glow when he felt safe, and Tarble wanted to find a mate of his own. Unfortunately, none of the warriors piqued his interest.

"A little over two months. He's a strong little cub. I can't wait until he's out." Goku winced again as he was kicked. Goten climbed up to sit on his dad's lap, and he placed a small hand on the bump to feel his younger brother moving around. The boy could sit there and just concentrate on that feeling for hours if he could.

"I think your cub will be the first one born since Vegetasei came back. Father is extremely proud that it is his grandson. I think he going to throw a celebration soon after the birth. Something about this being the start of a new saiyan race or something like that. Personally, I think he wants to show off." He rolled his eyes at the thought. Goku giggled at the look on the other's face.

"Well, maybe he wants to do both. I mean, it will be a fresh start for our race without Frieza controlling our actions." He shifted a bit to relieve the ache in his lower back, and give Goten more space on his shrinking lap. "And why shouldn't he be proud? It is his grandson. I mean, you should see my father when he's not snarling at the alphas. You'd almost think that it's his son not grandson with the way he's acting!"

Tarble absentmindedly nodded in response as he looked off to the side. He was so distracted by his thoughts, he never noticed that his tail was curling over itself in different formations. The larger beta watch the other's tail with a frown growing on his face. He hated to see his friend so worked up.

"You know, Tarble, you'll find your alpha one day." The young prince was taken aback at the unexpected statement. The older submissive didn't look at his friend, but kept his eyes trained on his son that was curling up on his lap for a nap. A small hand and tail rested on Goku's stomach, and sleepy eyes followed his hand as it moved.

"Don't give up hope just yet. Perhaps your alpha hasn't made it back to Vegetasei yet. Raditz told me there are still several signals coming from deep space." A large hand carded through messy black spikes as he looked over at the still shocked beta. The poor boy looked so surprised that he didn't appear to be breathing. "Breath, Tarble. Don't pass out on me." Goku smiled teasingly.

Tarble blinked a few times as he looked at the other in astonishment. The older beta's gift of empathy never ceased to amaze the prince especially when it came to the House of Vegeta. It didn't matter how stoic one looked Kakarot was able to read them like an open book. That ability will be very helpful once he started to take on some of the Consort's duties after he gives birth.

"Thank you, Kakarot. You always know just what to say. I'll try and keep that in mind." Tarble got a warm smile from the larger saiyan. The younger submissive settled back deeper in the chair with a sigh, hoping he would meet his alpha soon.

Goku looked back down at his son with a soft smile but it soon turned into a frown once he felt over a puckered piece of skin at the base of Goten's skull. It was in a similar location to his own scar, but this one was larger and more twisted. Strong fingers felt over the scar, and he flinched as he thought how it came to be.

The first time he found it, the submissive asked his son how he got it. The boy had turned white and started to shake. Goku had immediately scooped up the cub and held him tight to his chest as Goten broke down in sobs. It took awhile to get the half blood to calm down, but once he did the story he told horrified his father, uncle, and grandfather.

Chi-Chi would smack and yell a lot at Goten, but nothing left a mark like that before. Saiyans had a more resilience than humans and several other species, so it takes a lot of force or the right weapon to leave a mark Most of the physical attacks weren't physically felt, but emotionally felt, except for the scar on the back of the cub's head.

It had been just after Goten transformed into a super saiyan for the first time when he was five, a few years before Gohan found out. Chi-Chi wasn't so cruel back then, but that would soon change. He underestimated his own strength and kicked her threw a wall when they were training one day.

Once the woman had gotten a good look at her youngest son, she went crazy. The transformation caused Goten's tail to grow back, and the sight of her little boy looking so much like his saiyan father made something shift inside of her.

She thought Goten was a monster. First Chi-Chi blamed herself thinking that she had done something wrong for giving birth to such a creature. Then she blamed Goku for slipping her the child before he went and got himself killed when he left to fight Cell. Finally she blamed the boy himself.

Chi-Chi went and got the hatchet that was close to where she landed. Goten was looking around so frantically for him mother that he never noticed the attack until it was too late. The edge of the blade hit the base of his skull and shattered. The demi-saiyan survived and remained conscious, but he was disoriented.

Chi-Chi quickly took the boy inside and violently cut his new tail off. Goten could feel every single centimeter that was severed, and he could hear every word his mother called him and his father while she worked. It wasn't long before a whimpering cry Chi-Chi finally alerted her that her son was awake.

She twisted the tail in her hand, and what was still attached to Goten caused him to scream. The woman also dug her fingers in the new gash on the back of hie head when he still clung to the waking world. The pain allowed the poor cub to sink into blissful unconsciousness, but the last thing he saw was a satisfied smile growing on his mother's face.

When Goten finally woke up, he was surrounded by Gohan, Bulma, Vegeta, Trunks, and his mother. He never told anyone what happen, he claimed he didn't remember anything that happened that day, and the cub lived in fear until Goku took him away.

The door to Goku's chambers flew open making Tarble scramble to his feet in case it was an unauthorized saiyan that managed to get past the guards, but the massive amounts of hair put the younger prince at ease. He took his seat again as Raditz shut the door behind him while grumbling under his breath.

"Quite, brother. Goten's asleep." Goku softly spoke with a finger held to his lips. The alpha nodded and made sure the heavy doors didn't slam close. After that was done, Raditz threw himself on one of the couches close by the two betas and covered his eyes with one burly arm. His tail unraveled from his waist to hang limply over the side of the furniture.

Goku and Tarble shared confused glance with each other. Normally, the long haired warrior would come back to the wing after dinner. King Vegeta put Raditz in charge of training the palace guards along with the revived Nappa, who was still mad at Vegeta for killing him. With the restoration of the saiyans, a significant number of warriors and guards had not come back.

It was a large amount of work, but Raditz seemed to enjoy it. This was out of character for the dominant to come storming in his brother's rooms like he did. Normally, he would take out his frustrations on training some of the weaker members so they could increase their strength.

"Raditz..." Kakarot was a bit hesitant to address his older brother. "What happened?" His wide eyes blinked as he tilted his head in confusion, doing his best to appear as innocent as possible. It was a trick he learned over time, and it seemed to calm his brother and father down whenever they got frustrated.

Tarble clapped a hand over his mouth with a blush at the cute picture the older beta made, and the sound made the Raditz lift his arm to look at his brother. Seeing the look he was getting made a slight flush stain his cheeks. It was like looking a basket of puppies, and it could melt even the coldest heart.

"It's father. He and King Vegeta found Turles close to Earth two weeks ago." Goku flinched at the name of the planet. Raditz gave him a sympathetic look. "Turles is going to stop there to deliver a message to Vegeta before he comes here. The idiot is going to get here sometime today, and father is pissed." He finished as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

A whimper drew Raditz's and Tarble's attention to a pale and trembling pregnant beta. His eyes were wide with fear and anxiety. Goku's hands fisted on one of the pillows on the couch to keep them from grabbing Goten and waking his cub up. He swallowed a few times before he could bring himself to speak.

"W-what did the message say? Did the king mention anything about the baby or me?" The scent of fear was permeating the room made Raditz's lip twitch in an aborted snarl, and made Tarble squirmed in his seat feeling anxious. The long haired saiyan shook his head, but the look in his eyes did nothing to calm his brother down.

"It was mostly about telling Vegeta how proud he was over his accomplishments. After that the king went into chewing him out over how he treated you, and his punishment. King Vegeta didn't mention you by name, but I know Vegeta is intelligent enough to put the pieces together. Turles might do something stupid while he's there too." The dominant finished as he closed his eyes and ran a hand through his hair.

Goku shook harder at the image of Vegeta he last saw, and felt blood drain from his face.

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