facade | ambraige

By madametae

21.3K 762 25

fa·cade fəˈsäd noun definition : an outward appearance that is maintained to conceal a less pleasant or credi... More

1. E X H A U S T I O N
2. S T U M B L E
3. H Y P N O T I C
4. A N G E L
5. S A V I O R
6. A N G E L B O Y
7. F L E S H
8. R E V O L U T I O N
10. B R E A K D O W N
11. W A T C H E D
12. S A F E H A V E N
13. P A N I C
14. V U L T U R E
15. A N I M A L S
16. I M P E R F E C T I O N S
17. S A I N T
18. D E A R E S T
19. H A P P Y
20. M Y S E L F
21. S L E E P
22. L I F E
23. F I G H T E R
24. H E R O
25. P R O U D
26. L I V I N G
27. E N E M I E S
28. L U C K [ F I N A L ]

9. O X Y G E N

663 22 0
By madametae

I was watching Paige's match backstage against Carmella with Seth and he looked sickly almost.

His face was pale and he looked nauseous. I saw the sadness in his eyes and I knew he didn't want to do this storyline.

"Seth, are you alright man?"

He just shook his head no and a tear fell out of his eye.

Halfway through the match Seth stood up.

"Where are you going?"

He didn't answer and I watched him walk out of the door. My eyebrows furrowed when I heard his music hit.

Paige turned around from Carmella who was lying on the floor. She was fuming. The veins were threatening to pop out of her neck at anytime.

My girlfriend was an amazing actress.

Seth walked out with a cocky smile strewn across his face.

"What the hell do you want Rollins!?"

His music stopped as he held a microphone up to his lips.

"I want to make you an offer Paige.."

"And what would that be?"

Seth cackled and threw his head back. Paige kicked the bottom rope violently.

His laugh came to an abrupt stop and his face was stone cold.

"I want you to join the Authority."

Now it was Paige laughing.

"Very funny Rollins. Now go back to the locker room and continue being Steph and Trips little bitch."

Damn. She was feisty.

The crowd started chanting "Little bitch! Little bitch!"

Seth was unaffected by it as he smiled when she turned around to knock Carmella back down with a superkick.

"That's not what you said when you were screaming my name last night."

The crowd made boisterous noises. I felt anger coming. I knew it wasn't true but it still struck a cord with me.

"Join the Authority Paige. It's simply, what's best for business."

Paige smirked.

"How about instead of saying my answer, I'll show you."

She bounced off the ropes, nailing a curbstomp on Carmella and sealing her spot as the number one contender for the Divas title.




"In case any of you mindless people didn't understand what my answer is, my answer is YES."

My stomach dropped. I didn't know this storyline was starting so soon.

The crowd booed her as she walked up to Seth.

"You're mine now."

My heart was filled with dread as those words left Seth's mouth and as I watched him put his lips on hers, I knew I had to leave before I did something that would get me in trouble.

I stormed out of the room until I was stopped by Stephanie.

"Oh no Ambrose. You're not going anywhere. You have a match tonight. Actually, you have TWO matches tonight. Your first one will be against Seth and Randy Orton. Your second one will be against Brock Lesnar. Have fun. By the way, you're up next. And did I mention, they're back to back."

I growled as she walked away. That bitch! I was going to be crawling out of the arena tonight.

I saw Paige come in from the gorilla and the image of Seth and her kissing replayed like a record in my head.

I gripped my hair, pulling at the ends. I could feel the veins in my neck and arms. I was trying not to self destruct, but it was so hard not to.

I felt her arms around me. She held me overwhelming close to her body as she restrained my arms from my face.

I sobbed against her shoulder and fell weak in her grip.

"Dean, It breaks my heart to see you like this. I'll tell Stephanie I don't want to do the storyline, I don't care if she fires me, I can't let you do this to yourself."

The fact that she would lose her job for me made me cry even harder.

"Time to break up the sob fest. Get out there Dean."

I whimpered at Stephanie's demand and tried to walk to the gorilla but Paige increased her tight grip on me.

"He's not going anywhere."

"Paige please. Just let me go, I deserve it."

I struggled against her but I freed myself. My music hit and I solemnly walked through the curtain.

It felt like there was water in my ears. The crowd's pop for me was muffled and it felt like hours before I made it to the ring. I leant against the turnbuckles for support as Seth and Randy came out.

The last thing I heard before I was pummeled was Seth's words.

"I'm sorry brother."

My vision was blurred and I couldn't feel anything. I didn't even feel the RKO or the curbstomp that was done on my body. I don't know how long the match lasted but Seth won.

I laid there on the mat, my bruised and battered body in a heap. I looked up at the bright lights of the arena when they went out and darkness enveloped me as Brock came out.

Brock Lesnar made me a dead man. I was immune to the feeling in my body, even when a steel chair connected with my skull.

I endured seventeen German suplexes. My brain was so foggy I could barely think.

These were the times when my anxiety attacks were deadly. I felt my body start to convulse and all of a sudden I couldn't breathe.

My eyes widened as I clawed at my neck. My mouth was foaming and I was desperately trying to get OXYGEN.

The last thing I saw before unconsciousness won, was Paige in hysterics.

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