Alternate Allegiant Ending~it...

By jojo9635

51.2K 1.2K 255

"She survived Tobias. Just go to see her." Christina said and then I already was off - running towards her. D... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter Tobias (4)
Chapter 5
Chapter Tris (6)
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87

Chapter 2

1.5K 32 8
By jojo9635

3 week later:
Tobias pov:
"Tobias this is only logical!" Dr Smith says but i just glare at him. "No! Never!" I answer shouting. "It is the next step!" "But i don't want to take it!" He looks at me instensly. "You won't take her off!" I insist. "Just let me explain..." he says. "Alright, but i won't change my mind." He nods and we sit on two chairs infront of Tris' room. She still is at the intensiv station but they finished her surgery so you just have to put on these weird gowns. "Ok, so she is on life support for one week now and the only thing we want to do is wait one more week. And if she doesn't wake up till than she probably won't wake up at all." He explains. "Can you garantee that she won't wake up after another week, or two?" He hestitates and than shakes his head no. "And untill the chance is zero i won't allowe to take her off." "But Tobias, if she stays like this for, for example a month, she will have massive brain damage." He says and i shout: "I don't care! She would still be my Tris!" I am on the verge of tears now. I will always love her. No matter what state! "But how will her life be? She probably won't be able to run, walk or maybe even talk. She might even not remember any of you, or your friends!" I just shake my head no and he sighs. "Well than sign this. It only says that i told you all the risks." I read through the paper carefully and than sign it.

Time laps evening:
I am sitting next to Tris. I always talk to her when i'm here and hold her hand. I sometimes kiss her forhead but mostly not because it always reminds me off how she isn't really here with me anymore. I just stare at her when suddenly someone suddenly nocks impatient. "Come in!" I shout and christina bursts through the door. "Uriah, he-he woke up!" She shouts and i jump up. I let go off Tris' hand and run out, following Christina. We only have to run a short distant and than burst through the door. And there he is, Uriah. Sitting upright in bed, smiling slightly. I smile as well. Zeke and Hanna are both crying and the first thing i hear from Uri is: "Zeke you pansycake!" We all laugh and Uri looks around. "Where is Trissy?" All of our smiles fall and Zeke speaks up: "she is in a coma." Uri looks sad "why?" I excuse myself, not wanting to hear all of it again, and step out. Suddenly i see a huge mass of people at tris' door. I fasten my step. What happend? Why did i walk away? I finally reach the door and the sight makes me tear up. Dr smith is shocking Tris. "Charge to 500!" What 500??? Normally it started to beat at 300... i can just watch it, unable to move. When still nothing happens and they all look like they want to stop i burst inside and scream: "NO DON'T STOP!" They look at me with pitty. "Tobias..." dr smith starts but i interrupt him: "No please! One more try! I know she can make it!" tears are streaming down my face and dr smith sighs and takes the paddles. "Charge to 300!" She has to survive! She will survive! I know she will! And than suddenly i hear a *beep, beep* and her heartbeat is back. Dr Smith looks stunned and i smile uncontrolably. I take Tris hand and squeeze it. I whisper in her ear: "Wake up! I love you!" Dr Smith exists the room and Christina comes in. "Hey what happend?" She asks concerned. "Her-her heart stopped beating. For at least a minute but it started again." "Oh!" Is all she says. She sits next to Tris and takes her other hand.
After a few minutes Christina speeks up: "Tobias, you should eat something. She wouldn't want you to don't take care of yourself." "No i can't leave her." I answer. "Don't be so stupborn! Just visit Uriah" and that is were i explode: "HOW? HOW CAN I HAVE FUN WHEN SHE IS GONE? TELL ME HOW?"
Tris pov:
My body feels so numb. I can slightly hear voices. First a womans voice whispers something and than i can finally make out words. "How? How can i have fun when she is gone? Tell me how?" A mans voice says. After that everything is quiet but than suddenly i hear the door slam. The womans voice says: "Tris! We all miss you. Uriah woke up and he already asked for you. We all miss and need you. Exspacially Tobias, he is getting crazy." Than i feel her lightly squeezing my hand. Wait! I can feel my hand! I force all of my strenge into a finger of my right hand, where i felt the squeeze. I feel it move against the palm of her hand. She suddenly says: "Tris?" Unsure whether what she felt was real. I move my finger again and she talks again: "Omg Tris! Can you hear me? If yes move your finger again!" I move my finger again and she squeels. I want to cover my ears but instead force my eyes to open. I feel them flutter open and i'm greated by a blinding white light. I close my eyes again but the woman keeps encouraging me. "Come on tris! I know you can do it!" I force them open again. This time it's easier to leave them open. I look around and finally my vision gets a little bit less blurry. I can focus on the woman. She looks somehow familiar and she is wearing black. She has tears in her eyes and smiles. "Hey!" She whispers and i smile as well. Finally everything is getting sharper. I'm in a hospital. What am i doing her? Suddenly the woman stands up and shouts: "I'll be back in a minute!" And runs out.
Tobias pov:
I'm sitting at the cafeteria with food infront of me, still untouched. "Come on Tobias! You have to eat something." Cara says and i sigh and put the first fork of food in my mouth. As soon as i took the first bite i start digging in and Cara laughs. Suddenly i hear Chris' voice from outside "Tobias! TOBIAS!" OH MY GOD! Something must have happend to Tris! I jump up and run towards her voice with Cara behind me. I turn the corner and collide with Christina. "Ouuuch!" She whines. She has tears all over her face. No, no, no she can't be dead! I love her to much! Than a happy expression is plastered on her face and she says: "Tris woke up!" My mind processes what she just said  and it feels unbelievable! But as soon as i realise that this isn't a cruel joke. I start running.
I dash through the doors of her room. Thrilled to finally see her blue-gray eyes again. Dr Smith and matthew are standing next to her with a worried expression but i ignore them. "Hello Tris." I say and want to kiss her but suddenly she croaks: "Stop!" I stop dead in my tracks and look at her questioning. The only thing i see in her face is confusion. "Who are you? You can't just kiss me!" She says and i gasp. "Tris, Tris it's me! Tobias!"
Tris pov:
"Tris, Tris it's me! Tobias!" I look at this handsome boy infront of me. Somewhere deep inside of me i think i know him. "Sorry i don't remember you." I say and his face falls and he looks like he is about to cry.

Uhhh cliffhanger 😄
Hope you liked it


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