The Curse Of Power

Door Sereena1246

3.8K 70 8

This is the Normal Life of Brianna Waters and Dimitrius Wetmore. Age 15 was the year, or people say, but they... Meer

Chapter 1 The Curse Of Power
Chapter 2 The Curse of Power
Chapter 3 The Curse of Power
Chapter 4 The Curse of Power
Chapter 5 The Curse of Power
Chapter 6 The Curse of Power
Chapter 7 The Curse of Power
Chapter 8 The Curse of Power
Chapter 9 The Curse of Power
Chapter 10 The Curse of Power
Chapter 11 The Curse of Power
Chapter 12 The Curse of Power
Chapter 13 The Curse of Power
Chapter 14 The Curse of Power
Chapter 15 The Curse of Power
Chapter 16 The Curse of Power
Chapter 18 The Curse of Power
Chapter 19 The Curse of Power
Chapter 20 The Curse of Power
Chapter 21 The Curse of Power
Chapter 22 The Curse of Power
Chapter 23 The Curse of Power
Chapter 24 The Curse of Power
Chapter 25 The Curse of Power
Chapter 26 The Curse of Power
Chapter 27 The Curse of Power
Chapter 28 The Curse of Power
Chapter 29 The Curse of Power
Chapter 30 The Curse of Power
Chapter 31 The Curse of Power
Author Note:
Immortality: Chapter One
Immortality: Chapter Two
Immortality: Chapter Three
Immortality: Chapter Four
Immortality: Chapter Five
Immortality: Chapter Six:
Immortality: Chapter Seven
Immortality: Chapter Eight
Immortality: Chapter Nine
Immortality: Chapter Ten:
Immortality Chapter Eleven:
Immortality Chapter Twelve:
Immortality Chapter Thirteen:
Immortality Chapter Fourteen
Immortality Chapter Fifteen:
Author's Note

Chapter 17 The Curse of Power

92 2 0
Door Sereena1246

A/N: Hey Guys I'm back! Whoo! So this chapter it long but it's a good chapter. Enjoy!


I woke up to quickly. My eyes are unfocused. Are we there or is it just one of those stops? My neck hurts. I can barely move it. Note to self: never sleep on Bree while on a bus, train, airplane, etc… I sit straight and rub my neck with my hands. Trying to get all the knots out of it.

“Finally your awake, it’s been like 5 hours since I actually talk to someone,” Bree glanced at me smiling. I look behind me to see they all gone to sleep and Austin still on her shoulder. He’s going to regret that decision. Bree looked revealed to move her arm again and ran her hand through her wavy blond mess of hers that she never got to brush. I reach over and pluck a twig out of her hair. She looked embarrassed. I laughed silently and kissed her forehead. A waitress came by and said, “this is your stop” we nodded and she walked off. She was a cute waitress; too bad I can’t get her number. I stare at her as she walked to the back and disappeared behind the door. Bree hit me in the stomach, “Come on wake the others up already,” I smiled, and woke them up. All of them are droopy and lazy. It took a while to get off, but we finally manage. The bus driver got mad at us and threatens us, but we’re off now. Bree went to the big map posted on the wall and dragged her finger across it on a bus pass, to another one, to another on, until she stopped to where there is one close to Vaughan, then she looked to see a train close there that takes us to Huntsville. I know where were going now. I look at the prices; we’re going to have enough for 4 people. Shit. Bree did her frustration sign and ran her fingers through her hair, but kept her hand there.

“You know where we’re going?” she asked me.

“Yea, your planning to split aren’t you?” she nodded her head, “we have to, I’ll hitchhike with someone, while you take the train and bring them there. It’s the only way to do it”

Austin came and put his arms around her waist. I really hope he doesn’t hurt her because I swear to hurt him back. He lifted his arms as in the surrender position, hinting that he got my message. Then he put one arm around her shoulder.

“So what’s the plan?” he asked.

She sighed, “we going to need to split when we get into Vaughan”

Austin nodded, seems a little disappointed but the news, but not too much. “Who’s going with who?” he asked.

“I’m going on the train with three other people, while Bree goes with someone and hitchhike to Huntsville” I said. He nodded, “I’ll go with Bree, while you take Darren, Schuyler, and Sage.”

“Not likely” I said. Bree glared at me, sending me a message in my head, you can’t tell me what to do with my life. Stop protecting me. I can handle Austin.

I rolled my eyes, and shook my head no. I’m not giving up this fight.

“Fine, I’ll take Darren and Sage then, so we have more money, and you could take Schuyler and Austin. Just saying, Austin and I are together, like you are with Schuyler. I’m dealing with it and you should too,” Bree said. She took Austin’s arm off of her and stormed to the bathroom to clean up. Schuyler and me? Together? What is she talking about?

“She’s talking about how you pretty much made out with Schuyler in front of her” Austin said.

“I’d never do that to her or that I made out with Schuyler,” I said. Austin gave me a confused look, and then realization took over it. He groaned, “oh no”

“Oh no what?” I asked.

“What do you know about Schuyler’s powers?”

I thought about it, “I only know that she is struggling”

“Okay, then that means you know nothing, so Schuyler has three powers, yes you can have more then one power but usually three is the max or you wont know how to control it anymore, so one of Schuyler’s powers is compulsion. Do you know what that is?”

I nodded my head. Brainwashing. Great she brainwashed me. Austin stood there thinking or looking into her head for answers, whichever one, “oh I see, Schuyler likes me, but she knows that she can’t have me anymore because of Bree, so wanted to move on so instead she went for you, but you were trying to protect Bree from me which made it harder for her to move on so without meaning to she accidentally compelled you.”


“Austin, you need to tell her that. She won’t believe me.” Now that I’m thinking about it, does Bree have two powers? No she can’t, can she?

“I’ll do it and to answer your question about Bree, its yes she does have two powers, telepathic and telekinesis, but I consider that one power because both of those powers are in the same place of the mind”

“When have you become such a geek?” I muttered under my breath. He laughed so hard he doubled over and fell to the ground that’s when I hear an ear splitting scream in my mind.


I can’t breath! This crazy guy is pinning me to the wall and choking me. I stared at this guy with wide eyes full of fear. I’m going to die. I realized that anything I throw at him it goes through him. I’m hopeless, defeated, and now vulnerable. I hate it, but I can’t do anything about it. Why me? Why am I always the one to get in trouble? My vision is dieing. My lungs are burning. Please, please let me breathe! Off in the distance I hear someone banging on the door. “Bree! Bree! Open up!” I hear them shouting but I can’t do anything. This stranger is smiling, a viscous smile at me. Amuse of watching me die. Time’s running out I can feel.

BANG! The door flew off its hinges and landed on the floor. They run in and they don’t do anything. Can’t they see this guy strangling me! I look at the guy, he grabs me and draws a knife and put it at my throat while the other hand is still choking me. I then realize they can’t see him. Only I can. That scared me even more. I look at them with pleading eyes and sent them all a message, get in my head! Now! Then you could see him! Dimi and Darren were confused, but Austin got it and I felt him in my head. I could see his eyes go wide to see there is someone actually choking me. My sight went black for a second then it return, when Austin return to his head bringing him the sight of the man along with him. Now I can’t see him, but sure as hell can feel and hear him.

“They can’t help you sweetie. Your going to die, I should say welcome to my world” Austin went and grabbed something sharp and stabbed him. It went through the air where he should be. I move my hip and the stake hit me in the side instead of full on. I tried to scream but I have no air. I began to sob. Tears running down my cheeks, but no noises coming out my mouth only harsh stabs of breath. My body is weakening and my legs went limp and I fell. The crazy guy caught me, and then they all realized something’s there because I was floating in air. I closed my eyes and giving up, but I couldn’t. I need to stay awake. I opened then but all I see is grey. All of the sudden the thing holding me disappeared. Gone. Not there anymore. I fell limped to the ground. Austin already there and picked me up and hugged me. I hear him mutter, “breathe Bree, oh god just breathe” I know I can breathe now, but it hurts so much I can’t. The grayness is going darker and darker. Well this is my faith. Why should I fight it? I finally closed my eyes, giving up on living.

“Bree, please don’t give up” it was Dimi’s last words. And I feel into the darkness.


Damn it! Bree can’t die! She just can’t! I kept shaking her, hugging her, yelling at her. I began to sob, real hard. Dimitri tried to make some space, so I wouldn’t hurt her, but I can’t move. I hold on to Bree as hard as I can’t. Squeezing her every last breath of her out. I don’t mean to, but I can’t seem to let go.

“Austin, I said to let go of Bree so I can do CPR on her” Sage said so gently. I shook my head. “She can’t die,” I muttered to myself over and over.

“She won’t die if you move, Austin. Its for her sake for you to move.” She reached over and caresses my arm. I loosen my grip and move a bit over, but I didn’t let go. I’ll never let go until she breathes again. Sage started CPR and gave her two breaths and started pumping at her stomach. She kept doing that, over and over, two breaths and 30 pumps. It’s doing nothing. This can’t help her. I started to sob even louder. I’m such a girl! That put a smile on Darren’s lips, which made me smile now too.

“Austin, we’ll do whatever to bring her to life” Darren said. Schuyler hugged me and didn’t let go. Obviously I hugged her back. Jeez I need to man up. I pulled out of the hug and just sat there. Wishing. 10 minutes passed, then 20 minutes. Sage is obviously getting tired.

“Do you want me to take over?” I asked.

“Do you know what to do?”

I nodded and I return to what Sage was doing, but the instant my lips touched Bree’s mouth her eyes fluttered and she moaned with pleasure. I kissed her then. Her eyes open, but they were complete different colours. What the heck? I thought she had green eyes, not grey? Before I panic they turn to her usually green. She broke the kiss, gasping for air. That wasn’t so smart of me was that? Kissing her when she just got her first breath of air back into her lungs. Wasn’t smart at all.

“Bree are you okay?” I hear Darren say. She managed to nod. I picked her up and made her stand. She needed my support but she was fine. She leans on me with most of her weight. This is going to be fun walking. I look down to see her shirt full of blood and the stake poking out.

“Do you want me to pull that stake out?” she nodded. I grabbed the handle, she wince, I pulled it out while she groaned it pain. After that I took off my shirt and put it over her head.

“She needs to be on the train now, so it me and you. Dimitri” I said to him. I felt Bree shook her head on me, “no I want you with me” she puts more weight onto me.

“Well I can go with him” pipe in Schuyler.

Dimitri nodded.

“I’ll get the train tickets,” Darren said. We all reached in our pockets and gave him the money. He walked away with Sage following behind. Wow, I think he found his lover. Good for him, but why am I seeing such powerful darkness surrounding her?

“We’ll get going, and meet you there,” Bree let go of me and hugged Dimitri. Well, nearly fell into his arms since she needs the support. They stand like that for a minute. Then he handed her back to me. That’s when Darren came back empty handed.

“Sorry next train leaves Saturday. Its either we take the risk and stay here for three days or we all hitchhike” he said.

“Why don’t we rent a car? I’m eighteen, plus Darren and Schuyler both have their G1.” Sage said.

“That’s…smart” Bree doubled over. Maybe we shouldn’t let her talk until she’s a whole lot better. I rubbed her back, “yea… let’s do that instead.”

Both Sage and Darren walked away.


I don’t want to do this! They all seem so nice and great, but I have to. Bree’s death failed. Damn she’s smart and same with Austin. I got to get rid of them last then. Why didn’t she just give up on living? Oh that’s right because she heard Dimitrius and Austin last words that made her put much more grip on her soul. Damn it, then Austin had to take over. Good thing he didn’t realize that I was the one who send that shaman to kill her or that I was the one who actually didn’t know CPR and was just choking her more. My father has piece of there identity to make clones out of them so I was sent to kill them when we heard they escaped. I looked to see Darren staring at me with his adoring grey eyes. Can I really kill Darren when we had so much in common? Would he understand why I have to kill his friends if I told that I’m forced to do that or I die? Would I be able to get along with his clone? I guess not, because he is not Darren. I hate my Father. He’s a cruel man. Would I be able to just keep hiding with them? No. Most definably not. He would fine me under a second cause we’re blood related. Damn again. I sighed. Darren looked at me confused. I just shook my head. Maybe I can wait for a couple more days, or I can ask daddy if I could let Darren live?

“Something wrong?” Darren asked me.

“It just feels weird, I just met you and for some odd reason I have a…a need to protect you” he just smirked at me and didn’t say anything for the rest of the way there. That’s just who he is. Quiet.


Everything hurts, my head to my toes. Everything and anything. There’s something haunting in Sage’s mind. I feel it now. The blackness surrounds her. Its unbelievable, her aura and mind is in complete blackness. I finally found my proof. I do not trust her.

“Austin” I mumbled against his shirt.

“Shh. I know you hurt. No need to talk”

“It’s…something…important” oh god, it just hurts too much to talk but I need to say it before Sage comes back.

“Think it and I’ll hear it, now don’t talk. Rest your throat”

I don’t trust Sage.

“Why don’t you trust her?” Austin asked.

“Trust who?” Schuyler said, while Dimi is giving us strange looks.


“Why?” Dimi asked.

I see blackness all around her. In her aura and mind. It’s not a pleasant sight and it’s always around her. It’s not just a bad mood or anything.

“She sees blackness around her and I do too, I don’t trust her either” Austin repeated.

“I don’t see a problem, plus my brother has goo goo eyes on her. We can’t just do that to my brother. Can’t you two get into her mind? Like use your power?”

“We could if we weren’t getting blocked. The only I see is blackness, no words or feelings but blackness that has a lot of power into it.” Austin said.

“How about we don’t go to our original spot, camp out and try to dig in her mind, Kathy got into Bree’s mind when she fell asleep on her food. Maybe we call her and ask if she could do that to Sage?” Dimi suggest.

“Who the hell is Kathy?”

“She’s Bree older sister and a demon slayer or train to be” Dimi explained.

"She's a what!" I exclaimed at him. I gasp by the pain. My eyesight turn red, then I fell into a painful dark sleep.

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