My Fake Boyfriend

By authorX99

133K 4.3K 654

"Fine. Then Kiss" Julia snaps I stared her with wide eyes. Kiss? "We don't have to-" "Fine." Ben responded. M... More

Authors Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 29

2.2K 68 13
By authorX99

*not edited*

Sophies POV

"Do you realize how small the Milky Way actually is?"


"I mean, we think that the milky way is so huge because we don't know anything bigger, but if you think about it, space is enormous. So the milky way is just like a little dot in space."

I hear Ben chuckle under my head, which was currently rested on his chest, looking up at the stars. We've been here for hours. We watched the sunset and watch the stars slowly start to sparkle in the sky.

I look at him, giving a questionable look. He just shook his head, giving me a heart filled smile. I couldn't help but smile back as I turned back to the stars.

"So how's Teddy?" I asked, thinking about the cutest little boy in the world.

"He's good. He keeps complaining about how hard second grade is," I could imagine Ben rolling his eyes right now as I cooed.

"He is the cutest little gem!" I gushed,

"Hey! What about me?"

I turned to him again, he wore a pout. I pretended to look him up and down as if about to rate him, "You're okay, I guess." I joked.

He snorted, "Geez, isn't my girlfriend just the sweetest." He sarcastically remarked earning him a playful punch on the shoulder. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket of my jacket and I pulled it out and sat up.

I looked confused at the number since it was an unknown caller. I debated wheater or not to answer it, finally deciding to.


"Hi, is this Sophie Evans?" An unfamiliar woman's voice asked.

I frowned at Ben confused and he just shrugged his shoulder. "Um yeah? Can I ask who's calling?"

"Hi, I'm Shaldon, a nurse at Seattle grace hospital." My muscles tightened at the mention of the hospital, "Your the daughter of Suzan Evans." My eyes widen and Ben quickly sat up.

"Um y-yeah, why? Is she okay? What happened?"

"Well I'm sorry to inform you that your mother has gotten into a car crash."

Car crash

Car crash

The words kept replaying in my head. I dropped my phone to the ground as my body started to shake. I brought my hand up to my mouth, still in too much shock to process what's happening. Ben quickly picked the phone back up, but I could hear anything. All I saw was his eyes widening and him hanging up. He quickly scooted towards me, wrapping his warm arms around my shaking body. I could hear him whispering soothing words but I couldn't process them.

"What... What did she say?" I looked up at him. He bit his lip nervously, "Ben, tell me what she said." I tried to be stern but couldn't because of the voice crack in the middle of my sentence.

He nodded, hesitating a bit, "she said... Um... Your mom is in really bad condition, and we have to go see her now." I swallowed a sob, trying to be strong as I nodded getting up. Ben looked at me worriedly before getting up himself, wrapping an arm around me, and leading me back to his car.


We reached the hospital in less that 20 minutes. When we got there I sprinted though the doors, Ben right by my side.

I looked around the familiar hospital room as I navigate us to the front desk. When we finally got there we ran up to the desk, both of us panting- well, mostly me since Ben was a football player.

The lady at the desk didn't know whether to look scared or empathetic, so she settled for a small smile. "How may I help you-"

"My mom," I interrupted her, "her name is Suzan Evans?" I asked hopefully. Her face dropped for a second but she quickly returned to the costumer smile. She tapped away on her computer for a second.

"Your moms in room 983-" I sprinted towards the elevator, hearing Ben give the lady a quick 'thank you' before following me, and easily catching up to me.

It felt like forever when the elevator finally came. We ran in and I pressed the button for the ninth floor over and over again, "come on, come on, Come on!" I whispered until the elevator doors closed.

Ben gave me a tight, warm, sideways hug and kissed me on my head. "Everything will be okay."

I really hope your right Ben.

We finally reached the ninth floor and once again were in a run. Some people gave us weird looks while others understood that something was going on, and gave us pity looks, but all I could think about was my mom.

She was my rock, my only family left. My brother wasn't coming back anytime soon and my dad- well my dad hasn't been heard from in years. My grandparents were dead, both my parents were only child's, leaving me with no aunt, uncles, or cousins. She was all I had.



If I lost my mom, how would I ever be the same. She would always know when I'm sad, or pissed, or anything and always know the right thing to say or do. She knew how I liked Mac and cheese with it just a tad burnt so it would be a bit crunchy, she knew that I would only drink milk if it had chocolate in it, she knew that I hated butter, she knew everything about me.



She could probably describe me from head to toe to someone and they would know exactly what I looked like and was like.


We stopped at the room number 983. I tried to regain my breath, but when I thought of my mom I forgot how to breath. I looked up at Ben to see him already looking down at me.

"I'll wait out here if you want-"

"No," I gave him a pleasing look, "I need you."

If it was possibly his whole face softened even more than it was. He grabbed my hand, and held it tight as he nodded.

I looked back at the room, took a deep breath in, and opened it.

When I walked in, my heart stopped.


Hey guys!

What did you think?

Sorry about not posting in a while, but I'll try to do it more often.

Hope everyone had an amazing day!



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