Life's Second Chances

By AradhayaMehra

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"All that was, all that is, and all that will ever be" Will love be the strongest force that holds them toget... More

Part I
Part II
Part III


755 26 4
By AradhayaMehra


Straddling my hips, Anuksha rests herself right over my hard cock rubbing the head against her extremely wet cunt. Biting her lips, she moans as she takes in my length savoring the feeling of every inch as it parts her open. My hands cup her breasts where my thumbs roll over her puckered nipples. Gyrating her hips, she moves up and down the length of my cock, her palms flat against my chest digging into my skin.

"Oh fuck!" throwing her head back she screams out the words, squeezing around my shaft.

"Yes, love. Fuck me!" gritting my teeth, I grip the back of Anuksha's neck bringing her mouth to mine. She gasps into my mouth as I slide my tongue past her lips. Lifting my hips, I deliver rapid strokes into her tight center. Prodding her fingers into my shoulders, she buries her face into the crook of my neck. I feel her clench around my cock, as I repeatedly hit her sweet-spot that I know so well.

Moaning loudly into my damp throat, she squirts, a clear stream spilling between our bodies. Continuing my deep plowing of her pussy, I roll us over pinning her underneath me. Pressed into the mattress, her hair sprawls around her head as she wraps her legs around my hips anchoring her heels on my ass.

Gripping her waist in my hands, I slam into her with constant force causing her to back to arch. Reaching for my face, she pulls me towards her swollen pinked lips, locking her arms around my neck. "Fucking hell! I'm going to cum," locking my jaw, I press my lips to hers sliding into her tantalizingly wet cunt as my cock swells spilling into her, the same time she orgasms again.

Falling into bed, I lay tiredly satisfied on top of Anuksha as she brushes her fingers through my damp hair. Easing my breaths, I snake my arms around her body turning on my side pulling her flush to my front. Tucking her unruly hair behind her ears, I place small pecks along her jaw trailing my fingers down the length of her back.

For weeks we've been like this. Nothing but sex. I can't remember a day in the past month where Anuksha and I haven't fucked. Most nights I end up at her apartment or her at mine after work where we fuck each other's brains out until we're completely drained, only to continue the very next morning before our separate days begin.

I take as much as I can get from her and don't question it whatsoever. I find myself looking forward to, my surprise, not the sex but the small moments afterward where we lie next to each other tangled in the other's arms and legs. Its nostalgic, exactly how things used to be before. She still smiles shyly with that innocent yet seductive glimmer in her eyes and she still plays with my ears and hair after we've both been pleasured. I yearn for those moments more than anything.

More than anything, I wish I could be Anuksha's boyfriend again. More than anything I wish she could find it in her heart to trust me again to love her. Love her enough and the right way this time. There're moments when I can see it in her eyes, she wants to bite the bullet and throw caution to the wind but she's afraid and doubtful that I'll push her away again. And for the life of me, I've thought of everything I can do or say to convince and show her that I'm not going anywhere until I fucking die.

Combing her fingers through the overgrown, thick black hair on my head she tugs at the strands, biting down on her lips "Join me in the shower," daringly her eyes challenge me with a seduction so passionate I feel my mouth go dry and a lump form in my throat. Smirking, she lifts her chin, kissing me hard and deep in the mouth. She isn't asking me, she's precisely telling me, and it makes me so fucking hard when she simply demands of me what she damn well pleases.

I stand under the hot shower, pissing into the drain while I brush my teeth. Anuksha stands in front of me, meticulously brushing her teeth in the mirror attached to the black onyx walls of the bath. She catches me staring at her and she smiles frothy mouth and all. Once we're done she turns around wrapping her fingers around my pulsing cock, pulling back the skin to wash the throbbing head.

As of late, the once shy and apprehensive Anuksha is no more. She readily states her desires. as simple or as twisted and dark as they come she's always to the point and it drives me wild. I look at the woman, who months ago would blush when I initiated sex, that now blows my mind with what she can do in bed.

"You know, friends with benefits don't usually do this," squeezing her ass, I joke nonchalantly hoping to hint a message to her.

"That's the beauty of this arrangement, it has no label, so we can do whatever in the hell we please," curt, her voice is sharp and direct as her eyes lock to mine.

"You're really intent on making me work for this, aren't you?"

"I do like seeing you grovel...but I'm not making you work for anything, Sid. We said this was just us having sex and nothing else. Get our fill of each other and move on,"

"No, you said that,"

"And you agreed,"

"I would've agreed to murder at the prospect of being with you in any way possible, and you know it,"

"That's a you problem. All I want is great sex and no complications,"

"For fucks sake! Why are you so cold towards me? Anuksha I've admitted my wrongs apologized and begged your forgiveness I'm not asking a lot but just a little compassion,"

"Compassion. Where was compassion when I was out of my wits mindlessly searching for you? Where was compassion when you were alive for six months and left me to suffer? Huh? Where was it then, Sidharth?" leaning against the shower wall, I look up to the ceiling clenching my fingers around my hair, speechless.

We drive in silence to brunch at Norwood Le Bernardin. Engraved in our brains since we were children, Anuksha and I know the importance of maintaining appearances amongst New York's elite. Sunday brunch at Norwood Le Bernardin is one of those presumptuous events of which we must rub elbows and smile through dreadfully boring conversation.

Reaching over the center console, I place my hand over Anuksha's knee. My hand falls against the leather of the seat when she shifts bracing against the door, staring out the window monumentally peeved at me. Rubbing my palm against the thigh of my navy khakis, I lick my suddenly dry lips, swallowing hard.

"You have every right to be mad," she scoffs, shaking her head and rolling her eyes. "But please hear me out. You've avoided us having this conversation for weeks now," she snaps her head around, narrowing her reddened green eyes at me with a stern jaw and flaring breaths.

"I rather not hear more of your bullshit, that's why,"

"When I woke up in the hospital you were the one person I had hoped to see. I know, I know, it's my fault. Believe me, I'm fully aware," chuckling darkly I remember being in that morbid room, thinking that was it for me. "I somehow hoped that maybe you raised hell in the place and Samuel and Kade would have no choice but to let you stay and when I woke up you would kiss me square on the mouth and right after, slap me across the face,"

Blowing out a heavy breath, I lean back in the driver's seat tightly curling my fingers around the steering wheel of my Bentley EXP 10 Speed. "But you weren't there, and I was miserable and alone. Anuksha, I didn't want to die but once I saw how slim the chances of me surviving for even one more year was, I lost all hope. That's when I decided if I was going to die, I would die on my own fucking terms. Screw the universe and everything be damned,"

"I still deserved to know from the beginning and you had no right having me forcibly removed from that hospital,"

"I know. Sam told me that you made him save me. He said that as a human he could never see someone plead and fight so hard and not try whatever he could to keep me alive. I'm here today because of you,"

"And you still didn't have the decency to let me know you're alive. I found out through a fucking magazine,"

"I spent a month in the hospital basically living like a vegetable. Why would I contact the woman I tried to keep the furthest away from my mess when she was finally free of me? I was going to die anyway,"

Wincing, she bites on her lip looking up to the roof of the car. "I would've come back no matter what and you know it,"

"It's not that, love. I had already put you through so much I couldn't add more to it, that's just heartless and unfair," interlocking our fingers, I squeeze her hand lightly. "Samuel and Genave administered on all kinds of experimental treatments but I reacted negatively to all of them or would relapse weeks into them. I was on the cusp of death. That is until something short of a miracle happened when they used this new experimental cancer treatment,"

Pulling into the reserved parking spot in the front row, I turn in my seat, gathering her petite hands in mine. "It's an injection into the bloodstream that uses nanobodies to target specific parts of the body that are failing. It helps in the healing process, tracking patient health, and determining the timeline of my disease," bringing her hands to my lips I kiss the tips of her fingers with trembling lips. "They say I can live for years on this treatment, Anuksha. I can have my life back...a life with you,"

"I-I have to go," practically jumping out of the car, she briskly walks past the parked cars headed for the main entrance. Running up to her, I hold her by the elbow stopping her fast-paced walking. Back to me, she stands stiffly, breathing heavily.

"This was the only way I was going to come back, Anuksha. Only if I could have a life with you,"

Turning around, she silences me with her finger. Clenched sternly, her jaw twitches slightly as her breathing becomes uneven. "You lost that opportunity, Sid. There were so many chances for you to come back but is not the time,"

"I screwed up, I get it. The stupid magazine cover was for publicity to keep people calm, I went to London before it was released to only find out that you already left to come back home,"

"NO! You don't get it! This isn't about the magazine or how long you took to come back it's that you honestly thought I would give in to you and become your girlfriend again. This has everything to do with you being a control freak and bending me to your will,"

"Anuksha, I can't make you do something that you don't. Yes, I had...have, every intention of starting a relationship with you but I didn't just expect you to fuck all and date me again. I-I thought that with time though, you would be more open to the idea of it," delicately I place my hands over her bare shoulders, lightly stroking my fingers along the smooth taut skin.

"This isn't going to work anymore. We don't want the same things out of this arrangement and I'm not going to let you believe that I can give you more than I already am. If just sex doesn't satisfy you anymore, then I think we really should go our separate ways,"

"So what, we pretend like we're not attracted or still have feelings for each other? We go along our separate ways and fuck other people!" flailing my arms in the air, I latch my fingers around my hair tugging at the strands. Frustration fires in my veins coursing through my entire body.

"Yeah...I guess we do. We survived months apart, it won't be hard this time around,"

"Are you doing this out of spite? Really!"

"Maybe I am! Maybe I want you to feel as shitty as I did," through gritted teeth, she bites out the harsh words, stabbing my chest with her finger. "Or maybe I don't have the emotional capacity anymore,"

Just then a group of four girls walk pass us, the Malkani sisters with the Rutherford heiresses, gossiping in hushed whispers about what they just heard go on between Anuksha and me. "I told you there were still together," Georgina Rutherford, Philip and Angelica's oldest daughter mutters to her friends.

"Doesn't sound like it," Ambika Malkani, the youngest of the four Malkani siblings, smirks in my direction giggling.

Scoffing, Anuksha rolls her eyes walking to the entrance of the Salmagundi. Even when faced with the shittiest of situations she holds her head, handling everything with as much grace and poise as possible. There are few things that make her irate enough to react outwardly and I happen to be on the very top of that short list.

Sneaking off to the terrace, I lean against the stone wall encompassing the veranda perching my elbow on the columned baluster. Taking a large sip of scotch from my flask, I breathe in the warm summer air remembering a time like this just a year ago how happy I was. I'm such a fucking idiot!

Placing my palms flat against the hard-stone baluster, I look up to the clear sky hoping for divine intervention. I truly do not know how to fix this mess I created but I fucking refuse to live in it. When Anuksha is angry you have to let her cool off on her own, if I push too hard it'll just make her angrier. But I'm afraid that even when she has calmed down she won't want to hear anything from me.

My time to my thoughts is short-lived when someone enters the terrace taking calculated steps to where I'm standing. "Don't mind me, I'm just out here to do the same as you," presumptuousness drenches her sultry voice as she stalks up beside me, smirking.

"No, you're not. What do you want Katherine?"

"What? Can't an old friend just check up on you? See how you're doing?" she pouts, twiddling her fingers against my stubble.

"We were never friends and never will be, get that straight," I push her hand away stepping back. "Now, please leave me alone,"

"While you're out here fuming and licking your wounds, she's in there flirting it up with Alex. Such a shame one little fight and she's all ready to move on,"

"You don't know a damn thing, so I would shut up if I were you,"

"Ooh, testy," licking her lips, she bites down on the berry-pink matte painted flesh. "Why are you allowing yourself to be miserable when Anuksha clearly doesn't care about you," snaking her arms around my neck, she pushes herself up against my chest.

"Don't fucking touch me!" I grit out, forcing her arms and body off me. Stumbling backward, she twists her mouth smiling, shaking her head. "Stay the fuck away from me and Anuksha, okay!"

"I would think twice about how you speak to me,"

Stepping close to her, I have a good foot over the top of her head to create a dominating stance. Looking down at her, she daringly stares up crossly at me. "I'm not a patient man, Katherine and you know it. With this mood I'm in I can ruin your life without blinking once and still sleep soundly when the night comes. I'm telling you one last time, stay away from me and especially stay away from Anuksha or I will drag you and that bitch sister of yours through hell and back,"

Walking away toward the doors leading inside, I stop when she shouts "Ironic how you called her my bitch sister when in fact she is..." one look over my shoulder and her words fall flat to the ground.

"I wonder who would miss you if you just happened to disappear Katie?" stiffening, her shoulder square. The muscles in her face tighten as she swallows hard keeping her wide eyes focused one me standing smugly with my hands tucked into the pockets of my pants. "Threaten me one more time and you'll find you,"

Bounding down the hallway to the main dining room, I spot Anuksha talking to Croft by the dessert table. I could literally give two fucks as I stride up to her cutting right in the middle of their conversation. "I'm leaving, are you coming back to my place?"

She clamps down on her jaws, glaring at me with flared nostrils "No, it's fine I'm riding with Nik and Shreya," brushing me off, she saunters closer to Alex apologizing for my interruption as if I'm not standing right here.

"Alright, I'll keep your things for when you come over," seething, she squeezes her eyes shut, pressing her fingers against her mouth. "Have a good one," smirking I walk away, cornering Katherine at the elevator.

"Oh, looks like you're actually good for something after all," I brace up against the wall blocking the button. "You're going to walk out of here with me giggling girlishly and flirting sweetly,"

"I've known Anuksha since middle school jealously won't work on her," crossing her arms over her chest, she twists her mouth, rolling her eyes at me.

"It will. Might not have worked for you to get under her skin, but it sure will work wonders for me,"

"Fine," she mutters moving into view of Anuksha down the short corridor still at the dessert table talking up Alex.

Touching my bicep lightly, Katherine throws her head back laughing lightly but loud enough to get Anuksha's attention. Plastering on my wicked side smile, I lick my lips and pass my fingers through my hair, knowing how it's going to drive Anu crazy.

"Sure, I would love to catch up over dinner," exuberantly nodding her head, Katherine bites her lips winking at me. Sparing a glance over to Anuksha, she's visibly tense with a stiff tick in her tightened jaw and hands fisted at her sides.

Wrapping her hands on the inside of my elbow, Katherine walks with me into the elevator, tossing her hair over her shoulder in a seductive yet elegant manner and brushes up to my side. As we turn around Anuksha glowers at me shaking her head. The final nail to the coffin is when Katherine smirks while stroking her hand down my bicep.

I can't help but grin broadly when the elevator leading to my penthouse living room dings and a pair of feet quickly stomp against the floor. "Sidharth!" yelling she walks around the circular granite top table flicking her strapped sandals off.

"Present!" I raise my hand from where I'm lying down on the sofa, in nothing but gray sweatpants that make Anuksha wild. 

"Argh!" screaming she runs over to me, jumping onto my stomach. Straddling my lap, her fists pound hot and frequent against my chest. Her open hair flies around her hair wildly and those beautiful breasts of hers heave against the off-shoulder top of her dress. "You are such an asshole!" wrapping her hands around my neck she shakes my head back and forth.

Laughing, I lay back with my arms tucked underneath my head enjoying this wonderful display of emotion. "I swear you bring out the absolute worst in me, Sid!" pressing her heated palms into my bare chest, she stares down at me, breathing heavily.

"I thought we were going our separate ways," mockingly, I chuckle. Taking a grip of her waist, I sit up bringing us to level. "We care too much about each other to split up, Anuksha,"

"But I'm not ready for any other relationship yet," she mumbles, wrapping her arms around my neck and pressing her face into the base of my throat.

"So why do you keep talking to Croft?! You know how that makes me feel damnit!"

"I guess I was being vengeful. There's a part of me that doesn't trust you and wants you to feel that same bitterness and hate. And there's this other part, a much, much bigger part that cares so deeply for you that I'm starting to see a new future with you," cupping my cheeks her thumbs stroke over my mouth and stubble. Our noses brush against each other and warm breaths fan between our face "But I'm dreadfully scared, Sid,"

"I've had so much time to think, Anuksha and I realized you were right all along. I often wondered how my days of life would be and the only thing I genuinely craved and yearned for was you," holding her face in my hand I place small kisses on her eyes, cheeks, nose, and jaw. "All I want is for you to be the last person I ever see, feel, hear and smell. My dying wish is that I leave this world with the person I love most right there with me,"

Quivering, her lips move over mine in a soft, tender motion. A tear falls between our cheeks as our kiss deepens, dripping down our chins. Bracing our foreheads together, she smiles in that contended way where her eyes sparkle with a rare joy. "I'll be there, I promise...but I need time," 

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