Don't Be A Hero ~{Max Thunder...

By rixtonfan15

78.6K 1.7K 634

‼️Sequel to: We All Have Stories We Won't Ever Tell‼️ "Max Listen to Me!" I look at Max with tears in my eyes... More

§~{ CHAPTER 1 }~§
§~{ CHAPTER 2 }~§
§~{ CHAPTER 3 }~§
§~{ CHAPTER 4 }~§
§~{ CHAPTER 5 }~§
§~{ CHAPTER 6 }~§
§~{ CHAPTER 7 }~§
§~{ CHAPTER 8 }~§
§~{ CHAPTER 9 }~§
§~{ CHAPTER 10 }~§
§~{ CHAPTER 11 }~§
§~{ CHAPTER 12 }~§
§~{ CHAPTER 14 }~§
§~{ CHAPTER 15 }~§
§~{ CHAPTER 16 }~§
§~{ CHAPTER 17 }~§
§~{ CHAPTER 18 }~§
Author's Note
~{Author's note continued}~
§~{ CHAPTER 19 }~§
§~{ CHAPTER 20 }~§
§~{ CHAPTER 21 }~§
§~{ CHAPTER 22 }~§
§~{ CHAPTER 23 }~§
§~{ CHAPTER 24 }~§
§~{ CHAPTER 25 }~§
§~{ CHAPTER 26 }~§
§~{ CHAPTER 27 }~§
§~{ CHAPTER 28 }~§
§~{ CHAPTER 29 }~§
§~{ CHAPTER 30 }~§
§~{ CHAPTER 31 }~§
§~{ CHAPTER 32 }~§
§~{ CHAPTER 33 }~§
§~{ CHAPTER 34 }~§
§~{ CHAPTER 35 }~§
~{Author's Note}~
§~{ CHAPTER 36 }~§
§~{ CHAPTER 37 }~§
§~{ CHAPTER 38 }~§
§~{ CHAPTER 39 }~§

§~{ CHAPTER 13 }~§

1.8K 43 15
By rixtonfan15

~{Emma's .P.O.V.}~

10 days have passed and we are close to Christmas! Cameron and I have broken up and all that matters now is getting Max that perfect Christmas gift.

If you haven't known just yet, Max and I aren't officially a couple just yet, I'm still working on it until I get off of Cameron but I'm hoping to makeup with Max pretty soon.

~{Max's .P.O.V.}~

Why do I always have to hate Christmas whenever it comes around the corner? Maybe it's with the girls I hang around with during Christmas that makes me hate it so much? When I was with Sarah I hated it. When I was with Veronica I hated it and with Tara I couldn't stand it any longer but with Emma, Emma has shown me a different side of Christmas past the annoyance of Christmas caroling and figgy pudding, I've come to slightly enjoy Christmas when I'm with her.

"Come on Max, we need to go find a present for mom and dad." Phoebe rushes over, tugging my arm as she drags me to the nearest sports utility store which I gladly put down.

"I will gladly pass Phoebe."

"Come on Max! At least buy mom a Christmas gift or Nora at least instead of running off all the time." Phoebe glares. I look at her and roll my eyes.

"Okay nerd, I'll go find mom a gift." Phoebe looked at me and smiled. Phoebe ran up and gave me a hug. I looked at her and immediately wanted her to get her hands off of me before I levitate her off of me and throw her in the fountain.

"Meet me at the food court in one hour." I nod my head.

~{Emma's .P.O.V.}~

"How about this ma'am?" The sales clerk asks. I look at The Fender Stratocaster in the man's hands. It was a beautiful electric guitar especially for Max. I hand the man my money. The man gently placed the guitar in its case and hands the case to me.

I walk around the mall a couple of times to get my mind off a couple of things. I continue to walk until I come to a store that sells the most beautiful charm bracelets. I look around the small store and spy the most beautiful charm bracelet I've ever saw. It was a jewel encrusted handmade silver charm bracelet. It was just like before I sold it to get money for Max's gift. I loved that bracelet more than anything in the world. The bracelet even had a little heart locket attached to the metal chains but I took it off before I sold it. I kept the locket because it was special and dear to me just like my mother and my mother before her's. My mother kept that heart shaped locket near and dear to her heart, she even kept pictures of her and father when they first met. She gave the locket to me. She passed the locket down to me! I don't know why she did it and I don't know how? Maybe she gave it to when I come across my first love the one I love the most near and dear to my heart like mom with dad and me to Max.

Tears begin to cloud my eyes and I quickly walk out of the store before I break down in a pool of tears. I walk past the fountain to the food court. I sit down and whip my tears.

"Hello Emma! Merry Christmas!" I look up at Evan as he makes his way over to my table.

"Hi Evan." I look at him and smile trying to hide the fact that I'm sad instead of happy.

"What's wrong?" Evan asks worriedly. I look up at Evan trying to fit the tears back before I burst myself out with tears again. I look again at Evan. I couldn't help myself. I cried into Evan's arms as he held me tight in the food court.

~{Max's .P.O.V.}~

I walk around the mall aimlessly trying to find Emma the perfect gift. It takes me a couple of times to find the perfect store but I finally stumbled across one that was just right for Emma. I look around the small store and look at the most beautiful silver charm bracelets I've ever saw. No wonder girls likes these dangly bracelets so much, they practically blind your eyes out if you stare at them too much.

"May I help you sir?" The sales clerk asks with a smile. I peer my eyes through the glass and spot the most beautiful necklace that was just right for my girl. It was a beautiful handmade heart shaped locket necklace that was exactly like Emma's charm bracelet.

"This one!" I point to the necklace on the glass counter. The lady grabs the necklace and places it in a neatly white bag.

"That will be 40 dollars." I hand the woman my money as she hands me the bag with the necklace in the bag. I look at her and smile as I walk out of the store. I think about my guitar and what I just done but than I realized it was worth for Emma.

I look down at my watch as I continue walking around the mall. It was all most 1 o'clock. I run to the food court and search aimlessly for my sister. I walk around, still looking for Phoebe until something catches my eye... I couldn't believe what I just saw. My blood begins to boil and my head feels like it is going to explode with rage and jealousy. I run out of the mall leaving Phoebe behind. I didn't care that I left my sister behind, I just cared about was getting away from the thing I just saw....How could she do this to me!!!!

~{Author's Note}~

Hi everyone! Hope you like the chapter. This chapter takes place during Christmas if you wanted to know. So the next chapter will be on Christmas Eve and the next on Christmas. Hope you like! Hope you all had a great Christmas and a happy new year!


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