My One And Only Love (Taemin...

By Never_Falter101

33K 758 95

Alyese is American and happens to have been living in Seoul, Korea since she was 9 years old. When she was 16... More

My One And Only Love (Taemin Love Story)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Author's Note

Chapter 9

1.2K 36 1
By Never_Falter101

Here is chapter! Just decided to post this because I had nothing to do haha! Anyway continue to comment and vote. It motivates me a lot. THANKS!


~~~Alyese Pov~~~

"HwaYoung! Can you please stop pestering me with Taemin questions." I said while rolling my eyes. Not to long after her little teacher session she started asking me questions about  Taemin. I mean in the beginning I had no problem with it, but now it was getting irritating.

Trust me. I love HwaYoungie to death, but the girl knows how to wear you out with her constant questioning and blabbering. Plus the thing with HwaYoung is the fact that once she asks you a question you have no choice but to answer it or she will continue to bother you until you do so.

"Okay. Okay. Fine. Just answer one more question." She pleaded with puppy dog eyes.

I rolled my eyes at her. "I guess one more question wouldn't hurt." I said with a shrug of my shoulders.

"If you guys fall in love and have twins. One a boy and one a girl. What will the names be?Like you could probably name the like an American name like Peyton or something, but then you can name the daughter a korean name. Preferably DaYoung because of my name an-" I quickly cut her off before she finished.

 "You know what. No more questions!" I said while glaring at her and plopping myself on the living room  couch." Why would we get married to Taemin anyway. He is like one of my best friends. Plus! I 'm not even all that attracted to him anyway. So stop fantasizing about us having a family together. Got It." I said with a stern look.

"Yeah.Yeah. Whatever." She said. HwaYoung then sat next to me and we both started watching Running Man. As we were watching Running Man My dad came down the stairs with his his suit on and Doctor getup on top. He you haven't figured it out he's a Doctor. A pretty good one at that.

"Hey dad."I said keeping my eyes on the TV. I mean if you've seen running man before you know that you need to keep your eyes on the TV at all costs or you will miss some important and funny stuff.

"Yeah. Hey Mr. Thompson." HwaYoung said.

"Good Morning girls.I would stay and chat, but the hospital needs me." My dad said with a grin as he grabbed a couple of grapes out the bowl of grapes I made for me and HwaYoung.

"When don't they need you." I said jokingly.

"Your right." He said while stuffing his face with more grapes." Well duty calls girls. See ya later!"

"Bye!" HwaYoung and I said in unison. As we continued to watch running man I could see HwaYoung was chuckling a little.

"Why are you laughing. Nothing funny happened on the show yet?" I asked with a raise of my eyebrows.

" Your dad said duty." She said while busting out laughing. I couldn't help but laugh wither. I mean the girls laugh was contagious. Plus the fact that I HwaYoung is known for laughing at the most childish things, but hey you gotta love her.


"No HwaYoung I am not doing this!" I yelled at her in a hushed tone.

"Oh come on. Don't be such a party pooper. It will be fun. Besides you agreed to it anyway." She said with a wide smirk

"Well I didn't think you actually knew where they lived. I though you were just trying to play with me."

I bet your wondering what we are talking about. Well back at my house HwaYoung and I were having a conversation and she said Plan B was to go to the house were 'supposedly' SHINee stay at and make me talk to Taemin. Well I didn't really believe that she knew where they lived to I made a bet with her. I said that if one of the SHINee members answer the door then I will talk to Taemin, but if it was the wrong house then she would have to walk up to a random old couple and start dancing in front of them, but if I chickened out I would be the one would randomly start dancing in front of an old couple.

   So here we are now standing in front of a house. In the cloud. Both of us only wearing some black yoga pants, boots, scarf and a sweat shirt.

"So are you going to do it or not?" HwaYoung said with a sly smirk. 

  I huffed and turned my attention to the house in front of me. I slowly went to the front door and rung the dorr bell. It was like a part of me wanted someone other than the SHINee member to open the door, but then again the other part of my body wanted to talk to Taemin.

  When no one answered the first time I rung the door bell I decided to just knock instead. Once I knocked I heard faintly heard foot steps throughout the house. I turned to look at HwaYoung with a pleading expression. She just continued to smile deviously at me.

Once the door opened I sighed in relief yet I felt a little disappointed oddly enough. I hurriedly pushed that disappointed to the side and smiled warmly at the person standing in front of me. It was a little old woman. Actually she reminded me of Betty White except the Asian version.

"Oh I just wanted to tell you that you have a lovely home." I said with a smile. I was so surprised that that lie came out so easily. 

"The old woman raised an eyebrow at me , but  then smirked at me. "Flattery won't get you anywhere honey. Why are you really here?" She questioned.

I looked back at HwaYoung and saw that she had a nervous look on her face as she began typing stuff on her phone. I'm guessing she thought that she had the right address. Hmmm. Can't wait to see her make a fool out of her self . Just thinking about her dancing in front of old people make me laugh.

  I brought my attention back to the old lady. "Well you see my friend and I made a bet that if one of the SHINee member answered this door I would have to talk to my old best friend Taemin and if I chickened out I would have to dance in front of a random old couple. But since none of the SHINee member answered the door now she has to do it instead." I said happily.

"Ah. Youngsters these days.If he was one of you best friends call him or something." She said.

"Well it's not that easy. We lost contact when I went back to America. I met him earlier today, but I didn't recognise nor do I think he recognized me. Yes I want to talk to him, but for some reason I'm to scared to." I said feeling defeated.

I then heard a soft chuckle escape the lady's mouth."Well Miss. Let me tell you a little secret." She said while gesturing me to kneel down a little so she could reach my ear." The house that SHINee live in is only 4 houses down,"

  I was nearly frozen when she said that. My body would not move an inch. The lady then back away from me with a warm smile.

"Now don't waste your time here any longer. Your lover awaits." She said while giggling" You youngster and you inability to express your feelings. If you like the boy go tell him."

"I don't like him!" I said defensively. "It would just be nice to catch up with him that's all, but I don't want to pop up at his doorstep and say 'Oh hey Taemin. You might not remember me , but we were best friends and I hope we can hang out sometime.' He would probably look at me like I'm mentally challenged or something."

"Well sweetie you never know till you try.I say go for it. Like my parents would tell me when I was younger,'It's not like you have forever to live. Life is short. Take risks.'" She said with a smile.

"Yeah. I guess your right." I said."I never thought I'd say this ,but thanks for the advice...ummm-"

"SuHyun. The names SuHyun." She with a a loving smile." If you ever need to talk sweetie I'm here."

I smiled and nodded and I walked toward HwaYoung who still looked nervous. "Oh by the way my name is Alyese and this is HwaYoung." I said as I waved goodbye to her. She smiled one last time before closing her front door.


I hope you liked this chapter. I will try to update tomorrow also. Comment and tell me what you think of the story so far and vote.


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