My One And Only Love (Taemin...

By Never_Falter101

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Alyese is American and happens to have been living in Seoul, Korea since she was 9 years old. When she was 16... More

My One And Only Love (Taemin Love Story)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Author's Note

Chapter 8

1.4K 32 2
By Never_Falter101

Hey everyone. Here is chapter 8. Hope you enjoy! Oh and this is a picture of Taemin's father. His name is Lee Dong Min. Oh and just in case you guys did not know Taemin's mother's name is Park Hana.


 ~ Taemin POV~

 As I was driving back to the member house I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket it. I pulled over to the side of the street and took my phone out of my pocket.  I  looked at my phone and saw that it was an incoming call from my father. I tried my best not to groan in annoyance when I answered.

"Hello." I said boringly.

"Master Taemin, this is secretary Kim. Your father has just made it back home from his trip. He wants you to come see him right away." Mr. Kim said.

I sighed in frustration. I really did not want to see him right now. Especially not my step mother.  To be honest when I do visit him the only reason I stay is because of Secretary Kim. He often keeps me company and treats me more like his son than my own father does.

In fact it's kind of sad because their have been multiple occasions where I have called secretary Kim dad instead of my own father. I try my hardest not to dwell on it as much though. My mother continues to tell me that he loves me very much, but at this point I don't even know if it's true or not.

"Okay. I'll be there in a few." I said with a sigh.

" And Taemin." Secretary Kim began, " I am proud of you son. Your doing well kid."

I couldn't say anything after that besides smile. Secretary Kim has always been by my side. He has always listened to my music and encouraged it. I would try to come to my dad and write songs with him and even ask if my songs were good or not , but I always got the same answer from him.

He either would tell me to go away or would just nod his head. Their was a point when Secretary Kim would actually do what my father never did for me and I'm glad he did.

Once I hung up the phone I began driving to my father's mansion. His mansion was probably around 25 to 30 minutes away.

Once I got there  I rung the door bell.Almost immediately the door was opened by one of the maids.

"Good morning Master Taemin." One of the maids said while bowing. I bowed and went into the mansion.

 As I stood in front of my father's office I was hesitant to go in. For some reason my body just wouldn't move. Suddenly I heard my father call my name on the other side of the door.

"Taemin stop standing their and come in." He said in a low, stern voice.

I opened the door and walked in. My father was sitting at his desk signing some paper work. Next to him was Secretary Kim. I stood in front of my father's desk in silence as he continued to sign some documents. Once he was done he closed the document folder and gave it to secretary Kim.

" Make sure this proposal is sent to Mr. Yoon as soon as possible." My father said to Secretary Kim.

"Yes sir. Right away." Secretary Kim replied as he left the room. My father motioned for me to sit and I did. We both sat there in silence until he was about to say something.

"How are you doing son?" My father asked with no emotion.

"Fine. And you?" I asked with a expressionless face.

"Fine." He replied. We continued to sit in silence  for what seemed like hours, but I knew were only a minute or two.

"You will be staying with me while you are on break." My father said. I knew my father wasn't asking for my approval so I just nodded in response. He then nodded also. 

I was getting irritated with this conversation so I decided to get out of my chair and walk to the door. Before I had time to turn the door nob my father  called my name.

I turned slightly so I could see him from one of my eyes.

" I  hope you know that you will be spending time with us." He said sternly.

"Who exactly is 'Us'?" I asked knowing exactly who he was talking about.

"My wife and your step mother, Lee Hee Young." My father said simply.

I knew this was going to happen if I was going to be staying here. I would have to go everywhere with them. But I have to remember that I am doing this for my mother. I know she wants my father and I to have a good relationship. I highly doubt that will happen , but I am going to try for my mother.

I walked out of my father's office and slammed the door closed. I made my way to my old room I would stay in when my mother and father were married. As I walked in old memories began to flood in my mind. The good and bad.

Everything looked exactly the same. My room was as big as ever. In the far left corner was my king sized bed. To the right of my bed was a window with a balcony. The bathroom was on the other side of the room which was where my TV was, closet,  and Chester drawer with a mirror. The walls were painted a nature green. The bed sheets were black. My sofa that sat in front of my TV was black and my Chester drawer was also.

I laid on my bed just staring at the ceiling. I hated this . I knew this was going to be the worst break ever. As I laid there I began to think about Alyese. I wonder why I felt so comfortable around her even though I never met her before. I mean at least I think I haven't met her before.

Since I couldn't get her face out of my head I just continued to say her name out loud.

"Alyese. Alyese. Alyese.Al....." I jolted out of my bed. 

"Could it be that the Alyese I bumped into was the Alyese I was best friends with." I said, " No... no it can't be. If it was wouldn't she have said something? Unless.... she didn't know either"

Right then and there I started panicking.

"Wait! It has to be hear. I mean when we were talking she said she  was once best friends with someone named Taemin. Oh God. I really am an idiot." I said while running downstairs to the library we had in the mansion.

Once I made it to the library I looked around for the shelf my father would put my year books at. I opened my third grade year book and looked for Alyese. It didn't take me long to find her because I remember I wrote best friend over her picture. 

Right when I saw her picture I was sure of it! The girl I bumped into at the store was my bestfriend Alyese...... Now I know... For a fact I have to see her again.


OKAYYYYY!!!! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Vote and Comment once in awhile. Tell me what you think about the characters. Oh and sorry that is was kind of short I will try my best to make it longer. BYe!


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