City Lights \ Derek Hale

By aIive_

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"I'm sexy and you're not." "Did your mom tell you that?" "Shut up Hale." - Troublesome Shay Finstock moves t... More

City Lights \ Derek Hale
Prologue- Living with Coach
Chapter 1- Bitches be Like Rawr
Chapter 2- Gummy Gummy Gummy Bears
Chapter 3- Hella Fine
Chapter 4- Kurt Cobain? Nah, man, Kurt Finstock.
Chapter 5- Danny Boy, Hiya.
Chapter 7- But I Wuv Peter's Shirt
Chapter 8- Fine.
Chapter 9- Imaginary Detective Friends
Chapter 10- Werewolf Rescue Team
Chapter 11- Perfect Tragedy.
Chapter 12- Bruuuuuuh
Chapter 13- Answer
Chapter 14- Teenager.
Chpater 15- Take It Back.
Chapter 16- Take Away For Sadness.
Chapter 17- City Lights
Chapter 18- Come Back To Me, Love
Chapter 19- It's Okay
Chapter 20- Zombies Melt in Water
Chapter 21- Noses vs. Shay: 0:2
Chapter 22- Crazy Puppy
Chapter 23- Wisdom Tooth
Chapter 24- Baby in Two Months
Chapter 25- It's Okay Again
Chapter 26- It's Perfect
Chapter 27- First Love

Epilogue: Feels Like Home

7.5K 148 37
By aIive_

She could hear a window break, and loud sirens, and she could hear soft padding. She could hear a voice trying to talk to her.

She could feel a warm hand touching her, and then a cold one. She could feel happy. She could see the light. 

"Shay, sweetie," a voice shook her out of her day-dream. She looked to see a pair of light eyes watching her, twinkling. 

"Yeah D?" she grinned, watching her boyfriend sit down next to her. The two looked to the forest that surrounded the hospital. 

"Come on honey," he nudged her softly. "We can go home."

Dylan stood up, offering a hand to pull her up. Shay looked up to him, smiling yet again. "Alright."

"Alright," he repeated, pulling her up to her feet. She smiled as he kissed her forehead. She could feel tears stinging in her eyes. She was overjoyed and couldn't tell why.

"Take your bag," Dylan reminded her, making her twirl around and grab her bag. She could see in the distance an unfamiliar city's lights. It was pretty. "Shay?" Dylan asked, making her wipe away the tears that suddenly built in her eyes, those weren't happy tears, and she couldn't tell why she felt sad all of a sudden.

It was like a memory from a dream, familiar, but never seen before.

"I'm ready," she smiled at him. Dylan took her hand in his, pulling her closer to him to where he came from, leaving the familiar yet forgotten city lights behind.

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