Alsina's Boys

By intellectual212

1M 84.9K 38.9K

Two brother's navigate life, love and the annoyance of brotherhood, and realize that the most important thing... More

Stopping My Shine
Favorite Son
Career Goals
My Babies Will Live
Mama's Big Baby
Find It's Way Back
Mama Please
Back To Business
Give my kids back
Mother's Love
New Bish
Dont F This Up
Back To Family
Vintage Vagina
All Smiles
Can't Get Over It
Father to Son
You're to Blame
Different Wants
The Cycle
Aunt Stac's Demand
What I Imagined
Beginning Of The End
Moon Strikes Three
Easy Decisions
Power of the Bones
Will Not Change
Trunk Party Time Pt 1
Trunk Party Part 2
Trunk Party 3
Submitting My Resume
Grown Man Swag
Kang of DC
These Fools Part 1
House Guest
Out of My Reach
Good Kid
Mystery Man
Not today devil
Dont Mess Up
Making It Official
Clap For Black Love
Its Over
No Crying Over Boys
I Am So Disgusted
Big Mess
It's My Birthday Part 1
Its My Birthday Part 2
Protecting My Seeds
Hell Breaking Loose
Hood Bird
Who Can Be Against Us
Food of my Ancestors
Thanksgiving Woes
Won't Last Long
Good Luck
Unwanted Visitor
Figuring It Out Together
No Interruptions
Whose Your Favorite Character
For Those Who Need A Refresher on Sevyn
Preparing For First Dates
First Date
Kiss His Life Goodbye
Where Were You
Rape, Black Girls and "Good Brothers"
Where Are You From
Praying Man
Trust The Process
Don't Sleep On APA
Pancake Booty
Welcome to Dating An Alsina
See You In Court
Indoor Picnics
Hairdos and Dinners
Pray For A Girl
Have To Go
Justice For Callie
Fresh Wounds
Please Comment If You Can
Love It Out Of You
Neglected Husbands
Author's Note: love finds its way back
Tear His Ass Up
No Weapon

Alsina Men

14.2K 1K 362
By intellectual212

Ra and Auggie in m/m.

If anybody knows who Auggie is please dm me his social media links this is the only pic I have and I want more! But I've searched high and low and can't find this dude. Help! 😩

Rahiel POV-

"You been torn up all day." Ms. Patti told me as she came from the back and caught me crying in my chair.

I had finished all my heads for the day. Na was with my friend Triece and her daughter. She took them to Dave and Busters. And after holding in my confusion all day I just let it go.

"I'm okay." I quickly wiped my eyes and got up to wash my utensils and fix up my booth.

"Sit down." Ms. Patti touched my arm and sat in the empty chair next to mine.

"I'm fine. Honest." I sat down, trying to put on my best fine face.

"Ra, why do you always  wear this mask honey? You come in here. Do your
Job. A damn good job. But I hardly see you smile anymore. Joke around. You Just work and worry about Na-Na. You too young for that. You only 21 baby."

"Im too young for a lot of things but bad things consistently happen to me so..." I shrugged.

She sighed. "When you and him were on good terms, even when she was sick you smiled brighter then I'd ever seen. If his love makes you smile Rahiel, let him love you."

"It's not that easy Ms. Patti." I rolled my eyes annoyed that she thought there was some quick fix.

"It is!" She raised her voice. "It is. We make it hard." She emphasized we.

"You don't understand." I got up and cleaned my booth.

"What don't I understand Ra? You think 35 years of marriage was perfect? You think I never got hurt? You think he never shattered this perfect image of who I thought he was? You think my eyes were always dry? Smile always on my face? No. But I had to learn if you're gonna forgive somebody forgive them. Otherwise it will never work if you're still holding on to bitterness. Do I advocate women staying with men who cheat? Absolutely not. We have to value ourselves more and not fall into this trap of accepting anything. But  our intuition is everything. It's everything Ra. And we know deep inside a fool that's talking slick just to get us back to do us dirty again, and a man who is sincerely sorry and is willing to fight for the relationship. You and I both know which one Auggie is."

"You can never be sure." I said cleaning off my booth.

"I'm sure of one thing, ain't no man, especially a 21 year old running around worried about taking care of no child that ain't his. No man is just doing that. Yeah some men will hang around the kid to get close to the mama, but the way that boy be around here you'd think it was his. Hell sometimes I forget he's not her daddy. And to see his love and devotion to you, you'd think he was some six year old man married 40 years. That is a rarity Ra. It's a rarity.  I look at him sometimes and I don't understand how someone so young can love so deep. It took my husband to get in his late 30s to show me that type of dedication. And I'm not saying what he did was right. It was wrong that he hurt you that way, but I am saying you got something in him you not gon find ever again. And if he loves you that deeply now, imagine when you get older. Just thinking about it I want to divorce my husband and ask for his hand in marriage." She laughed.

I smiled.

"See that's the Ra I miss."

"You know it scares me sometimes too." I sat down.


"His love for me and Na. I always wonder what is the ulterior motive. Why are you willing to sacrifice your future for me and my daughter? Why are you so focused on getting me back when you have free reign to be with any chick you want? I wonder. What makes me so special?"

"You don't think you deserve that type of love?"

"Not all the time. Sometimes I wonder if it's pity."

"Because Na is sick?"

"No. Only he knows this. But Shantel's dad was my last foster father. He raped me one night my foster mother was gone. I told her and she kicked me out. I ended up pregnant. And I had nowhere to go. So I met Treice at the shelter I was at. She was one of the volunteers. We became cool and she invited me to stay with her until I could get on my feet. And yeah..."

"I didn't know Ra. I'm so sorry baby." She got up to hug me. I hugged her.

"And then Auggie came. And he showed me what I never knew before which was love. But like I said it might just be pity." I went back to fixing my booth.

"Ask him."


"Why he loves you. And I think you might be surprised at the answer." She went over to me, hugged me close and kissed my forehead. "Let him love you."

She grabbed her keys and walked out. I finished cleaning my booth and locked up.

Auggie POV-

I was laid in my bed trying to register for the courses my counselor told me I had to take. Me and Miri had spent our day at the school. I went to my appointment with the counselor on how we could get my gpa up, then I showed Miri around.

I hadn't heard from Ra all day and I was just getting to the point of leaving it alone. If she didn't want me I couldn't force her. And though it would tear me apart if we never got back together, I had to live with the fact that I made a huge mistake. And I could only do better in the future.

I decided to head out tomorrow. No use of staying when the reason I came didn't want me. I wanted to see Na before I left, but I wasn't going to bother her. I was going to give her, her space.

My door opened.

"Miri close my--"

It wasn't Miri.


"Hey." I closed my computer.

She closed the door behind her.

"You can sit in the chair." I got up and moved my clothes out the chair.

She sat down.

"What's up?" I sat on the bed in front of her.

"When you leaving?"

"Tomorrow. Figured since we ain't good ain't no need of staying. Just come back when school

She looked at me. "Why do you love me?"

"What you mean some why?" I said offended.

"Answer the question." She folded her arms looking like she wasn't here for me at all. Like she was waiting for a bullshit answer.

"Why do you care about Na so much she's not yours."

"She is mine. Just cause we don't have the same blood don't mean shit. When I look in her eyes and she says Auggie with her bright smile. Every Time she was in the hospital sick and cried asking for me when I was at work or school. When she says tells my brother "I'm her daddy." When I quit a semester to work to help you pay her hospital bills she became mine. Her smile. Her love for me. Who she thinks I am. That's the only paternity test I need.

Now to your first question why do I love you--- I watched my father and mother's relationship and they are so in tune with each other Ra it's ridiculous. It's to the point where if my mother is sick, my father's physical body falls ill. Like no lie. She knows what's wrong with him, without him saying it. It's just weird. And I asked him once like "pop how is it you so in-tune with Ma? And he said that's what happens when you meet the woman that God made from your rib. That missing rib we as men have in our body, fits perfectly when we meet our soulmate."

And just from us being together baby. How we are. How I feel when I am with you. How fucking miserable I am with you. I know for a fact how God took Eve and made her from Adam's rib, he made you from mine. Maybe a slab of ribs with you cause you a little thick." I smirked.

She jumped on me and started play hitting.

"Girl get off of me."

"You are so foul." She eyed me.

She was laying on top of me now. With our heads nose to nose.

I laughed. "I was playing baby. Damn. It was getting too serious. I'm laughing to keep from crying. Shit."

"And we know you like to cry."

"You didn't have to even go there. Get up." I played mad.

She laughed and pecked my lips.

"Nah we not cool. You disrespected me."

"But it's okay to say I came from a slab of ribs?"

"You crushing my ribs right now."

She gave me the evil eye and softly slapped my face. "Imma crush more than your ribs. Keep playing."

"I love you baby." I pecked her lips, chuckling.

There was silence for a minute.

"You don't love me because of what happened to me?" She turned back serious.

"No. That only made me love you more.   Alsina Men, excluding Miri we still trying to figure out who his daddy is, love hard. My Pops loves hard. I am
My fAthers son,  so I do too. It's not out of pity. It's just how God made us. Speaking of my family. You and Na-Na Come home with me until we come
Back up here for school."

"What?" She looked at me surprise.

"I want you to meet my fam. We been together almost what 3 years. It's time anyway."

"I thought your mother didn't like

"She'll have to get over it. Cause you not going nowhere."

"They'll never let us stay at your house."

"And? We can stay with my sister. She don't care."

"nah I'm good."

"Are you scared?" I chuckled.

"A little. All your family is successful."

"And you are too. Doing hair is great Ra."

"Your dad's a Dentist. Your sister a lawyer and isn't her husband some type of businessman? They all went to some
Major college and all I got is my
Cosmetology degree."


"I got appointments Aug."

"And they nappy heads gon have to wait."


"My family is not bourgeois Ra. They will love you and Shantel."

"Except your mom."
She eyed me.

"Who cares? She'll get over it. She's just  over protective and dramatic. And if she says something out of pocket I'll handle it."

"Aug I don't know. I don't feel
Comfortable just me
At your sisters house."

"You ain't gon be there by yourself. Imma stay with y'all."

I called my sister and put her on speaker.


"What's up?"

"Ra and Na-Na gon come home with me until we got to come back
Down here in a week. Can we stay with you?"

"Yeah. I don't mind. When y'all coming so I can get the guest room straight."

"I was going to leave out tomorrow but I need to give them time to pack. So we should be there like Saturday."

"Cool. Just call me when y'all on your way."

"Okay. Thanks."

"Of course. Love you."

"Love you too. Bye."

We hung up.

"Im excited." I grabbed her close and kissed her lips. She wasn't so happy.

"Baby stop stressing. It's gon be fun. Aight?"

"Yeah." She got up.

"Where you going?"

"Treice gon drop Na off in a few. I gotta get home."

"Imma finish registering and I'll be over there later." I got up and walked her to the door."


"Gimme kiss." I told her.

We kissed.

"Love you." I said against her lips.

"Love you too."

I pecked her lips one last time and she was off. This should be great right? 😏

Thank you all for your wonderful feedback and discussion last chapter. You guys are absolutely amazing and i feel so close to you guys hearing about your experiences.

It reminds me that you guys pay attention and understand my work more than I think. And that makes me feel like a million bucks!

Love you guys!!!

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