His Playboy Ways

By Bookworm_Tina

2.4M 42.8K 14.3K

"Please don't leave." he pleaded. His once arrogant, obnoxious, confident gaze looked so vulnerable, helpless... More

A New Beginning
Hello California
Mr Cocky Jerk
A Sweet Gesture
Changing Rooms and an Old Friend
Mason Behaving Badly
Getting Even
An End of a Growing Friendship?
A Charitable Event
My Childhood Bestie
Deals and Bets
Carly in the Club
From Makeover to Boyfriend
Disaster Date
Down Memory Lane
** Authors Note**
Operation Breakup Part 1
Operation Breakup Part 2
Coming Clean
Back To His Playboy Ways
Too Many Doses of Drama
You're Not Alone
Pokerfaced Playboy
Something Like Déjà vu
Secrets out of the Turkey
Why So Distant Mr Playboy?
Hangovers, Shopping and A Surprise
The Playboy's Game
Standing As Strangers
The Breaking Point
The Sleeping Angel
A Fresh Start
Goodbyes Are Always Hard
Making it Memorable
An Unexpected Twist
Stuck In The Past
All Grown Up
The Doctor and The Playboy
Revelations, An Old Friend and Planning with the Playboy
A Little Like Old Times
Too Late For Confessions
A Twist Of Fate
This Was Meant To Be
Finding Something New - His Playboy Ways Extra
His Playboy Ways spin off
Author note

Daddy Mason and Mommy Carly

53.6K 898 562
By Bookworm_Tina

Awesome banner on the right made by TriaTheCraziestDuo

'Knock! 'Knock!' 'Knock!' 'Knock!'

'Please just be part of a dream; please just be part of a dream.' I mentally chanted. I didn't feel like opening my eyes, I was too tired; all I wanted was to lie on this comfortable couch and sleep. I deserved that after all the studying I've done all night.


My eyes instantly shot open, I let out a huge breath of relief as I glanced at the TV, to see a bunch of muscular guys shooting and running around. I ran a hand through my hair, grabbed the remote and turned off the TV. I guess while going through some study notes I'd fallen asleep on the couch.


Just as I was about to call it a night and go up to my room I heard the knocking again, I turned around to see that the TV was off, so where was the knocking coming from?


"Carly." I heard someone whisper-yell.

Okay if I was any other normal girl I would be freaking out right now and would probably run to the kitchen and grab a knife or to be more cliché I'd use a pan, but I wasn't any normal girl, I wasn't frightened easily.

"Carly!" I heard someone call again with a knock.

I turned to the direction the sounds were coming from; I pulled open the living room window curtain slightly and the person came into view. I was glad it wasn't a burglar, since I was alone at home and my by the looks of it my parents weren't back from wherever they were as yet.

"Damien?" I asked a little confused.

He smiled sheepishly at me. "Hey."

I frowned. "What are you doing here?"

"Uh, can I maybe explain to you once I'm inside? It's a little cold out here." He replied.

Closing the curtain, I walked over to my front door.

"Okay what are you doing knocking my window at..." I trailed off to look at my watch. "At ten thirty at night?" I asked standing in the doorway, not letting Damien in just as yet.

"The thing is that I couldn't sleep-"

"Then count sheep, it always works and if that doesn't help count birds, that's what I do because sheep creep me out with all that curly fur and whatnot." I told him cutting him off.

"No I couldn't sleep because I was thinking-" he began explaining himself again.

"Ah, one of the many causes of insomnia is overthinking. Thinking is good just don't overdo it because well as you can see, you'll end up sleepless and then depriving others of their sleep, like me." I cut him off again.

"Carly will you please just let me explain?" he asked, looking exasperated.

I let out a yawn. "How about tomorrow or even better, Monday? I'm pretty tired Damien."

"If I don't clear this up now I won't be able to sleep properly." He said looking desperate. I was about to budge but I was pretty desperate for my bed right now.

"Then count sheep Damien, or if that doesn't work then count-"

"I am not counting sheep or birds for that matter, Carly!" he snapped and walked passed me into my house.

I stood there with my mouth agape. "Well would you like to come in then?" I mumbled sarcastically shutting the door behind me.

I followed Damien into my living room where he seemed to make himself comfy on the couch. "Okay, what was on your mind?" I asked taking a seat on the couch opposite him.

"What you told me tonight had been playing in my mind, over and over like a broken record. I knew it sounded familiar and that you meant something by it but I couldn't decipher it."

I sighed, really struggling to keep my eyes open. "I told you a lot of things tonight Damien. So if you got to the point I'd appreciate it."

"Right, uh you said you only became Mason's girlfriend because you wanted to prove to someone that you weren't an overweight whale right?"

"Right." I answered lazily.

"So the words overweight whale has been playing in my mind and I wanted to know exactly what you meant by that so I even called an old friend of mine, Brad who's now in Colorado to ask."

"And?" I asked hoping Damien would get to the point so he'd leave and I could go to sleep. I was so tired that I would tell him anything he wanted to know just so he'd leave.

"And he sounded pretty much as you do right now-clueless." He answered.

"But then it struck me, I remembered a conversation I had with Brad when we were in the eighth grade, but what I didn't understand was how you heard that, you weren't even there."

"I heard Damien, I heard you calling me an overweight, clown faced whale." I told him seriously.

Damien stood up and walked over to me, taking a seat next to me he looked at me sincerely. "I'm so sorry Carly, I was fourteen and stupid and I had no idea what I was saying, I just-"

"Forget about it Damien, it was a long time ago." I interrupted him.

"No, it was horrible of me to say that and now that I have an idea about how it affected you I feel even worse."

"What do you mean how it affected me?" I asked with a small frown.

"I heard the remark Ashley threw your way, about throwing up." He stated awkwardly.

"Oh." I said with a small nod.

"So...uh is it true?" he asked.

"That I have a history of Bulimia? Yeah." I replied.

"Was it because...of what I said?" he asked, again looking awkward.

I nodded. "Yes."

Silence lingered in the air for a while before I heard Damien take in a deep breath. "Carly, I...uh...how..." he trailed off and took in another breath. "Why? I thought you were a headstrong girl, so why would something that a jerk like me say affect you?"

I pursed my lips together, contemplating what to answer him, I could've always told him the truth that I had a crush on him but I didn't want to embarrass myself. You don't have a crush on him now and it was a long time ago, I heard that little inner voice that always made sense say to me and I knew she was right, I didn't see Damien in that way anymore so telling him the truth would be harmless, besides I was too tired to think up a story.

I half smiled. "Your words had an effect on me because when I heard them I was on my way to tell you about the crush I had on you back then, but just as I was about to come up and speak to you, I overheard you and Brad speaking."

Damien looked a little taken aback hearing my answer, his eyes widened and his mouth sat faintly agape. "You had a crush on me?" he asked unbelievingly after a few seconds of silence.

I shrugged. "Yeah, you were just so sweet to me and my 'girly' feelings were flattered at that."

He chuckled. "Girly feelings huh? You were hardly girly back then Carly. You were one of the guys, so laid back and chilled out. You knew sports and better than that you knew how to have a good time and not take things seriously. Maybe that's why I had a crush on you too."

It was my turn to be shocked and my eyes to widen. "You had a crush on me?" I asked and somehow my voice came out more amused than surprised.

He smiled coyly. "Yeah I did."

"Why didn't you say anything?"

He shrugged. "I was afraid."

I raised an amused brow. "Afraid? Of what?"

"You." he answered.

I laughed. "What? Were you scared I would eat you?"

His expression turned serious. "No and don't kid around about something regarding your weight." He warned before softening his expression and continuing. "I was afraid of what every guy is scared of- rejection. I was afraid that you would reject me and I didn't want to risk our friendship because of my feelings for you."

I smiled at him genuinely. "Didn't you once get a hint that I felt the same way?"

He shook his head. "And see through your pokerface? Yeah because that was so easy."

I chuckled knowing that he was right, I was never one for showing or expressing my feelings much.

Damien sighed. "That's why when Brad told me that he liked you I panicked, sure I knew I didn't have the guts to tell you about my feelings but that didn't mean I wanted someone else to have you so I didn't think straight and in that panicked state I acted quickly and tried to change his opinion about you; I wanted to put him off you."

"But I swear I didn't mean any of those words, you were far from an overweight, clown faced whale. You were the prettiest girl to me then, I loved the way your hair used to shine in the sun and your eyes sparkled whenever you smiled. I remember one time when your hair loosened from the ponytail and it fell open, it was the first time I saw you with your hair down and in those few minutes you left it down you looked so beautiful."

"But I was an idiotic adolescent who had no brains and said those horrible things about you and caused so much trouble in your life. I wasn't man enough to tell you how I felt and when someone else had the guts I opened my depraved mouth and spoke so ill of you."

I looked at the regret in his eyes and I knew he was sorry, he was an idiot and a jerk but he was only fifteen and we all know that boys at that age aren't the smartest. "It was a long time ago and those feelings are long gone now. We were both really young and childish and if I think back it's all just funny and a little cute." I grinned.

"Besides even if we did get those feelings out we wouldn't have lasted because for one, I shortly left with my mom for New York and realistically speaking you were fourteen and I was thirteen, the chances of us lasting were very slim; overall it was nothing but a silly little crush."

Damien simply nodded and looked away for a moment. "Yeah, you're right." H chuckled and added looking at me again. "It still doesn't excuse me for the pain I caused you, I have no idea how you coped with the eating disorder and no matter how less this means, but I am truly, very sorry. I just wish I could've gone back in time and taken back what I said."

"Life's too short to hold a grudge Damien, I've already forgiven you." I said seriously but I quickly covered up my serious expression with a grin. "Besides it wasn't as if you told me to go throw up everything I ate, I made that decision myself because like you I was an idiot adolescent who let some jerks words get to me. When I think back, I realize that I shouldn't let anyone's opinions affect me and I should love myself for who I am."

"No offence about the jerk reference." I added as an afterthought.

He chuckled. "None taken, I deserved that."

I laughed with him and I realized just how lighter I felt to finally put this behind me, to have finally ended the fake relationship and to have given up on the grudge I had on Damien. "What are you smiling about?" Damien asked.

I shook my head. "Nothing, I just find it so silly that I staged my relationship just to prove a point to you. It was so childish of me."

Damien frowned. "You staged your relationship with Mason? Meaning you two were never an actual couple?"

I nodded. "Yup, I wanted to prove to you that I could get the most popular and wanted guy at school to be my boyfriend. I guess Mason being my best friend and the most wanted guy was a bonus."

Damien scoffed. "You forgot the biggest jerk."

I rolled my eyes. "Sure Mason can be a jerk but he's still my best friend."

"And you're saying that even after he sort of cheated on you and blew your fake relationship? Knowing Ashley she'd let the whole school know that you guys are over by Monday probably telling everyone Mason cheated on you with her because you weren't good enough for him." Damien said.

"I don't care what the school thinks of me." I stated.

"So you're not going to make Mason realize just how wrong he was?" Damien asked looking confused.

"Oh I will, I'm mad at him but not for cheating on me but for telling Ashley about my condition even though I trusted him." I answered and thinking of Mason breaking my trust made my heart clench, he really did hurt my feelings because of that.

"I hope you kick his ass." Damien chuckled.

I grinned wickedly. "Oh I am sure to give him a hard time."

Damien laughed and stood up. "I'm sorry again for barging into your home at this hour but I'll leave you to your beauty sleep."

I chuckled. "No problem, I'm glad we cleared this up."

We walked to the front door. "I really am sorry for all the pain I caused you and I now know why whenever you'd warm up to me you'd suddenly go cold and I completely understand and deserved that." Damien said.

"Stop worrying your little brain Damien. All's well now." I smiled.

He grinned widely. "So we can go back to being good friends like before?" he asked hopeful.

"Yeah, I'd really like that."

Damien reached over and wrapped his arms around me, I awkwardly hugged him back, it has been such a long time since Damien and I hugged that it was weird. Damien pulled away, with the grin still not leaving his face. "I'll see you on Monday then."

I nodded and reached to open the door. "Yeah, bye Damien."

"Bye." He said and stepped out.

"Oh and if you can't sleep remember to count sheep or-"

"Birds got it Carls," he completed my sentence with a laugh before getting into his car and driving off.


"Hi." Mason greeted me on Monday morning.

I nodded in response and got in the backseat even though the front was vacant, I didn't want to be close to Mason, I wanted him to know that I was mad at him for his behaviour at Ashley's party.

I saw Mason glance at me from the rear-view mirror before taking off. "So uh, I'm glad you decided to still ride with me to school." Mason spoke breaking away the short moment of tension present in the car.

"I didn't exactly have a choice, so you can say I'm here against my will." I said coolly.

I meant what I said, I really had no choice but to travel with Mason until my car was fixed, my mom didn't have the time to drop me off at school and she didn't want me using her car either because she needed it during the course of the day. I could've asked Amber but she lived quite a distance from me. Damien was an option considering our newly found friendship but I wasn't too sure how close we were and I didn't want to seem to be freeloading off him already. Mason was a different story; we were close and so were our families so I could ask him even though we weren't on good terms.

"Carly, I-"

"Could we cut the chatter, I've got to read through some notes for a quiz in class today." I cut him off and opened my file after plugging in my earphones so I could block him out.

I was engrossed in my notes that I wouldn't have realized we were at school if the car didn't stop abruptly. I glared at Mason as the car jolted; I knew he did that on purpose. Jerk!

"Thank you for the ride, I'll meet you here after school." I mumbled to Mason as I exited the car and made my way to the school building.

"That quiz was a walk in the park." Damien grinned as we walked to my locker so I could put away my current notes and grab a textbook for my next class.

"Hmm, I wouldn't exactly call it a walk in the park but it wasn't a killer at the same time." I told him.

"How do you do it though?" I added.

"Do what?"

"Everything, from participating in so many sports, being a straight A student and having time to yourself." I answered him.

"It's called balancing my time and reaching for the greatest heights possible within your capabilities. It's really not that hard, stressful at times yes, but not impossible."

"You're like Mr Perfect, you sure you don't sneak out of school at times, rip your clothes off, wear your superman costume and go out to save the world?" I asked with a teasing tone.

"You caught me, just keep it to yourself or I'll have to send you off to planet Krypton." he said in the same teasing tone I used with him.

I made an action as if zipping me lips, "My lips are sealed." I laughed.

"Are you okay?" Damien asked softly after I stopped laughing.

"Yeah, why do you ask?"

"Well, I heard people talking about yours and Mason's breakup, so I was wondering how you were keeping up with all the attention." he asked, looking a little out of place.

"You know the best way to evade attention and gossip is to ignore the bored ones who offer it so freely and frequently. Like any other hot piece of news, this will eventually die down." I said shutting my locker.

"I like your positive, carefree attitude." Damien grinned at me.

I was glad that were good friends again and gladder that he quit apologizing since he said he was sorry over a million times.

"And I'd like to have a word with Carly."

I turned around, putting on a bored expression I asked, "What do you want Mason?"

Mason sent a glare Damien's way but decided to ignore him and place his attention my way. "I want to just talk." He said sincerely.

"Well we don't always get what we want to we?" I told him.

"What do you have now?" Mason asked ignoring my indirect rejection of wanting to talk to him. Typical Mason.

"Health class with Mrs Franklin." I answered.

Mason grinned. "Great, so do I, let me walk you."

"No need, Damien can." I quickly interjected.

"Uh Carly, as much as I'd like to but I've got calculus now." Damien said, looking apologetic.

"That's fine." I smiled at Damien who offered another apologetic smile before leaving.

"Shall we?" Mason asked with a triumphant grin.

"No, I can walk on my own." I told him and walked off but not much to my surprise he was quickly at my side, getting his way by walking me to class. Every time he tried to say something I cut him off or put a deaf ear to his words.

Just as we were about to enter the classroom I felt Mason grip my arm. "Carly, I understand why you're so mad at me but I can barely remember what I did or said to you so would you just hear me out?"

I pulled out of his grip and said. "Like you said, you can barely remember anything so just forget about it." with that being said I stepped into the class.

I looked around the hectic class and found a seat in the middle of the room; I hated being right in front and right at the back, so the middle was perfect. As I took a seat I saw Nate enter, I flashed him a small smile in return for the grin he offered.

"Smiling at your best friend's boyfriend like that is going to grow suspicions in her head."

I narrowed my eyes at Mason, who I didn't even realize took a seat next to me. "For your kind information I'm not the kind to steal other people's boyfriends, especially not my best friends. I will never stoop down to the level of hurting my best friend." I retorted.

Mason put up his hands. "I'm just saying, you might think so but you never know what impressions others might get."

I decided to ignore Mason, he was trying to get me to speak to him and he was succeeding by getting me to retaliate to his annoying behaviour.

Just as if on cue, Mrs Franklin our teacher entered the class. "I want you all to turn to page one hundred and thirty three and look closely at activity four." She went on to explain.

I turned to the page and was about to look at the activity but Mason's aggravating voice diverted my attention. "So what's up with you and Brinson? You guys dating?"

I rolled my eyes. "Yes Mason, we're unconditionally in love." I replied sarcastically in a whisper.

"So after everything he did, you've forgiven him and are friends again?' he asked casually in my ear.

I aimlessly looked at my open book so Mrs Franklin would think I was looking at the activity and not speaking while she was. "He had a reason for what he did and he apologized."

"You can forgive him but can't hear me out; even after all we've been through?"

If I wasn't mad at him I would've laughed at his melodramatic tone and question. "Yes." I answered him.

"So you'll be put into pairs and do as instructed with your partner for the next two weeks. This is part of planning for the future-" I caught onto what Mrs Franklin was explaining but was once again very rudely interrupted by Mason.

"Look Carly, I'm sorry for cheating on you, I know how important it was for you to prove a point to Damien and I screwed it up but what's done is done and I can't undo it all I can offer is an apology." He said casually, as if he was obligated to do so and not because he really meant it. Talk about being sensitive.

"Can we not talk about this now; Mrs Franklin is trying to explain a lesson." I whisper yelled at him.

Mason scoffed. "Come on its health class, who listens in this class. All we're going to learn in this class is how to have sex and I know how do that." I could hear the arrogance in his voice when he said that.

"I so didn't need that bit of information." I murmured.

"Oh don't act so innocent, I know you're the same, considering your past badgirl reputation."

"You think you know me Mason when the fact is you don't know me at all." I told him, still keeping my eyes fixed in front to look as if I was hearing every word the teacher was saying, when in fact I was listening to the trash Mason was saying.

"Courtney and Max." I heard Mrs Franklin call.

"Don't tell me you're still an innocent little virgin?" Mason asked with humour clearly evident in his tone.

"My intimate life has nothing to do with you Mason, so stay out of it." I told him.

I heard him chuckle next to me and mumble. "I'll eventually find out."

This time I turned to him and when I did I realized just how close we were sitting, his face was merely a few inches from mine. I narrowed my eyes at him and asked, "Just what is that supposed to mean?"

He simply shrugged in response looking fairly amused.

"Oh and for the record, your apology means nothing to me because you apologized for the wrong thing." I told him changing the subject.

Mason looked at be baffled so I decided to clear it up. "You apologized for ruining our fake relationship when I'm the least upset about that, in fact I'm glad that's over and everything's cleared up with Damien."

"So why are you mad at me?" Mason asked with a frown.

"I'm not mad at you Mason." I said looking at his blue eyes seriously. "I'm disappointed in you."

"For what?" he whispered.

"For revealing something so personal of mine to Ashley Spencer when I trusted you more than anyone." I answered softly, making the hurt in my voice clearly evident.

Mason looked at me blankly and appeared to be in deep thoughts, I noticed small frown lines appear on his forehead. He obviously forgot most of the things that happened at Ashley's party because of his highly drunken state.

"Mason and Carly." I heard Mrs Franklin call our names, causing the both of us to look away and turn our gaze her way.

When neither of us moved, she spoke, "Well don't just look at me and come fetch your doll and information sheet explaining your different roles in your family."

I blinked a few times trying to understand what she said; I hardly heard anything she explained in the lesson because of Mason's useless chatter now I was clueless in this class. Tearing away my thoughts I decided to get up and fetch this so called doll and information sheet since Mason looked overly comfortable not budging to do as the teacher explained.

I walked over to the front of the class and Mrs Franklin gave me a box with a doll in just a diaper, a bag with what looked liked baby essentials and the information sheet. I frowned taking the things and walked over to my desk.

"Looks like you can finally be the girly girl you never were and play with a doll." Mason commented from next to me while I read over to information sheet.

"Great, just great!" I mumbled to myself after I was done reading the sheet.

"What's gotten your panties in a knot?" Mason asked, probably noticing my irritable mood.

"Just when I got out of one relationship with you I'm about to enter another." I told him before looking up at the ceiling and asking, "Why me?"

I placed my head in my palms in exasperation before running a hand through my hair and looking up again.

"Well are you going to tell me why you got a doll? I doubt it's a reward for your good behaviour because you seem a little too old to be receiving dollies." Mason asked.

"Are you so incompetent that you can't even read?" I asked.

"And why can't you ever answer my question, do you always have to answer a question with another?" Mason retorted.

I sighed not wanting to argue. "Remember when you wanted to take our relationship to the next level?"

"Yeah." Mason drawled.

"Well it looks like we're going to be taking it to not one but two steps further." I stated with a humourless smile.


"I'm not only going to be your wife but the mother of your baby too." I answered him.

Mason's eyes looked like they were going to pop by the way he widened them. "What?" he choked.

I wanted to laugh at his expression but refrained from doing so because we were in class.

"H-how? When? I mean it's impossible we never..." he trailed off looking utterly shocked.

"Breathe Mason." I told him. I was glad the class was rowdy and Mrs Franklin was sitting at her desk probably leaving the class to discuss their assignment.

"How can you expect me to be calm after dropping a bomb like that? I am not ready to be a husband let alone a father!"

I grabbed Mason's hand in an attempt to stop him from having a panic attack. God he was truly afraid of commitment, I've just seen it for myself.

"I am not pregnant and we aren't really going to get married." I told him calmly trying my best to not laugh.

"But you just said-"

"I know what I said- I said it because we have to be a couple once again for two more weeks, just add in a baby." I cut him off.

I pulled the instruction sheet to the middle of the table so he could see. "For the next two weeks we have to pretend to be a middleclass, young couple in our mid-twenties, married for two years with a two month old baby. I'm a nurse in a hospital working night shift and you're a bank clerk working from five to six." I explained to him.

"It's an assignment for this class." I added and I noticed the colour return to his face that had disappeared a while ago.

He let out a breath of what I supposed was relief and seemed to relax. "Good, because there was no way I was going to be a father."

I giggled. "With your ways, I wouldn't be so surprised if a girl or maybe twenty came up to you and said that you were the father of her child."

"Do not say that! I always make sure I'm safe."

"They say protection isn't one hundred percent." I said with humour, trying to get more on his nerves.

Mason glared at me. I put up my hands in response and looked innocently at him, "Don't give me the evil eye, I'm just stating the fact."

"Oh yeah and how do you know these facts?" he asked with a smirk.

"It's not whatever your dirty little mind is thinking; I know this stuff because I actually listen in health class."

Mason ginned mischievously and inched his face closer to mine. "So you're a nurse ay?"

I furrowed my brows. "Yeah, why?" I drawled.

"So do you wear a sexy little nurse outfit?" he asked wriggling his brows.

I pushed him away from me causing him to laugh. "Ugh, you have a disturbing mind!"

I expected Mason to come back with another one of his narrow, dirty minded remarks but thankfully Mrs Franklin's voice stopped him from speaking. "Now just a reminder of how these dolls work and how you will be assessed on this task. You will have to treat these dolls as if they're real babies so if you leave them in your lockers, bags or in an isolated corner of your house I will know by installed monitors. You have to feed, burp and change the dolls diapers at the right time if you fail to take care of this doll like a proper baby you will fail the assignment and it will reflect badly on your report cards."

"Ready to be my baby's mama?" Mason asked looking amused after Mrs Franklin explained our task.

I sighed and hated the fact that I had to once again be in a relationship with Mason. What did I ever do to deserve this?


Amber slammed her curled up fists on the cafeteria table and had pure rage and determination written on her face.

"Ambs, calm down." I told her softly.

"How can you expect me to calm down after everything you just told me?" she asked.

I had just explained to Amber how Mason and I had broken up; I not only told her that but explained why I wanted to start the fake relationship in the first place, so she basically knew about my eating disorder and about the whole Damien fiasco.

"Not only did that jerk cheat on you but he told Ashley the one thing you trusted him mostly with?" she asked angrily.

"Hi Carly." a girl who looked to be a freshman with curly, dirty blonde hair greeted me, next to her was a girl her age with brunette hair who just smiled at me.

I smiled, unsure of who they were. "Hi."

"So is it true? Are you and Mason Clarke officially over?" the blonde asked.

"Yeah." I drawled.

"And after today, Mason's existence will be over." Amber mumbled who still looked to be filled with rage.

Both the girls looked at me sympathetically. "We're really sorry; I was so vouching for you two to live happily ever after." The blond, who seemed to be the bolder of the two said.

"Yeah, you guys looked so good together." The brunette added.

I had no idea who these girls were and even though their words were slightly creepy and a little sickening, because Mason and I definitely didn't make a good couple, I smiled regardless. "Uh, that's sweet of you...I think. But sometimes no matter how...good a couple looks it just doesn't suffice to live happily ever after."

"I know." Both the girls said together sadly.

"We like that you and Damien Brinson are getting along, in fact we totally agree to have a hottie like him as a rebound, and you may have our blessings but we will forever be team Marly." The girls smiled widely and before I could tell them that Damien and I were just friends and nothing more they hopped off.

I looked baffled at Amber with my mouth ajar, "Okay, what was that?"

Amber who looked to have slightly calmed down shrugged. "You were dating douchebag Clarke, of course the whole school would find out when you broke up. I can't believe you actually have a few rooters for team 'Marly'."

"And I'm supposing Marly is a combined name for Mason and Carly." Amber added.

I shuddered. "I figured that one, its disturbing to even think of it, I mean Mason and me aka Marly could never happen."

"I agree with you there, that jerk doesn't deserve to be with you for even a second!" Amber said bitterly.

"Who's a jerk and who doesn't deserve to be with Carly?" Nate asked taking a seat next to Amber.

"I am guessing she's referring to Clarke." Damien answered for Amber taking a seat next to me.

"You damn right I'm referring to Clarke! And if I wasn't so mad Mason and Carly didn't tell me about your apology I would probably be pissed at you too Damien." Amber snapped.

"Yeah, I heard about your breakup, I'm not too sure what happened and I'm sure not to believe the speculations flying around but I am sorry." Nate said sincerely.

Damien, Amber and I all looked at Nate for moment before we all burst out laughing. Nate looked at us like we just escaped from the mental asylum. "Is there something I'm missing?" he asked.

"Yeah, Amber will fill you in on everything; I am tired of repeating the same story." I told him.

Amber went on to explain to Nate about everything while I dug into my salad. "Why are you eating a salad when there are so many better things to eat?" Damien asked.

"Because I like salad, Damien." I answered.

"Oh." He replied.

I put my fork down and grabbed a snickers out of my bag, opened it and let the chocolate take over my taste buds. "Happy? I'm not one of those girls who only live off salads and practically starve myself." I told Damien who grinned seeing me eat the chocolate.

"Very happy. I'm just so sorry that you had to go through-"

"Enough with the apologies already, all of that is in the past. I only ate a salad because I felt like it today." I cut him off.

"Okay." He smiled at me.

"Carly I'm so sorry for what you went through and Damien you're an asshole." Nate said all of sudden; I guessed that Amber told him the whole story.

"I'm more than that." Damien mumbled looking sour.

"Thanks for the apology Nate but I'm seriously okay now, I was a silly, insecure girl back then. I don't care about people's opinions anymore." I said with a genuine smile.

"Still doesn't mean Damien is an inconsiderate ass." Nate said and leaned over to smack Damien on the side of his head.

I laughed at the action and the fact that Damien didn't retaliate, he really was sorry. "Was." I corrected. "Damien's a really good and sweet guy now." I flashed a smile Damien's way.

"So are you guys going to date now?" Nate asked.

"No!" I interjected, straight away. I realized that I sounded a little too harsh so I covered it up, "What I mean is that I had a silly childish crush on Damien back then but I can safely say on behalf of both of us that those feelings are long gone, we're no more than friends. Right Damien?" I asked, looking at him hopeful.

Damien stayed quiet for a moment but eventually nodded with a ghostly smile. "Right."

I let out a breath, glad that was out of the air because I didn't want any awkwardness with our friendship. "Good and I hope whatever was said between us will remain between us? The last thing I want is for the whole school to know about my past."

All three of them nodded. "Of course Carls, it's your life and we have no right to speak about it." Nate said.

"Thank you and that's why I like you Nate, you're so considerate and understanding." I smiled at him.

Amber looped her arm through Nate's and placed her head on his shoulder. "I'm a lucky girl." she said with a grin.

I grinned at the two of them.

"Hello kiddies." Mason's voice stood above all of our heads.

The look Amber had on her face when I told her about my break up with Mason was back only this time she was somehow angrier. She took everyone off guard, grabbed the fork from my plate and stood up. "You pathetic little piece of scum!' she seethed, eyeing Mason with what I would call a murderous look.

If I wasn't certain my friend would kill Mason I would've laughed at the scene in front of me but I couldn't because Amber had quite the temper and I didn't quite like the idea of visiting her in jail. "Nate, calm your woman down." Mason said panicky.

"Amber calm down, you seriously don't want to kill Mason." Nate told her calmly, grabbing her hand and bringing her to sit down again.

"Yeah Rubylocks cool it, you don't want to kill the father of your best friends baby now do you?" Mason asked.

Amber's anger straight away evaporated and hers and Damien expressions were alike, their eyes were popping out of their sockets and their mouths were agape, shock, disbelief and confusion were clearly evident on their faces. Nate looked normal because he was in the same class as us so he probably had an idea of what Mason was on about.

Mason took a seat next to me, leaving me in the middle of him and Damien. "Now, if this didn't have to do with our child I could've waited to speak to Carly and not risk getting murdered"

"B-baby?" Amber stuttered.

"I thought you said you two didn't do anything?"

"We didn't Ambs." I answered.

"But he just said you're the mother of his baby?" Damien asked clearly confused.

"That's because I unfortunately am." I answered with a disappointed sigh.

"That's offensive but you know you wouldn't have anyone else as your baby's daddy" Mason smirked arrogantly.

"Actually I'd prefer Nate to be the father of my baby." I said matter-of-factly.

"What?" Amber choked.

"Thanks Carly, I would've been the father but Mason beat me to it." Nate said.

I wanted to laugh looking at Damien's and Amber's expression. "I know, if only you sat next to me today then I would've been the mother of your child and not Mason's here." I mumbled.

"Carly, Nate someone better explain what's going on or I am going to lose my mind!" Amber exclaimed.

Nate and I laughed at Amber's paranoia. "Instead of wanting to kill me you should keep an eye on your bestie and boyfriend, they're talking about sharing a baby." Mason told Amber who in return scowled at him.

I grimaced at Mason for planting useless suspicions in Ambers head. "It's a health class project, since Mason was seated next to me I was paired up with him to take care of a baby doll for two weeks." I explained to her.

Amber let out a huge breath and she smiled, relieved. "Don't ever scare me like that Carly. You can never get knocked up by Mason Clarke."

"I'm with you on that." Mason said quickly.

"Me too." I agreed.

"Who's your partner Natie?" Amber asked.

"No one, I'm a single parent; apparently my wife ditched me for another man and rendered me to raise our baby alone."

I laughed at Nate's answer and dramatically sad tone, while Amber grinned. "Good, at least you don't have to spend time with some other girl for two weeks."

"Lucky you Nate, I'd rather be a single parent than be the wife of Mason." I said.

"Hey." Mason interposed. "I'm not a bad husband, or at least I don't think so."

"Yeah you're terrible." I retorted with a smirk.

"It seems as if the further you try to get away from Mason, something brings you two together." Damien mumbled more to himself and if I wasn't wrong he sounded bitter.

Damien's words weren't exactly wrong, he was right. We just got out of a fake relationship and now we were put together on a project almost forcing me to forget being angry at Mason and start yet another fake relationship with him, only this time I was to be his wife and mother of his child. Could it possibly mean something?

I brushed away those senseless thoughts. "That's crazy Damien, if Mason and I are going to be talking it's only for the assignment. I haven't forgotten what he did at Ashley's party and neither have I forgiven him."

"Carly-" Mason said seriously in my ear.

"What do you want Clarke?" I asked cutting him short for whatever he wanted to say.

Mason sighed obviously getting the message that I didn't want to talk about the other night or the bitterness between us. "I came to check on my baby." He said with a smirk breaking away the slight tension.

I rolled my eyes. "It's in my locker."

He dramatically gasped. "You will kill it, didn't you hear Mrs Franklin? Everything we do gets monitored."

"Yeah I heard and I'm the one who cares for an A so chill, besides we only start the assignment tomorrow. I'll bring the doll to school in the morning and take care of it all day and then drop it off at your place around seven thirty so you can take over the night duty."

Mason leaned back against his chair. "This is going to be a walk in the park, babies mostly sleep during the night so I couldn't be happier having a nurse for a wife who works the night shift." He smirked.

"Actually-" Amber started but I shot her a warning look, telling her to be quiet. Mason didn't know how difficult it was to take care of babies at night and that he probably had to be up every two hours when the baby was hungry and cried to be fed.

Amber understood what I meant and she smirked knowingly at me, it was sure to be fun watching Mason sleep deprived.


One and a half weeks passed since our assignment and for the first week Mason seemed at ease with the doll, he looked to be enjoying fatherhood but as the days were passing he looked to be getting more and more distressed and worn-out.

I currently had the baby in my hand and I amusingly watched Mason drag his feet to his locker, he could barely keep his eyes open. "Looks like hubby is taking strain taking care of the little one." I heard Nate say from beside me. I didn't even realize he was beside me.

"And it looks like you're quite enjoying his condition." Nate added.

I grinned. "I know its mean but I can't help but find it funny, he was so confident that having the nightshift for the baby was easy when I very well knew how difficult it would be."

Nate laughed beside me. "Poor guy, lucky for him football practice is put on hold for midterms or he wouldn't have managed."

"Serves him well for being so smug, I wish you guys still had practice." I said.

"Where's your doll?" I asked.

"Advantages of being a single parent and having a caring mom is having your mother take care of the baby all the time." Nate said looking pleased. "Raising a kid alone is a walk in the park." He added.

"I wonder why Mrs Clarke doesn't help Mason out?" I asked more to myself glancing at Mason who had his head rested against his locker, probably trying to catch a snooze.

"Um Carly." Nate said a little hesitant.

I looked away from Mason and turned my attention to Nate. "Yeah, what's up?"

"I think Amber's getting suspicious." He said.

"I hope you didn't tell her anything?" I asked rising my voice a pitch higher.

"No, no. but it's getting harder by the day, I feel bad lying to her."

I sighed and placed a hand on his shoulder. "She'll get to know eventually but telling her will only mess things up, just hold onto our secret for a little while longer, okay?"

He nodded in response.

"What's going on here, you two look to be in the middle of an intense conversation." I flinched at Mason's sudden appearance and hoped he didn't hear what Nate and I were speaking about; the last thing I wanted was for Mason to find out what was going on between me and Nate because I knew he'd tell Amber about it.

I noticed Mason's eyes land on my hand that was rested on Nate's shoulder; I cleared my throat and pulled it away. "Don't sneak up on me like that." I scolded Mason.

"Sorry, I just thought I'd come check up on my baby and her mother." He smirked but I didn't miss his droopy eyes. Poor Mason, he was obviously exhausted.

"We're doing great, I think it's asleep." I told him.

"I'll uh, see you later Carly. See ya Mason." Nate said hastily and walked off.

Mason observed as he walked off. "What's wrong with him and what were you two talking about?"

"Nothing that concerns you, now that you know your baby and I are fine, go to class, you're going to be late." I ordered him.

He yawned. "I'm on my way, I just need to..." he trailed off and rested his head on my shoulder and I swear I heard him snore.

I quickly moved away, shrugging his head off my shoulder. "Hey!" he drowsily retorted.

"I am not your personal walking pillow, now run along or you're going to be late." I snapped at him trying my best not to laugh at his fragile state.

"That baby thing is going to be the death of me." he mumbled, running a hand over his face.

"That baby thing will become a real baby if you don't give up your useless hook-ups and playboy ways. Just saying."

Mason groaned tiredly. "Don't start." He leaned over and did something that would have me in a fit of giggles if I didn't have control over my laughter. He kissed the dolls forehead that was in my hand. "Bye baby." He groggily murmured.

I raised a brow at my absolutely exhausted and probably mental friend, just as he was about to walk off he caught me off guard and kissed my forehead before I could move away. "Bye wifey." He murmured in the same groggy tone and somehow managed to drag his feet off to class.

When he was out of hearing distance I finally let out the laughter that was waiting to burst, I enjoyed this side of Mason way too much. It was a pity the assignment was soon to be finished because a sleepy Mason was hilarious if only a drunken Mason was the same.

My laughter died down as soon as I heard the doll cry, I knew it was hungry or worse needed a diaper change. Scratch that thought, I was glad that the assignment was almost over, I hated this doll it was nothing but a pain in the butt. One good thing came out of it though, I realized I never wanted to have kids, they were purely evil!


'Bang!' 'Bang!'

I groaned in my sleep until the banging got more consistent and louder forcing me to open my eyes. Why did this feel like déjà vu? It was just like when Damien was knocking on my living room window while I was asleep on the couch only this time I was comfortably asleep in my warm bed.

Curse the person who was so rudely banging my door. I reluctantly got out of my warm bed, rubbed my eyes and looked in the direction the banging was coming from; I noticed it was from my balcony.

I frowned and glanced at my bedroom clock, seeing that it was almost midnight I knew I couldn't have gotten a visitor at that time, it was Thursday for crying out loud not Friday and I needed to be up early for school tomorrow.

'Bang!' I heard again, breaking away my thoughts. I figured to open the curtain and see who my sleep-wrecker was. I was sure it was probably some bird or animal. I strolled to my glass sliding door, pulled open the curtain and saw a tall figure standing there.

Now I would be lying if I said I wasn't slightly scared by the figure because I did gasp and take a step back seeing it but I wasn't scared down to my jitters, I wasn't much of a scaredy- cat like most people.

"Who are you?" I asked, sounding bolder than I expected.

"Open the door." I heard the deep, muffled voice say.

I opened my mouth to say no but I heard a long yawn and I instantly knew who it was, but what was he doing here so late?

I opened the door. "Mason what are you doing here?" I asked sounding irritable.

"Here take her!" he shoved the doll in my hand and walked past me.

I took hold of the doll, closed the door and turned around to see Mason lying flat on his back in the middle of my bed.

"Well why don't you interrupt my sleep at midnight and make yourself at home." I said sarcastically.

"Thanks, I'm already doing that." Mason mumbled with his eyes closed.

I sat down at the end of my bed and threw the doll at him to have it land on his stomach. "What was that for?" he asked sitting up straight.

He held the doll in his arms gently and added. "I do not appreciate you throwing our baby like it's a toy and I see the way you shove her in your bag between classes, that's just not cool."

"It is a toy Mason." I told him in a duh tone.

"And you barging into my room at midnight isn't cool either. What do you want Clarke?" I asked crossing my arms over my chest.

"I want to sleep, so badly too." He answered.

"Then close your eyes and sleep, why did you have to come here like some creepy stalker?"

"Because this baby keeps crying every hour, I can't handle it anymore, just as I'm about to close my eyes she cries again. I'm going to lose my mind." He said exasperated.

"Then why don't you ask your mom to help you out? Nate's mom takes care of his doll." I told him.

Mason scoffed. "You mean asking the woman who didn't even raise me to help me out with a doll? Yeah because mother dear would be so kind to do so."

I frowned at his bitter tone towards his mother; I wondered what was up with that. Mason and his family seemed so happy. I wanted to ask but decided not to, I didn't want to pry and if Mason wanted to tell me he would on his own.

I brushed away my thoughts and asked, "What am I supposed to do? I'm working at the hospital as a nurse right now, remember? I can't help you at all. So go home and deal with the kid!"

"Carly I am exhausted, I haven't slept properly for almost two weeks, I am constantly changing diapers and feeding milk to a doll. I am so tired that I am hearing sounds, if I'm in class I hear a baby crying. Even if I try to crash after school I can't because I see and hear babies, I am losing my mind and not to mention that I haven't been with a girl for over a month so if you don't help me I will turn into a mentally ill, sexually frustrated young man!" he ranted in one breath.

He grabbed my shoulders and looked me dead straight in the eye. "Please help me."

I looked at him bewildered, I have never seen Mason so desperate in my life, he for once needed my help and I enjoyed that he had to beg for it.

I shrugged his hands off me and stood up. "Where are you going?" he asked when I walked to my room door.

"Downstairs to make us coffee; It's going to be a long night." I told him and stepped out of my room, heading to the kitchen.

After pouring two large mugs of coffee I headed back to my room to see a distressed Mason trying to control a crying doll. He was standing up, wearing a t-shirt and his sweats; with his hair dishevelled he was rocking the baby back and forth in his arms. I thought the image in front of me was quite cute; except that the baby he was trying to pacify was just a doll so rocking it in your arms wasn't going to calm it down.

I chuckled and stepped in the room, after placing the two cups of coffee on my pedestal I walked over to Mason, "Here, give it to me and grab a cup of coffee while I try to quieten it."

Mason mouthed a thank you and handed me the doll while he grabbed a coffee. I sat on the loveseat crossed legged, that I had in my room. "Could you dim the lights, my parents are going to wonder why I'm awake if they see the light on at this hour." I told Mason.

"Thanks." I said when the lights went off and only my night light was kept on.

I grabbed a bottle of milk and put it in the baby's mouth, finally getting it quiet. "Here." Mason said handing me my cup of coffee before taking a seat next to me on the couch.

I rested the doll on my lap and used my one hand to keep the bottle in its mouth while I held my coffee with my other hand.

"Thank you for agreeing to help me." Mason said.

I smiled at him. "I had to call in sick at the hospital to let them give me the night off." I teased.

Mason chuckled. "Who knew babies were such a handful?"

"It didn't give me a rough time during the day." I told him honestly.

"Could you stop calling her it." Mason snapped.

I furrowed my brows. "You do realize it's a doll and not real right?"

"I know but I like to think of her as my baby girl."

I laughed. "Your baby girl?" I nodded. "Fine if you want it to be real I want it to be my baby boy."

Mason shook his head. "No way, I want a baby girl first. My little Macy, she has your long brown hair, wide smile and my blue eyes. She'll grow up to be her daddy's little princess, I'll spoil her to bits and give whatever she wants. Whenever you nag or shout at her like all moms do we'll sneak out of the house and go eat her favourite flavoured ice-cream in a large sugar coated cone-strawberries and cream."

It was my turn to shake my head and tell Mason just what our first baby was. "No, he's my little son. He has your blue eyes, dimpled smile but my perky little nose. He'll grow up to be a mischief little fella, but whenever he's sad or hurt he'll come to his mommy who'll always be there for her little man. He'll be a mommy's little boy but will spend time with playboy daddy too and whenever my two men will fight, me and my son will team up and box you until you apologize to my little guy."

"How can you possibly want a boy? Think of a little angel sleeping in your arms and watching her grow up to be a beautiful young woman, think about the time we walk her to school for the first time and wipe away her precious tears as we drop her off to her first class, and when we go pick her up after her first day, she'll run to us with her little pigtails coming undone and little stains on her pink dress but we'll ignore all that because the smile she'll have on her face will be the most beautiful and precious thing in the world." Mason said with a grin plastered on his face.

"Yeah and when your precious little angel grows up and goes to highschool, finds a boyfriend, goes on dates, starts fighting with us because we don't allow her to stay over at her boyfriend's place, goes to college, gets engaged and eventually marries the man she loves and leaves us, then what do you do?" I asked.

"I won't let her marry anyone; she will forever be my little girl. I'll break every guys bones who as much as lays an eye on my Macy." He answered.

I laughed. "If all dads thought like you then you'd be rendered without any bones and no girls to hook-up with."

"Now if it was my little boy, he'd go to school for the first time too only he'll hate it far more than a little girl but he'll be our strong little man and won't cry. When we go pick him up in the afternoon his clothes would be covered in mud and his hair like his dads, would be dishevelled but when he runs to us, he's smile would be just as precious and radiant as a little girls would."

Mason chuckled. "Oh yeah and what happens when he grows up, goes to highschool, starts dating numerous of girls and breaking so many hearts, brings home a different girl every week and smash my car in the garage, gets wasted every weekend, eventually go off to college, carry on with his playboy ways and only settles down when he's thirty because he's bound to find that one girl who'll tame him down, then what do you do, dear wife?" Mason asked me with an amused look.

"Then I hug him tightly, give him a high five and tell him how proud how I am for being his father's son." I said smugly.

Mason laughed. "How can you be so proud of our son for being like me when all I get is lectures, taunts and even the silent treatment?"

"Because he's my baby no matter how old he is, he can never be wrong." I replied matter-of-factly.

Mason pouted, pretending to be offended. "No fair, I'm your husband."

"I know all the more reason to give you a harder time."

"But be warned hubby dear, if you cheat or carry on being the womanizer you are now I will dump you even before you can blink and I will take our baby away with me without thinking twice." I warned him with a serious expression.

Mason scooted closer to me and put his hands around my shoulders, pulling my body closer to him. "I will never even think of looking at another woman let alone cheat on my dear wife." He said.

"Good because if you do I will break each and one of your limbs before dumping your sorry backside."

Mason laughed. "Thanks for the heads-up, I'll be sure to be faithful to my other half and family. Or I'll just make sure I don't get caught cheating." He teased with a wink.

I pulled out of his grasp and slapped him a few times on the shoulder, while he blocked my hits and laughed. "Jerk!" I spat at him once I thought I hit him enough.

I was sulking and pulled the baby's bottle out of its mouth and placed the bottle on the table. I didn't look at Mason but at the closed eyed baby on my lap. I suddenly felt Mason's large arms circle around me, I felt his breath on the side of my neck from his chuckling. He pressed his nose at the side of my head, burying it in my hair before pulling away and looking at me with a smile. "I'm just kidding, I won't ever think of being unfaithful to my wife and ruining my beautiful family because family is one of the most important things in a child's upbringing. Without it a child misses out on so much and grows up being incomplete. I never want my children to grow up that way. I want a family where I will come home from work, scream 'honey, I'm home' kiss my wife on the cheek while she prepares dinner and then have my kids running into the kitchen screaming daddy, before we have dinner together as a family, watch TV, put the kids to sleep and then have time alone with my wife."

I genuinely smiled at Mason, I had no idea he had a soft side to him, a side that had a dream of having a prefect little family. I knew at that moment that there was a sincere side to the playboy sitting in front of me but I also knew that there was something holding him back from admitting to believing in relationships and love because he obviously did, the little fantasy he just told me proved it and even though it was an half asleep Mason talking I knew his words were nothing but true.

Another thought occurred to me and that was just exactly what Mason's childhood was like? I knew him from a kid but whenever I saw his family they looked so happy that I assumed he was in a happy family but if that was so then why was there a certain sadness in his eyes when he told me about a child needing a loving family to grow up properly?

I blinked away my reverie when I felt Mason's hot breath fan over my face, at that moment I realized just how close our faces were and I also realized that while I was lost in my thoughts so was Mason but as we were thinking we were looking at each other's eyes. It was the first time I looked at his eyes so closely, his pools of grey ad blue looked so much like a young boy and not the arrogant idiot that so frequently got on my nerves.

I cleared my throat and pulled away; Mason blinked a few times and I did the same. I coyly smiled at him and he returned the smile with a ghostly grin. I guess we both got so lost with our fantasy that we didn't realize it was already one am. "Um, I think our coffee's gone cold. I'll go warm it up." I said breaking the silence. I suddenly felt awkward from the conversation we just had, the way Mason and I were talking was if we were really a couple planning our family together and the way Mason held me afterwards made it even more awkward.

"That can wait; I want to know what kind of family you'd like one day?" Mason said.

I'd never really thought of what kind of family I wanted one day, heck I didn't ever think of getting a family one day and having a perfect little life, because of recent circumstances I lost that right to plan my future. I didn't want to think of one either because if it didn't work out and my treatment wasn't a success it would only be left a dream and nothing else.

"I believe in living in the moment, I don't like planning my future because life is such that you'd never know when something could happen and all your dreams would be crashed like shattered glass." I answered.

Before Mason could ask any questions I grabbed his coffee out of his hands to go down stairs because I knew if he asked questions I would probably give him answerers and I didn't want to get into detail about my illness which would move into the details about my past. The less that everyone knew about it, the better it was.

"Wait." He stopped me yet again.

I looked at him questioningly. "Uh, I want to show you something." He said looking a little awkward.

I remained quiet while he dug into his back pocket and pulled out a little, black leather covered book and showed it to me. "It's a little book, very nice Mason."

Mason rolled his eyes. "It's not just any little book; it's a journal or more specifically my journal." I noticed a small blush creep up his neck at the mentioning of journal.

I wanted to laugh because I never thought the great, popular Mason was a guy who kept a journal, I always thought it was for the softer guys who had emotions, not that Mason didn't because he did as I recently saw but he never seemed to express them around people a lot except for me which was strange. I wonder what makes him let down his tough exterior around me, maybe it was the fact that I knew him for such a long time.

"Go ahead and laugh." He said.

Just because he knew I wanted to laugh made it even harder to not laugh but I managed to only let a smile show. "No I'm not laughing at you; I actually think it's cool that you keep a journal."

"You're a terrible liar you know that."

"I am not!" I defended.

"Yeah you are, every time you lie your left brow furrows a little and you cannot make eye contact when you're lying." Mason said pointing to my left eyebrow.

My hand subconsciously moved to the brow and as if it would smoothen out the furrowed lines I rubbed over it. "Stop judging my lying ability and tell me why you trusted me enough to tell me about your journal?" I asked raising a brow.

"Trust me I wouldn't have showed it to you unless I was completely helpless."

"Helpless?" I asked.

"Yeah, look I know you didn't want to talk about Ashley's party and our break up but I think I deserve a chance to justify what I did."

"Mason I'm not mad because you were practically eating Ashley's face off and I don't really care that she now knows that I had bulimia because you couldn't keep a secret, so just forget about it already."

"That's the thing, I didn't tell her about the bulimia, sure I sort of ruined our fake relationship but I didn't break your trust Carly. I'm many things but not an inconsiderate jerk who'll tell my best friends personal stories to a girl just so I could get in her skirt." Mason said.

"As you know I'm an only child and when I was little my Gramps used to go to the office and I was pretty much alone, so when I was able to read and write I started writing all my thoughts down in a journal, it was sort of therapeutic to me and I haven't given up on that habit, I still write everything in a journal." He went on to explain. Hearing that I could sort of relate to him because even though I wasn't an only child but I feel how he feels now when I have a brother who doesn't wish to talk to me and is away at college most of the time and as for my gramps who was like a best friend to me is no longer here, I sort of knew what it felt like to be alone and not have anyone to share anything with. I thought it was sweet to have a journal.

"Anyway a few days before Ashley's party she came over to borrow some notes from me so she welcomed herself into my room, I wasn't in there but rather in the bathroom and when I came out of the shower I saw her sitting on my bed-"

"As entertaining as this sounds but I uh don't think I want to hear any more of this story." I quickly cut him off, not wanting to hear the story of Mason in only a towel and Ashley sitting comfortably on his bed.

Mason smirked. "It's not what you're thinking, although I'm glad to know that your head isn't as innocent as you make it seem."

I rolled my eyes. "Just get on with the story only if it isn't what sounds like the obvious, because if it is going in the direction it sounds like then you should stop because there's a kid in the room." I gestured to the doll on my lap.

"No you little pervert it isn't what it sounds like." He clarified before continuing.

"When I saw her sitting on my bed she wasn't just sitting but I think I carelessly left my journal on my bed before going in the shower and I saw her reading through it but before she could get too far I snatched it from her."

How rude of Ashley to read something as personal as a journal that didn't belong to her, so typical. I, however didn't quite get why Mason was telling me this.

Mason let out a yawn. "That's how I think she found out about your disorder, she probably read through those parts before I snatched the journal out of her hands. I'm sorry for being careless and now she knows something that she shouldn't."

"Don't worry about it Mason, it wasn't intentional besides you didn't expect Ashley to barge into your room without prior notice and you definitely didn't know she lacked good manners." I told him sincerely.

Mason grinned. "So we're good? Back to friends again?"

I smiled back. "We're good and we were always friends, always will be."

Mason flashed his dimpled smile before asking, "Now tell me how you and Brinson made up?"

I went on to explain what Damien and I had spoken about the other night and why he said those things about me, I told him about the crush Damien had on me back then while Mason took Macy as he called the doll to burp.

"I still don't like the guy; he's nothing but a puny little douche." Mason said bitterly.

I wanted to ask Mason just why he and Damien didn't like each other but I saw how bloodshot his eyes were and noticed how many times he yawned so I decided to leave it and ask another time.

"I'm going to put these mugs in the kitchen." I told him and stood up taking his mug from him.

Mason yawned. "Yeah I should probably get going. Thanks Angel."

"Sit down, wait until I get back and we'll see from there." I told him and walked towards my door but I heard my phone buzz.

"Hey could you check who sent the text while I run downstairs?" I asked him.

I heard him mumble a 'sure' as I left my room.

After putting away the mugs and switching off the kitchen lights I headed upstairs again to my room. "Mas-" I started but trailed off when I saw him lying flat on the sofa, with his eyes closed and his breathing even. I walked over to my closet to get a blanket and when I went to cover Mason with it I saw the doll lying in his arms, I smiled at the sweet image in front of me. Mason looked so innocent when he was asleep and nothing like the annoying, obnoxious playboy he was.

I reached over for my phone that was lying on the little table in front of the couch to click a picture of Mason sleeping with a doll because no matter how sweet the image was I knew I could use the picture to my advantage one day, Mason would kill if he knew I had such a picture on me.

After taking the picture I covered Mason with the blanket and got in my bed, I guessed that Mason was spending the night, he would just have to get up before seven and leave otherwise my parents wouldn't find the idea of Mason spending the night in my room very pleasant no matter how innocent it was.

I put my phone on my side pedestal and tucked myself under the covers; I was tired and soon let sleep take over me, feeling at ease that Mason and I were on good terms again, I didn't quite understand why I hated fighting with him so much. He was a friend after all and friends fought a lot so it shouldn't bother me right?

A/N first and foremost thank you all soooo much for the amazing comments I've been receiving on this story, it really makes my day when I see how much you guys like my story, it's because of those comments that I'm motivated enough to write and upload quicker. Today is my 'Wattpad birthday' and I want to thank each and every one of you who make me want to stay on here and share what was first just an imaginative story with all of you. Thank you all so so so much.

Secondly I got a comment on the previous chapter asking for a Mason's POV, I initially only wanted to make this in Carly's POV but if I get asked more I might make a side line version of this story in Mason's POV, I might so no promises.

Thirdly, which of you guys enjoyed the moment between Mason and Carly with their doll or as Mason refers to it, 'Macy'? I really enjoyed writing that. Also I showed you Damien's side of the story, now I hope you guys can cut him some slack, he's really not a bad guy. Are there any Team Damien's out there? ;)

Lastly what do you guys think is going on between Nate and Carly? Hmmm wait to see in the next chapter.... ;) (Gosh now I sound all dramatic lol)

'Till next time my lovelies



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