Daily Self Growth Journal Pt...

By JacobSummers

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This is the fourth part of a project called the "Daily Self Growth Journal." Its purpose is to prompt reader... More

Heroes and Tragedy
Credit... Who Needs It?
Courage to Grow, Courage to Serve
What's Your Royal Jelly?
The Beneficiary of Satisfaction
Performing for Purpose
God is Forgiving
Say Yes!
Integral Improvements
The Cause and Effect, Affect
Discouragement's Motivations
The Ultimate Reaction
More Than Conquerers
Leaning On The Everlasting Arms
Open Doors
A Higher Perspective
Love is Forever
Fullness in Jesus
Our Superpower
Entitlement vs Dependency
Fate Mata
War... What is it Good For?
Following God
What's Your Religion?
The Grace and Power of Service
In Whom Shall We Trust?
The Walk
Separation and Love
The Reason
There You Are
Failure Is Not An Option
Seeing Through
Secrets and Privacy
Tools of Purpose
Praise Be To God
It Falls on Him
A Song to Trust
Mattering for Him
The Gratitude Attitude
What Shall We Fear
I Belong to You
Service and Selfishness
Grace Proffered
The Proof!
Present Love
Grace For Granted
Shaped by Love
Undeniable Life!
The Strength of Three, The Purpose of Four
Blessed, Because He Lives
All I Long For
Standing Firm
The Hug of Jesus
It Changes Everything
Suit and Tie
Distractions and Reality
Thank God It's Friday
Turning Off The Light
Take This
Love the Lord
The Miracle in Purpose
Easy For You To Say
Cry Out!
Gratefulness Shining Through
True Character
Right Here, Right Now
Questions... Questions...
Fear Itself
Where To Start?
Cognizant of Creation
Life Desiccant
Be Quiet and Listen
The Truly Auspicious Life
Because He Lives
He's The Only One Who Can Forgive
The Good Fight
All Things New
It Takes Obedience
To Serve Or Not To Serve
A Greater Performance
The Greatest Hope
His Job
We Need Heaven
A Proximate God
Loving Responsibility
The Hope of Nostalgia
Why Pray?
The Circle of Fulfillment
Waiting On God's Smile
Synthetic Life
A Purpose List

The Perfect Dance

67 1 0
By JacobSummers

Holding you, I held everything

For a moment, wasn’t I the king

But If I’d only known, how the king would fall

Hey who’s to say, you know I might have changed it all

And now, I’m glad I didn’t know

The way it all would end, the way it all would go

Our lives, are better left to chance

I could have missed the pain

But I’d of had to miss, the dance

(From the song The Dance by Garth Brooks)

There is no fear in love.  But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment.  The one who fears is not made perfect in love.  1 John 4:18

Extirpate:  “to destroy completely”  Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Sometimes it can feel as if our lives are up to chance.  The dances we share are fleeting and we feel lucky just to have had them.  Happiness comes and goes.  Purpose is almost the same as luck.  And fun is rewarded with punishment.  Life is a dance.  A dance unlike any other.  Ya, it can get tiring.  Toes will be stepped on.  And there will be lulls in the excitement.  But when we have the right partner, it’s never up to chance.  God said to the children of Israel in the midst of hardship and punishment, when there lives were worse than we could ever imagine.  “For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”  Jeremiah 29:11  Throughout the Bible you can see the dance between God and His people.  You can see the struggles, the hardship, and the sadness.  You can also see the victories, joy, and peace.  But they were never by chance.  God has a plan for each of us if we should accept.  Plans to prosper us and give us a hope.  That prosperity and hope can be found in Jesus.  The writer of Hebrews 12:2 says, that “He’s the author and perfecter of our faith.”  Life can be up to chance.  But only when we’re not dancing with our Maker.  Throughout history you can see God’s people being punished when they left His will for their lives.  When they began to worship other God’s or acquiesce to the peer pressures of the nations around them.  And if we’re honest, we can see that in our lives too.  When we forget God, when we succumb to the temptations presented to us by this world, things can go a little haywire.  Maybe that’s when we get a DUI, an STD, or some other acronym nobody wants.  I’m not saying that living in God’s Will, will always lead to happiness and laughter; it won’t.  But in God’s Will there is peace, and joy, and purpose.  There are times when serving God can seem like it comes with chances.  Over 100,000 people a year die in this world because of their Christian faith.  Still, it’s not by chance.  Because even death has a purpose with our Savior.  Without Him, it has none.  There is no purpose in death, hardship, sorrow, etc, outside of Christ.  He’s the only source of redemption, salvation, and meaning.  He’s the dance partner we should all have.  He holds us and says, “I am The King.”  “KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS.”  Revelation 19:16b  A life lived with Him will never carry the phrase, “I might have changed it all.”  Because in a life with Him, we may not know how it all will go, but we will know how it all will end.  On the Cross, Jesus extirpated death.  On the cross He ensured a better, eternal home.  A home of perfect love, a home without fear, a home without chance.  On the Cross He made this dance we share eternal.  And it’s at the Cross that we can join Him in eternity.  Let’s commit our lives to that dance.

Daily Journaling Questions:

How did I help someone in kindness today?

What did I learn today?

What am I thankful for?

Who did I love today?

What am I dreaming of?

What about today do I want to remember forever?

What are my goals for tomorrow?

Thanks for reading,


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