Once Upon A Stranger "Islami...

By InHerMind09

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Between fairy tale and reality, hopes and disappointments; dreams and emptiness comes the story of a young wo... More

Chapter 01 : The Beginning
Chapter 02: The Wind of Change
Chapter 03 : HOpE for The HOpeless
Chapter 04 : Nothing Is EVer PErfect
Chapter 05 : SurpriSingly Good
Chapter 06 : pArty Time
Chapter 07: The Beginning of the End
Chapter 08 : To BreAk or To Give A chAnce ??
Chapter 09 : WeAk but Not DefeAted
Chapter 10 : The First Step
Chapter 11 : A Crying sky
Chapter 12 : Cross Roads
Chapter 13: I'm No GentleMan but A beast
Chapter 14 : A NIGHT TO ReMeMBeR
Chapter 15 : A strAnge CoinCidenCe
Chapter 17: His World
Chapter 18: There Comes A time For GoodBye
Chapter 19: First Ladies Weekend Part 1 : A welcome Gift
Chapter 20 : First Ladies Weekend Part2 : Decisions Time
Chapter 21: The SoOner The Better
Chapter 22 : Another Chance
Chapter 23 : A Night at The TheaTer "My NAme is CoseTTE "
Chapter 24: Snow White
Chapter 25 : And I found a fRiend in YoU
Author Note
Chapter 26 : The beginning of my Holiday

Chapter 16 : Home Sweet Home

378 26 20
By InHerMind09

Standing in front of the metal gate, surrounded by high walls, big mansions, a tranquility, this neighbor is very quiet and elegant, not to forget that it's outside the city center, a sweet escape from the noise and the crowded life of London.

I looked for the ring bell that was hidden by leaves, I pressed the button and waited, Martha must love the quiet places ! I said to myself

-How can I help you miss ? The guardian asked

-I'm here to see Martha, she's expecting my visit.

He opened the large gate and lets me in

-What is your name Miss ? He questioned

-Miss Brini, or tell her Rahaf, she would know me like that.

-Okay, wait here.

I watched the guardian, leaving toward the house, passing by beautiful gardens, through the shrubs that formed the board of the beds, in their hearts; roses were planted with a multitude of colors, from pink, to red, oranges, violets,... In the center of the entry garden and in front of the main door , there is a fountain that held a mermaid in the center surrounded by shrub sculpted as dolphins, four of them as if they are watching over the mermaid.

I looked up to the house façade, the purity of the classic lines had a charm that can never die, the door was marked with the Fronton, the Corinthian colonies that held it, symmetrical windows, the walls are painted in pale yellow, this place looks like a palace, very majestic and classy. There is also a modern touch in the house, which means that this place has been renewed or it's not that old.

-Follow me, Miss, please, the guardian said.

I frowned, I hadn't seen him when he comes back, I was too busy contemplating the house, so his voice made me jump in my place and cut my thoughts. I nodded quickly and walked behind him in the garden path, thinking will I live in this castle ? I have never lived in such a big place, this place looks like a princess chateau, not an ordinary girl house.

He opened the front door and left, I watched the mermaid closely before I come in,laying down on the water, her hair is wet , in her hand, she holds a jar that water comes from it to go down in the fountain base.

-It's beautiful, isn't ? Martha asked

-Yep, so pretty.

-No one can enter this house without stopping by her, yet they can't stay for very long or her guardians will be angry and pissed off.

-Ooh, I opened my mouth in surprise and admiration.

-Come-on, let's go inside.

-Ahem, I nodded, then followed her.

-Is your suitcase heavy ? She asked

-No, it's fine, I kind of get used to it.

-Oh, I know the feeling, leave it here in the hall, Claire will take it to your room later.

We went to the living room, both sit on a sofa next to each other, after that, a lady come, Martha introduced her as the housekeeper, she asked us about what we drink then left.

A few minutes of silence passed, we both sit there, each on her own world, I was observing the living room, the furniture, the décor, the walls, I tried not to look much so it won't seem gruesome, but it was hard, everything in it was interesting and inviting me to look , Martha turned her gaze to me and said:

-There are a lot of things to discuss, but I'm pretty sure that you're tired and in need of rest so we will talk later ?

-No, I'm fine, I think it's better to clarify things from now. I replied.

The housekeeper comeback with two cups of green tea, served us while we both watched her quietly , when she left Martha stated :

-All right, you can practice your religion as you wish in your room, you can do whatever you want in your room except bringing visitors in it; especially men, I'm a traditional woman, but that shouldn't be a problem now ?

-Oh, yes, I answered, surprised by her question, my cheeks felt red I turned my head to not look at her then continued : It should never be a problem.

-Ahhmm, there is also the food, tell the cooker what you like to eat and not so she will know what to cook for you, I take dinner by 8 o'clock every day.

-I can cook for myself .

-No darling, you don't have to, it's her job and she is very good at it, you will see. She stopped talking, took her cup of tea and drink a bit.

-Drink your tea Rahaf before it gets cold.

I nodded and done as she asked, we have agreed about most things except the payment, how can I afford to live in such place, where even my dinner will be prepared for me. This made me anxious, my expression changed .

-There is something else Rahaf, what's it that I forget ? Martha questioned not hiding her worriment, after noticing the change in my face

-Hmm, I hesitated a bit before I said : There is still the payment, clearly; this is your house so no rent to share, so how I'm going to pay you ?

-I have thought about that this evening, I figured you won't accept to live like that as a guest so I found a solution that hopefully will please and satisfy both of us.

That seems good, hopefully, I smiled happily knowing she won't ask much money, but what is this solution.

Martha cut my thoughts and declared :

-I need someone to type on the computer for me and it happens that you know how to use computers very well, I don't like typing much, I prefer to write with my own hands, but the text must be typed, so that will be like your mini job, your payment for living here, for your food and laundry, you don't have to do anything .

-But I can do that for myself.

-I know, but I have two maids, I'm sure that they can take care of two persons, beside it's their job not yours, so do you agree ?

-Yep, I answered with a wide smile on my face that reached my eyes, I finally found a home, Thank you Ya Allah : what will I type ? I asked excited to find out what kind of text will I be writing.

-My books, of course .

-Oh, so you're a writer, I said confused a bit.

Martha looked disappointed : yes, I'm , I have written many books, some were very successful, you never heard of me or read any of my books ?

-No, sorry , I apologized , still feeling guilty for not knowing her.

-It's fine, you're probably the first one who doesn't recognize me, and for the books, now you get to type it, so you will be the first one who read it.

-Woww! Never have I ever lived with an author or even met one in person and even less type their books !! I exclaimed happily feeling lucky .

-Everything has a first time, I suppose. She spoke

-Ahhmm, I nodded , still smiling then asked : what type of books you're writing ?

-It's crime book, I begin a trilogy a year ago, the first book is already published and it was very successful so I decided to continue the trilogy, we are going to play detective, she joked.

-That seems very interesting and fun, but I better read the first one so I can follow with you well, where can I found it ?

-Here, in the library of the house, I have additional copy, you can take it, but not now,you should go to your room and have some rest , I will take you.


I followed Martha upstairs to my room, we walked in a long hall, I thought it wouldn't end until I reached my new room, once we were inside , Martha said :

-I hope you like your new room, and have a good time in it, you can make a few changes in it if you want, settle yourself and feel free, you're home sweety.

-Thank you so much, I don't know what to say.

-There is no need to at all, I have done no favor to you at all I'm helping you and so will you.

How kind and humble she's, she took me to her house, told me to feel home and do as I wish, respected my religion, my culture, my food habits and she won't take any money from and yet she said we are both helping each other, I mean how much someone will be paid for typing, I'm sure not enough to have a room in this house .

-When will you bring the rest of your things ? She asked

-Tomorrow I think, I will go early after work.

-Okay, I will go with you.

-It's fine, I can go on my own, there is no need to.

-I'm coming with you Rahaf, there is no point to object.

Ah, I can see from where Allan took this attitude , hmmm

-Did you say something ?

-No, nothing.

-I will let you rest now, we can talk later .

And with that she closed the door and left.

Once I was alone in my room, I took off my head scarf and jumped on the bed, feeling relieved, happy. Finally, I had found a home, I had my own room that looks really fabulous, but more importantly, I won't be living alone, I'm sharing a home with a good and a nice lady, I had never imagined that things will turn like this ever before, I have never lived in such a big house, never have servants before and I had no one but Allah to take care of me these last months. Now , it all had changed, All praise to Allah, they say the darkest hour is the one before sunrise, so when it gets too dark, too hard and seems like impossible to handle, know that the ease is coming, the sun must rise.

All the long, including these last days, I had never stopped believing, I have always know for sure that it is going to change, that things will be better, every problem has a solution, and the clouds must leave to let the stars shine at night, After hardship comes the ease, all this time, Allah haven't abandon me, never gave up on me, whenever I think I can no longer take it, whenever it gets too hard, I turned my head to the sky and prayed to Allah, ask him for help.

While I was lost in my thoughts, I felt my eyes closing, Martha is right, I'm tired and in need to rest so I adjust the pillow and closed my eyes to sleep, and for the first time in a long time, I felt safe, I felt home and happy.


I opened my eyes, the room is drawn in darkness, I must have slept for hours, I searched the side lamps botton to turn it on, after a few time, my hand had managed to succed the task, I watched the the clock, it's 7:30, almost dinner time, I haven't even told the cooker what I can eat or not, I left the bed quickly, turned my gaze to a corner , my suitcase is there, waiting for me yet I don't have time to unpack now, I went to the bathroom, washed my face, and comeback to my room, I took my headscarf, wore it in case someone came, I would be prepared , then left the room.

I walked fast in the hall , the lights were on, I tried to remember the way to the living room and not get lost which is not such an easy thing, considering it's my first day here and the house is not tiny, when I reach downstairs, I thought I would find the living room easily since it's not far from the stairs, but I discovered that I took another stairs, not the principal one so now I don't know where I'm, I walked a bit turned my face in all directions until I saw a young girl coming , when she reached me she stopped and asked me :

-Are you lost ?

-Yes, I'm , I replied.

-Where do you want to go Miss ?

-To the living room, and please call me Rahaf.

-Go straight until the corridor end, then turn right, you will find yourself in the hall from it there you can find the living room.

-Okay, thank you aa..... I still don't know your name.

-I'm Claire, it's nice to meet you Mi.. I mean Rahaf, if you need anything call me.

-Nice to meet you too, what are these rooms ?

-Here is the service area, there is the laundry, the servants rooms and bath, and the kitchen is there, "she showed me with her finger " .

-That's useful, I will try to remember, thank you again Claire.

And with that I left, followed Claire instructions, I wasn't sure if I should pass by the kitchen first or no, then I decided no to go, it's late, the dinner must be prepared and they can't do anything for me, I should go and see Martha, if she is in the living room.

-Hey, I said, smiling once I was inside the living room.

-Hey darling, did you sleep well ?

-Yep, longer than I should.

-Oh, it's fine , you needed rest, the dinner is prepared and the table is almost ready, since I don't know what you like to eat, I told them to prepare fish and chips hoping you will like them.

-Um, I'm not sure if I can eat them. My smile has already faded

-Oh, why is that ? You're allergic?

Oh no, once again, I have to explain the food habits and what can and can't a Muslim eat.

-There are certain things Muslims can't eat, like I have to eat a halal meat, cooked with vegetable oil not porc oil, and I don't drink anything alcoholic nor do I eat anything that contain it.

-Then you and I will agree pretty much just like I thought, she smiled, looking relieved and happy, I rarely drink anything alcoholic, and even less cook with it, that is like never and for the oil, I like vegetable too, the others contain a lot of fat even the meat I mostly eat cow meat and we can from now on buy it from a halal butcher, so should we go to the table ?

-Yep, sure thing, I answered, feeling relief and happiness, what a coincidence! I can eat dinner with her with no worry, everything seems to work out this time, as if life has finally shown me it bright smile.

We went to the table, Claire served us then left to take her dinner with the others in the kitchen, I sit and saw how treated her, she was very nice and kind to her, she is a humble lady, she treats everyone with love and care, no matter who they're, servants, driver or strangers, I couldn't help not to like her, I mean, how can I not to, she took me to her house when she didn't even know me, gave me a home and treated me as if I was a very dear friend or a family member.

The dinner passed very well and entertaining, Martha certainly knew how to make conversations , light ones, we giggled and laughed a lot during dinner , we also gets to know each other more, she told me that when we met in the park the first time, she had the feeling that we will meet again, which is strange, since I also hoped to see her again, her presence made feel a lot better, I was no longer alone, I had someone with me, and she reminded me of home, of my mother and my grandmother so much, they're both as kind , nice and humble as she's, and they're both caring and loved me, It's not a secret that Martha had affections for me, perhaps because we're both divorced , well technically I'm still not " or maybe I don't know, I really don't, why do we like certain people and become our friends and others not, what drive us toward them, why do we meet them and how it's possible, from all people in the world to meet those special persons ? It's all unclear to me now, but I hope one day I will figure it out.

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