The First Lost Girl

By HannahKateElkins

125K 3.4K 423

Peter Pan is the ruler of Neverland, or that's what he implies anyways. He and his Lost Boys have been enjoyi... More

First A/N
Character Profiles
Character Profiles
Chapter One: Freedom
Chapter Two: Neverland
Chapter Three: Someone's Here
Chapter Four: Are You Lost Little Girl?
Chapter Five: You...Called Me...A Lost Boy.
Chapter Six: Call me Rufio
Chapter Seven: So You Really Are Lost Arent You?
Chapter Eight: You're Quite The Gentleman Felix
Chapter Nine: Is This Real Or Am I Still Dreaming?
Chapter Ten: I Challenge Rufio
Chapter Eleven: Princess
Chapter Twelve: I Should Have Been There For You
Chapter Thirteen: You're My Princess
Chapter Fourteen: Girls Are Good For Some Things
Chapter Fifteen: Bath Day?
Chapter Sixteen: I Can Handle It
Chapter Seventeen: Judgement Day
Chapter Eighteen: The Sailor Returns
Chapter Nineteen: What Have I Done?
Chapter 20: I'm Captain Killian Jones And You My Dear Are On The Jolly Roger
Chapter Twenty-One: Just One Step At A Time
Chapter Twenty-Two: You Are Forgiven. You Always Have Been
Chapter Twenty-Three: Lets Play!
Chapter Twenty-Four: Kill
Chapter Twenty-Five: Anything For You Princess
Chapter Twenty-Six: I Underestimated You Once Rufio But I Won't Do It Again
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Everything's Going To Be Okay
Chapter Twenty-Eight: It Wasn't A Dream Then
Chapter Twety-Nine: No Problem Princess
Chapter Thirty: Goodnight Princess
Chapter Thirty One: I Feel So Alone
Chapter Thirty-Two: Devin
Chapter Thirty-Three: Dance With Me
Chapter Thirty-Four: You're Like A Brother To Me
Chapter Thirty-Five: Any Last Words?
Chapter Thirty-Six: You Think I'm Afraid Of Death?
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Where's Felix?
Chapter Thirty-Eight: It's Settled Then
Chapter Thirty-Nine: I Can't Leave Him! He Needs Me!
Chapter Forty-One: You Love Him Don't You Lost Girl?
Chapter Forty-Two: I Want You To Smile For Me Princess

Chapter Forty: You Don't Look Too Good

1.2K 44 7
By HannahKateElkins

Pan's P.O.V.
"Come on Felix!" I yelled. I was trying hard to get his heart pumping again. But it wasn't working. "Don't go on me like this! Not now!"
Devin had taken Rufio away a while ago. So I was here alone.
I sat back on my thighs, unsure of what to do.
Suddenly, I got an idea. I placed my hands again over his heart and closed my eyes. I haven't learned to use magic yet, but I was still connected with the island. This place was magic. And I was connected to it. So maybe I could use it somehow.
I willed the island to spare some of its everlasting youth, to give Felix life again.
"Please." I whispered. Felix was the best friend I had, I wasn't ready to let him go.
Suddenly his body lurched forward. I quickly sat back. He gasped for air and bent over on himself.
"Ouch." He croaked.
I grinned.
"I thought you were a gonner!"
He looked up at me.
"Guess I was then." He coughed, but as soon as he did, he doubled over again, with his hand on his chest.
I noticed that in the spot his shirt had been cut open by some sort of blade. The wound was covered in dried blood and seemed to be infected.
"You don't look too good." I said.
"Come on, you think you can make it back?"
He shrugged.
"Not sure, but I can try."
I helped him to his feet, and he nearly collapsed.
"That would be a no." I told him. "Here, just lean on me, we'll get there."
And so, slowly and carefully, we made our way back to camp.

Devin's P.O.V.
I had carried Rufio back to camp and held onto her when I sat down. She hadn't stopped crying, but her sobs had calmed down a little bit.
"Hey!" Beau said, walking over to us. "What's wrong with Rufio?"
I looked down at Rufio, then back up at the little boy's empathetic brown eyes.
"We...we found Felix...he-"
"Patch! Prentiss!" It was Pan.
I looked up in shock and surprise to see him coming into camp, with Felix leaning against his shoulder, and stumbling along with him.
"Yah Pan?" Patch called, running up with his twin brother. They both stopped in their tracks. "Is that...?" Patch started.
"He's in bad shape and needs medical attention immediately."
"Rufio." I said. "Rufio it's Felix!"
She gasped and lifted her head up.
"Pan's got him right now!"
"Felix?!"she called standing up.
I grabbed her wrist.
"Just a second Rufio."
I had been watching what Pan and the twins. They were taking Felix to his tent.
"Just wait here okay?" I told her.
"Just for a minute. Sit here with Beau, I'm going to figure out what's going on."
I got up and left, heading towards Felix's tent.
When I got inside, everything already seemed busy. Patch was giving Prentiss orders as he pulled off Felix's shirt and began to work at the wounds.
"Pan, what's going on?" I asked.
"He's alive, with the help of magic of course."
I nodded, signaling for him to go on.
"He's got another chance but...he's not doing very well. The twins will work with him for a while. I need you to make sure the other boys do what they need them to. I'm going to let the others who are still out there know that they can come back in."
I nodded and he left.
I turned to the boys who were busy with their work.
"Prentiss, go grab all of the medicines. Devin, get the boys to get together a bowl of warm water with a washcloth, a water skin, some gauze, a needle and thread, and a knife. Got all that?"
I nodded and exited the room, prepared to get the boys to work.

Patch's P.O.V.
I quickly got to work as soon as Felix was in bed. He had passed out on the way back to camp, as Pan told me, and he was still out. I had most of the deep cuts sewn up and was now cleaning up the blood that had dried up around them. I needed to get the rest of them medicated and dressed before the infections got any worse. He was severely dehydrated. Red got the water and attempted to pour some into Felix's mouth but he just ended up coughing it back up.
So now I was just stuck with trying to clean his wounds and hope for the best.
He had several cuts and bruises over his torso and the rest of his upper body. Some of the most serious was what looked like a knife and arrow wound.
"What do these pirates have against us anyways?" Prentiss asked while he handed me a small red bottle and a bit of gauze. I'd never really named the medicines I made...but at least they worked.
"Well I don't know Prentiss, maybe it's because we killed half of their fellow men just for coming onto the island and threatening Pan!" I replied, with a fair amount of sarcasm.
"I guess that would make sense." He mumbled.
I rolled my eyes.
"Pass me the cloth, but ring it out first." I said, pointing at the bowl of warm water on the nightstand. He did as I said and I used it to finish cleaning the blood off of Felix's body.
"But if they wanted to get even with us, why didn't they just attack the camp?"
I sighed.
"Because, they don't know where the camp is."
"Oh, right."
"Or they're just wimps and decided to pick us off one by one instead of all at the same time."
He was quiet after that, thank God. Now I could focus on fixing Felix up again. I observed how bad his infection looked. I wasn't really sure if that would heal very quickly. Whatever was to happen, I hoped I could save him.

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