Chapter Thirty-Eight: It's Settled Then

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Devin's P.O.V.
"Devin." I heard a voice hiss. I hummed a response, to let them know I was awake.
"Devin, get up. Pan wants us." I forced my eyes to open. It was dark in the tent, and by the looks of the light coming from the crack in between the flaps at the front of the tent, it was really early in the morning.
I sighed and sat up as Luscious, who had woken me up, left the room. Quickly and quietly, I got dressed and headed
out into the clearing.
I did a head count of seven boys, Nibs, Luscious, Thomas, Vester, Curly, Blade, and Pan.
"Alright. You're all here now." Pan said. "Have any of you seen Felix since training yesterday?"
"Not at all Pan."
"Not since then."
We were all shaking our heads. I hadn't really thought about that until now. It was true. Felix hadn't been seen in over eighteen hours. Where was he?
Pan nodded, furrowing his eyebrows and seeming to be in deep thought.
"What about the Pirates then?" Several of the boys looked around. It looked like they understood what he was getting at.
"They were moving around a bit more than usual the other day." I said. "Looked like they were going to be coming on the island for food or something like usual...but I don't think the ones who left the boat have gone back yet. They might still be on the island."
"It's settled then." Pan said, crossing his arms. "I'm splitting you up into groups to find Felix. The only thing I can think of that might have happened is that the Pirates have taken him captive and are holding him as prisoner somewhere on the island. If you do find the Pirates, do not engage. Report their location to me. Understood?"
We all nodded.
"Good. Now, take weapons with you. Search until the sun starts to set, then head back here. Go."
We all turned and prepared to leave, and soon enough, we were scouring the jungle for our fellow and eldest Lost Boy.


Rufio's P.O.V.
I woke up to only half the Lost Boys at camp, the others out searching for Felix. I was glad that they were out searching for him, but something told me that I was the only one who could find him.
I was simply sitting in my bed and holding tight into the handle of the knife Felix had given me in my first day in Neverland. I rubbed my thumb over its wooden handle. He was talented when it came to carving wood. It's handle was smooth enough so that it didn't need leather wrapped around it to prevent splinters. I almost felt a smile tug at my lips, but the smile quickly left even before it arrived. He wasn't here. He could be somewhere out in the jungle, dying. I was almost sure he was. He needed to be found. I couldn't stand another day without knowing he was okay.


Devin's P.O.V.
Dinner was quiet tonight, but I knew everyone was thinking the same thing. Where was Felix?
I looked up and noticed Rufio wasn't eating with the boys. In fact, I hadn't seen her all day.
I got up and walked over to her tent, brushed aside the flap, and walked in. She was lying on her bed, staring off into space, a knife gripped in her hand. She rubbed its handle and the flat of its blade, slowly and delicately, as if trying to memorize how it felt.
I sat on her bed. She looked over at me.
She laid her head back on her pillow, almost seeming to be disappointed that I wasn't Felix.
"We'll find him. Don't worry." I told her, trying to be reassuring.
"I know we'll find him Devin." She replied, in almost a whisper. "The true question is: will we find him in time?"

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