Chapter Thirty-Six: You Think I'm Afraid Of Death?

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Felix's P.O.V.
I woke up to my head throbbing and my torso burning in pain. I listened, trying to regain consciousness and remember what had happened. The Pirates, they were after the pixie dust. My wrists and ankles were bound. They had tied my hands so that they were wrapped around the tree behind me. I couldn't go anywhere.
"It's simple Smee." I heard the captain saying. "We make the little brat talk. He'll tell us where the pixie dust is. It'll work, don't worry."
I blinked my eyes open. We were in a clearing. But I recognized it. It was about twenty five yards from the tree. My tree.
"Ah, you're awake. It's about time." Hook grumbled.
I pulled a bit at the ropes, but they were sturdy, maybe even more so than the lost boys' rope ties.
He chuckled.
"No, you won't be getting away that easily. I've had experience with capturing a Lost Boy before, excuse me, Lost Girl."
I looked up at him. He smirked.
"Yes, your friend Rufio did end up in my possession. Sadly, Smee didn't tie her up. She got away. You should remember that. I know how important she is to you. How much you care about her."
I glared.
"You know nothing."
"Is that so?"
I didn't reply. He smirked.
"Didn't think so. I saw how you reacted when Rufio took that little tumble on my ship. I do hope she's okay." He said with false sympathy.
I growled and tried again to pull free of the ropes.
He chuckled.
"I guess that means no. Did she die?" There was no hint of care in his voice. There was nothing.
"No, you over grown idiot! She's blind, and it's your fault!"
"Go ahead and tell yourself that. You know it's really your fault. You shouldn't have let her go. She'd be fine if you had made her stay away. She'd still be able to see, wouldn't she?" My eyes widened. It was my fault.
He laughed again.
"That's right. Feel the pain of love. I can see it in your eyes. She was stolen from you, wasn't she?"
I looked back up at him. How did he know?
"My love was stolen from me. The Dark One killed her. I share your pain. But yours must be worse, seeing your love with someone else, but not daring to say a thing, not daring to hurt her." His voice had softened.
"You know, I could help you get her back."
He smirked.
"I'm looking for something. When I find it, I can destroy Pan. I can take over Neverland. If you help me, I'll reward you with his death, the one who stole her."
Now he was talking crazy. I may have been pissed at Devin, but I'd never kill him over something like this, it would be wrong. Rufio would hate me.
"Then you can have her." He was saying. "All to yourself. You can go anywhere you want to go. You can be with her."
It was my turn to laugh. He raised an eyebrow.
"There's no way I'm going against Pan. You'd be wise not to either. He controls the island." It raised my voice and addressed the crew. "He could kill you all now if he wanted."
"Know what's good for you boy and stay quiet." Hook hissed.
"You should all leave now while he still allows you to breathe."
Hook lunged at me and struck me in the side of my face with the tip of his hook. I cringed, but refused to cry out.
"I said be quiet!" He yelled.
He stood up above me in a menacing way.
"Now, tell me, where's the pixie dust?"
"I thought you told me to be quiet." I replied with a smirk.
He glared and struck me again. Another blow to his face, but luckily he used his hand this time. I worked my jaw around and spat blood to the side. I could feel where my teeth had cut open the inside of my cheek.
"Don't play with me boy. Your life is dependent on this. Now, tell me where it is."
"You really think Pan would tell me? How stupid are you?"
Another hit, with the hook again, leaving a large gash in my left shoulder.
"Do you enjoy pain?" He asked, obviously frustrated. Good.
"Maybe I do." I retorted.
"Let's see how long you keep to that, before you die."
I chuckled.
"You think I'm afraid of death?"
"You may not be, but you'd be leaving her."
My heart was in my throat.
"She wouldn't miss me." I mumbled.
"We'll figure that out soon enough."
He raised his hook, blood dripping off of the tip.
"Now, again, where is the pixie dust?"


I was barely holding on to consciousness. Hook had done a number on me, but I had told him nothing. He'd given up. Now he went with just searching the island until he found it. Yah, that was going to happen.
"Captain, what do we do with the boy?" I heard Smee ask.
"Ah, just leave him here. He'll die soon." He replied.
Smee nodded and walked off to help the men prepare to leave.
Hook approached me again.
"Maybe before you die you'll think of the mistake you have made of not agreeing to my offer."
He pulled out a dagger and thrust it into my chest, causing me to yell out in pain.
"That, was for good measure." He growled, pulling the knife back out. My head dropped down and I clenched my teeth, trying to ignore the pain.
"I hope you die soon boy. You deserve it."
I didn't respond. And before I knew it, I was alone in the clearing. It was just me and the pain. It burned through my body as if I sat over a hot fire. I was loosing a lot of blood, along with my strength. I had none left now. My body was slumped forward, and I couldn't call out for help. I was going to die here, and by the hands of pirate, or, by the hook of a pirate. I would have laughed at my own joke if not for the lack of energy. Killed by a pirate. Figures.

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