Chapter Five: You...Called Me...A Lost Boy.

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Pan's P.O.V.
A girl? The shadow had brought a girl? Did he think this was a joke? We don't take in girls. They're fussy, needy, and you can't ever let them go anywhere on their own, they always get into some sort of trouble. She didn't belong here.
I composed my shocked self and stood up straight, feeling a smirk tug at my lips. "Are you lost little girl? You look lost to me."
"I- I don't... What do you mean?"
"You're not supposed to be here." I said taking a few steps toward her and glaring straight into her eyes. An expression of fear flashed through her face and her mouth parted slightly. But the fear wasn't of me. It was of something else.
"Then why did the shadow bring me here?" She demanded, voice cracking.
"A mistake I assure you."
I could almost see the tears forming in her eyes. Another thing, girls are too sensitive.
"It couldn't have been a mistake, he told me that I was the first girl, so he couldn't have been unaware of his actions!" She yelled. Geez, girls get so worked up over such small things.
"You will leave in the morning." I told her. I starting to walk back to the clearing but I felt her hands grasp my sleeve. I jerked my head in her direction, how dare she even think about stopping me.
"Wait! Please! Im begging you, I can't go back! This is my last chance at freedom. You have to let me stay!"
She seemed so pitiful, latching onto me and pleading like that. Just like a girl. Needy.
"Do I?" I asked raising my left eyebrow. A worried look appeared on her face. "You see, little girl, you don't belong here. You wouldn't even last a week if I did let you." Her expression changed to thoughtful. Oh no. Why did I have to say that? She straightened. "We can make it a bet then. If I don't prove myself, to your standards, then I'll leave. If I do, I can stay." Who did this girl think she was? I make the bets, not her.
"And why would I even think about taking up this offer when I don't even want you here?"
"Because you're nice?"
Felix and I both started laughing.
"Be- because<hah>, because I'm nice? Oh heck." I couldn't stop laughing and she obviously didn't understand why.
"Yes. I do. Why else would you be rescuing boys and bringing them here?"
"Because I enjoy the company. Selfish and nice are two different things dear." She stomped her foot.
"And why can't I stay here?! The shadow brought me here to enjoy freedom as the rest of those boys! Why would you keep that from me?! Have I not suffered enough?!"
Felix's eyes were wide with shock. And I didn't blame him, no one, i mean no one, raised their voice at me. In a split second I had her pinned up against a tree by her throat. She raked her nails across my hand in attempt to escape my grip, but of course it didn't work.
"You dare raise your voice at me?!" I hissed.
"How....dare..I?" She managed.
"None of my lost boys are allowed to even talk back to me, yes, how dare you?"
A small smile appeared over her lips.
"What are you smiling about?" I demanded, tightening my grip.
"You...called me...a lost boy." She whispered, which was now the only thing she could do.
I let go when I realized she was right. She collapsed to the ground, coughing. When she caught her breath she looked up at me.
"Does this mean-"
"You have a week to prove yourself." I said, turning and walking into the camp. She was already being a pain. And I was sure she'd be gone by the end of the week.

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