Chapter Twenty-Eight: It Wasn't A Dream Then

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Rufio's P.O.V.
I woke up several times during the night. It was always a nightmare that would wake me up. And each time the nightmare was the same. Endless falling in endless darkness, until I finally felt pain in the back of my head and woke up. Then I would remember all that had happened. All that was taken from me, and I'd start to cry. I tried to hold it back, but I couldn't. Soon whimpers would escape my mouth, quickly turning into sobbing as tears made their way down my face.
But then I'd feel someone holding me. Felix. He'd rub my back or whisper to me. And eventually I felt calm again, exhaust would take over my body, and I'd fall back asleep.


Felix's P.O.V.
I woke up, feeling a bit disoriented as to of where exactly I was. It wasn't my bed, I could tell that much. I opened my eyes and nearly jumped out of my skin. Rufio was laying in the same bed as me, her back facing my way. I pulled my arm away from her in desperate attempt to get out of her bed before she noticed I was there. I must have fallen asleep here last night. As I tried scooting back I went too far and fell off the side of the bed.
"Ow." I croaked.
I heard Rufio stirring and quickly backed into my own bed. But then I remembered. She couldn't see. I quietly got back out of my bed. She sat up, looking around, but eventually gave up.
"It wasn't a dream then." She whispered.
"No." I replied sympathetically.
I thought she might've started crying again, but all she did was bite her lip and make her way out of her bed.
She held her hands in front of her as she walked, trying not to run into anything.
I took hold of her hand and led her over to her chest, happy that she didn't protest.
"Do you have anything in particular you want to wear?" I asked, kneeling down with her.
She was silent for a minute, just staring forward.
"Okay then."
I was going to open the trunk for her but she stopped me.
"I can do it Felix."
"Are you sure?"
She nodded.
I stood up and walked over to my own chest, opening it and starting to get undressed.
It took Rufio a few extra minutes, but after a couple questions and a bit of reassurance, she was dressed and ready to go.
"Okay." I said, taking her hand. "Just stay with me."

Devin's P.O.V.
Pan told us about Rufio. The poor girl. She had come to protect Beau and things turned for the worse. All us boys had agreed to help her. To keep her company and make sure she got through the day.
We were all eating breakfast when she came out, Felix holding her in tow.
The clearing went nearly silent. It seemed to bother her because she stopped, her lips pushed so tightly together they were almost white.
Felix looked back and started mumbling things to her, trying to reassure her. It wasn't seeming to work.
She stood statue still, I could almost see her trembling. I stood up and walked over to her. All I could think of was hugging her, so I did. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her into me. She seemed shocked at first. But she recovered smoothly, returning the hug. After me it was Beau who also hugged her. Several of the boys came up and talked to her. Trying to reassure her that everything was going to be okay.
"You hungry?" Thomas asked her.
She nodded and smiled.
"Alright then boys! Let's get Rufio some food!" He called grinning. The boys all followed him to where we usually ate and got a plate of food for her.
Felix took her over to one of the logs around the fire pit and sat down with her. They both began to talk to each other, Felix mumbling things to her and rubbing her hand with his thumb, while she listened and nodded to whatever he said. I wondered what they were talking about.

Rufio's P.O.V.
Felix talked to me calmly about what to do today. He said that Beau and Tootles would stay at camp with me, and that if I needed anything they'd be there.
"Pan says you have to stay here. He doesn't want you getting hurt if you go out into the jungle. Okay?"
I gave a small nod. I felt numbed on the inside. Like this was all just a very bad dream. But it was real. I couldn't see. I was blind. I was blind.
What was I going to do now? Just sit around the camp for the rest of eternity? No, I've waited too long for this life. I'm not giving it up.

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