Chapter Seven: So You Really Are Lost Arent You?

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Felix's P.O.V.
I watched as Rufio walked over to join the lost boys, her light brown hair disappearing behind the trees. I still couldn't believe that the shadow had brought a girl onto the island. It's been decades since anyone of us has seen a girl. Probably explains why the boys were acting the way they were. They had been flirting with her. Especially Devin. Something about it made me feel weird. She was absolutely clueless to the fact that they'd be acting like overly hormonal teenage boys around her for the next week. That made me think, what if she made it past Pan's test? She'd be staying here with us.
I just noticed Pan was still here, staring in the same direction I was, where Rufio had walked through the tree line. I could see her dancing with Curly.
Pan turned to me.
"I have an idea."
"And what would that be?"
"Only lost children can hear the music of my pipe. If she's not truly a 'lost girl', that'll give me a good reason to send her back."
"That makes sense."
"Of course it does, I said it."
He could be really smug sometimes. But he was my best friend, so I had gotten used to it. We both walked into the clearing where the lost boys were dancing around the bonfire. Rufio had sat down on a log and was staring into the flames. The glow of the fire was dancing across her blue eyes. I sat on the opposite side of the clearing so she wouldn't notice as I studied her. Pan had said something to her and was now up and playing his pipe. She smiled, pink lips spreading evenly and gracefully across her face. Wait, now I'm starting sound like a hormonal teenager. I looked away from her and at Pan. He looked mad. Probably because he knew that Rufio could hear the music, meaning that she did belong here. My gaze drifted back over to her. She looked at me and I quickly looked away, hiding my face under my hood. I got back up and headed over to her.
"So, you really are lost, aren't you?" I asked.
"If you can hear the music, it means that you're lost. That's why he plays it you know, to find the ones who are lost."
"Oh I see. So he takes in lost children?"
"Then why not me?"
I looked down at her. She seemed to have a pained look in her eyes, one I didn't like. I sat down next to her.
"You shouldn't mind too much about that. Pan just doesn't like girls. Thinks they're hopeless."
"He thinks that if we have any here that they'll be a burden."
"I see."
I felt a smirk pull at my lips. She stood up.
"Well my opinion is that I'm in fact not a burden. If anything, I am helpful."
"Fiery." Pan said from behind her. She jumped in surprise and turned around to face him.
"I like fire."
She regained her composure and leveled her head.
"Play with fire Pan and you'll get burned."
He raised an eyebrow and smirked.
"Sassy too."
She frowned.
This time I smirked.
"Where will I be sleeping tonight?"
"She can sleep with me." I heard Devin say. He had walked up beside us, a smug look on his face. Dang, these boys had Pan written all over them.
"You already have three people in your tent! That wouldn't be fair!" Tootles whined. He had also joined into the conversation. The little boy had his arms crossed and wore a pouty face, his brown curly hair was hanging over his furrowed eyebrows. Devin smirked.
"She can just share a bed with me."
"I-I-" She stuttered, before Pan interrupted her.
"-No, Tootles is right." He said. "I don't want the tents over crowded."
"But Pan, they're all already over crowded." Tootles commented.
"Hm." His eyebrows knit together in thought.
"Wait! Felix has roo-"
Tootles had started to say but Devin had elbowed him, apparently still trying to get Rufio into his bed. I frowned at him and he returned the look.
"That's true Tootles." Pan said, I could almost hear the smirk trying to escape his mouth.
"Pa-" I started but he interrupted me.
"Rufio, you'll be staying with Felix. Tootles, get the boys to make a new bed and put it in Felix's tent."
Tootles grinned with excitement and dashed off into the clearing, grabbing a handful of boys. I avoided making eye contact with Rufio and stalked off to my tent. I threw the flap back and walked into the darkened room. I've never shared a room before. It probably wouldn't be too bad, especially since Rufio was a girl, a very pretty girl.
I heard the tent flap brush open. I turned to see the boys walking in with Rufio in tow, giggling at something Tootles was saying. He grinned at his achievement of getting this teenage girl to laugh. I picked up some of the bedding materials they had brought in and laid them out on the far side of the tent but on the opposite side of mine, leaving about five feet in between the two. The boys came in behind, finishing the job.
"Why, this is the finest bed I've ever slept in!" She breathed. At first I thought she was being sarcastic, but when I looked at her I only saw truth in her eyes.
"Yup!" Tootles said proudly, hands on his hips and chest puffed up. "Picked out the materials myself! All animal fur and skins! Soft, like girls love. Girls love soft stuff don't they?"
Rufio giggled and knelt down to be level with the small boy.
"Of course! Thank you for being so thoughtful about my comfort."
He grinned.
"Pan says you should get some sleep. He says you'll have a hard day of work tomorrow." The boy sobered and furrowed his eyebrows. "What are you doing here anyways?"
"Well, the shadow brought me here. But apparently Pan doesn't like girls. So I have to prove him wrong."
"Oh Pan's never wrong." He said confidently. Rufio didn't say anything so Tootles headed for the tent flap. Before heading out, he turned back and grinned. "But I hope he is."

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