Chapter Fourteen: Girls Are Good For Some Things

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Pan's P.O.V.
I was glad to leave Rufio back at camp. I needed to get that girl off of my mind and hunting was the perfect thing to do just that. And it was quite successful if you ask me. I came back to camp with three rabbits and a plump squirrel.
Most of the boys were already skinning their kill or even cooking it over the fire.
I untied my animals and began to work with them.
I spotted Rufio and Slightly at a nearby tree and Rufio was skinning a rabbit. She didn't seem the least bit squeamish handling the now bloody meat. Hm. Maybe she was a bit less bothersome than other girls but still, she was a girl. And girls are annoying with all of their crying, and whining and pestering. I still don't want her on my island.
I noticed that Devin wasn't here. He must have left for the night. Strange... Maybe he just wanted to get an early start at setting up a shelter or something. Yah. That's probably what he did.
Soon all of us were finishing up our dinners and were already horsing around. I stood up and pulled out my pipe, then began to play. This was one of my favorite parts of the day, when the fire warms the clearing and when the crickets and other nocturnal creatures start to sing and when the stars and moon are shining bright above the trees. My pipe always provided the perfect melody for nights like this.
As I began to play all of the boys began to either dance or help me with the evening song by playing on their own instruments. They banged on drums and tapped various sorts of sticks together or on rocks and trees, creating a pattern so that even I couldn't resist dancing around with them. This song said that we were free, that we were going to have fun, and that we weren't afraid. And that's exactly how it was supposed to be.

Felix's P.O.V.
I watched the scene before me as I always did, sitting with my back against a tree, and one leg propped up. It was all the same. The boys would play with their little instruments that they made themselves and Pan would play his pipe. It was bright fire that roared high and gave an almost eerie glow to the clearing. The boys would dance around it and their cloaks and animal skins would flash over the light of the fire, blocking it for only a moment, then leaving only to return again later.
For them it never got old, but for me, it never was new.
I was dragged out of my thoughts when I caught a flash of light brown hair that whisked by for a second through the boys and was gone as fast as it had came. I cocked my head to the side, searching for it now. It showed itself again but this time it was on the farther side of the bonfire. It had been Rufio.
She danced with the boys, but she wasn't dancing like them. Rather than dancing and flipping in a wild and hyper sort of way, she danced with a flowing passion. Her eyes were closed yet she circled the fire perfectly, not faltering once. Her hips swayed and she twisted and turned her body round as she danced with the boys. Her arms swayed above and around her as she spun. She pranced her bare feet against the forest ground and smiled during it all. I caught myself staring again and looked away. It was surprisingly hard not to. I got up and walked back to my tent to grab my knife and a staff I had been whittling.
I had been gone not five minutes when I heard the music outside pick up and the lost boys start howling louder.
I walked back out and to my surprise Rufio was the only one up and dancing. The boys beat on their drums and watched with amusement as Rufio circled around the fire, dancing even more beautifully than before. I smirked and joined the boys, noticing that even Pan seemed to be enjoying himself.

Pan's P.O.V.
Okay so maybe girls are good for entertainment but I stand my ground. The song ended and the boys gave whoops and whistles to Rufio. She gave a small curtesy and a smile, tucking her hair behind her ear. Ugh, girls, too perky.
"Bravo." I said clapping sarcastically. "Girls are good for some things." It was meant to be a sarcastically based comment but she smiled all thankful like, clueless.
"Alright boys, time for bed." I said standing up. They moaned but didn't question me. Ah, leadership is quite useful. They all walked off to their tents for the night and I doused the fire with water and kicked a bit of dirt over it, leaving the clearing dark and empty. And now I had enough silence to think of what sorts of things I would put Rufio up to tomorrow.

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