Chapter Thirty-Seven: Where's Felix?

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Rufio's P.O.V.
I whistled before releasing the arrow from my bow. I could hear where the sound bounced off of a circular sort of object. The target.
I heard a satisfying thunk. A smile came to my face as I heard clapping coming from my right. It was Pan. He'd come to see how far I'd gotten and how well I had adjusted to being blind.
"You've improved well." He said.
"Thank you."
"You're doing good at training her Devin. Keep it up."
"Will do, Pan."
I heard him walk away and join some of the other boys who were practicing with their cross bows.
"Where's Felix?" I heard him ask. "I thought I saw him over here earlier."
"I don't know." Thomas answered. "He just...left. I think he went hunting or something. Maybe to do border patrol, but, that's not until later."
I furrowed my eyebrows in thought. It was strange of Felix to just disappear. I shook my head and pushed the thought away. He was fine. Probably just hunting like he usually did. But something still bugged me about it. Why would he leave in the midst of teaching the boys?
"Anybody in there?" Devin asked, playfully knocking on my head as if it were a door.
I giggled.
"You zoned out for a minute there." He said, a smile sounding in his voice.
"Sorry, just got lost in thought."
"Stop daydreaming then." He said poking me. "You still have training to do."


Even by dinner no one had seen Felix.
I walked into my tent after pan had sent us to bed, even he seemed just the slightest bit curious as to of where Felix was. I didn't sense him in here.
"Felix?" I called out, just to be sure. No answer. I made my way over to his bed. I hadn't slept with him since Devin had kissed me on the beach. I wasn't sure why. It was as if I wasn't only sleeping with him because I was scared. It was more like I slept with him because it felt good to be with him. Something told me not to sleep with him for that reason, it wasn't like he felt the same way for me as I did him. So I didn't. I slept in my own bed. It was harder to get to sleep now, but eventually I would.
I felt around his bed, but felt nothing. I was sure he wasn't there now.
A bit of worry was forming in my stomach. Where was he?
I decided that if he wasn't back by tomorrow evening, I'd look for him.
A few sickening thoughts crept into my mind as I got into bed.
What if the Pirates had captured him? What if they hurt him? Or...killed him?


I couldn't fall asleep last night. I was too worried about Felix. I stayed up and waited for him. But he never came. Before I knew it, the morning birds were chirping and the sounds of morning greeted my ears as I left my tent.
I didn't care if I had told myself I'd wait for evening, I needed to find Felix, I needed to know he was okay.
I headed towards Pan's tree house, and was there in a matter of minutes. Walking next to Pan's bed, I took a deep breath and reached for him.
"Pan?" I called quietly, letting my hand rest on his arm. Before I could blink, he had a death grip on my wrist. I didn't fight.
"Its alright Peter." I cooed, rubbing his hand gently with my own. I hadn't called him Peter since I first came to Neverland. "It's just me. It's Rufio."
He seemed to calm down at the word Peter. That was good.
"Peter, wake up. I need you to wake up."
A few seconds went by.
"Rufio? What are you doing in here?"
I let go of his hand and he sat up, I could sense the warmth of his cheeks increase.
"I'm worried about Felix." I told him. "I feel like he's in trouble. It's not normal of him to just leave during training, or to miss dinner. He wasn't here last night either..."
He was silent for a while.
"Alright." He said finally. "I'll get a few of the older boys together and they'll look around for him today. If he's still no found, I'll have the rest of them join, myself included."
I felt a relieved smile form on my face.
"Thank you, Peter."
I turned and left, a bit more relieved now than I was before. Pan would have the boys look for Felix, which meant that he'd be found soon. I'd see him again soon.

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