Chapter Forty-Two: I Want You To Smile For Me Princess

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Rufio's P.O.V.
I wasn't sure what had happened. I remembered being by Felix. Devin had just left, and then Pan came in. My memory after that was a bit foggy. But I definitely didn't remember getting into bed. But, this bed wasn't mine. It wasn't made of animal fur. The blankets were made of cotton. I smelt a fairly familiar scent of crafted wood.
Pan's treehouse.
Now I remembered. He had blown something onto me, and then I'd lost consciousness. He must have used poppy dust. I mentally cursed at both him and myself. I couldn't believe I had fallen for that.
I sat up and pulled off my blankets, preparing to walk back to camp and sit with Felix. What if he had woken up? I hadn't been there for him.
I stopped moving. Someone was coming up the ladder. I quickly stood up and faced them just as they emerged from it.
"Oh." Pan said. "Your awake."
I crossed my arms.
"Why did you do that?"
"I'd rather not argue Rufio. I came back here for a reason...It's Felix."
My arms fell back to my sides.
"What's happened?"


I was making my way back to camp as quick as I could, stumbling almost every other step on a rock or tree root, but I continued either way. Pan was behind me, trotting to keep up. I couldn't believe what had happened. I knew Felix's fever had been bad, but...
Tears were streaming down my face as I pushed through the front of the tent and stumbled to the side of the bed where Felix lay.
"Felix?" I called. Reaching out towards his body.
"There's the princess." I heard him say, The sound of sleep hanging onto his voice. I laughed with joy and held tightly onto his hand.
"You're alive! You're okay!" I cried. Before I could stop myself I leaned forward and crashed my lips into his.

My body froze. What was happening? Wait...Rufio...she was kissing me. I couldn't even believe it.
But before I could react, Rufio gasped and pulled back, covering her mouth with her hands.
"I'm s-so sorry F-Felix! I d-didn't m-mean t-to!" She said, fear appearing in her widened eyes. "I-"
Before she could say anything else, I cupped her face with my hand and pulled her in for another, this one lasting longer than the last.
I let her go and she sat back on her thighs, looking down and smiling.
"I've wanted to do that for so long." I whispered, also smiling.
I noticed that Pan had left. Poor guy, having to experience an awkward moment like that.
"I...I didn't know that you..." She didn't finished. She didn't need to either.
"I do." I told her. She looked up at me.
"And I you. I was just...I was too scared to tell you. I thought that maybe you didn't care..."
"Of course I care. I care so much. And, I'll admit I thought the same with you. I thought you and Devin were...together."
"Oh, no!" She said laughing. "No, no, no! You have it all wrong!" Her laughter was getting stronger. It felt so good to hear.
"You see, he met me on the beach a few weeks ago. And...well, we decided that we do care for each other, but not in that way. It's more of the sisterly and brotherly affection." She said smiling.
I grinned.
"So you're not...?"
"Well, I guess that's relieving." I said, leaning back.
It was quiet for a while. I took the time to feel the pleasure of my first time kissing Rufio. And also in the fact that Devin wasn't with Rufio. He hadn't stolen her. I made a mental note to never be mean to that kid again. I felt so good.
"I...was scared you wouldn't make it." She said quietly.
I looked up at her. I could tell she was fighting back tears.
When I first found you, I-" her voice cracked. "Devin checked your pulse, but...I didn't believe him at first. I thought he just hadn't done it right. Then I tried...I-I didn't weren't breathing either...and your were so cold..." A tear traced down her cheek. "You were dead Felix. You were gone. I thought..."
She began to sob.
"Hey, hey. It's okay. I'm here now. I'm not gone. I'm here." I said, pulling her into a warm embrace and holding her there.
"I thought I'd lost you for good." She whispered.
"Let's not think about that now, okay? I don't want you to cry." I brushed her hair with my fingers. "I want you to smile for me princess."
She looked up at me and did, pink lips spreading finely over her face in a beautiful smile. I wiped her tears away with my thumb, and looked into her eyes, forgetting for the moment that she was blind.
This was the first time I had truly been able to look at them. Their blue color differed in shading in certain areas around her eyes, so that they looked like an endless sea of sapphires.
I couldn't help but kiss her again. So I did. I leaned in, connecting her lips with mine. This time, she kissed back.
Her mouth was sweet, and her lips were soft against mine. I reluctantly pulled away.
"Wow." Was all I could say. "That felt good."
She smiled and blushed.
I sighed contentedly and again leaned back against my pillow, with Rufio now laying next to me, her head on my chest. I noticed how well she fit there, and realized, that she had been the one thing I was missing all these years in Neverland. She was the puzzle piece, the one who was to fill the hole in my heart. I closed my eyes and smiled, leaning my head down and against hers, and enjoyed being with the girl that I truly loved.


Rufio's P.O.V.
I woke up in great warmth and comfort. I remember now. Felix. He was okay. And we had...
I smiled and snuggled deeper into him. My heart was fluttering. I felt so elated I could have flown. Felix cared for me. And not just like a brother and sister relationship. He cared for me lovers in a story you might read. Like the kinds where there's a princess and a prince, and they fall in love...I couldn't keep the smile off my face thinking about it.
"'Morning sleeping beauty." I heard Felix mumble into my hair. I smiled.
"Good morning."
He chuckled and tightened his grip around my waist, pulling me closer to him.
I smiled.
"Are you hungry?" I asked him.
"I'll go get you some food then."
He moaned and held me even tighter.
"Felix!" I whined.
He moaned again.
"I have to get up to get you food." I said, attempting to pull away, but he held fast.
"I'm not hungry anymore." This time it was him that whined.
I sighed and crossed my arms the best I could in the difficult position I was in.
"I want to get up." I told him flatly.
"But I don't want you to." He mumbled, burying his face in my hair.
"I'll be back in a minute."
He moaned.
"Felix." I moaned right back.
It took a bit of coaxing but he finally let go and I left the tent.
"You look like a hot mess." Devin greeted me, teasingly tugging a piece of my hair.
I pushed at his shoulder and stuck my tongue out at him.
"I feel perfectly fine, other that the fact that I'm starving and so is Felix, what's cooking?"
"A bit of eggs and some deer."
"Wonderful. Could you make me a couple plates? I'm going to the river to get some water."
"Sure thing."
"Thanks Devin."
I turned and started out of the camp and to the river than ran close by. All the while thinking about Felix. The one I loved.

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