Chapter Eighteen: The Sailor Returns

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Felix's P.O.V.
I listened to Rufio's breathing as she fell asleep, the way I always did. For almost a year she had accompanied us Lost Boys by joining our family. She would keep track of our laundry and the dishes, she had cooked our meals, played our games, and tended us whenever we were hurt or sick, whenever there were new Lost Boys she would make them feel welcome, introducing them to our camp and making sure they would have a comfortable place to sleep at night. She had filled in the missing piece to our camp. And during that year she had become one of my best friends. I smiled at the girl that had, what seemed so long ago, arrived on our island, and proved Pan wrong. She had beaten him, shown him just a peek of humility. Some of the boys wonder why Rufio hadn't taken Pan's place in leadership. She said that leading wasn't for her, and she wouldn't ever want to do something like that to Pan. We were satisfied with her answer.
A sudden flash jerked my attention to the cracked tent flap. I furrowed my eyebrows. Was it... The sound of thunder rolled through the camp, answering my question. I sat up. It never stormed in Neverland. Ever. The second bolt came, brighter and longer than the first. I stood up. The thunder boomed extremely loud. I heard Rufio gasp and sit up in her bed. I looked back at her surprised expression and didn't quite know what to say. I couldn't tell her that, "it's fine, just a thunderstorm." That wouldn't be true. It couldn't just be a thunderstorm. And I wasn't sure if everything was okay.
"Was that...?" She started. I heard the rain starting outside.
"But..." She didn't finish. Instead she got out of bed and started getting undressed. Rufio wasn't the kind of person to sit and wait for a question to be answered. She was the kind who would run through pouring rain, to Pan's treehouse and figure out exactly what was going on. And that's what she was doing, so I decided to join her.


Within a few minutes we were standing under Pan's room, drenched in rain water.
"Who's turn is it?" She asked.
"I think it's yours."
She looked up the ladder then back at me.
"No...I did it last time, for Beau, remember? He got a hold of those berries."
"Right." I said sighing.
"But I can go again if you don't feel like it."
"No, I've got it. Besides your jaw is still bruised from last time."
"I could hold his hands."
"That'd send him into a panic."
"How else are we going to get him up without getting hurt?"
I thought for a minute.
"We'll do it together."
"Yes. That would be best."
I nodded and she began to climb up the ladder with me behind her. When we climbed up into his room, Rufio headed over to his night stand, pulling out a match and candle. She lit it and placed the candle in the T-light holder. The glowing light was cast over Pan, sleeping soundly in his bed.
"Pan?" She said. He didn't stir at all.
She sighed and I rolled my eyes. She looked up at me from across the bed.
"You grab his hands I'll grab his feet?"
I nodded. We both did as she had said. Pan immediately acted upon touch and jerked his arms and legs at the same time, but we both held on tight.
"Pan, it's just Rufio and Felix! Calm down or your gonna hurt someone!" Rufio yelled, struggling with his legs.
"What are you doing?! Let go!" Pan yelled, still half asleep. He struggled harder. Rufio lost one of his legs and it struck her on the chin. Her expression hardened and she let go.
"What are you doing?!" I yelled.
"Ogh! Forget this!" She yelled, pushing past me and up to Pan. She slapped him hard across the face. That made him stop. My eyes were wide.
"Enough of this Pan! Wake up already!"

Pan's P.O.V
I was sitting on the eastern shore, watching the horizon. A flash of green erupted across the black sky. I watched in curiosity as the wind picked up and the waves crashed harder against the sand. A ship had appeared on the horizon. Something seemed familiar about it but I couldn't quite place where I'd seen it before. I didn't get the chance to think about it because someone grabbed my hands, my legs too. I couldn't see who it was. I tried pulling away but couldn't. I heard a distant voice. It was yelling something. I couldn't understand what they were saying.
"What are you doing? Let go!" I demanded. But still they held on. I could tell the one holding my legs was weaker than the one holding my arms so I struggled harder. One leg came loose and I kicked at the attacker. Suddenly they let go. More yelling. I felt a sharp pain on my cheek and light flooded my vision as I opened my eyes. I sat bolt up, confusion seeping into my mind.
I looked up to see Felix and Rufio standing in my room.
"What are you doing here?" I demanded, getting out of my bed and standing up to face them. My hand flew to my cheek as pain pulsed though it.
"What was that?" I asked moaning and rubbing it.
"I tried waking you up last week for when Beau wouldn't stop throwing up." Rufio said. "You kicked me."
I popped an eyebrow.
"And you did it again just now as we were trying to wake you up. You wouldn't get up." I cocked my head to the side as to question what all of this had to do with the pain in my cheek.
"I slapped you. You're awake now."
"You should do that more often." Felix murmured to her. "Very efficient."
"You dare-" I started but she cut me short.
"Pan. It's storming outside."
That's when I noticed the sound of pouring rain on the roof of my room. I furrowed my eyebrows and grabbed my knife and belt, following the other two down the ladder.


Felix's P.O.V.
I was surprised that Rufio had the guts to do that. But she did. And it worked. Pan was up now and aware of the storm. He had lead us to the Eastern beach. I wasn't sure why. He seemed to have an idea of what was going on.
We came up to the beach and I cocked my head in curiosity. Rufio peeked out from behind me and her eyes widened.
There, sitting in the ocean as if it belonged there, was a pirate ship, sailing this way.
I saw Pan smirk out if the corner of my eye.
"So." He said. "The sailor returns."

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