Chapter Four: Are You Lost Little Girl?

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Rufio's P.O.V.
I mentally sighed in relief. The boy was allowing me on to the island.
I carefully started walking in the direction he was pointing. He walked alongside me so he could guide me through the jungle. Navigating through the brush was hard, harder with the dress I was wearing. I attempted to make it easier by pulling it up a bit, but I still got caught in brambles every few minutes. I almost thought the boy would get annoyed and send me back where I came from. But no such order was made.
After a few minutes of walking I began to hear shouts and yells coming from the direction we were walking in. And music, I think. It sounded more like several drums were being beat upon. The closer we got to the source of music , the more things were revealed. Such as the firelight, and the boys dancing around it, with masks of fur or feathers covering their faces. It looked like a wild version of a party. I've seen parties before, worked at them actually, serving guests and the like. But this was different. This wasn't one of those parties where soft music was played and guests chatted, this was much different. The music was loud, fast, and alive. The boys danced, but not like anything I'd seen before. This was a wild dance, where they were leaping about, shouting and howling into the night sky.
When we were almost to the edge of the clearing the boys were in, I felt the boy grab my arm. I stopped and turned to him.
"Pull up your dress."
"What?!" I almost yelled.
"Quiet." He hissed glancing up to see if any of the boys had noticed, but none had.
He looked back at me.
"Up to your thighs."
"Why?" I demanded.
"Just do it." He ordered, with equal seriousness. I narrowed my eyes for a second before grabbing the hem of my dress and pulling it up to my thighs like he had said and holding it there.
He pulled off his cloak, revealing his dirt covered, blond hair. He handed it to me, turning his gaze to the boys.
"Put it on."
I decided not to ask why this time, he would probably answer the same as he did before. He looked back at me when he guessed I was done and pulled the hood over my head.
"I can't see anything." I told him.
"Just follow me, and keep your head down."
He took a final glance at me, tucking my hair into the hood. I wondered why I was supposed to keep my head down, weren't these boys with him?
All I could see was the ground as we finally set foot into the camp, but I followed the boy's boots and tried to keep up with him, he was just walking but his legs were quite a bit longer than mine so it allowed him to cover more ground in a smaller amount of time. I was almost trotting after him, so when he came to a sudden stop, I ran into his back. He didn't budge though. It was like running to a clothed wall.
"Sorry." I mumbled. He didn't reply.
I tried to peek from under the hood but it was too much of an effort to do so while "keeping my head low" as the boy had said.
"Pan." I heard him say. But he didn't say anything else, just started walking again. So I followed him.
"Alright." I heard another boy say, the sudden change of voice startled me.
The first boy nudged me. I took it as a signal to pull off my hood, so that's what i did. Ah! I could see! We were in the woods again, but just on the edge. I looked at the second boy, who was, at the moment, staring at me silently. His expression was not clear. Almost a mixture of surprise, annoyance, and confusion. What if he didn't allow me to stay here? What if he sent me back? He straightened himself and smirked.
"Are you lost little girl? You look lost to me."

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