Chapter Thirty-Five: Any Last Words?

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Felix's P.O.V.
I noticed over the next few days how much closer Rufio and Devin had gotten to each other. I first caught sight of the change when Devin kissed Rufio goodnight. It was on her cheek, but still. And the way they looked at each other, it seemed like something had gone on that I didn't know about...something important.
As I watched them more over time, their bond seemed to be getting stronger. Sometimes Devin would tug on Rufio's hair, playfully teasing her when she made a mistake. Or Rufio would push Devin whenever he'd lean in her ear and say something to her.
Then I realized why they were acting this way now. They must be...
I stood up and stalked out of the clearing, leaving the boys to practice with their crossbows.
They couldn't be a couple...could they? The way they looked at each other, there was love in their eyes, I could see it. It infuriated me to think about Devin right now. He had stolen her. He had taken my princess from me.
I wasn't sure how far I'd walked yet, but I knew where I was going. My tree. My hiding place. I didn't want to see anyone right now. Especially not Devin. How could she even like that boy? He was so-
A series of crunching leaves and snapping twigs jerked me away from my current thoughts. I heard hushed talking. But none of the voices belonged to the boys. They were much older sounding. Pirates.
I climbed the nearest tree, making sure the brush covered me and my position wasn't given away. I perched on a branch about halfway up the tree, then searched the ground below me. The first thing that caught my eye was the Pirates' weapons, which reflected the sun so brightly I probably could have seen them from a mile off. They were standing in the middle of a path the lost boys usually used when we head to the bathing spring.
The men were looking at a map. I bet they were lost. Stupid pirates.
Each pirate seemed to be loaded with weapons. At first I thought that they might be planning to attack the camp, until I heard what they were conversing about.
"But captain, what if they already know we're here?" The short man in the bright red hat was saying. That hat wasn't much of a good camouflage here. "Even now I feel like we're being watched. I don't like this jungle, don't like it one bit."
"Hush Smee." Hook said in a harsh whisper. "Or you'll spook the crew. They're already scared. Those idiotic little boys took out half of the men. I don't want to run into them again until we're ready. Until we find it."
I perked up. Find what? What was he looking for?
"Do you really think it'll work captain?" Smee asked.
"Aye. I got the information from a reliable source. It's said that pixie dust will make you fly. All you need to do is believe, and it will work. Sounds easy enough."
"Yes captain."
Smee was silent for a few minutes.
"Yes Smee?" The captain answered, his tone sounding annoyed.
"What about what rumplestilsk-"
Quick as a flash, Hook had turned around and clamped his hand over Smee's mouth.
"Don't ever say that name Smee. I don't want to hear it. That crocodile is responsible for taking my hand and my Mila. You say his name and may accidentally summon him. I don't want to see that overgrown lizard again until his heart is in my hands, preparing to be crushed. Understand?"
Smee nodded vigorously and Hook let him go.
"Forgive me captain, but what I meant to say was...uh...the crocodile said that all magic comes with a price. Pixie dust is magic, so surely there's a price. But what will it be?"
"I wouldn't believe a word that came out of his mouth. He's a filthy liar, and I'm not letting him stop me from getting what I want."
I had heard enough. I silently climbed back down out of the tree and started walking in the direction of the camp.
I hadn't made it two yards before I felt a hand clamp over my mouth and an arm around my chest.
"I've got one captain!" I heard the pirate yell.
He was big, but I was bigger. I pulled myself out of his grip and thrust him to the ground, then turned and ran for it.
"Captain!" The man yelled. I was sure I had made it when something made me stop. A burning pain coming from my lower torso. I looked down and was surprised and confused to see an arrow's tip sticking out of my lower, left abdomen. Blood was already gushing out of it, running down my shirt and pants leg.
I heard someone coming over and turned to see the captain himself heading my way.
"You're not the only one who knows how to shoot one of these you know." He sneered, holding up a crossbow.
I simply pulled the arrow from my back and tossed it to the ground.
"Well then I hope you know you're not the only one who can stand one little arrow." I lifted my mace and slung it at him. He barely ducked in time. Several of the Pirates were coming this way. I needed to take him down, and I needed to do it now. I slung it again, this time hitting him in the stomach. He doubled over in pain and I kicked him to the ground, raising my weapon to strike him down.
"Any last words?" I growled.
He looked up and smirked.
"Would your little pet Rufio approve of this?"
I nearly dropped my weapon. He took the chance and got to his feet before I could even think of a reply, and slung his hook at me, cutting through my clothes and ripping through my skin. I simply gasped in pain, lifting my mace again. But I felt sick, I couldn't concentrate. How had he known about Rufio and how I felt... I shook my head, it was just a lucky guess, I couldn't show weakness.
Despite my attempts to bring myself to, he was able to knock my weapon from my hand. The other Pirates were here now. I again was restrained by two of them now, at least they had learned from last time. I tried to pull out of their grip, but they held fast. The next thing I knew I was forced to my knees. I looked up in time to see Hook raise the butt of his sword, then bring it down on me. There was sharp pain on my head, then everything went black.

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