Chapter Two: Neverland

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Rufio's P.O.V.
The cool wind blew against my face as I traveled through the sky with this...person. That made me think, I didn't actually know who he is.
"What is your name?" I asked him over the howling wind.
"I do not have a name."
"What do you mean?"
"I am a shadow, shadows do not have names."
Now I was severely confused. What did he mean he was a shadow? Like a shadow shadow? He seemed to sense my confusion because he chuckled. It sounded like stones rubbing against each other.
"I come from the place of magic, the island, Neverland."
Neverland, what an interesting name...
"There is a boy there that takes in lost children such as yourself, er, lost boys."
"Boys?" I repeated. "You mean, no girls?" Now I was a tad bit worried.
"You are the first girl I've ever brought to Neverland."
Now I was even more worried. What if they were hostile? What if I couldn't defend myself against them?
The...shadow...again seemed to sense my emotion.
"Don't worry, they should accept you."
"I hope so." Then I remembered that he had been explaining to me how he was just a shadow. "And what of this boy? The one who takes in the others? You were explaining to me about how you're a shadow."
"Of course." He obliged. "I am the boy's shadow."
"How does a shadow separate itself from its person, and become a living being?"
"Magic." He answered simply.
"Oh." I didn't ask anymore questions. So it was silent for the rest of our journey, other than the sound of rushing wind.
I was just about to nod off to sleep when I was dropped into the ocean, the cold water jolting me fully awake. I gasped for breath when I broke the surface. The shadow was nowhere to be seen. Had this been a trick? Had the shadow left me here to drown? All the questions racing through my mind were immediately answered when I turned and was greeted by the dark greenery and rocky shoreline of an island.
"Neverland." I breathed. I began swimming towards the island. The shadow had dropped me maybe half a mile out. Couldn't he have flown in closer? Or better yet, on the island? The muscles in my arms began to react to the extended amount of use and we're slowly giving out. No. I was almost there! I can do this! Just...keep...going...
I felt the sandy bottom of the shoreline brush my knees and I crawled the rest of the way onto the island, collapsing in the cold sand.
When I had regained control over my breathing, I started to raise myself up but was suddenly jerked by the neck line of my dress and raised to my feet. I yelped in surprise.
"Who are you and what is your business here?!" Someone hissed.
I shuttered. He- I decided it was a he, due to his voice- didn't sound very accepting.
"I- I-, the sh-shadow brought me here." I stuttered. He turned me to face him and I almost let out a cry of fright. If looks could kill, I'd be dead. This boy was holding me off of the ground, and it wasn't really a surprise, seeing how he was very tall. He had a hood pulled over his head and wore almost all black. His face was almost covered with dirt and ashes. He was scary. But his look of anger fell into one of surprise and his grip loosened. I took my chance and jerked away from him. I noticed that I was shaking. No, I wasn't that cold, but I was scared. This boy looked like he could, and possibly would, kill me.
"But you're a girl."
I didn't reply. I understood his surprise, the shadow had told me that I was the first girl.
"And, you said the shadow brought you here?"
I nodded.
After a minute, a smirk replaced his perplexed expression.
"Then welcome to Neverland, lost girl."
He stepped to the side and pointed to the jungle with his hand.
"Right this way."

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