Chapter Twenty-Two: You Are Forgiven. You Always Have Been

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Felix's P.O.V.
After Rufio was dressed, I helped her walk outside. She stumbled a lot and lost her balance several times, but we finally made it to the center of the clearing, where the boys all came to see Rufio, led by Beau of course. He hugged her for all it was worth, causing her mouth to break into a smile. All of the boys began talking at once, asking questions about the pirates, who they were, how she escaped, if they had a lot of treasure or not. She looked around at each of them as they asked their questions.
"'s a bit of a long story...but...I... I don't remember coming back... How did that happen?"
"Devin found you on the beach, he brought you out of the water before you drowned, and brought you to camp." Beau said.
"Devin?" Rufio whispered.
Beau nodded.
Rufio stood motionless for a minute...well, if you'd call it standing. I was holding her up, since she couldn't do it herself, with one hand on her waist and the other on her arm.
"Where is he?" She finally got out.
I watched as Devin slowly made his way up to the front of the crowd of boys. He kept his eyes on the ground.
He glanced up at her for a second before looking back down. She reached out to him, placing her hand on his shoulder. He looked back up, a surprised expression on his face, as Rufio wrapped her arms around him. She whispered something to him that I couldn't hear. He stood there, seeming to be unable to react. Then he hugged her back, closing his eyes tight and burying his face in her hair. I had a small instinct, deep down, to pull him away from her, but I resisted.
"Say, Rufio," he said, coming out of the hug. "How about some food? You're going to need energy if you're going to tell us about the escape from the pirates."
She smiled and nodded.
"Alright then, boys, how about we get Rufio something to eat?"
The boys broke out into chatter and started walking with Rufio towards the bonfire, where we usually ate. Devin helped Rufio walk this time, taking small steps with her as I had done. I couldn't help but watch him closely. Rufio seemed to be comfortable with him though, and for that I felt jealousy forming somewhere deep down inside me.

Devin's P.O.V.
"You are forgiven. You always have been." She whispered in my ear. I felt a great burden lift off of my shoulders. I wrapped my arms around the girl, half because I was thanking her for her forgiveness, and half because I knew she wouldn't be able to hold herself up for much longer.
I noticed how quiet it had gotten, so to relieve the boys of this slightly awkward moment,
"Say, Rufio," I said, coming out of the hug. I felt like the moment would have been somber if I didn't turn it into a happy one, so I forced a giddy smile one my face. "How about some food? You're going to need energy if you're going to tell us about the escape from the pirates."
She smiled and nodded.
"Alright then, boys, how about we get Rufio something to eat?"
They all started chatting and walking over to the fire pit, led by Beau. I held Rufio by her waist and hand to steady her while we followed them. I knew Felix was watching me from the crowd of boys, I tried to ignore him though.
I led Rufio over to one of the logs and sat her down. Then I joined the boys in receiving orders from Beau, who was telling each of us what he knew Rufio would want to eat. I smiled, he knew her so well.


Felix's P.O.V.
After Beau had Rufio's "best meal in Neverland" made and given it to her to eat, the boys decided to play a little music and dance around the fire to enjoy the time they had before morning.
After Rufio had finished her dinner, I helped her move from her log to a seating spot next to a tree, where she could rest. I sat next to her and made sure she didn't need anything else. She leaned against me and a small, exhausted sigh escaped her mouth.
"Thank you Felix." She whispered. I looked at her.
"For what?"
"For everything."
I smiled and wrapped my arm around her so that my cloak blanketed her body. She leaned closer into my chest and after a few minutes, was in deep slumber.

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