Bad Obsession (Guns N' Roses:...

By Peggster123456

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It's amazing how quickly perceptions can change. Melanie Buchanan was set in her ways believing that having a... More

Chapter 1: Who?
Chapter 2: Oh, There They Are
Chapter 3: Ripley
Chapter 4: Awkward
Chapter 5: Six Months Later
Chapter 6: Coffee Shop
Chapter 7: Just Izzy
Chapter 8: Mood Changes
Chapter 9: Daily Catch-Ups
Chapter 10: Violent Retches
Chapter 11: Random Box o' Tampons
Chapter 12: Couch Lovin'
Chapter 13: Spilt Milk
Chapter 14: I Have No Idea...
Chapter 15: No Point In Arguing With Deb
Chapter 16: Well That Was Fun...
Chapter 17: All By Myself
Chapter 18: You Need To Get a Thingy
Chapter 19: Have Fun Last Night?
Chapter 20: Who Can It Be Now?
Chapter 21: That's Just Axl For You...
Chapter 22: Sick Of You?
Chapter 23: The Party
Chapter 24: The Bitch
Chapter 25: Getting Out of the House
Chapter 26: Getting to Know You
Chapter 27: "It's Either Me Or the Dog"
Chapter 28: Coffee Tables, Pea Packs & Apologies
Chapter 29: The Door
Chapter 30: Run to You
Chapter 31: The MTV Night - Pt. 1
Chapter 32: The MTV Night - Pt. 2
Chapter 34: And So the Stressing Begins
Chapter 35: New Year, More Trouble
Chapter 36: The Little Pink Stick
Chapter 37: High and Aggressive
Chapter 38: An Unexpected Turn of Events
Chapter 39: Rocky Road
Chapter 40: Counseling Time With Slash
Chapter 41: Time To Reconsider
Chapter 42: Resurrection
Chapter 43: Road to Recovery
Chapter 44: A Fresh Start
Chapter 45: Let's Make-Up
Chapter 46: Come On Eileen
Chapter 47: Steven
Chapter 48: The Start of the End
Chapter 49: Ball and Chain
Chapter 50: The Phone Call
Chapter 51: They're Here
Chapter 52: "I Will"
Chapter 53: Good Morning
Chapter 54: Rock in Rio - Pt. 1
Chapter 55: Rock in Rio - Pt. 2
Chapter 56: Rock in Rio, Pt. 3
Chapter 57: Perfect Timing
Chapter 58: Mayhem
Chapter 59: Riot
Chapter 60: Black Out
Chapter 61: Talk
Chapter 62: Under the Stage
Chapter 63: Numb
Chapter 64: Mannheim, Germany
Chapter 65: Betrayed
Chapter 66: Rip It Off Like a Band-Aid
Chapter 67: Guilt - Pt. 1
Chapter 68: Guilt - Pt. 2
Chapter 69: Guilt - Pt. 3
Author's Note

Chapter 33: The MTV Night - Pt. 3

3.2K 100 131
By Peggster123456

I plonked down into the large red velvet seat next to Deborah and her head whipped around.

"Where were you two? You missed the award!" She yelled into my ear over the loud music on stage.

"My toilet blocked up and I had to grab Izzy to try and fix it." I yelled back hoping she'd buy it.

She just looked back at me with disappointment.

"Good one. You made your boyfriend miss his award because you used too much toilet paper. Yeah, real good one." She rolled her eyes playfully.

I just stuck my tongue out at her and turned away to watch Def Leppard perform. I looked over at Izzy who had an anticipated expression splashed across his face. I nodded and gave him a thumbs up.

"I told you they wouldn't care." He spoke.

"Yeah yeah, but just so you know, I blocked the toilet and you helped fix it."

Izzy scoffed and we continued to sit through the endless night. There were some highlights, well only one really. It was when Jon Bon Jovi and Richie Sambora did a little acoustic show by playing Livin' On a Prayer and Wanted Dead or Alive, and it seriously blew me away. I was sitting there, fangirling and shaking Izzy's arm randomly with excitement every time JBJ would smile. I didn't think Izzy was very impressed with my behavior but because he's lovely he didn't say anything.

During one of the last ad breaks, a man who had 'stage crew' written across his shirt rushed up to the side of Izzy when we were in the middle of a conversation.

"We're ready for you to go on after this ad break. Axl's turned up and we're nearly ready to go." He said bending down to Izzy's shoulder.

Izzy nodded and he turned back around to me.

"After this we'll be able to go home. Yay." He said dryly.

"Have fun." I smiled squeezing his hand as he left his seat.

I assumed he'd have to tune his guitar or whatever and be ready for this mysterious performance he would be doing. He didn't give me many details about it, I didn't even know if it was going to be Guns playing, or if he'd be performing with another band. My answer was soon answered when after the last few awards were handed out and finally the last performance of the night began.

The lights dimmed the room as other lit up the stage, and Tom Petty appeared in front of a microphone at the front of the stage. Behind him were some guitar players and a drummer, and tucked away by the side of the stage hiding beside one guitar player, was Izzy. I wanted to send him a telepathic message saying "MOVE INTO SIGHT" so I could see his pretty face, but I knew that wouldn't happen.

Tom Petty began singing in his distinctive voice, and soon that Axl dude came 'serpentine-ing' on stage. All the girls screamed and began to jump up and dance, even though the song was quite slow and mellow, and Axl started to sing. I knew the song they were singing, I quite liked it too. It was Free Fallin' and Petty and Axl collaborated quite well. When it ended, I cheered and clapped like everyone else and the show finally ended. Suddenly everyone sat up in a storm and began making their way out of the place or going backstage. I turned around to seek help with Deborah, but she had already disappeared into the crowd.

Well fuck.

I had to assume that Izzy would meet me backstage? Or I was I supposed to wait by the car as he packed his guitar up until he drove us back to his place? Maybe I was supposed to sit in my seat and wait for Izzy to appear? I thought I was screwed because no matter what I'd chose, I'd end up missing Iz and he'd be waiting in the other location while I was waiting for him. I decided to make a choice and I made my way to the backstage party that was just getting warmed up. I saw more famous faces; so famous I was too scared to even look at them, so I tiptoed around the crowded room hoping to find my babe.

I saw everyone besides Izzy. All the people that had just performed pilled into the room, but no Izzy. But then from the darkness emerged Axl running off from onstage. I wasn't sure if it was a good thing that Axl suddenly made eye contact with me since as the last time he saw me was with my bare butt to him.

"Melanie!" Axl beamed and waved.

Hey, look at that he remembered my name.

"Did we nail it?" He asked, grinning away.

"Yeah, pretty good dude," I smiled and gave him a thumbs up, "but do you know where Izzy disappeared to?"

"Yeah... he was right behind me..." Axl trailed off as he turned around and searched for him.

"He always does this all the time. He disappears too easily. Promise me you'll buy a lead and attach it to him, and never let go?"

"If I do that I'll have to teach him tricks as well," I replied making a lame joke.

Axl grinned and let out a few laughs until his expression changed in a split second, and he pointed over my shoulder.

"Got him. Izzy!" Axl yelled loudly, actually hurting my ears slightly.

I turned around and saw Izzy walking towards us looking exasperated.

"Where the fuck did you go, man? I've been looking all over for you." Izzy complained, staring at Axl, as he wrapped one arm around my waist.

"Well, where the fuck did you go? We've been looking for you, you dipshit." Axl laughed.

Izzy just shook his head and eventually he looked down at me.

"Enjoy the show?"

"Yeah, it was pretty good, but I could hardly see you," I said raising an eyebrow.

"Ah, so my plan worked. Brilliant."

"You blend in too well." I mumbled as I rested my hand on his chest, and I felt Izzy rest his chin on the top of my head.

I looked at Axl looking at us and he had a kind of content face. Almost as if he was looking at us in a loving way either thinking (and I feel egotistical by saying this) that the two of us looked good together, or he was observing how Izzy was showing mild signs of affection towards me, in public.

"Hey look, guys, it's our bro coming up." Axl motioned to someone behind us with a flick of the head.

Izzy turned around and that's when everything suddenly slowed down immensely; it was like the world had transformed into slow motion.

I stuck my head around Izzy's body to see an enraged looking Vince Neil storm up towards us. He was glaring at Izzy and his fists were balled up, and in one smooth action one arm raised.

"Hey, Vin-"

Izzy was immediately cut off when Vince's raised hand swiftly made contact with Izzy's face, making a solid 'thwack' sound, and I felt its impact shake through his body into mine. Izzy let go of me instantly and his light body collapsed to the floor as Vince stood over him.

"You think you can touch my fucking woman like that? Huh, do ya? Well, you've got another thing coming, you piece of shit." Vince spat and he prepared himself ready to kick Izzy in the stomach.

"Come on, you motherfucker!" Axl suddenly roared beside me as he leapt towards Vince with his hands around his throat.

There was suddenly a swarm of people that rushed to Axl and Vince, trying to pry them apart as they were spewing profanities at each other. Everyone was watching and pointing, as well as muttering about some serious observations. I was standing there like a stunned mullet not having a fucking clue what to do. Izzy was on his hands and knees by my feet while just about a half a meter away from me there was a wild punch-up. What a casual, everyday situation.

My brain suddenly kicked in when two groups of guys pulled Axl and Vince away from each other, practically holding them on opposites side of the room, and I quickly crouched down beside Izzy. I rested a hand on his back and the other on his cheek, making him look at me. He then twisted his body around so that he was sitting on the floor and he held a hand up to his hit cheek. He stared at me with a blank expression.

"What the fuck just happened?" Izzy scoffed.

"That little shit just punched me, didn't he? What the fuck was that? Hey what the fuck man?" Izzy yelled out to Vince aggressively.

"Don't ever touch my girl again!" Vince screamed, not sounding very masculine.

"'Cos if you do, something just might happen to Melanie there." Vince threatened.

Did he seriously just threaten us?

"You fucking asshole," Izzy muttered as he suddenly jumped up and lunged at Vince.

These random security guys stopped him from even laying a fingertip on Vince, which was actually pretty disappointing. Izzy was violently letting out a string of profanities as Vince just rolled his eyes and shrugged off the guys who were keeping him back. He smirked at Izzy and began strolling out of the backstage area, making his way to the exit, but Axl stopped him in his tracks.

"If you want to fuck with my band, let's make a time and a place to settle this. Anything wrong with the cark park of Tower Records?"

"Sounds magnificent." Vince smiled psychopathically, and he made his way out.

Izzy broke free of the guys holding him and he scuffed towards me, still holding his face.

"Let's get the fuck out of here. See I told you this is why I never go to these fucking things; something bad always happens." Izzy said to me before he turned out to lead the way out.

I saw Axl walk up to Izzy and he placed a hand on his shoulder and chuckled sympathetically with him.

"What the hell happened here?" A familiar soft voice asked me from behind.

When I turned around I saw Jon standing behind me with an incredibly confused expression scattered across his face. I felt like an idiot and I couldn't behave normally, so what did I do? I laughed nervously of course.

"Oh, Vince just walked up to Izzy and socked him one... for some reason. Then he threatened the both of us." As I retold it my smile slowly faded on my face as the reality set in.

Jon's eyes nearly popped out of his head.

"Jesus Christ! Is Izzy alright? Where is he?"

I turned around and I could no longer see Izzy making his way through the crowd and out the door. He was probably waiting for me... shit.

"He was just leaving, but I can't see him anymore. He's probably in the car park." I said biting my lip.

"Aw, you're leaving now?" Jon smiled kind-heartedly.

"Probably should. His eye might become black." I frowned

"Oh yeah, good point. Alright well it was lovely to meet you," he moved in closer to me, placed an arm around my waist and gave me a kiss on the cheek, "and I guess I'll see you two around sometime."

"Can we fucking leave now?" Izzy's angry voice spat out from behind me.

I watched Jon's expression change to serious as he monitored Izzy's movements; Izzy probably had steam coming out of his ears. Jon slowly removed his arm around me and I turned around to face him.

"Look after yourself and Melanie, man," Jon said trying to be polite.

"Yep," Izzy said shortly as he pulled me away with his hand.

I quickly waved to Jon as he gave a small smile before I was pulled out from the air-conditioned, celebrity-filled room and into hot and tarred the car park.

"I told you I wanted to leave, not fucking chat to your lover boy," Izzy said as he fumbled to reach his keys in his jean pockets.

"Sorry, but Jesus he only stopped me for two seconds," I replied feeling quite offended at Izzy's little snap.

"If you want to spend time with him, go back then. Go back inside and you can find your own way home then." Izzy suddenly turned around and stood over me.

While he was staring at me with hard eyes, I noticed that his right eye was starting to show the first signs of bruising.

"Oh yeah, because going back inside would be the right thing to do."

Izzy just stared at me and I could see the anger building up inside of him. He surprisingly didn't reply with anything aggressive, he just bit his lip and turned around, making his way to the car.

"Can we just go home, please?" He said quietly, turning his head towards me as he continued to walk.

At that moment, I actually wanted to go back inside and chat, to leave the steaming and pissy Izzy in the car. Seriously, how could it be fun for me to go home with shitty Izzy and listen to him either complain or snap at me for the car ride back, as well as the rest of the night with him? Although if I didn't follow him and I walked back inside, I had a suspicion that it would be a while for when I'd see Izzy next. There would be that bitter energy between us.

So, I reluctantly took my heavy feet and scuffed them towards Izzy's car. He was watching me with his door open, ready to plant his arse on the leather seats, and when I reached the car he sighed loudly and sat inside, unlocking my door. As I sat down and slammed the door, and before I had time to put on my seatbelt, Izzy started the engine and began to zoom off. I jumped and clutched onto the dashboard and yelled out.

"Thanks for waiting. I haven't got my fucking seatbelt on yet!"

Izzy didn't reply; he just gripped onto the steering wheel and made his lips form a mean, straight line.

Oh yes, this rest of the night will most certainly be good fun.

And fun it totally was. The rest of the car trip was silent, with only the sound of the suped-up engine rev filling our ears. I watched the streets of the lit up L.A. rush past as I rested my elbow on the windowsill of the car, with my hand supporting the side of my head. When we entered Izzy's suburb after nearly an hour, a quiet voice finally broke the tense air.

"I'm sorry I snapped," He said.

I didn't look at him, I just replied with little tone, still staring out the window.

"No, it's fine. You got punched in the face. You have every right to be pissy."

"Not at you, though, Mel. And by the way, it wasn't a punch. Vince 'punches' like a powder puff."

I smiled and eventually looked over at Izzy when we pulled into the driveway.

"Because powder puffs give you black eyes."

Sure enough, when I looked at Izzy he had a pale purple circle forming under his eye.

"My face is just sensitive that's all," He replied matter-of-factly.

As we made our ways out of the car and into the hallway, with Izzy following closely behind me, he started laughing.

"I mean seriously how could I get shitty at you? You let me fuck you in the bathrooms during an ad break." He chuckled as his hands suddenly stopped me from walking down the hallway when they grabbed my hips.

He pulled me up against his body and his hot mouth came in contact with my neck. His hands began to wander the front of my body, and one even started to pull my dress up as he started to whisper sensually into my ear.

"I should thank you for that."

Maybe tonight wouldn't be as bad as I thought would be.    

Hey dudes, hope you enjoyed it. I'm sorry about the ending; I didn't really know where to finish the chapter. But anyway, do you think that this whole Vince and Sharise incident will just go away? Let me know what you think! :)

Comment, read and vote!
Thank you for reading :3

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