5SOS + 1D Doctor/Dentist imag...

By imjusta5sosfangirlx

43.9K 527 49

Taking requests and writing imagines for people, these are really popular iimagines so I thought id do some o... More

Test imagine/Dentist
Test Imagine/Doctor
Imagine for 1D5sosfanxox/Dentist
A twisted imagine/doctor/dentist. Part 1.
A twisted imagine/Doctor/Dentist part 2.
A twisted imagine/Doctor/dentist/ part 3
Im so sorryyy! (not update)
Doctor/my imagine/TRIGGERING
Breezyloveofficial/dentist + doctor
3K is amazing!


1.4K 18 2
By imjusta5sosfangirlx

Erins P.O.V:
I was pumped, it was the weekend and i could play soccer with one of my best friends: Calum. We always practiced together and i really wanted to try out for a team, because i've really improved with it over time.

I quickly got my kit on, A purple top, black shorts, purple soccer socks, and my customized shoes with stars on, which Calum bought me for my birthday.

Calum picked me up at about 12, and took me to his house, where we usually practise because of Calums massive garden. He had a pitch marked out, and proper goal posts, since we were massive enthusiasts.
I walked in to see Luke, Ashton and Mikey who lived with Calum, but were meant to be out by now.

"Oh, guys, me and Erin are just gonna play soccer out the back" Calum announced. They all nodded and walked out to the garden with us, asking to also play, i looked at Calum and we both nodded. Even though the other guys weren't actually very good.

We had a match, and it was me and Calum against the rest, we still managed to win 7-2, me scoring 5 of them, which made everyone really shocked on how i did it. Soccer was my passion though.

"You should go for a team Erin, your amazing" Luke laughed.

I sighed,"Yeah, i think im gonna, not yet though.. I need a physical before i do"

"We could give you one" Calum suggested, smirking.

I forgot they were doctors, i didn't want to go to the doctors to see them, i hated being so vunerable, and out of control. I hated having my blood took and i basically just hated the whole concept, that was the only thing stopping me from trying to get into a team.

"No, its okay Cal. Ive still got time left before i turn the form in. Ill just do it at a later time..." I mumbled.

Calum just shrugged before we went inside and got something to eat. Ashton made us all spaghetti for tea, and we just sat taking about weird things (because they were dorks).

Calum stopped eating a minute and looked at me.. "So, Erin... I checked your records. You need a physical, and we can do it now" He explained.

"Your Joking" I said.

"Deadly serious" Calum added.

"NO" i screamed, clearly letting the guys know that there was no way i was going to the doctors office with them.

"Erin..." Luke soothed, but sounding serious as he put his arm around me.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the door as soon as i finished dinner, i didn't even have time to take my kit off, we just got in the car.

Luke got in the drivers seat while i was stuck in the middle of Calum and Michael, who found it amusing to prod, poke and annoy me. Yeah, it took my mind off going to the doctors but at the same time they were highly annoying.

I slapped Michaels knee and stook my tongue out at Calum.

"Jesus, why didn't you have this attitude earlier? Instead of refusing Dr.Hood" Calum giggled.

"Calum. Thats not funny" I said, crossing my arms over my body, digging into my seatbelt.

"Oh well, we are here now, get out" Michael smiled, but before i could even get up, i was already pulled out by him.

Ashton picked me up, and carried me towards the door, giggling like a toddler the whole way there. I stared at him but that just made him giggle more than before.

We finally got inside and they placed me down on the bed inside their examination room. I groaned as the cold surface of the leather hit my body. I was so annoyed that they had to do my physical and examine me.

Calum, Ashton and Michael got their uniforms on whilst Luke sat next to me. Luke has always acted like a 5 year old, but he just wanted to always care for me, ever since i met him.

Calum came over to me and checked my eyes, ears, and throat before telling me they were all perfect. I smiled at him before Michael came over.

He had a blood pressure machine, and he placed the cuff on my arm before imflating it, slightly putting pressure on my arm.

"Oh. Calum come here" Michael stated.

Calum walked over and then shook his head, telling Michael that yes, my blood pressure was kind of high. I kept asking what it meant but they all just kept saying nothing. I looked at Luke and he shrugged his shoulders.
I clearly wasn't getting sense out of any of them.

Calum checked my pulse, saying it was pretty normal, and that made me feel relieved but then Michael said he would check my blood pressure again incase the machine was wrong. I blurted out told him i didn't want it doing.

"Mikeyyyy" i moaned.

"Erin, i need to check" Michael cooed.

I sighed and held my arm out to him. He placed it over again and read off the machine.

"Still quite high, lay off the football for a few days but, good news that your physical is done and you can now send your form to make a team. We will print your results" Michael told me, nodding to Ashton to print off my papers.

They all signed my form before handing it to me. I got up and hugged them, thanking them.

We all went back to their house and watched mean girls. I just laughed thw whole way through, cuddled up to Calum and Luke, giving soccer a rest for a bit.

Three weeks later:

I invited Calum to my house to sit and chill together, as we were incredibly close. He came round and brought food so we both just sat and ate doritos, watching Paranormal Activity 5.

Just as a jumpscare came, there was a knock at the door which startled me and Calum.
I paused the movie and we both walked to the door, just incase someone tried to brutally murder me. But no, i opened the door to the postman, handing me a parcel before walking away.

I sat down and opened the box, to see a letter and a t-shirt.

"I got in the team Calum, i got in!" I yelled enthusiastically. Calum rushed over to hug me, i was so incredibly happy.

(A/n, these are getting worse but im sorry. Kinda running out of ideas for imagines, in a bit it'll be okay again. But yeah just give me chance, ill get my other bool sorted and try to plan imagines more.

Thank you so much and i love you all)

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