Hell's Personal Assassin: Boo...

By Forevermore2013

524K 22.1K 5.3K

She just wanted a more interesting life. That's it. For her, the daily routine was simple: wake up, school... More

Hell's Purge (intro/prologue/flash-forward)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
okay, fine, here it is...
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32- Part a
Wow... Just wow
Chapter 32- Part b
Please read
Chapter 32- part c
Life update
Chapter 33
Chapter 33 (continued)
Help me out!
Chapter 34
While i figure out the sequel
I made her red eye!!!!
I made her blue eye!!
Here it is
Please Read!!

Chapter 26

7.5K 422 115
By Forevermore2013

Big shout out to my aunt for being the only person here with wifi!!!!

Slight exaggeration, but Ya get what I mean

Anyway, send in a vote and comment if you'd like, I would really appreciate it

Love you guys!!!


The door opens before either of us have a chance to process anything. "Michelle, why are you making so much-... What. Happened?"

I stare at my dad with wide eyes and a slack jaw, feeling like a dear caught in headlights as he walks around my room with wide eyes. I turn to look at Sammael, just to see him looking at me with his index finger pressed up, against his lips.

"He can't see us," he mouths to me, making me calm down a little bit as I watch my father's every move.

"Dear God, Michelle, I thought we got rid of her anger management problems," my dad muttered as he picked up a chunk of wood from the ground- which was previously connected to a desk that I didn't fucking break.

I narrow my eyes as I turn towards Sammael, just to see him staring at me with a smirk and a raised eyebrow.

'Darling, you never told me you had-'

'Shut your fucking face,' I growl through the mind-link, interrupting Sammael. I can tell he's holding back a laugh as my dad continues.

"We just finished her treatments for it three months ago," my dad muttered as he flicked the wood away from him.

'Treatments? Like what?' Sammael cackled through the mind-link, making me scowl.

I'm not giving him the satisfaction of answering that.

"At least she isn't as bad as she used to be..." he trailed off awkwardly, scratching the back of his head.

That caught Sammael's attention. I turn to see his reaction to that, just to see him staring at my father with wide eyes.

'Damn, girl,' he mind-linked as he took turns looking from my cracked headboard, to the broken desk, and then to the dented and bloodied doorknob. Now it was my turn to smirk.

'I dare you call me a fucking child again,' I stated sourly to him, making him roll his eyes.

'To me, you still are a fucking kid. Need I remind you, I'm millions of years older than you,' he countered, making me purse my lips so I wouldn't growl.

'Whatever. Asshole,' I growl in my head, making him roll his eyes again.

"Honey, did you check on M-" my mom says as she's coming towards the room only to stop right in front of it and look at the floor. "Is that blood?" She asked blankly, pointing a manicured fingernail down at the patch of blood on the floor.

My dad looks over to it absent-mindedly and nods before going back to thinking about whatever he was thinking.

'You were so bad that blood doesn't even worry them?' Sammael asks, dumbfounded, making me nod as memories of my childhood came back.

'Trust me. They've seen worse,' was my response as I felt Sammael stiffen, his hold on me tightening as his eyes turned darker. 'Are... You okay?' I asked curiously as I stare at him, making him slowly nod.

'Yep... Fine,' he said in a hoarse voice, making me slowly nod before turning back to my parents.

"What did you do?" My dad asks my mom with a sigh, her defensive stance coming out with her arms crossed as soon as he said that.

"She was..." My mom pursed her lips, shrinking back a little. "She was being bad, and I didn't like her tone," she said curtly after a long pause, my father sighing- again- halfway into her sentence.

"Lucille, you know what the woman said about her," he murmured, making me furrow my eyebrows.

What the fuck is he talking about?

"Yes, Ryland, I know," she groaned, making me get impatient.

'Talk about the woman,' I demanded to them in my head impatiently. I was surprised when they both looked at each other with blank looks before continuing.

"The woman said that she was special and different than most of the others, but she never told us that we would be dealing with a girl version of the Hulk," my mother said as she looked around the room. Her voice sounded the same, but her eyes were glazed over. It was almost like she was under a hypnosis.


Oh, shit.

"Yeah, but it was almost like I was drawn to Michelle. Like we were the ones that needed to take her," my dad stated with the same glazed-over eyes, making me frown.

"Then, there was Zachary. He wouldn't leave Michelle's side at the orphanage," my mom said as her head literally dropped to the side, the only thing holding it being her shoulder.

Fuck, what's going on with her?

"It was rather strange," he said as he stopped walking, his head doing that my mom's did.

Okay, this is getting creepy...

"And he was just so cute. We had to get both," my mom said. "I couldn't stand it. I hated the thought of not having children."

Wait. She couldn't have kids?

Then what about Dayna and Tiff? She definitely gave birth to them.

"It's strange how after we got them you could finally give birth," my dad said, answering my question. "Quite a miracle."

"I'm a little upset that we still haven't told them about how they're adopted," my mom said, a tear dropping from my eye without me noticing when she said that. Before the year could drop to the floor Sammael wiped it away, a thoughtful look on his face.

I gave him a forced smile that probably looked like grimace before looking back to my parents.

"We can't," my father said his voice dropping three octaves as his eyes started turning completely white. "We were told not to, Lucille."

"But we don't have to listen," my mom said, her eyes turning into black pits.

"Yes we do," he demanded, making me jump a little as I saw his head snap back up, white eyes shining. "They must find out themselves. It is the prophecy."

Okay, what the fuck is going on?

'Stop talking! Go back to normal!' I yelled to them in my head nervously, gripping onto the rug with a poisonous grip as Sammael held me back by my biceps. 'I don't want to know anything anymore! Stop!'

Immediately they froze where they were, eyes and paled faces going back to normal slowly.

"What are we going to do with this? I spent my last paycheck on some alcohol a couple hours ago," my mom asked in an exhausted tone after blinking a couple times at each other in complete silence, ruffling her hair with a guilty expression as she looked around the room- probably remembering our conversation.

"I don't know, we'll talk about this with her tomorrow. She probably doesn't want to talk to us right now. Let's just go to bed," he yawns out, both of them looking like they completely forgot about what happened a couple minutes ago.

"You're.... You're right," she yawned in reply, making him nod and take the lead in walking out, carefully walking around the wood.

As soon as they left Sammael took his arms off of me and let me move away from him, both of us not making eye contact.

"I... Really need you to go right now," I said, choking in a sob as I moved towards my bed.

"Michelle, I-"

"Just go," I said simply, my voice soft and quiet as I kept my back to him and waved a hand in his direction. A sigh and a soft breeze hit me before I felt him leave, a choked sob escaping without my permission as I sat on the bed- thinking about what just happened.

* * * ||--:--:--:--:--:--:--:--:--:--||* * *

Waking up to blood all over my sheets and pants.

What a great day to start my morning?

You know what tops that off?

Having my only, normal, human friends ignore me until I sit down next to them at lunch.

"Hi," I murmur as I sit down at my normal seat at the table, all of them staring at me with raised eyebrows and pursed lips.

"Hi," the reply back at the same time, voices monotoned, making me lean back in my chair and slouch.

Okay then.

"Where have you fucking been?" Brooke interrogates, making me groan and swing my head back- not in the mood.

"Guys, I'm on my period," I stated, making Alivia roll her eyes at me and scoff.

"Always whining-"

"If you guys are going to act like bitches," I growled out harshly, making their eyes widen as they stopped talking. "Then I'll fucking take you to a dog shelter."

"Michelle," Audree said softly, taking my harshness into consideration. "It's okay if you don't want to talk about you're life, but-"

"No it's not," Alivia growled, making everyone except for Alivia and me sigh. "This isn't a 'Michelle world' where you get to act, do, and say whatever you want! We are your friends, you need to tell us everything!"

"Last time I checked this was a free country, so I can act, do, and say whatever I fucking want," I countered, making Katie snicker and give me a thumbs for my comeback.

I was too frustrated to smile back.

"You're always doing this, and I'm tired of it!" Alivia yelled, making people in the lunch room look around. Ariel, Cassiel, Belial, Rahab, and Iaoel weren't at school today- which made me worried. Maybe they're trying to find out what going on with me?

What if someone took them?

'What if I keep making up stupid questions that'll get me nowhere? Wait. That's exactly what I'm doing,' I say in my head sarcastically as I looked at Alivia with an annoyed expression.

"Alivia, calm-"

"No," she states, interrupting Breanna as she continues her rant. "She thinks everything is about her. This happened to her, that happened to her, everything happened to her," she says, exaggerating every word.

"Alivia-" I started calmly, only for her to silence me by sticking up finger at me.

Oh no she fucking didn't.

"You talk too loud. People are going to bring teachers over if you keep talking like that," she tries to whisper, but ends up being louder than I was, which makes even more people stare.

"Alivia-" I say quieter, only for her to shush me again. "Aliv-" I repeat quieter, but this time instead of shushing me she brings her hand up to my mouth and blocks it, making my eye twitch as a slight smirk contorts onto her face.

'Don't get mad, maybe demons possessed her,' my conscience says, but I have a gut feeling that that's not correct.

Nope. She's just finally deciding to show her true colors.

Without a second thought I rip her hand off of my mouth and slam it onto the table harshly, making her scream in pain as her hand slaps the metal.

"Don't. Touch. Me," I hiss at her, forcing my demon eyes and claws in as I glared at her, not giving any emotion to her sobbing form.

Without a second thought I get up from my seat and turn to walk away. I could see it in their eyes. They didn't want to talk to me.

And I didn't want to talk to them.

"Stay away from me," I say to them as I walk off, getting more relaxed the further I got from them.

"Michelle!" I hear Stella yell, but I can tell from the way she said it that she hesitated. They wanted it to look like they care.

With a huff I slam open the doors to the cafeteria, only to run into a what felt like a wall and trip over my feet, landing on something that didn't feel like a floor.

"Michelle?" A deep voice said as he chuckled, making me open my squeezed shut eyes.


Slowly opening them I turn to look at none other then Vladimir, an infectious smile on his face as does nothing to try and get me off of him.

"H-hi," I stutter awkwardly, my anger diminishing the more I looked at the dimples on his cheeks, a smile slipping into my lips too. "How are you?" I asked, blowing some air out of my face.

"Pretty good," he chuckles as he takes turns looking at me and looking at our position. My eyes widen once I realize I'm still laying on him and quickly stand up, making sure to go a speed that wouldn't give away my inhuman... ness.

Wow I need to work on my vocabulary.

I hold out a hand to help him up, but he just chuckles and shakes his head before standing up himself. I get I little offended at first, but then my eyes widen in realization.

I'm offering to lift up a muscular jock. If I were a human I wouldn't be able to lift his weight. Shit.

Trying to play it off I smile and lift my hand up to tuck some strands behind my ear.

'Smooth, dumbass,' I say in my head as I mentally slap myself across the face.

"So... Are you hungry?" I ask, wincing at my stupidity. "Never mind, that was a dumbass question," I mutter as he chuckles, his eyes sparkling with happiness as I talk.

"Nah, it wasn't stupid, I'm actually just here to pass time," he said after he calmed down a little bit, making me hold back a sigh of relief. "It's free period for me, not lunch," he adds as he motions to the lunch room.

"Oh..." I trail off as I look anywhere but at him, rocking on me feet awkwardly. We stay like that for what felt like hours: me rocking around as I kept my head down and him looking at me with an amused smile as he tried to figure me out.

"Want to go sit with me?" He said at the same time I said "I should go now."

"Wait, what?" We not said at the same time, our eyebrows furrowed as we stared at each other in confusion.

"I asked if you wanted to go sit with me," he stated with an adorable confused look on his face that made me want to pinch his cheeks.

I felt a strange coldness sweep over me as soon as I thought that, making me scrunch up my nose in confusion.

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