Just Internet Friends {m.g.c}

By IrwinsLaughing

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Friend /frɛnd/ noun a person with whom one has a bond of mutual affection, typically one exclusive of... More

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1.1K 56 17
By IrwinsLaughing

One the news spread around that 5 Seconds Of Summer were in England again, a meeting was set for them to talk about their next tour around the world. So Michael left about an hour ago so he wasn't late for the meeting and I decided to go and spend some time with my friends because we hadn't had a friends day in ages. It was just a bonus that we were all in the same place because of the accident that happened with Luna.

Well it wasn't a bonus of what happened to her, but after she woke up she made a turn for the better and she was finally being let out of hospital today, meaning we could take her out to dinner to celebrate. We were taking to her favourite restaurant so she could have her favourite meal and then her favourite dessert. We thought we'd take her to somewhere where we can all talk so we can find out what was going on with her and Calum.

I was driving to the hospital to pick up Luna with Charlie in the passenger seat and Lorlei sat behind me. We were gonna let her sign out and then head straight to Frankie and Bennie's.

"So how are you and Ashton?" I asked, trying to make conversation seen as Charlie didn't like the radio on in the car. She said that the radio just corrupts people and gets them to listen to music that doesn't matter.

"If I tell you, you can't say anything back that I know you're going to say." Charlie told us, looking at me and then back at Lorlei to make sure that we agree. Once we finally gave in and agreed to what she said she carried on. "I slept with him."

"You did what?" I asked, shocked more than anything. "When did this happen?"

"Which time?" Charlie asked, smirking slightly. Of course she was smirking, she was proud of getting Ashton into bed.

"You've done it more than once?!" Lorlei, practically screaming. "Where do you have the time?"

"Well from the first time, I'm guessing that he hadn't gotten some in a while." Charlie replied, laughing slightly which did cause Lorlei to giggle. "So that went by pretty quickly."

"Poor boy." Lorlei said, as I stopped the car and we got out.

"Lets not talk about you guys having s.ex with guys that I consider my friends, it's just gross." I shuddered, not wanting to think about Ashton in that way.

"Ok, how about you and Michael then?" Lorlei asked, wiggling her eyebrows. This made Charlie laugh and wrap her arm around Lorlei's shoulder, obviously proud that Lorlei was asking such intimate questions.

"What about me and Michael?" I asked, trying to avoid the subject that they were trying to discuss as we entered the hospital's front doors.

"Well, you've gotta have done it, and if not soon." Charlie raised her eyebrows at me, "You've said you love each other right?"

"Yeah?" I said, wondering what she could be meaning.

"Well he'll be expecting it soon." Charlie told me, almost as if it was obvious.

"Even I knew that, Ariel." Lorlei said, smirking at me slightly.

"But, what if I'm not ready?" I asked quietly, what if Michael flipped that I didn't want to have s.ex with him and left me?

"Then if Michael loves you like he says he does it shouldn't be an issue." Lorlei told me, before looking over to Charlie with worried eyes. This just made me nervous, what if the time came and Michael was expecting it and I couldn't give him it. He couldn't leave me right? We had just gotten together he wouldn't be expecting it so soon in the relationship would he? Maybe I was just over thinking this, I'd have to talk to Michael about it before worrying too much, only Michael could calm me down over this problem.

"You go get Luna, I'll sign the papers." I told the girls, and they agreed walking down the corridor, keeping the conversation that we were previously having alive, still talking about mine and Michael's s.ex life.

After I finished the paperwork I checked my phone to see I had a message from Michael himself. 


From: Michael

Hey! Look who we just met whilst writing! *picture attached*


To: Michael



From: Michael

What about me?


To: Michael



To: Michael



From: Michael

What if I said I'll give you the top I'm wearing


To: Michael

Give me the one Calum's wearing and I'll give you a deal


From: Michael

You have yourself one very strange deal


To: Michael

So umm I also have to ask you something but it's kinda something we have to talk about in person


From: Michael

Well I can't come right now


To: Michael

Yeah, but are you free tonight?


From: Michael

Yeah sure, whatever you want babe


From: Michael

Should I be worried though?


To: Michael

No, I don't think so..


sorry that it's short but you got told a lot of vital information for my ashton book and this book ..

i kinda left it on a cliffhanger for you idk

would you rather me skip the day with the girls and go straight to her talk with michael

or would you like for me to write her have her day with the girls and you learn a bit about Calum and Luna?

Please tell

It's only short because I said I would update when I got 20 comments on the last chapter and you guys were really quick to comment like omg thankyou ahaha so I thought I should be quick to update

Question: Where are you guys from? I would love to hear where in the world you guys are reading this story from!

Don't be a silent reader!

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