Mortals meet Percabeth (and o...

By percyandannabethh

489K 8.3K 10.1K

This is an extremely basic story, as there is a lot of stories like this one. It's a collection of Mortals me... More

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Anaya Fisha
Ken Winturn
Djuna Arc
Anaya Valdez, 10 year reunion
Question and Answer!
Tiffany Toddice
Y'all amazing
Juliette Quinta, Part 1
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Arenti Savannah Sartid
Luke Castellen #2
Quick Percadeath
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Juliette Quinta (Part 2)
51.iforgot K!
Andromdea and Luke part 1
Luna Drea
Annabeth part 2
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Story thingy :)
The Dress
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Annabeth Chase
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Fathers Day
Strawberry Fight
my bois birthday
See you in a minute.....

megerah gates

5.2K 106 125
By percyandannabethh

hey fam, how's life going for you guys? (sorry this is the update that didn't post 😔 I cry)


Megerah (pronounced Meg e rah )

I looked into my locker, selecting the books I need for my morning periods, while the lyrics from my headphones flowed from my ears and put my wild thoughts at a halt.

"I'm a hurricane-" I turned around, as my music was put to a halt, to see someone holding my headphones in the palm of their hand.

"So Megerah, are you going anywhere after school? I want you to meet my friend, she's coming up from Long Island. Will you come meet her? I think you'll like her, I hope she likes you. Please?Shes's the blonde one, the one who likes architecture, that one, Annabeth. "My best friend (and 'brother') Percy begged as he leaned into the locker next to mine.

"I think I'm busy, sorry Perce. Maybe next time?Which friend is coming up? have I met them?" I responded, lying and looking into my locker for my textbook for math.I'm not busy, I do nothing besides homework, dye my hair, listen to music ,hanging out with Percy and playing video games.

"What are you doing, hanging out with Hercules or selling your soul to Hades again?I talk about that said person all the time? How do you not know? I literally just told you which one it was!" he smirked, as if he had came up with some Disney joke I hadn't of heard before. I curse my parents for being such Disney fanatics, but they're dead now, so sympathy doesn't really help my case. I also curse Disney for getting the whole facts wrong in that horrible movie.

"wow, Perce, not like I've never heard that one, or like you used it last week.I don't know about this said person by the way. I didn't even know you had friends from down in Long island,let alone friends." I retaliated, punching him on the shoulder 'gently'.

"Ow Meg! I'm telling mom you hit me!" he screeched, rubbing his shoulder.

I should probably explain the whole siblings kinda thing.

When I was 13(I still am 13 though), my sister and mother and step father  were killed by a shootout while I was on a school trip in April.

Percy's mom adopted me from the foster system at the end of that August, so we are forced to like each other.He's a pretty chill sibling.

Like I said, we're only 13, and I was told that Sally adopted me for a certain reason that I will learn at the end of the school year, whatever that means. I don't know much about this topic, as Percy and Sally always change it on me, so I'm left scavenging for facts. Thank god there's only two weeks left.

"Meg, let's go! We need to get to science!" Percy said, pulling my arm and walking into the direction of the science classroom.


I walked into the science classroom and walked to the middle section, where my friends and I sat, I took my seat next to my best friend Lux, who's a genius at any subject. (👀👀👀👀)

"Almost late bro, what's up? Are you sick? You're almost never late, or show up this close to the bell," She paused and snapped her fingers and continued on," Is it that whole end of summer thing? The surprise thingy? That Percy and that dude, what's his name? Garfield? Garret? No, Grover right? They keep talking about us quite weirdly, and it's pretty odd, even for those two." She finished, playing with her bracelet then taking out a book, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, and took out her bookmark, a Polaroid of her and I posing with rock 'n roll signs, with my cat,( who Sally barely lets me have, but I know, deep down, she's a big fan of Oliver).

I've know Lux for a pretty long time, so we're pretty chill together. It's pretty funny, the friend that 's coming up looks like Lux, except Lux dyed her blonde hair rose coloured, not the blonde that she was born with. I've always wondered where she got the gray eyes from, I know that she got the blonde hair from her dad, but her mom must of had gray eyes.(y'all should probably see the relation here by now, I've made it quite obvious haha)

I can relate to why Lux changed her hair color, as people always compared her to the dumb blonde stereotype, but we all knew she could kick our butts on Jeopardy. I've had pretty dark hair all my life, but when I turned 13, my mother let me bleach my hair and dye it a lighter color, a lilac color.

The bell rang, breaking me out of my thoughts and back to reality. The science teacher started her terrible lecture, but I tuned her out, a skill I have found to be very effective at my age. Getting yelled at by you're parents? Just tune them out. You're friend is babbling about how hot she finds the high schoolers? Tune her out as soon as possible. Teacher giving you a boring lecture on how you should pay attention? Time to tune her out also.

I was tuning her out, when I heard a rustle outside in the leaves. That would normal, besides the fact that there was no leaves and it wasn't windy out. I turned to one of the accelerated science kids who was a grade below me who sat next to me,( I'll admit, I cheated off her a couple of times) , and we made eye contact and we both shrugged. I guess if Piper McLean heard it, I wasn't imagining it.

I looked around the room to see if anybody else heard it, as I looked, I could tell Lux and Percy had also heard it, Percy being on the other side of the room.

Ms. Grate continued her lecture and Percy asked if he could go to the bathroom, and she said yes, so Percy Walked passed the window and his eyes widened, and mouthed to me the words that looked like "hell hounds". I nodded so Percy knew I understood what he was saying.

About 2 minutes passed, and Percy hadn't returned yet, so I figured he went down there, so I asked "May I got to the bathroom, Ms. Grate? It's an emergency ma'am."

Ms. Grate gave a curt nod and said to be quick about it, so I threw myself out of my chair and walked past the window, to see Percy surrounded by black blobs with a sword out?

I ran past the bathrooms, and through the stairwell doors and out into the corridor, and then ran out to courtyard, where Percy was now standing with a girl, the one from the picture, and they were standing back to back, both wielding very sharp looking weapons.

"Percy, what are you-" I was interrupted by the doors blowing off their hinges, revealing Lux standing there through the dust.

"LUX, WHAT WAS THAT?" I yelled at my friend, who was running towards me.

"Did Ms.Grate let you out? I doubt that she did." I said to her, as Percy starting fighting the big black dogs.

"Let's just say I told Piper to convince Ms. Grate to let me go, dang that girl is persuasive." said Lux, brushing her hair out of her face.

We turned around to see that Percy and the photograph girl had beaten all the monsters.

"Percy, what were those?" I asked, and the girl responded to me.

"Those were Hellhounds. They are monsters," she said, then continued speaking," What are you two's names?I'm Annabeth, by the way."

I spoke up and said," Hi Annabeth, my name is Megerah and this is Lux."

Annabeth nodded and said to Percy, "we need to get these two to camp, now." and she whistled for a cab and threw a coin into the air, and the cab came in about 10 seconds flat, in the school courtyard.

All piled in, and Annabeth said, "Go to Camp Half Blood."


so that's the end of the story, probably won't be a second part, depending on how I feel haha.

sorry I haven't been updating, as this is the first update in about 5 months, so sorry 'bout that. school is going to start soon, so you can expect minimal updates.

I hope all of you have been good, hope yall haven't had too many problems. if you ever need to rant to someone, my dm's are open. granted I won't get it or respond for a couple of days, but I'm here for you guys if you need it. Please, don't ever solve a problem with cutting, I'm here if you need it.

thanks for sticking around for the bumpy ride guys, love yall for that


qotc- zodiac sign and birthday?

aotc- Aquarius and January 28th

not edited by the way fam

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